Utilities (chemicals.utils)¶
This module contains miscellaneous functions which may be useful. This includes definitions of some chemical properties, and conversions between others.
For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests, please use the GitHub issue tracker.
- chemicals.utils.API_to_SG(API)[source]¶
Calculates specific gravity of a liquid given its API, as shown in [1].
- Parameters
API of the fluid [-]
- Returns
- SG
Specific gravity of the fluid at 60 degrees Farenheight [-]
- SG
Defined only at 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
- 1
API Technical Data Book: General Properties & Characterization. American Petroleum Institute, 7E, 2005.
>>> API_to_SG(60.62) 0.7365188423901728
- chemicals.utils.API_to_rho(API, rho_ref=999.0170824078306)[source]¶
Calculates mass density of a liquid given its API, as shown in [1].
- Parameters
- Returns
- rho
Mass density the fluid at 60 degrees Farenheight [kg/m^3]
- rho
Defined only at 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
- 1
API Technical Data Book: General Properties & Characterization. American Petroleum Institute, 7E, 2005.
>>> API_to_rho(rho_to_API(820)) 820.0
- chemicals.utils.Baume_heavy_to_SG(Baume)[source]¶
Calculates specific gravity of a liquid heavier than water given its degrees Baumé, as shown in [1].
- Parameters
- Baume
Degrees Baumé of the fluid [-]
- Baume
- Returns
- SG
Specific gravity of the fluid at 60 degrees Fahrenheit [-]
- SG
Defined only at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Only valid for liquids heavier than water.
- 1
GPSA Engineering Data Book, Gas Processors Suppliers Association, Tulsa, OK, 2004.
>>> Baume_heavy_to_SG(23.75) 1.19
- chemicals.utils.Baume_heavy_to_rho(Baume, rho_ref=999.0170824078306)[source]¶
Calculates mass density of a liquid heavier than water given its degrees Baumé, as shown in [1].
- Parameters
- Returns
- rho
Mass density the fluid at 60 degrees Fahrenheit [kg/m^3]
- rho
Defined only at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Only valid for liquids heavier than water.
- 1
GPSA Engineering Data Book, Gas Processors Suppliers Association, Tulsa, OK, 2004.
>>> Baume_heavy_to_rho(23.75) 1194.70
- chemicals.utils.Baume_light_to_SG(Baume)[source]¶
Calculates specific gravity of a liquid lighter than water given its degrees Baumé, as shown in [1].
- Parameters
- Baume
Degrees Baumé of the fluid [-]
- Baume
- Returns
- SG
Specific gravity of the fluid at 60 degrees Fahrenheit [-]
- SG
Defined only at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Only valid for liquids lighter than water.
- 1
GPSA Engineering Data Book, Gas Processors Suppliers Association, Tulsa, OK, 2004.
>>> Baume_light_to_SG(40.7317) 0.82
- chemicals.utils.Baume_light_to_rho(Baume, rho_ref=999.0170824078306)[source]¶
Calculates mass density of a liquid lighter than water given its degrees Baumé, as shown in [1].
- Parameters
- Returns
- rho
Mass density the fluid at 60 degrees Fahrenheit [kg/m^3]
- rho
Defined only at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Only valid for liquids lighter than water.
- 1
GPSA Engineering Data Book, Gas Processors Suppliers Association, Tulsa, OK, 2004.
>>> Baume_light_to_rho(40.7317) 819.194
- chemicals.utils.Cp_minus_Cv(T, dP_dT, dP_dV)[source]¶
Calculate the difference between a real gas’s constant-pressure heat capacity and constant-volume heat capacity, as given in [1], [2], and [3]. The required derivatives should be calculated with an equation of state.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Cp_minus_Cv
Cp - Cv for a real gas, [J/mol/K]
- Cp_minus_Cv
Equivalent expressions are:
Note that these are not second derivatives, only first derivatives, some of which are squared.
- 1
Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
- 2
Walas, Stanley M. Phase Equilibria in Chemical Engineering. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1985.
- 3
Gmehling, Jurgen, Barbel Kolbe, Michael Kleiber, and Jurgen Rarey. Chemical Thermodynamics for Process Simulation. 1st edition. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2012.
Calculated for hexane from the PR EOS at 299 K and 1 MPa (liquid):
>>> Cp_minus_Cv(299, 582232.475794113, -3665180614672.253) 27.654681381642394
- chemicals.utils.Joule_Thomson(T, V, Cp, dV_dT=None, beta=None)[source]¶
Calculate a real fluid’s Joule Thomson coefficient. The required derivative should be calculated with an equation of state, and Cp is the real fluid versions. This can either be calculated with dV_dT directly, or with beta if it is already known.
- Parameters
- Returns
- mu_JT
Joule-Thomson coefficient [K/Pa]
- mu_JT
- 1
Walas, Stanley M. Phase Equilibria in Chemical Engineering. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1985.
- 2
Pratt, R. M. “Thermodynamic Properties Involving Derivatives: Using the Peng-Robinson Equation of State.” Chemical Engineering Education 35, no. 2 (March 1, 2001): 112-115.
Example from [2]:
>>> Joule_Thomson(T=390, V=0.00229754, Cp=153.235, dV_dT=1.226396e-05) 1.621956080529905e-05
- chemicals.utils.Parachor(MW, rhol, rhog, sigma)[source]¶
Calculate Parachor for a pure species, using its density in the liquid and gas phases, surface tension, and molecular weight.
- Parameters
- Returns
- P
Parachor, [N^0.25*m^2.75/mol]
- P
To convert the output of this function to units of [mN^0.25*m^2.75/kmol], multiply by 5623.4132519.
Values in group contribution tables for Parachor are often listed as dimensionless, in which they are multiplied by 5623413 and the appropriate units to make them dimensionless.
- 1
Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
- 2
Green, Don, and Robert Perry. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, 8E. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007.
- 3
Danner, Ronald P, and Design Institute for Physical Property Data. Manual for Predicting Chemical Process Design Data. New York, N.Y, 1982.
Calculating Parachor from a known surface tension for methyl isobutyl ketone at 293.15 K
>>> Parachor(100.15888, 800.8088185536124, 4.97865317223119, 0.02672166960656005) 5.088443542210164e-05
Converting to the dimensionless form:
>>> 5623413*5.088443542210164e-05 286.14419565030687
Compared to 274.9 according to a group contribution method described in [3].
- chemicals.utils.Qls_to_ms(Qls, MWs, Vmls)[source]¶
Converts a list of standard liquid volume flow rates to mass flow rates. Requires molecular weights and standard liquid molar volumes for all species.
- Parameters
- Returns
- msiterable
Mass flow rates [kg/s]
Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
>>> Qls_to_ms([1.666666666e-02, 1.11111111e-01], [24, 45], [1e-4, 2e-4]) [4.0, 25.0]
- chemicals.utils.Qls_to_ns(Qls, Vmls)[source]¶
Converts a list of standard liquid volume flow rates to mole flow rates. Requires standard liquid molar volumes for all species.
- Parameters
- Returns
- nsiterable
Mole flow rates [mol/s]
Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
>>> Qls_to_ns([2e-4, 6e-4], [1e-4, 2e-4]) [2.0, 3.0]
- chemicals.utils.SG(rho, rho_ref=999.0170824078306)[source]¶
Calculates the specific gravity of a substance with respect to another substance; by default, this is water at 15.555 °C (60 °F). For gases, normally the reference density is 1.2 kg/m^3, that of dry air. However, in general specific gravity should always be specified with respect to the temperature and pressure of its reference fluid. This can vary widely.
- Parameters
- Returns
- SG
Specific gravity of the substance with respect to the reference density, [-]
- SG
Another common reference point is water at 4°C (rho_ref=999.9748691393087). Specific gravity is often used by consumers instead of density. The reference for solids is normally the same as for liquids - water.
>>> SG(860) 0.8608461408159591
- chemicals.utils.SG_to_API(SG)[source]¶
Calculates API of a liquid given its specific gravity, as shown in [1].
- Parameters
- SG
Specific gravity of the fluid at 60 degrees Farenheight [-]
- SG
- Returns
API of the fluid [-]
Defined only at 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
- 1
API Technical Data Book: General Properties & Characterization. American Petroleum Institute, 7E, 2005.
>>> SG_to_API(0.7365) 60.62491513917175
- chemicals.utils.SG_to_Baume_heavy(SG)[source]¶
Calculates degrees Baumé of a liquid heavier than water given its specific gravity, as shown in [1].
- Parameters
- SG
Specific gravity of the fluid at 60 degrees Fahrenheit [-]
- SG
- Returns
- Baume
Degrees Baumé of the fluid [-]
- Baume
Defined only at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Only valid for liquids heavier than water.
- 1
GPSA Engineering Data Book, Gas Processors Suppliers Association, Tulsa, OK, 2004.
>>> SG_to_Baume_heavy(1.2012) 24.28
- chemicals.utils.SG_to_Baume_light(SG)[source]¶
Calculates degrees Baumé of a liquid lighter than water given its specific gravity, as shown in [1].
- Parameters
- SG
Specific gravity of the fluid at 60 degrees Fahrenheit [-]
- SG
- Returns
- Baume
Degrees Baumé of the fluid [-]
- Baume
Defined only at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Only valid for liquids lighter than water.
- 1
GPSA Engineering Data Book, Gas Processors Suppliers Association, Tulsa, OK, 2004.
>>> SG_to_Baume_light(0.8209) 40.544
- chemicals.utils.Vfs_to_zs(Vfs, Vms)[source]¶
Converts a list of mass fractions to mole fractions. Requires molecular weights for all species.
- Parameters
- Returns
- zs
Mole fractions [-]
- zs
Does not check that the sums add to one. Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
Molar volumes are specified in terms of pure components only. Function works with any phase.
Acetone and benzene example
>>> Vfs_to_zs([0.596, 0.404], [8.0234e-05, 9.543e-05]) [0.6369779395901142, 0.3630220604098858]
- chemicals.utils.Vm_to_rho(Vm, MW)[source]¶
Calculate the density of a chemical, given its molar volume and molecular weight.
- Parameters
- Returns
- rho
Density, [kg/m^3]
- rho
- 1
Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
>>> Vm_to_rho(0.000132, 86.18) 652.8787878787879
- chemicals.utils.Watson_K(Tb, SG)[source]¶
Calculates the Watson or UOP K Characterization factor of a liquid of a liquid given its specific gravity, and its average boiling point as shown in [1].
- Parameters
- Returns
- K_W
Watson characterization factor
- K_W
There are different ways to compute the average boiling point, so two different definitions are often used - K_UOP using volume average boiling point (VABP) using distillation points of 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%; and K_Watson using mean average boiling point (MeABP).
- 1(1,2)
API Technical Data Book: General Properties & Characterization. American Petroleum Institute, 7E, 2005.
>>> Watson_K(400, .8) 11.20351186639291
Sample problem in Comments on Procedure 2B5.1 of [1]; a fluids has a MEAB of 580 F and a SG of 34.5.
>>> from fluids.core import F2K >>> Watson_K(F2K(580), API_to_SG(34.5)) 11.884570347084471
- chemicals.utils.Z(T, P, V)[source]¶
Calculates the compressibility factor of a gas, given its temperature, pressure, and molar volume.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Z
Compressibility factor, [-]
- Z
- 1
Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
>>> Z(600, P=1E6, V=0.00463) 0.9281016730797026
- chemicals.utils.d2ns_to_dn2_partials(d2ns, dns)[source]¶
- Convert second-order mole number derivatives of a quantity
to the following second-order partial derivative:
Requires the second order mole number derivatives and the first order mole number derivatives of the mixture only.
- Parameters
- Returns
Does not check that the sums add to one. Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
This was originally implemented to allow for the calculation of first mole number derivatices of log fugacity coefficients; the two arguments are the second and first mole number derivatives of the overall mixture log fugacity coefficient.
Derived with the following SymPy code.
>>> from sympy import * >>> n1, n2 = symbols('n1, n2') >>> f, g, h = symbols('f, g, h', cls=Function) >>> diff(h(n1, n2)*f(n1, n2), n1, n2) f(n1, n2)*Derivative(h(n1, n2), n1, n2) + h(n1, n2)*Derivative(f(n1, n2), n1, n2) + Derivative(f(n1, n2), n1)*Derivative(h(n1, n2), n2) + Derivative(f(n1, n2), n2)*Derivative(h(n1, n2), n1)
>>> d2ns = [[0.152, 0.08, 0.547], [0.08, 0.674, 0.729], [0.547, 0.729, 0.131]] >>> d2ns_to_dn2_partials(d2ns, [20.0, .124, 900.52]) [[40.152, 20.203999999999997, 921.067], [20.204, 0.922, 901.3729999999999], [921.067, 901.373, 1801.1709999999998]]
- chemicals.utils.d2xs_to_d2xsn1(d2xs)[source]¶
Convert the second mole fraction derivatives of a quantity (calculated so they do not sum to 1) to derivatives such that they do sum to 1 Requires the second derivatives of the mixture only. The size of the returned array is one less than the input in both dimensions
- Parameters
- Returns
>>> d2xs_to_d2xsn1([[-2890.4327598108, -6687.0990540960065, -1549.375443699441], [-6687.099054095983, -2811.2832904869883, -1228.6223853777503], [-1549.3754436994498, -1228.6223853777562, -3667.388098758508]]) [[-3459.069971170426, -7576.489323777324], [-7576.489323777299, -4021.4266184899957]]
- chemicals.utils.d2xs_to_dxdn_partials(d2xs, xs)[source]¶
Convert second-order mole fraction derivatives of a quantity (calculated so they do not sum to 1) to the following second-order partial derivative:
Requires the second derivatives and the mole fractions of the mixture only.
- Parameters
- Returns
Does not check that the sums add to one. Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
>>> d2xs = [[0.152, 0.08, 0.547], [0.08, 0.674, 0.729], [0.547, 0.729, 0.131]] >>> d2xs_to_dxdn_partials(d2xs, [0.7, 0.2, 0.1]) [[-0.02510000000000001, -0.18369999999999997, 0.005199999999999982], [-0.0971, 0.41030000000000005, 0.18719999999999992], [0.3699, 0.4653, -0.41080000000000005]]
- chemicals.utils.dns_to_dn_partials(dns, F, partial_properties=None)[source]¶
Convert the mole number derivatives of a quantity (calculated so they do sum to 1) to partial molar quantites.
In the formula, the n is 1.
- Parameters
- Returns
Does not check that the sums add to one. Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
This applies to a specific phase only, not to a mixture of multiple phases.
This is especially useful for fugacity calculations.
>>> dns_to_dn_partials([0.001459, -0.002939, -0.004334], -0.0016567) [-0.0001977000000000001, -0.0045957, -0.0059907]
- chemicals.utils.dxs_to_dn_partials(dxs, xs, F, partial_properties=None)[source]¶
Convert the mole fraction derivatives of a quantity (calculated so they do not sum to 1) to partial molar quantites. Requires the derivatives and the mole fractions of the mixture.
- Parameters
- dxs
] Derivatives of a quantity with respect to mole fraction (not summing to 1), [prop]
- xs
] Mole fractions of the species, [-]
- F
Property evaluated at constant composition, [prop]
- partial_properties
Array for Derivatives of a quantity with respect to mole number (summing to 1), [prop]
- dxs
- Returns
See also
Does not check that the sums add to one. Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
This applies to a specific phase only, not to a mixture of multiple phases.
>>> dxs_to_dn_partials([-0.0026404, -0.00719, -0.00859], [0.7, 0.2, 0.1], ... -0.0016567) [-0.00015182, -0.0047014199999999996, -0.00610142]
- chemicals.utils.dxs_to_dns(dxs, xs, dns=None)[source]¶
Convert the mole fraction derivatives of a quantity (calculated so they do not sum to 1) to mole number derivatives (where the mole fractions do sum to one). Requires the derivatives and the mole fractions of the mixture.
- Parameters
- Returns
Does not check that the sums add to one. Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
This applies to a specific phase only, not to a mixture of multiple phases.
>>> dxs_to_dns([-0.0028, -0.00719, -0.00859], [0.7, 0.2, 0.1]) [0.0014570000000000004, -0.002933, -0.004333]
- chemicals.utils.dxs_to_dxsn1(dxs)[source]¶
Convert the mole fraction derivatives of a quantity (calculated so they do not sum to 1) to derivatives such that they do sum to 1 by changing the composition of the last component in the negative of the component which is changed. Requires the derivatives of the mixture only. The size of the returned array is one less than the input.
- Parameters
- Returns
>>> dxs_to_dxsn1([-2651.3181821109024, -2085.574403592012, -2295.0860830203587]) [-356.23209909054367, 209.51167942834672]
- chemicals.utils.isentropic_exponent(Cp, Cv)[source]¶
Calculate the isentropic coefficient of an ideal gas, given its constant- pressure and constant-volume heat capacity.
- Parameters
- Returns
- k
Isentropic exponent, [-]
- k
For real gases, there are more complexities and formulas. Each of the formulas reverts to this formula in the case of an ideal gas.
- 1
Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
>>> isentropic_exponent(33.6, 25.27) 1.329639889196676
- chemicals.utils.isentropic_exponent_PT(Cp, P, dV_dT_P)[source]¶
Calculate the isentropic coefficient of real fluid using the definition of .
- Parameters
- Returns
- k_PT
Isentropic exponent of a real fluid, [-]
- k_PT
- 1
Pini, Matteo. “NiceProp: An Interactive Python-Based Educational Tool for Non-Ideal Compressible Fluid Dynamics.” SoftwareX 17 (2022): 100897.
- 2
Kouremenos, D. A., and K. A. Antonopoulos. “Isentropic Exponents of Real Gases and Application for the Air at Temperatures from 150 K to 450 K.” Acta Mechanica 65, no. 1 (January 1, 1987): 81-99. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01176874.
Isentropic exponent of air according to Lemmon (2000) at 1000 bar and 300 K:
>>> isentropic_exponent_PT(Cp=38.36583283578205, P=100000000.0, dV_dT_P=9.407705210161724e-08) 1.32487270350443
- chemicals.utils.isentropic_exponent_PV(Cp, Cv, Vm, P, dP_dV_T)[source]¶
Calculate the isentropic coefficient of real fluid using the definition of .
- Parameters
- Returns
- k_PV
Isentropic exponent of a real fluid, [-]
- k_PV
- 1
Pini, Matteo. “NiceProp: An Interactive Python-Based Educational Tool for Non-Ideal Compressible Fluid Dynamics.” SoftwareX 17 (2022): 100897.
- 2
Kouremenos, D. A., and K. A. Antonopoulos. “Isentropic Exponents of Real Gases and Application for the Air at Temperatures from 150 K to 450 K.” Acta Mechanica 65, no. 1 (January 1, 1987): 81-99. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01176874.
Isentropic exponent of air according to Lemmon (2000) at 1000 bar and 300 K:
>>> isentropic_exponent_PV(Cp=38.36583283578205, Cv=23.98081290153672, Vm=4.730885141495376e-05, P=100000000.0, dP_dV_T=-5417785576072.434) 4.100576762582646
- chemicals.utils.isentropic_exponent_TV(Cv, Vm, dP_dT_V)[source]¶
Calculate the isentropic coefficient of real fluid using the definition of .
- Parameters
- Returns
- k_TV
Isentropic exponent of a real fluid, [-]
- k_TV
- 1
Pini, Matteo. “NiceProp: An Interactive Python-Based Educational Tool for Non-Ideal Compressible Fluid Dynamics.” SoftwareX 17 (2022): 100897.
- 2
Kouremenos, D. A., and K. A. Antonopoulos. “Isentropic Exponents of Real Gases and Application for the Air at Temperatures from 150 K to 450 K.” Acta Mechanica 65, no. 1 (January 1, 1987): 81-99. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01176874.
Isentropic exponent of air according to Lemmon (2000) at 1000 bar and 300 K:
>>> isentropic_exponent_TV(Cv=23.98081290153672, Vm=4.730885141495376e-05, dP_dT_V=509689.2959155567) 2.005504495083
- chemicals.utils.isobaric_expansion(V, dV_dT)[source]¶
Calculate the isobaric coefficient of a thermal expansion, given its molar volume at a certain T and P, and its derivative of molar volume with respect to T.
- Parameters
- Returns
- beta
Isobaric coefficient of a thermal expansion, [1/K]
- beta
For an ideal gas, this expression simplified to:
- 1
Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
Calculated for hexane from the PR EOS at 299 K and 1 MPa (liquid):
>>> isobaric_expansion(0.000130229900873546, 1.58875261849113e-7) 0.0012199599384121608
- chemicals.utils.isothermal_compressibility(V, dV_dP)[source]¶
Calculate the isothermal coefficient of compressibility, given its molar volume at a certain T and P, and its derivative of molar volume with respect to P.
- Parameters
- Returns
- kappa
Isothermal coefficient of compressibility, [1/Pa]
- kappa
For an ideal gas, this expression simplified to:
The isothermal bulk modulus is the inverse of this quantity:
The ideal gas isothermal bulk modulus is simply the gas’s pressure.
- 1
Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
Calculated for hexane from the PR EOS at 299 K and 1 MPa (liquid):
>>> isothermal_compressibility(0.000130229900873546, -2.72902118209903e-13) 2.095541165119158e-09
Calculate the bulk modulus of propane from the PR EOS at 294 K as a gas:
>>> 1/isothermal_compressibility(0.0024576770482135617, -3.5943321700795866e-09) 683764.5859979445
- chemicals.utils.mix_component_flows(IDs1, IDs2, flow1, flow2, fractions1, fractions2)[source]¶
Mix two flows of potentially different chemicals of given overall flow rates and flow fractions to determine the outlet components, flow rates, and compositions. The flows do not need to be of the same length.
- Parameters
- IDs1
] List of identifiers of the chemical species in flow one, [-]
- IDs2
] List of identifiers of the chemical species in flow two, [-]
- flow1
Total flow rate of the chemicals in flow one, [mol/s]
- flow2
Total flow rate of the chemicals in flow two, [mol/s]
- fractions1
] Mole fractions of each chemical in flow one, [-]
- fractions2
] Mole fractions of each chemical in flow two, [-]
- IDs1
- Returns
Mass or volume flows and fractions can be used instead of molar ones.
If the two flows have the same components, the output list will be in the same order as the one given; otherwise they are sorted alphabetically.
>>> mix_component_flows(['7732-18-5', '64-17-5'], ['7732-18-5', '67-56-1'], 1, 1, [0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]) (['64-17-5', '67-56-1', '7732-18-5'], [0.5, 0.5, 1.0])
- chemicals.utils.mix_component_partial_flows(IDs1, IDs2, ns1=None, ns2=None)[source]¶
Mix two flows of potentially different chemicals; with the feature that the mole flows of either or both streams may be unknown.
The flows do not need to be of the same length.
- Parameters
- Returns
Mass or volume flows and fractions can be used instead of molar ones.
If the two flows have the same components, the output list will be in the same order as the one given; otherwise they are sorted alphabetically.
>>> mix_component_partial_flows(['7732-18-5', '64-17-5'], ['7732-18-5', '67-56-1'], [0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]) (['64-17-5', '67-56-1', '7732-18-5'], [0.5, 0.5, 1.0]) >>> mix_component_partial_flows(['7732-18-5', '64-17-5'], ['7732-18-5', '67-56-1'], None, [0.5, 0.5]) (['64-17-5', '67-56-1', '7732-18-5'], [0.0, 0.5, 0.5]) >>> mix_component_partial_flows(['7732-18-5', '64-17-5'], ['7732-18-5', '67-56-1'], [0.5, 0.5], None) (['64-17-5', '67-56-1', '7732-18-5'], [0.5, 0.0, 0.5]) >>> mix_component_partial_flows(['7732-18-5', '64-17-5'], ['7732-18-5', '67-56-1'], None, None) (['64-17-5', '67-56-1', '7732-18-5'], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
- chemicals.utils.mix_multiple_component_flows(IDs, flows, fractions)[source]¶
Mix multiple flows of potentially different chemicals of given overall flow rates and flow fractions to determine the outlet components, flow rates, and compositions. The flows do not need to be of the same length.
- Parameters
- Returns
Mass or volume flows and fractions can be used instead of molar ones.
If the every flow have the same components, the output list will be in the same order as the one given; otherwise they are sorted alphabetically.
>>> mix_multiple_component_flows([['7732-18-5', '64-17-5'], ['7732-18-5', '67-56-1']], ... [1, 1], [[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]]) (['64-17-5', '67-56-1', '7732-18-5'], [0.5, 0.5, 1.0])
- chemicals.utils.mixing_logarithmic(fracs, props)[source]¶
Simple function calculates a property based on weighted averages of logarithmic properties.
- Parameters
- fracsarray_like
Fractions of a mixture
- propsarray_like
- Returns
- prop
Calculated property
- prop
Does not work on negative values. Returns None if any fractions or properties are missing or are not of the same length.
>>> mixing_logarithmic([0.1, 0.9], [0.01, 0.02]) 0.01866065983073615
- chemicals.utils.mixing_power(fracs, props, r)[source]¶
Power law mixing rule for any property, with a variable exponent r as input. Optimiezd routines are available for common powers.
- Parameters
- Returns
- prop
Property for mixture, [props]
- prop
This equation is entirely dimensionless; all dimensions cancel.
The following recommendations in [1] exist for different properties:
Surface tension: r = 1 Recommended by an author in [1]; but often non-linear behavior is shown and r= -1 to r=-3 is recommended. r = -1 is most often used.
Liquid thermal conductivity: r = -2 in [1]; this is known also as procedure DIPPR9B.
- 1(1,2)
Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
>>> mixing_power([0.258, 0.742], [0.1692, 0.1528], -2) 0.15657104706719646
- chemicals.utils.mixing_simple(fracs, props)[source]¶
Simple function calculates a property based on weighted averages of properties. Weights could be mole fractions, volume fractions, mass fractions, or anything else.
- Parameters
- fracsarray_like
Fractions of a mixture
- propsarray_like
- Returns
- prop
Calculated property
- prop
>>> mixing_simple([0.1, 0.9], [0.01, 0.02]) 0.019000000000000003
- chemicals.utils.molar_velocity_to_velocity(v_molar, MW)[source]¶
Calculate the mass-based velocity (m/s) from the molar velocity of the fluid.
- Parameters
- Returns
- v
Velocity, [m/s]
- v
>>> molar_velocity_to_velocity(46., 40.445) 228.73
- chemicals.utils.ms_to_Qls(ms, MWs, Vmls)[source]¶
Converts a list of mass flow rates to standard liquid volume flow rates. Requires molecular weights and standard molar liquid volumes for all species.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Qlsiterable
Standard liquid volume flow rates [m^3/s]
Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
>>> ms_to_Qls([4.0, 5.0], [24, 45], [1e-4, 2e-4]) [0.0166666666, 0.0222222222]
- chemicals.utils.ms_to_ns(ms, MWs)[source]¶
Converts a list of mass flow rates to mole flow rates. Requires molecular weights for all species.
- Parameters
- Returns
- nsiterable
Mole flow rates [mol/s]
Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
>>> ms_to_ns([4, 5], [24, 45]) [166.666, 111.111]
- chemicals.utils.none_and_length_check(all_inputs, length=None)[source]¶
Checks inputs for suitability of use by a mixing rule which requires all inputs to be of the same length and non-None. A number of variations were attempted for this function; this was found to be the quickest.
- Parameters
- all_inputsarray_like
array_like list of all the lists of inputs, [-]
- length
Length of the desired inputs, [-]
- all_inputsarray_like
- Returns
- False/Truebool
Returns True only if all inputs are the same length (or length length) and none of the inputs contain None [-]
Does not check for nan values.
>>> none_and_length_check(([1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 30], [10,0]), length=2) True
- chemicals.utils.normalize(values)[source]¶
Simple function which normalizes a series of values to be from 0 to 1, and for their sum to add to 1.
- Parameters
- valuesarray_like
array of values
- Returns
- fractionsarray_like
Array of values from 0 to 1
Does not work on negative values, or handle the case where the sum is zero.
>>> normalize([3, 2, 1]) [0.5, 0.3333333333333333, 0.16666666666666666]
- chemicals.utils.ns_to_Qls(ns, Vmls)[source]¶
Converts a list of mole flow rates to standard liquid volume flow rates. Requires standard liquid molar volumes for all species.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Qlsiterable
Standard liquid volume flow rates [m^3/s]
Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
>>> ns_to_Qls([2.0, 3.0], [1e-4, 2e-4]) [2e-4, 6e-4]
- chemicals.utils.ns_to_ms(ns, MWs)[source]¶
Converts a list of mole flow rates to mass flow rates. Requires molecular weights for all species.
- Parameters
- Returns
- msiterable
Mass flow rates [kg/s]
Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
>>> ns_to_ms([166.6666666666, 111.1111111111], [24, 45]) [4.0, 5.0]
- chemicals.utils.phase_identification_parameter(V, dP_dT, dP_dV, d2P_dV2, d2P_dVdT)[source]¶
Calculate the Phase Identification Parameter developed in [1] for the accurate and efficient determination of whether a fluid is a liquid or a gas based on the results of an equation of state. For supercritical conditions, this provides a good method for choosing which property correlations to use.
- Parameters
- V
Molar volume at T and P, [m^3/mol]
- dP_dT
Derivative of P with respect to T, [Pa/K]
- dP_dV
Derivative of P with respect to V, [Pa*mol/m^3]
- d2P_dV2
Second derivative of P with respect to V, [Pa*mol^2/m^6]
- d2P_dVdT
Second derivative of P with respect to both V and T, [Pa*mol/m^3/K]
- V
- Returns
Phase Identification Parameter, [-]
Heuristics were used by process simulators before the invent of this parameter.
The criteria for liquid is Pi > 1; for vapor, Pi <= 1.
There is also a solid phase mechanism available. For solids, the Solid Phase Identification Parameter is greater than 1, like liquids; however, unlike liquids, d2P_dVdT is always >0; it is < 0 for liquids and gases.
- 1
Venkatarathnam, G., and L. R. Oellrich. “Identification of the Phase of a Fluid Using Partial Derivatives of Pressure, Volume, and Temperature without Reference to Saturation Properties: Applications in Phase Equilibria Calculations.” Fluid Phase Equilibria 301, no. 2 (February 25, 2011): 225-33. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2010.12.001.
- 2
Jayanti, Pranava Chaitanya, and G. Venkatarathnam. “Identification of the Phase of a Substance from the Derivatives of Pressure, Volume and Temperature, without Prior Knowledge of Saturation Properties: Extension to Solid Phase.” Fluid Phase Equilibria 425 (October 15, 2016): 269-277. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2016.06.001.
Calculated for hexane from the PR EOS at 299 K and 1 MPa (liquid):
>>> phase_identification_parameter(0.000130229900874, 582169.397484, ... -3.66431747236e+12, 4.48067893805e+17, -20518995218.2) 11.33428990564796
- chemicals.utils.phase_identification_parameter_phase(d2P_dVdT, V=None, dP_dT=None, dP_dV=None, d2P_dV2=None)[source]¶
Uses the Phase Identification Parameter concept developed in [1] and [2] to determine if a chemical is a solid, liquid, or vapor given the appropriate thermodynamic conditions.
The criteria for liquid is PIP > 1; for vapor, PIP <= 1.
For solids, PIP(solid) is defined to be d2P_dVdT. If it is larger than 0, the species is a solid. It is less than 0 for all liquids and gases.
- Parameters
- d2P_dVdT
Second derivative of P with respect to both V and T, [Pa*mol/m^3/K]
- V
Molar volume at T and P, [m^3/mol]
- dP_dT
Derivative of P with respect to T, [Pa/K]
- dP_dV
Derivative of P with respect to V, [Pa*mol/m^3]
- d2P_dV2
Second derivative of P with respect to V, [Pa*mol^2/m^6]
- d2P_dVdT
- Returns
- phase
Either ‘s’, ‘l’ or ‘g’
- phase
The criteria for being a solid phase is checked first, which only requires d2P_dVdT. All other inputs are optional for this reason. However, an exception will be raised if the other inputs become needed to determine if a species is a liquid or a gas.
- 1
Venkatarathnam, G., and L. R. Oellrich. “Identification of the Phase of a Fluid Using Partial Derivatives of Pressure, Volume, and Temperature without Reference to Saturation Properties: Applications in Phase Equilibria Calculations.” Fluid Phase Equilibria 301, no. 2 (February 25, 2011): 225-33. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2010.12.001.
- 2
Jayanti, Pranava Chaitanya, and G. Venkatarathnam. “Identification of the Phase of a Substance from the Derivatives of Pressure, Volume and Temperature, without Prior Knowledge of Saturation Properties: Extension to Solid Phase.” Fluid Phase Equilibria 425 (October 15, 2016): 269-277. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2016.06.001.
Calculated for hexane from the PR EOS at 299 K and 1 MPa (liquid):
>>> phase_identification_parameter_phase(-20518995218.2, 0.000130229900874, ... 582169.397484, -3.66431747236e+12, 4.48067893805e+17) 'l'
- chemicals.utils.property_mass_to_molar(A_mass, MW)[source]¶
Convert a quantity in mass units [thing/kg] to molar units [thing/mol]. The standard gram-mole is used here, as it is everwhere in this library.
- Parameters
- Returns
- A_molar
Quantity in molar units [thing/mol]
- A_molar
For legacy reasons, if the value A_mass is None, None is also returned and no exception is returned.
>>> property_mass_to_molar(20.0, 18.015) 0.3603
- chemicals.utils.property_molar_to_mass(A_molar, MW)[source]¶
Convert a quantity in molar units [thing/mol] to mass units [thing/kg]. The standard gram-mole is used here, as it is everwhere in this library.
- Parameters
- Returns
- A_mass
Quantity in molar units [thing/kg]
- A_mass
For legacy reasons, if the value A_molar is None, None is also returned and no exception is returned.
>>> property_molar_to_mass(500, 18.015) 27754.648903691366
- chemicals.utils.radius_of_gyration(MW, A, B, C, planar=False)[source]¶
Calculates the radius of gyration of a molecule using the DIPPR definition. The parameters A, B, and C must be obtained from either vibrational scpectra and analysis or quantum chemistry calculations of programs such as psi <https://psicode.org/>.
For planar molecules defined by only two moments of inertia,
For non-planar molecules with three moments of inertia,
- Parameters
- Returns
- Rg
Radius of gyration, [m]
- Rg
There are many, many quantum chemistry models available which give different results.
- 1
Green, Don, and Robert Perry. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, 8E. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007.
- 2
Johnson III, Russell D. “NIST 101. Computational Chemistry Comparison and Benchmark Database,” 1999. https://cccbdb.nist.gov
Example calcultion in [1] for hydrazine (optimized with HF/6-31G model):
>>> radius_of_gyration(MW=32.00452, planar=False, A=5.692E-47, B=3.367E-46, C=3.681E-46) 1.50581642e-10
The same calculation was performed with psi and somewhat different parameters obtained
>>> radius_of_gyration(MW=32.00452, planar=False, A=6.345205205562681e-47, B=3.2663291891213418e-46, C=3.4321304373822523e-46) 1.507895671e-10
A planar molecule, bromosilane, has two principle moments of inertia in [2]. They are 2.80700 cm^-1 and 0.14416 cm^-1. These can be converted to MHz as follows:
These can then be converted to units of AMU*Angstrom^2, and from there to kg*m^2.
>>> A, B = 2.80700, 0.14416 >>> from scipy.constants import atomic_mass, c, angstrom >>> A, B = A*c*1e-4, B*c*1e-4 # from cm^-1 to MHz >>> A, B = [505379.15/i for i in (A, B)] # TODO which constants did this conversion factor come from, AMU*Angstrom^2 >>> A, B = [i*atomic_mass*angstrom**2 for i in (A, B)] # amu*angstrom^2 to kg*m^2 >>> radius_of_gyration(A=A, B=B, planar=True, MW=111.01, C=0) 4.8859e-11
Alternatively, doing the conversion all in one:
>>> A, B = 2.80700, 0.14416 >>> from scipy.constants import c, h, pi >>> A, B = A*c*100, B*c*100 # from cm^-1 to Hz >>> A, B = [h/(8*pi**2)/i for i in (A, B)] # from Hz to kg*m^2 >>> radius_of_gyration(A=A, B=B, planar=True, MW=111.01, C=0) 4.8859e-11
This is also nicely documented on this page: https://cccbdb.nist.gov/convertmomint.asp which was unfortunately found by the author after figuring it out the hard way.
- chemicals.utils.remove_zeros(values, tol=1e-06)[source]¶
Simple function which removes zero values from an array, and replaces them with a user-specified value, normally a very small number. Helpful for the case where a function can work with values very close to zero but not quite zero. The resulting array is normalized so the sum is still one.
- Parameters
- valuesarray_like
array of values
- tol
The replacement value for zeroes
- Returns
- fractionsarray_like
Array of values from 0 to 1
Works on numpy arrays, and returns numpy arrays only for that case.
>>> remove_zeros([0, 1e-9, 1], 1e-12) [9.99999998999e-13, 9.99999998999e-10, 0.999999998999]
- chemicals.utils.rho_to_API(rho, rho_ref=999.0170824078306)[source]¶
Calculates API of a liquid given its mass density, as shown in [1].
- Parameters
- Returns
API of the fluid [-]
Defined only at 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
- 1
API Technical Data Book: General Properties & Characterization. American Petroleum Institute, 7E, 2005.
>>> rho_to_API(820) 40.8913623 >>> SG_to_API(SG(820)) 40.8913623
- chemicals.utils.rho_to_Baume_heavy(rho, rho_ref=999.0170824078306)[source]¶
Calculates degrees Baumé of a liquid heavier than water given its mass density, as shown in [1].
- Parameters
- Returns
- Baume
Degrees Baumé of the fluid [-]
- Baume
Defined only at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Only valid for liquids heavier than water.
- 1
GPSA Engineering Data Book, Gas Processors Suppliers Association, Tulsa, OK, 2004.
>>> rho_to_Baume_heavy(1200) 24.285
- chemicals.utils.rho_to_Baume_light(rho, rho_ref=999.0170824078306)[source]¶
Calculates degrees Baumé of a liquid lighter than water given its mass density, as shown in [1].
- Parameters
- Returns
- Baume
Degrees Baumé of the fluid [-]
- Baume
Defined only at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Only valid for liquids lighter than water.
- 1
GPSA Engineering Data Book, Gas Processors Suppliers Association, Tulsa, OK, 2004.
>>> rho_to_Baume_light(820) 40.563
- chemicals.utils.rho_to_Vm(rho, MW)[source]¶
Calculate the molar volume of a chemical, given its density and molecular weight.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Vm
Molar volume, [m^3/mol]
- Vm
- 1
Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
>>> rho_to_Vm(652.9, 86.18) 0.0001319957114412621
- chemicals.utils.solve_flow_composition_mix(Fs, zs, ws, MWs)[source]¶
Solve a stream composition problem where some specs are mole flow rates; some are mass fractions; and some are mole fractions. This algorithm requires at least one mole flow rate; and for every other component, a single spec in mole or mass or a flow rate. It is permissible for no components to have mole fractions; or no components to have weight fractions; or both.
- Parameters
- Returns
A fast path is used if no weight fractions are provided; the calculation is much simpler for that case.
This algorithm was derived using SymPy, and framed in a form which allows for explicit solving. This is capable of solving large-scale problems i.e. with 1000 components a solve time is 1 ms; with 10000 it is 10 ms.
>>> Fs = [3600, None, None, None, None] >>> zs = [None, .1, .2, None, None] >>> ws = [None, None, None, .01, .02] >>> MWs = [18.01528, 46.06844, 32.04186, 72.151, 142.286] >>> Fs, zs, ws = solve_flow_composition_mix(Fs, zs, ws, MWs) >>> Fs [3600, 519.3039148597746, 1038.6078297195493, 17.44015034881175, 17.687253669610733] >>> zs [0.6932356751002141, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0033583706669188186, 0.003405954232867038] >>> ws [0.5154077420893426, 0.19012206531421305, 0.26447019259644433, 0.01, 0.02]
- chemicals.utils.speed_of_sound(V, dP_dV, Cp, Cv, MW=None)[source]¶
Calculate a real fluid’s speed of sound. The required derivatives should be calculated with an equation of state, and Cp and Cv are both the real fluid versions. Expression is given in [1] and [2]; a unit conversion is further performed to obtain a result in m/s. If MW is not provided the result is returned in units of m*kg^0.5/s/mol^0.5.
- Parameters
- Returns
- w
Speed of sound for a real gas, m/s or m*kg^0.5/s/mol^0.5 if MW missing
- w
An alternate expression based on molar density is as follows:
The form with the unit conversion performed inside it is as follows:
- 1
Gmehling, Jurgen, Barbel Kolbe, Michael Kleiber, and Jurgen Rarey. Chemical Thermodynamics for Process Simulation. 1st edition. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2012.
- 2(1,2)
Pratt, R. M. “Thermodynamic Properties Involving Derivatives: Using the Peng-Robinson Equation of State.” Chemical Engineering Education 35, no. 2 (March 1, 2001): 112-115.
Example from [2]:
>>> speed_of_sound(V=0.00229754, dP_dV=-3.5459e+08, Cp=153.235, Cv=132.435, MW=67.152) 179.5868138460819
- chemicals.utils.to_num(values)[source]¶
Legacy function to turn a list of strings into either floats (if numeric), stripped strings (if not) or None if the string is empty. Accepts any numeric formatting the float function does.
>>> to_num(['1', '1.1', '1E5', '0xB4', '']) [1.0, 1.1, 100000.0, '0xB4', None]
- chemicals.utils.v_molar_to_v(v_molar, MW)[source]¶
Convert a velocity from units of the molar velocity form to standard m/s units.
- Parameters
- Returns
- v
Velocity, [m/s]
- v
>>> v_molar_to_v(67.10998435404377, 18.015) 499.99999999999994
- chemicals.utils.v_to_v_molar(v, MW)[source]¶
Convert a velocity from units of m/s to a “molar” form of velocity, compatible with thermodynamic calculations on a molar basis.
- Parameters
- Returns
- v_molar
Molar velocity, [m*kg^0.5/s/mol^0.5]
- v_molar
>>> v_to_v_molar(500, 18.015) 67.10998435404377
- chemicals.utils.vapor_mass_quality(VF, MWl, MWg)[source]¶
Calculates the vapor quality on a mass basis of a two-phase mixture; this is the most common definition, where 1 means a pure vapor and 0 means a pure liquid. The vapor quality on a mass basis is related to the mole basis vapor fraction according to the following relationship:
- Parameters
- Returns
- quality
Vapor mass fraction of the two-phase system, [-]
- quality
Other definitions of vapor fraction use an enthalpy basis instead of a mass basis; still other less common ones take 1 to be the value of the liquid, and 0 as pure vapor.
- 1
Green, Don, and Robert Perry. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, 8E. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007.
>>> vapor_mass_quality(0.5, 60, 30) 0.3333333333333333
- chemicals.utils.velocity_to_molar_velocity(v, MW)[source]¶
Calculate the molar velocity from the mass-based (m/s) velocity of the fluid.
- Parameters
- Returns
- v_molar
Molar velcoity, [m*kg^0.5/s/mol^0.5]
- v_molar
>>> velocity_to_molar_velocity(228.73, 40.445) 46.
- chemicals.utils.ws_to_zs(ws, MWs)[source]¶
Converts a list of mass fractions to mole fractions. Requires molecular weights for all species.
- Parameters
- Returns
- zsiterable
Mole fractions [-]
Does not check that the sums add to one. Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
>>> ws_to_zs([0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666666], [10, 20]) [0.5, 0.5]
- chemicals.utils.zs_to_Vfs(zs, Vms)[source]¶
Converts a list of mole fractions to volume fractions. Requires molar volumes for all species.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Vfs
Molar volume fractions [-]
- Vfs
Does not check that the sums add to one. Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
Molar volumes are specified in terms of pure components only. Function works with any phase.
Acetone and benzene example
>>> zs_to_Vfs([0.637, 0.363], [8.0234e-05, 9.543e-05]) [0.5960229712956298, 0.4039770287043703]
- chemicals.utils.zs_to_ws(zs, MWs)[source]¶
Converts a list of mole fractions to mass fractions. Requires molecular weights for all species.
- Parameters
- Returns
- wsiterable
Mass fractions [-]
Does not check that the sums add to one. Does not check that inputs are of the same length.
>>> zs_to_ws([0.5, 0.5], [10, 20]) [0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666666]