"""Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Caleb Bell
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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copies or substantial portions of the Software.
This module contains four estimation methods for second `B` virial coefficients,
two utility covnersions for when only `B` is considered, and two methods to
calculate `Z` from higher order virial expansions.
For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <https://github.com/CalebBell/chemicals/>`_.
.. contents:: :local:
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.B_to_Z
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.B_from_Z
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.Z_from_virial_density_form
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.Z_from_virial_pressure_form
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_mixture
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.dBVirial_mixture_dzs
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.d2BVirial_mixture_dzizjs
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.d3BVirial_mixture_dzizjzks
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.dCVirial_mixture_dT_Orentlicher_Prausnitz
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.d2CVirial_mixture_dT2_Orentlicher_Prausnitz
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.d3CVirial_mixture_dT3_Orentlicher_Prausnitz
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.dCVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dzs
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.d2CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dzizjs
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.d3CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dzizjzks
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.d2CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dTdzs
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.dV_dzs_virial
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.d2V_dzizjs_virial
Second Virial Correlations
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Pitzer_Curl
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Abbott
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Tsonopoulos
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended
New implementations, returning the derivatives as well
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Pitzer_Curl_fast
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Abbott_fast
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Tsonopoulos_fast
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended_fast
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Oconnell_Prausnitz
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Xiang
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Meng
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.Meng_virial_a
Third Virial Correlations
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.CVirial_Orbey_Vera
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.CVirial_Liu_Xiang
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_kijs
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_Tcijs
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_Pcijs
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_omegaijs
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.Lee_Kesler_virial_CSP_Vcijs
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.Meng_Duan_2005_virial_CSP_kijs
Second Virial Correlations Dense Implementations
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Xiang_vec
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Xiang_mat
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Pitzer_Curl_vec
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Pitzer_Curl_mat
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Abbott_vec
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Abbott_mat
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Tsonopoulos_vec
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Tsonopoulos_mat
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Meng_vec
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Meng_mat
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Oconnell_Prausnitz_vec
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Oconnell_Prausnitz_mat
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended_vec
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended_mat
Third Virial Correlations Dense Implementations
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.CVirial_Liu_Xiang_vec
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.CVirial_Orbey_Vera_vec
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.CVirial_Liu_Xiang_mat
.. autofunction:: chemicals.virial.CVirial_Orbey_Vera_mat
__all__ = ['BVirial_Pitzer_Curl', 'BVirial_Pitzer_Curl_fast',
'BVirial_Pitzer_Curl_vec', 'BVirial_Pitzer_Curl_mat',
'BVirial_Abbott', 'BVirial_Abbott_fast',
'BVirial_Abbott_vec', 'BVirial_Abbott_mat',
'BVirial_Tsonopoulos', 'BVirial_Tsonopoulos_fast',
'BVirial_Tsonopoulos_vec', 'BVirial_Tsonopoulos_mat',
'Meng_virial_a', 'BVirial_Meng',
'BVirial_Meng_vec', 'BVirial_Meng_mat',
'BVirial_Xiang', 'BVirial_Xiang_vec', 'BVirial_Xiang_mat',
'BVirial_mixture', 'dBVirial_mixture_dzs',
'd2BVirial_mixture_dzizjs', 'd3BVirial_mixture_dzizjzks',
'B_to_Z', 'B_from_Z', 'Z_from_virial_density_form',
'Z_from_virial_pressure_form', 'CVirial_Orbey_Vera', 'CVirial_Liu_Xiang',
'CVirial_Liu_Xiang_mat', 'CVirial_Liu_Xiang_vec',
'CVirial_Orbey_Vera_vec', 'CVirial_Orbey_Vera_mat',
'CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz', 'dCVirial_mixture_dT_Orentlicher_Prausnitz',
'Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_kijs', 'Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_Tcijs',
'Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_Pcijs', 'Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_omegaijs',
'Meng_Duan_2005_virial_CSP_kijs', 'Lee_Kesler_virial_CSP_Vcijs',
'dV_dzs_virial', 'd2V_dzizjs_virial']
from fluids.constants import R, R_inv
from fluids.numerics import cbrt, exp, log, roots_cubic, sqrt
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np
[docs]def B_to_Z(B, T, P):
r'''Calculates the compressibility factor of a gas, given its
second virial coefficient.
.. math::
Z = \frac{PV}{RT} = 1 + \frac{BP}{RT}
B : float
Second virial coefficient, [m^3/mol]
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure [Pa]
Z : float
Compressibility factor, [-]
Other forms of the virial coefficient exist.
>>> B_to_Z(-0.0015, 300, 1E5)
.. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition.
New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
return 1. + B*P/(R*T)
[docs]def B_from_Z(Z, T, P):
r'''Calculates the second virial coefficient of a pure species, given the
compressibility factor of the gas.
.. math::
B = \frac{RT(Z-1)}{P}
Z : float
Compressibility factor, [-]
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure [Pa]
B : float
Second virial coefficient, [m^3/mol]
Other forms of the virial coefficient exist.
>>> B_from_Z(0.94, 300, 1E5)
.. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition.
New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
return (Z - 1.0)*R*T/P
### Second Virial Coefficients
[docs]def BVirial_mixture(zs, Bijs):
r'''Calculate the `B` second virial coefficient from a matrix of
virial cross-coefficients. The diagonal is virial coefficients of the
pure components.
.. math::
B = \sum_i \sum_j y_i y_j B(T)
zs : list[float]
Mole fractions of each species, [-]
Bijs : list[list[float]]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
B : float
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
>>> Bijs = [[-6.24e-06, -2.013e-05, -3.9e-05], [-2.01e-05, -4.391e-05, -6.46e-05], [-3.99e-05, -6.46e-05, -0.00012]]
>>> zs = [.5, .3, .2]
>>> BVirial_mixture(zs=zs, Bijs=Bijs)
.. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition.
New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
B = 0.0
N = len(Bijs)
for i in range(N):
B_tmp = 0.0
row = Bijs[i]
for j in range(N):
B_tmp += zs[j]*row[j]
B += zs[i]*(B_tmp)
return B
[docs]def dBVirial_mixture_dzs(zs, Bijs, dB_dzs=None):
r'''Calculate first mole fraction derivative of the `B` second virial
coefficient from a matrix of virial cross-coefficients.
.. math::
\frac{\partial B}{\partial x_i} = \sum_j z_j(B_{i,j} + B_{j,i})
zs : list[float]
Mole fractions of each species, [-]
Bijs : list[list[float]]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dzs : list[float], optional
Array for first mole fraction derivatives of second virial coefficient in
density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dzs : list[float]
First mole fraction derivatives of second virial coefficient in
density form [m^3/mol]
>>> Bijs = [[-6.24e-06, -2.013e-05, -3.9e-05], [-2.01e-05, -4.391e-05, -6.46e-05], [-3.99e-05, -6.46e-05, -0.00012]]
>>> zs = [.5, .3, .2]
>>> dBVirial_mixture_dzs(zs=zs, Bijs=Bijs)
[-3.4089e-05, -7.2301e-05, -0.00012621]
N = len(Bijs)
if dB_dzs is None:
dB_dzs = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
dB_dzs[i] = 0.0
# Order this so that each row of B is processed sequentially.
for k in range(N):
zj = zs[k]
Bks = Bijs[k]
dB = 0.0
for i in range(N):
dB_dzs[i] += zj*Bks[i]
# dB_dzs[k] +=zs[i]*Bks[i]
dB +=zs[i]*Bks[i]
dB_dzs[k] += dB
# for k in range(N):
# dB = 0.0
# Bks = Bijs[k]
# for i in range(N):
# dB += zs[i]*Bks[i]
# dB_dzs[k] += dB
return dB_dzs
[docs]def d2BVirial_mixture_dzizjs(zs, Bijs, d2B_dzizjs=None):
r'''Calculate second mole fraction derivative of the `B` second virial
coefficient from a matrix of virial cross-coefficients.
.. math::
\frac{\partial^2 B}{\partial x_i \partial x_j} = B_{i,j} + B_{j,i}
zs : list[float]
Mole fractions of each species, [-]
Bijs : list[list[float]]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
d2B_dzizjs : list[list[float]], optional
Array for First mole fraction derivatives of second virial coefficient in
density form [m^3/mol]
d2B_dzizjs : list[list[float]]
First mole fraction derivatives of second virial coefficient in
density form [m^3/mol]
>>> Bijs = [[-6.24e-06, -2.013e-05, -3.9e-05], [-2.01e-05, -4.391e-05, -6.46e-05], [-3.99e-05, -6.46e-05, -0.00012]]
>>> zs = [.5, .3, .2]
>>> d2BVirial_mixture_dzizjs(zs=zs, Bijs=Bijs)
[[-1.248e-05, -4.023e-05, -7.89e-05], [-4.023e-05, -8.782e-05, -0.0001292], [-7.89e-05, -0.0001292, -0.00024]]
N = len(Bijs)
if d2B_dzizjs is None:
d2B_dzizjs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d2B_dzizjs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Bi_row = Bijs[i]
d2B_row = d2B_dzizjs[i]
for j in range(N):
d2B_row[j] = Bi_row[j] + Bijs[j][i]
return d2B_dzizjs
[docs]def d3BVirial_mixture_dzizjzks(zs, Bijs, d3B_dzizjzks=None):
r'''Calculate third mole fraction derivative of the `B` third virial
coefficient from a matrix of virial cross-coefficients.
.. math::
\frac{\partial^3 B}{\partial x_i \partial x_j \partial x_k} = 0
zs : list[float]
Mole fractions of each species, [-]
Bijs : list[list[float]]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
d3B_dzizjzks : list[list[list[float]]]
Array for third mole fraction derivatives of second virial coefficient in
density form [m^3/mol]
d3B_dzizjzks : list[list[list[float]]]
Third mole fraction derivatives of second virial coefficient in
density form [m^3/mol]
>>> Bijs = [[-6.24e-06, -2.013e-05, -3.9e-05], [-2.01e-05, -4.391e-05, -6.46e-05], [-3.99e-05, -6.46e-05, -0.00012]]
>>> zs = [.5, .3, .2]
>>> d3BVirial_mixture_dzizjzks(zs=zs, Bijs=Bijs)
[[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]]
N = len(Bijs)
if d3B_dzizjzks is None:
d3B_dzizjzks = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d3B_dzizjzks = np.zeros((N, N, N)) # numba: uncomment
return d3B_dzizjzks
### B correlations
[docs]def BVirial_Oconnell_Prausnitz(T, Tc, Pc, omega):
r'''Calculates the second virial coefficient using the model in [1]_.
.. math::
B_r=B^{(0)}+\omega B^{(1)}
.. math::
B^{(0)}=c0 + \frac{c1}{T_r} + \frac{c2}{T_r^2} + \frac{c3}{T_r^3}
.. math::
B^{(1)}=d0 + \frac{d1}{T_r^2} + \frac{d2}{T_r^3} + \frac{d3}{T_r^8}
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tc : float
Critical temperature of fluid [K]
Pc : float
Critical pressure of the fluid [Pa]
omega : float
Acentric factor for fluid, [-]
B : float
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dT : float
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2 : float
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3 : float
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
The coefficients are as follows:
c0 = 0.1445
c1 = -0.330
c2 = -0.1385
c3 = -0.0121
d0 = 0.073
d1 = 0.46
d2 = -0.50
d3 = -0.097
d4 = -0.0073
>>> BVirial_Oconnell_Prausnitz(510., 425.2, 38E5, 0.193)
(-0.000203193781, 1.036185972e-06, -6.53679132e-09, 6.59478287e-11)
.. [1] O`Connell, J. P., and J. M. Prausnitz. "Empirical Correlation of
Second Virial Coefficients for Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Calculations."
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development 6,
no. 2 (April 1, 1967): 245-50. https://doi.org/10.1021/i260022a016.
c0 = 0.1445
c1 = -0.330
c2 = -0.1385
c3 = -0.0121
d0 = 0.073
d1 = 0.46
d2 = -0.50
d3 = -0.097
T_inv = 1.0/T
T_inv2 = T_inv*T_inv
x0 = Tc*T_inv
T_inv3 = T_inv*T_inv2
Tc2 = Tc*Tc
Tc3 = Tc2*Tc
x2 = Tc3*T_inv3
x4 = Tc2*T_inv2
x5 = R/Pc
x6 = c2*x0
x7 = c3*x4
x8 = 2.0*d1
x9 = d2*x0
x10 = Tc3*Tc3*d3*T_inv3*T_inv3
x11 = omega*x0
x12 = Tc2*x5
B = Tc*x5*(c0 + c1*x0 + c2*x4 + c3*x2 + omega*(d0 + d1*x4 + d2*x2 + Tc3*Tc3*Tc2*d3*T_inv3*T_inv3*T_inv2))
dB = -x4*x5*(c1 + x11*(8.0*x10 + x8 + 3.0*x9) + 2.0*x6 + 3.0*x7)
d2B = 2.0*T_inv3*x12*(c1 + 3.0*x11*(d1 + 12.0*x10 + 2.0*x9) + 3.0*x6 + 6.0*x7)
d3B = -6.0*x12*(c1 + 2.0*x11*(60.0*x10 + x8 + 5.0*x9) + 4.0*x6 + 10.0*x7)*T_inv3*T_inv
return (B, dB, d2B, d3B)
[docs]def BVirial_Oconnell_Prausnitz_vec(T, Tcs, Pcs, omegas, Bs=None, dB_dTs=None,
d2B_dT2s=None, d3B_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a vectorized calculation of the O'connell Prausnitz B virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[float]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
omegas : list[float]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
Bs : list[float], optional
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[float], optional
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[float], optional
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[float], optional
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
Bs : list[float]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[float]
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Bs is None:
Bs = [0.0]*N
if dB_dTs is None:
dB_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2B_dT2s is None:
d2B_dT2s = [0.0]*N
if d3B_dT3s is None:
d3B_dT3s = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
B, dB, d2B, d3B = BVirial_Oconnell_Prausnitz(T, Tcs[i], Pcs[i], omegas[i])
Bs[i] = B
dB_dTs[i] = dB
d2B_dT2s[i] = d2B
d3B_dT3s[i] = d3B
return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s
[docs]def BVirial_Oconnell_Prausnitz_mat(T, Tcs, Pcs, omegas, Bs=None, dB_dTs=None,
d2B_dT2s=None, d3B_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a matrix calculation of the Oconnell_Prausnitz B virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[list[float]]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[list[float]]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
omegas : list[list[float]]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
Bs : list[list[float]], optional
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[list[float]], optional
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[list[float]], optional
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[list[float]], optional
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
Bs : list[list[float]]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[list[float]]
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[list[float]]
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[list[float]]
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Bs is None:
Bs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Bs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if dB_dTs is None:
dB_dTs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# dB_dTs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d2B_dT2s is None:
d2B_dT2s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d2B_dT2s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d3B_dT3s is None:
d3B_dT3s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d3B_dT3s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Tc_row = Tcs[i]
Pc_row = Pcs[i]
omega_row = omegas[i]
B_row = Bs[i]
dB_row = dB_dTs[i]
d2B_row = d2B_dT2s[i]
d3B_row = d3B_dT3s[i]
for j in range(N):
B, dB, d2B, d3B = BVirial_Oconnell_Prausnitz(T, Tc_row[j], Pc_row[j], omega_row[j])
B_row[j] = B
dB_row[j] = dB
d2B_row[j] = d2B
d3B_row[j] = d3B
return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s
[docs]def BVirial_Pitzer_Curl(T, Tc, Pc, omega, order=0):
r'''Calculates the second virial coefficient using the model in [1]_.
Designed for simple calculations.
.. math::
B_r=B^{(0)}+\omega B^{(1)}
.. math::
.. math::
B^{(1)} = 0.073+0.46/T_r-0.5/T_r^2 -0.097/T_r^3 - 0.0073/T_r^8
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tc : float
Critical temperature of fluid [K]
Pc : float
Critical pressure of the fluid [Pa]
omega : float
Acentric factor for fluid, [-]
order : int, optional
Order of the calculation. 0 for the calculation of B itself; for 1/2/3,
the first/second/third derivative of B with respect to temperature; and
for -1/-2, the first/second indefinite integral of B with respect to
temperature. No other integrals or derivatives are implemented, and an
exception will be raised if any other order is given.
B : float
Second virial coefficient in density form or its integral/derivative if
specified, [m^3/mol or m^3/mol/K^order]
Analytical models for derivatives and integrals are available for orders
-2, -1, 1, 2, and 3, all obtained with SymPy.
For first temperature derivative of B:
.. math::
\frac{d B^{(0)}}{dT} = \frac{33 Tc}{100 T^{2}} + \frac{277 Tc^{2}}{1000 T^{3}} + \frac{363 Tc^{3}}{10000 T^{4}}
.. math::
\frac{d B^{(1)}}{dT} = - \frac{23 Tc}{50 T^{2}} + \frac{Tc^{2}}{T^{3}} + \frac{291 Tc^{3}}{1000 T^{4}} + \frac{73 Tc^{8}}{1250 T^{9}}
For the second temperature derivative of B:
.. math::
\frac{d^2 B^{(0)}}{dT^2} = - \frac{3 Tc}{5000 T^{3}} \left(1100 + \frac{1385 Tc}{T} + \frac{242 Tc^{2}}{T^{2}}\right)
.. math::
\frac{d^2 B^{(1)}}{dT^2} = \frac{Tc}{T^{3}} \left(\frac{23}{25} - \frac{3 Tc}{T} - \frac{291 Tc^{2}}{250 T^{2}} - \frac{657 Tc^{7}}{1250 T^{7}}\right)
For the third temperature derivative of B:
.. math::
\frac{d^3 B^{(0)}}{dT^3} = \frac{3 Tc}{500 T^{4}} \left(330 + \frac{554 Tc}{T} + \frac{121 Tc^{2}}{T^{2}}\right)
.. math::
\frac{d^3 B^{(1)}}{dT^3} = \frac{3 Tc}{T^{4}} \left(- \frac{23}{25} + \frac{4 Tc}{T} + \frac{97 Tc^{2}}{50 T^{2}} + \frac{219 Tc^{7}}{125 T^{7}}\right)
For the first indefinite integral of B:
.. math::
\int{B^{(0)}} dT = \frac{289 T}{2000} - \frac{33 Tc}{100} \ln{\left (T \right )} + \frac{1}{20000 T^{2}} \left(2770 T Tc^{2} + 121 Tc^{3}\right)
.. math::
\int{B^{(1)}} dT = \frac{73 T}{1000} + \frac{23 Tc}{50} \ln{\left (T \right )} + \frac{1}{70000 T^{7}} \left(35000 T^{6} Tc^{2} + 3395 T^{5} Tc^{3} + 73 Tc^{8}\right)
For the second indefinite integral of B:
.. math::
\int\int B^{(0)} dT dT = \frac{289 T^{2}}{4000} - \frac{33 T}{100} Tc \ln{\left (T \right )} + \frac{33 T}{100} Tc + \frac{277 Tc^{2}}{2000} \ln{\left (T \right )} - \frac{121 Tc^{3}}{20000 T}
.. math::
\int\int B^{(1)} dT dT = \frac{73 T^{2}}{2000} + \frac{23 T}{50} Tc \ln{\left (T \right )} - \frac{23 T}{50} Tc + \frac{Tc^{2}}{2} \ln{\left (T \right )} - \frac{1}{420000 T^{6}} \left(20370 T^{5} Tc^{3} + 73 Tc^{8}\right)
Example matching that in BVirial_Abbott, for isobutane.
>>> BVirial_Pitzer_Curl(510., 425.2, 38E5, 0.193)
.. [1] Pitzer, Kenneth S., and R. F. Curl. "The Volumetric and
Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids. III. Empirical Equation for the
Second Virial Coefficient1." Journal of the American Chemical Society
79, no. 10 (May 1, 1957): 2369-70. doi:10.1021/ja01567a007.
Tr = T/Tc
if order == 0:
B0 = 0.1445 - 0.33/Tr - 0.1385/Tr**2 - 0.0121/Tr**3
B1 = 0.073 + 0.46/Tr - 0.5/Tr**2 - 0.097/Tr**3 - 0.0073/Tr**8
elif order == 1:
B0 = Tc*(3300*T**2 + 2770*T*Tc + 363*Tc**2)/(10000*T**4)
B1 = Tc*(-2300*T**7 + 5000*T**6*Tc + 1455*T**5*Tc**2 + 292*Tc**7)/(5000*T**9)
elif order == 2:
B0 = -3*Tc*(1100*T**2 + 1385*T*Tc + 242*Tc**2)/(5000*T**5)
B1 = Tc*(1150*T**7 - 3750*T**6*Tc - 1455*T**5*Tc**2 - 657*Tc**7)/(1250*T**10)
elif order == 3:
B0 = 3*Tc*(330*T**2 + 554*T*Tc + 121*Tc**2)/(500*T**6)
B1 = 3*Tc*(-230*T**7 + 1000*T**6*Tc + 485*T**5*Tc**2 + 438*Tc**7)/(250*T**11)
elif order == -1:
B0 = 289*T/2000 - 33*Tc*log(T)/100 + (2770*T*Tc**2 + 121*Tc**3)/(20000*T**2)
B1 = 73*T/1000 + 23*Tc*log(T)/50 + (35000*T**6*Tc**2 + 3395*T**5*Tc**3 + 73*Tc**8)/(70000*T**7)
elif order == -2:
B0 = 289*T**2/4000 - 33*T*Tc*log(T)/100 + 33*T*Tc/100 + 277*Tc**2*log(T)/2000 - 121*Tc**3/(20000*T)
B1 = 73*T**2/2000 + 23*T*Tc*log(T)/50 - 23*T*Tc/50 + Tc**2*log(T)/2 - (20370*T**5*Tc**3 + 73*Tc**8)/(420000*T**6)
raise ValueError('Only orders -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 and 3 are supported.')
Br = B0 + omega*B1
return Br*R*Tc/Pc
[docs]def BVirial_Pitzer_Curl_fast(T, Tc, Pc, omega):
r'''Implementation of :obj:`BVirial_Pitzer_Curl` in the interface
which calculates virial coefficients and their derivatives at the
same time.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tc : float
Critical temperature of fluid [K]
Pc : float
Critical pressure of the fluid [Pa]
omega : float
Acentric factor for fluid, [-]
B : float
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dT : float
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2 : float
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3 : float
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
>>> BVirial_Pitzer_Curl_fast(510., 425.2, 38E5, 0.193)
(-0.000208453624, 1.065377516e-06, -5.7957101e-09, 4.513533043e-11)
c0 = 0.1445
c1 = - 0.33
c2 = - 0.1385
c3 = - 0.0121
d0 = 0.073
d1 = 0.46
d2 = - 0.5
d3 = - 0.097
d4 = - 0.0073
T_inv = 1.0/T
x0 = Tc*T_inv
T_inv2 = T_inv*T_inv
T_inv3 = T_inv2*T_inv
T_inv4 = T_inv2*T_inv2
Tc2 = Tc*Tc
Tc3 = Tc*Tc2
x2 = Tc3*T_inv3
x4 = Tc2*T_inv2
x5 = R/Pc
x6 = 2.0*x0
x7 = 3.0*x4
x8 = Tc3*Tc3*Tc*d4*T_inv4*T_inv3
x9 = 3.0*x0
x10 = 6.0*x4
x11 = Tc2*x5
x12 = 4.0*x0
x13 = 10.0*x4
B = Tc*x5*(c0 + c1*x0 + c2*x4 + c3*x2 + omega*(d0 + d1*x0 + d2*x4 + d3*x2 + Tc3*Tc3*Tc2*d4*T_inv4*T_inv4))
dB = -x4*x5*(c1 + c2*x6 + c3*x7 + omega*(d1 + d2*x6 + d3*x7 + 8.0*x8))
d2B = 2.0*T_inv3*x11*(c1 + c2*x9 + c3*x10 + omega*(d1 + d2*x9 + d3*x10 + 36.0*x8))
d3B = -6.0*x11*(c1 + c2*x12 + c3*x13 + omega*(d1 + d2*x12 + d3*x13 + 120.0*x8))*T_inv4
return (B, dB, d2B, d3B)
[docs]def BVirial_Pitzer_Curl_vec(T, Tcs, Pcs, omegas, Bs=None, dB_dTs=None,
d2B_dT2s=None, d3B_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a vectorized calculation of the Pitzer-Curl B virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[float]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
omegas : list[float]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
Bs : list[float], optional
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[float], optional
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[float], optional
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[float], optional
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
Bs : list[float]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[float]
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Bs is None:
Bs = [0.0]*N
if dB_dTs is None:
dB_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2B_dT2s is None:
d2B_dT2s = [0.0]*N
if d3B_dT3s is None:
d3B_dT3s = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
B, dB, d2B, d3B = BVirial_Pitzer_Curl_fast(T, Tcs[i], Pcs[i], omegas[i])
Bs[i] = B
dB_dTs[i] = dB
d2B_dT2s[i] = d2B
d3B_dT3s[i] = d3B
return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s
[docs]def BVirial_Pitzer_Curl_mat(T, Tcs, Pcs, omegas, Bs=None, dB_dTs=None,
d2B_dT2s=None, d3B_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a matrix calculation of the Pitzer-Curl B virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[list[float]]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[list[float]]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
omegas : list[list[float]]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
Bs : list[list[float]], optional
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[list[float]], optional
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[list[float]], optional
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[list[float]], optional
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
Bs : list[list[float]]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[list[float]]
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[list[float]]
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[list[float]]
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Bs is None:
Bs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Bs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if dB_dTs is None:
dB_dTs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# dB_dTs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d2B_dT2s is None:
d2B_dT2s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d2B_dT2s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d3B_dT3s is None:
d3B_dT3s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d3B_dT3s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Tc_row = Tcs[i]
Pc_row = Pcs[i]
omega_row = omegas[i]
B_row = Bs[i]
dB_row = dB_dTs[i]
d2B_row = d2B_dT2s[i]
d3B_row = d3B_dT3s[i]
for j in range(N):
B, dB, d2B, d3B = BVirial_Pitzer_Curl_fast(T, Tc_row[j], Pc_row[j], omega_row[j])
B_row[j] = B
dB_row[j] = dB
d2B_row[j] = d2B
d3B_row[j] = d3B
return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s
[docs]def BVirial_Abbott(T, Tc, Pc, omega, order=0):
r'''Calculates the second virial coefficient using the model in [1]_.
Simple fit to the Lee-Kesler equation.
.. math::
B_r=B^{(0)}+\omega B^{(1)}
.. math::
.. math::
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tc : float
Critical temperature of fluid [K]
Pc : float
Critical pressure of the fluid [Pa]
omega : float
Acentric factor for fluid, [-]
order : int, optional
Order of the calculation. 0 for the calculation of B itself; for 1/2/3,
the first/second/third derivative of B with respect to temperature; and
for -1/-2, the first/second indefinite integral of B with respect to
temperature. No other integrals or derivatives are implemented, and an
exception will be raised if any other order is given.
B : float
Second virial coefficient in density form or its integral/derivative if
specified, [m^3/mol or m^3/mol/K^order]
Analytical models for derivatives and integrals are available for orders
-2, -1, 1, 2, and 3, all obtained with SymPy.
For first temperature derivative of B:
.. math::
\frac{d B^{(0)}}{dT} = \frac{0.6752}{T \left(\frac{T}{Tc}\right)^{1.6}}
.. math::
\frac{d B^{(1)}}{dT} = \frac{0.7224}{T \left(\frac{T}{Tc}\right)^{4.2}}
For the second temperature derivative of B:
.. math::
\frac{d^2 B^{(0)}}{dT^2} = - \frac{1.75552}{T^{2} \left(\frac{T}{Tc}\right)^{1.6}}
.. math::
\frac{d^2 B^{(1)}}{dT^2} = - \frac{3.75648}{T^{2} \left(\frac{T}{Tc}\right)^{4.2}}
For the third temperature derivative of B:
.. math::
\frac{d^3 B^{(0)}}{dT^3} = \frac{6.319872}{T^{3} \left(\frac{T}{Tc}\right)^{1.6}}
.. math::
\frac{d^3 B^{(1)}}{dT^3} = \frac{23.290176}{T^{3} \left(\frac{T}{Tc}\right)^{4.2}}
For the first indefinite integral of B:
.. math::
\int{B^{(0)}} dT = 0.083 T + \frac{\frac{211}{300} Tc}{\left(\frac{T}{Tc}\right)^{0.6}}
.. math::
\int{B^{(1)}} dT = 0.139 T + \frac{0.05375 Tc}{\left(\frac{T}{Tc}\right)^{3.2}}
For the second indefinite integral of B:
.. math::
\int\int B^{(0)} dT dT = 0.0415 T^{2} + \frac{211}{120} Tc^{2} \left(\frac{T}{Tc}\right)^{0.4}
.. math::
\int\int B^{(1)} dT dT = 0.0695 T^{2} - \frac{\frac{43}{1760} Tc^{2}}{\left(\frac{T}{Tc}\right)^{2.2}}
Example is from [1]_, p. 93, and matches the result exactly, for isobutane.
>>> BVirial_Abbott(510., 425.2, 38E5, 0.193)
.. [1] Smith, H. C. Van Ness Joseph M. Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Thermodynamics 4E 1987.
Tr = T/Tc
if order == 0:
B0 = 0.083 - 0.422/Tr**1.6
B1 = 0.139 - 0.172/Tr**4.2
elif order == 1:
B0 = 0.6752*Tr**(-1.6)/T
B1 = 0.7224*Tr**(-4.2)/T
elif order == 2:
B0 = -1.75552*Tr**(-1.6)/T**2
B1 = -3.75648*Tr**(-4.2)/T**2
elif order == 3:
B0 = 6.319872*Tr**(-1.6)/T**3
B1 = 23.290176*Tr**(-4.2)/T**3
elif order == -1:
B0 = 0.083*T + 211/300.*Tc*(Tr)**(-0.6)
B1 = 0.139*T + 0.05375*Tc*Tr**(-3.2)
elif order == -2:
B0 = 0.0415*T**2 + 211/120.*Tc**2*Tr**0.4
B1 = 0.0695*T**2 - 43/1760.*Tc**2*Tr**(-2.2)
raise ValueError('Only orders -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 and 3 are supported.')
Br = B0 + omega*B1
return Br*R*Tc/Pc
[docs]def BVirial_Abbott_fast(T, Tc, Pc, omega):
r'''Implementation of :obj:`BVirial_Abbott` in the interface
which calculates virial coefficients and their derivatives at the
same time.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tc : float
Critical temperature of fluid [K]
Pc : float
Critical pressure of the fluid [Pa]
omega : float
Acentric factor for fluid, [-]
B : float
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dT : float
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2 : float
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3 : float
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
>>> BVirial_Abbott_fast(510., 425.2, 38E5, 0.193)
(-0.0002057018500, 1.039249294e-06, -5.902233639e-09, 4.78222764e-11)
c0 = 0.083
c1 = -0.422
d0 = 0.139
d1 = - 0.172
x0 = T/Tc
T_inv = 1.0/T
x1 = c1*x0**(-1.6)
x2 = d1*x0**(-4.2)
x3 = T_inv*R*Tc/Pc
x4 = omega*x2
B = x3*(c0 + omega*(d0 + x2) + x1)*T
dB = -x3*(1.6*x1 + 4.2*x4)
d2B = x3*(4.16*x1 + 21.84*x4)*T_inv
d3B = -x3*(14.976*x1 + 135.408*x4)*T_inv*T_inv
return (B, dB, d2B, d3B)
[docs]def BVirial_Abbott_vec(T, Tcs, Pcs, omegas, Bs=None, dB_dTs=None,
d2B_dT2s=None, d3B_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a vectorized calculation of the Abbott B virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[float]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
omegas : list[float]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
Bs : list[float], optional
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[float], optional
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[float], optional
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[float], optional
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
Bs : list[float]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[float]
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Bs is None:
Bs = [0.0]*N
if dB_dTs is None:
dB_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2B_dT2s is None:
d2B_dT2s = [0.0]*N
if d3B_dT3s is None:
d3B_dT3s = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
B, dB, d2B, d3B = BVirial_Abbott_fast(T, Tcs[i], Pcs[i], omegas[i])
Bs[i] = B
dB_dTs[i] = dB
d2B_dT2s[i] = d2B
d3B_dT3s[i] = d3B
return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s
[docs]def BVirial_Abbott_mat(T, Tcs, Pcs, omegas, Bs=None, dB_dTs=None,
d2B_dT2s=None, d3B_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a matrix calculation of the Abbott B virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[list[float]]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[list[float]]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
omegas : list[list[float]]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
Bs : list[list[float]], optional
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[list[float]], optional
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[list[float]], optional
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[list[float]], optional
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
Bs : list[list[float]]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[list[float]]
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[list[float]]
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[list[float]]
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Bs is None:
Bs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Bs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if dB_dTs is None:
dB_dTs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# dB_dTs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d2B_dT2s is None:
d2B_dT2s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d2B_dT2s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d3B_dT3s is None:
d3B_dT3s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d3B_dT3s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Tc_row = Tcs[i]
Pc_row = Pcs[i]
omega_row = omegas[i]
B_row = Bs[i]
dB_row = dB_dTs[i]
d2B_row = d2B_dT2s[i]
d3B_row = d3B_dT3s[i]
for j in range(N):
B, dB, d2B, d3B = BVirial_Abbott_fast(T, Tc_row[j], Pc_row[j], omega_row[j])
B_row[j] = B
dB_row[j] = dB
d2B_row[j] = d2B
d3B_row[j] = d3B
return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s
[docs]def BVirial_Tsonopoulos(T, Tc, Pc, omega, order=0):
r'''Calculates the second virial coefficient using the model in [1]_.
.. math::
B_r=B^{(0)}+\omega B^{(1)}
.. math::
B^{(0)}= 0.1445-0.330/T_r - 0.1385/T_r^2 - 0.0121/T_r^3 - 0.000607/T_r^8
.. math::
B^{(1)} = 0.0637+0.331/T_r^2-0.423/T_r^3 -0.423/T_r^3 - 0.008/T_r^8
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tc : float
Critical temperature of fluid [K]
Pc : float
Critical pressure of the fluid [Pa]
omega : float
Acentric factor for fluid, [-]
order : int, optional
Order of the calculation. 0 for the calculation of B itself; for 1/2/3,
the first/second/third derivative of B with respect to temperature; and
for -1/-2, the first/second indefinite integral of B with respect to
temperature. No other integrals or derivatives are implemented, and an
exception will be raised if any other order is given.
B : float
Second virial coefficient in density form or its integral/derivative if
specified, [m^3/mol or m^3/mol/K^order]
A more complete expression is also available, in
Analytical models for derivatives and integrals are available for orders
-2, -1, 1, 2, and 3, all obtained with SymPy.
For first temperature derivative of B:
.. math::
\frac{d B^{(0)}}{dT} = \frac{33 Tc}{100 T^{2}} + \frac{277 Tc^{2}}{1000 T^{3}} + \frac{363 Tc^{3}}{10000 T^{4}} + \frac{607 Tc^{8}}{125000 T^{9}}
.. math::
\frac{d B^{(1)}}{dT} = - \frac{331 Tc^{2}}{500 T^{3}} + \frac{1269 Tc^{3}}{1000 T^{4}} + \frac{8 Tc^{8}}{125 T^{9}}
For the second temperature derivative of B:
.. math::
\frac{d^2 B^{(0)}}{dT^2} = - \frac{3 Tc}{125000 T^{3}} \left(27500 + \frac{34625 Tc}{T} + \frac{6050 Tc^{2}}{T^{2}} + \frac{1821 Tc^{7}}{T^{7}}\right)
.. math::
\frac{d^2 B^{(1)}}{dT^2} = \frac{3 Tc^{2}}{500 T^{4}} \left(331 - \frac{846 Tc}{T} - \frac{96 Tc^{6}}{T^{6}}\right)
For the third temperature derivative of B:
.. math::
\frac{d^3 B^{(0)}}{dT^3} = \frac{3 Tc}{12500 T^{4}} \left(8250 + \frac{13850 Tc}{T} + \frac{3025 Tc^{2}}{T^{2}} + \frac{1821 Tc^{7}}{T^{7}}\right)
.. math::
\frac{d^3 B^{(1)}}{dT^3} = \frac{3 Tc^{2}}{250 T^{5}} \left(-662 + \frac{2115 Tc}{T} + \frac{480 Tc^{6}}{T^{6}}\right)
For the first indefinite integral of B:
.. math::
\int{B^{(0)}} dT = \frac{289 T}{2000} - \frac{33 Tc}{100} \ln{\left (T \right )} + \frac{1}{7000000 T^{7}} \left(969500 T^{6} Tc^{2} + 42350 T^{5} Tc^{3} + 607 Tc^{8}\right)
.. math::
\int{B^{(1)}} dT = \frac{637 T}{10000} - \frac{1}{70000 T^{7}} \left(23170 T^{6} Tc^{2} - 14805 T^{5} Tc^{3} - 80 Tc^{8}\right)
For the second indefinite integral of B:
.. math::
\int\int B^{(0)} dT dT = \frac{289 T^{2}}{4000} - \frac{33 T}{100} Tc \ln{\left (T \right )} + \frac{33 T}{100} Tc + \frac{277 Tc^{2}}{2000} \ln{\left (T \right )} - \frac{1}{42000000 T^{6}} \left(254100 T^{5} Tc^{3} + 607 Tc^{8}\right)
.. math::
\int\int B^{(1)} dT dT = \frac{637 T^{2}}{20000} - \frac{331 Tc^{2}}{1000} \ln{\left (T \right )} - \frac{1}{210000 T^{6}} \left(44415 T^{5} Tc^{3} + 40 Tc^{8}\right)
Example matching that in BVirial_Abbott, for isobutane.
>>> BVirial_Tsonopoulos(510., 425.2, 38E5, 0.193)
.. [1] Tsonopoulos, Constantine. "An Empirical Correlation of Second Virial
Coefficients." AIChE Journal 20, no. 2 (March 1, 1974): 263-72.
Tr = T/Tc
if order == 0:
B0 = 0.1445 - 0.33/Tr - 0.1385/Tr**2 - 0.0121/Tr**3 - 0.000607/Tr**8
B1 = 0.0637 + 0.331/Tr**2 - 0.423/Tr**3 - 0.008/Tr**8
elif order == 1:
B0 = 33*Tc/(100*T**2) + 277*Tc**2/(1000*T**3) + 363*Tc**3/(10000*T**4) + 607*Tc**8/(125000*T**9)
B1 = -331*Tc**2/(500*T**3) + 1269*Tc**3/(1000*T**4) + 8*Tc**8/(125*T**9)
elif order == 2:
B0 = -3*Tc*(27500 + 34625*Tc/T + 6050*Tc**2/T**2 + 1821*Tc**7/T**7)/(125000*T**3)
B1 = 3*Tc**2*(331 - 846*Tc/T - 96*Tc**6/T**6)/(500*T**4)
elif order == 3:
B0 = 3*Tc*(8250 + 13850*Tc/T + 3025*Tc**2/T**2 + 1821*Tc**7/T**7)/(12500*T**4)
B1 = 3*Tc**2*(-662 + 2115*Tc/T + 480*Tc**6/T**6)/(250*T**5)
elif order == -1:
B0 = 289*T/2000. - 33*Tc*log(T)/100. + (969500*T**6*Tc**2 + 42350*T**5*Tc**3 + 607*Tc**8)/(7000000.*T**7)
B1 = 637*T/10000. - (23170*T**6*Tc**2 - 14805*T**5*Tc**3 - 80*Tc**8)/(70000.*T**7)
elif order == -2:
B0 = 289*T**2/4000. - 33*T*Tc*log(T)/100. + 33*T*Tc/100. + 277*Tc**2*log(T)/2000. - (254100*T**5*Tc**3 + 607*Tc**8)/(42000000.*T**6)
B1 = 637*T**2/20000. - 331*Tc**2*log(T)/1000. - (44415*T**5*Tc**3 + 40*Tc**8)/(210000.*T**6)
raise ValueError('Only orders -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 and 3 are supported.')
Br = (B0+omega*B1)
return Br*R*Tc/Pc
[docs]def BVirial_Tsonopoulos_fast(T, Tc, Pc, omega):
r'''Implementation of :obj:`BVirial_Tsonopoulos` in the interface
which calculates virial coefficients and their derivatives at the
same time.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tc : float
Critical temperature of fluid [K]
Pc : float
Critical pressure of the fluid [Pa]
omega : float
Acentric factor for fluid, [-]
B : float
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dT : float
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2 : float
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3 : float
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
>>> BVirial_Tsonopoulos_fast(510., 425.2, 38E5, 0.193)
(-0.0002093529540, 9.95742355e-07, -5.54234465e-09, 4.57035160e-11)
c0 = 0.1445
c1 = -0.33
c2 = -0.1385
c3 = -0.0121
c4 = -0.000607
d0 = 0.0637
d1 = 0.331
d2 = - 0.423
d3 = - 0.008
T_inv = 1.0/T
T_inv2 = T_inv*T_inv
T_inv3 = T_inv2*T_inv
T_inv4 = T_inv2*T_inv2
Tc2 = Tc*Tc
Tc4 = Tc2*Tc2
x0 = Tc*T_inv
x1 = Tc4*Tc4*T_inv4*T_inv4
x3 = Tc2*Tc*T_inv3
x5 = Tc2*T_inv2
x6 = R/Pc
x7 = c2*x0
x8 = Tc4*Tc2*Tc*c4*T_inv3*T_inv4
x9 = c3*x5
x10 = 2.0*d1
x11 = d2*x0
x12 = Tc4*Tc2*d3*T_inv3*T_inv3
x13 = omega*x0
x14 = Tc2*x6
B = Tc*x6*(c0 + c1*x0 + c2*x5 + c3*x3 + c4*x1 + omega*(d0 + d1*x5 + d2*x3 + d3*x1))
dB = -x5*x6*(c1 + x13*(x10 + 3.0*x11 + 8.0*x12) + 2.0*x7 + 8.0*x8 + 3.0*x9)
d2B = 2.0*x14*T_inv3*(c1 + 3.0*x13*(d1 + 2.0*x11 + 12.0*x12) + 3.0*x7 + 36.0*x8 + 6.0*x9)
d3B = -6.0*x14*(c1 + 2.0*x13*(x10 + 5.0*x11 + 60.0*x12) + 4.0*x7 + 120.0*x8 + 10.0*x9)*T_inv4
return (B, dB, d2B, d3B)
[docs]def BVirial_Tsonopoulos_vec(T, Tcs, Pcs, omegas, Bs=None, dB_dTs=None,
d2B_dT2s=None, d3B_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a vectorized calculation of the Tsonopoulos B virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[float]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
omegas : list[float]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
Bs : list[float], optional
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[float], optional
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[float], optional
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[float], optional
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
Bs : list[float]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[float]
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Bs is None:
Bs = [0.0]*N
if dB_dTs is None:
dB_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2B_dT2s is None:
d2B_dT2s = [0.0]*N
if d3B_dT3s is None:
d3B_dT3s = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
B, dB, d2B, d3B = BVirial_Tsonopoulos_fast(T, Tcs[i], Pcs[i], omegas[i])
Bs[i] = B
dB_dTs[i] = dB
d2B_dT2s[i] = d2B
d3B_dT3s[i] = d3B
return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s
[docs]def BVirial_Tsonopoulos_mat(T, Tcs, Pcs, omegas, Bs=None, dB_dTs=None,
d2B_dT2s=None, d3B_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a matrix calculation of the Tsonopoulos B virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[list[float]]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[list[float]]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
omegas : list[list[float]]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
Bs : list[list[float]], optional
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[list[float]], optional
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[list[float]], optional
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[list[float]], optional
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
Bs : list[list[float]]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[list[float]]
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[list[float]]
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[list[float]]
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Bs is None:
Bs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Bs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if dB_dTs is None:
dB_dTs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# dB_dTs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d2B_dT2s is None:
d2B_dT2s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d2B_dT2s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d3B_dT3s is None:
d3B_dT3s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d3B_dT3s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Tc_row = Tcs[i]
Pc_row = Pcs[i]
omega_row = omegas[i]
B_row = Bs[i]
dB_row = dB_dTs[i]
d2B_row = d2B_dT2s[i]
d3B_row = d3B_dT3s[i]
for j in range(N):
B, dB, d2B, d3B = BVirial_Tsonopoulos_fast(T, Tc_row[j], Pc_row[j], omega_row[j])
B_row[j] = B
dB_row[j] = dB
d2B_row[j] = d2B
d3B_row[j] = d3B
return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s
[docs]def BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended(T, Tc, Pc, omega, a=0, b=0, species_type='',
dipole=0, order=0):
r'''Calculates the second virial coefficient using the
comprehensive model in [1]_. See the notes for the calculation of `a` and
.. math::
\frac{BP_c}{RT_c} = B^{(0)} + \omega B^{(1)} + a B^{(2)} + b B^{(3)}
.. math::
.. math::
B^{(1)} = 0.0637+0.331/T_r^2-0.423/T_r^3 -0.423/T_r^3 - 0.008/T_r^8
.. math::
B^{(2)} = 1/T_r^6
.. math::
B^{(3)} = -1/T_r^8
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tc : float
Critical temperature of fluid [K]
Pc : float
Critical pressure of the fluid [Pa]
omega : float
Acentric factor for fluid, [-]
a : float, optional
Fit parameter, calculated based on species_type if a is not given and
species_type matches on of the supported chemical classes.
b : float, optional
Fit parameter, calculated based on species_type if a is not given and
species_type matches on of the supported chemical classes.
species_type : str, optional
One of .
dipole : float
dipole moment, optional, [Debye]
order : int, optional
Order of the calculation. 0 for the calculation of B itself; for 1/2/3,
the first/second/third derivative of B with respect to temperature; and
for -1/-2, the first/second indefinite integral of B with respect to
temperature. No other integrals or derivatives are implemented, and an
exception will be raised if any other order is given.
B : float
Second virial coefficient in density form or its integral/derivative if
specified, [m^3/mol or m^3/mol/K^order]
Analytical models for derivatives and integrals are available for orders
-2, -1, 1, 2, and 3, all obtained with SymPy.
To calculate `a` or `b`, the following rules are used:
For 'simple' or 'normal' fluids:
.. math::
a = 0
.. math::
b = 0
For 'ketone', 'aldehyde', 'alkyl nitrile', 'ether', 'carboxylic acid',
or 'ester' types of chemicals:
.. math::
a = -2.14\times 10^{-4} \mu_r - 4.308 \times 10^{-21} (\mu_r)^8
.. math::
b = 0
For 'alkyl halide', 'mercaptan', 'sulfide', or 'disulfide' types of
.. math::
a = -2.188\times 10^{-4} (\mu_r)^4 - 7.831 \times 10^{-21} (\mu_r)^8
.. math::
b = 0
For 'alkanol' types of chemicals (except methanol):
.. math::
a = 0.0878
.. math::
b = 0.00908 + 0.0006957 \mu_r
For methanol:
.. math::
a = 0.0878
.. math::
b = 0.0525
For water:
.. math::
a = -0.0109
.. math::
b = 0
If required, the form of dipole moment used in the calculation of some
types of `a` and `b` values is as follows:
.. math::
\mu_r = 100000\frac{\mu^2(Pc/101325.0)}{Tc^2}
For first temperature derivative of B:
.. math::
\frac{d B^{(0)}}{dT} = \frac{33 Tc}{100 T^{2}} + \frac{277 Tc^{2}}{1000 T^{3}} + \frac{363 Tc^{3}}{10000 T^{4}} + \frac{607 Tc^{8}}{125000 T^{9}}
.. math::
\frac{d B^{(1)}}{dT} = - \frac{331 Tc^{2}}{500 T^{3}} + \frac{1269 Tc^{3}}{1000 T^{4}} + \frac{8 Tc^{8}}{125 T^{9}}
.. math::
\frac{d B^{(2)}}{dT} = - \frac{6 Tc^{6}}{T^{7}}
.. math::
\frac{d B^{(3)}}{dT} = \frac{8 Tc^{8}}{T^{9}}
For the second temperature derivative of B:
.. math::
\frac{d^2 B^{(0)}}{dT^2} = - \frac{3 Tc}{125000 T^{3}} \left(27500 + \frac{34625 Tc}{T} + \frac{6050 Tc^{2}}{T^{2}} + \frac{1821 Tc^{7}}{T^{7}}\right)
.. math::
\frac{d^2 B^{(1)}}{dT^2} = \frac{3 Tc^{2}}{500 T^{4}} \left(331 - \frac{846 Tc}{T} - \frac{96 Tc^{6}}{T^{6}}\right)
.. math::
\frac{d^2 B^{(2)}}{dT^2} = \frac{42 Tc^{6}}{T^{8}}
.. math::
\frac{d^2 B^{(3)}}{dT^2} = - \frac{72 Tc^{8}}{T^{10}}
For the third temperature derivative of B:
.. math::
\frac{d^3 B^{(0)}}{dT^3} = \frac{3 Tc}{12500 T^{4}} \left(8250 + \frac{13850 Tc}{T} + \frac{3025 Tc^{2}}{T^{2}} + \frac{1821 Tc^{7}}{T^{7}}\right)
.. math::
\frac{d^3 B^{(1)}}{dT^3} = \frac{3 Tc^{2}}{250 T^{5}} \left(-662 + \frac{2115 Tc}{T} + \frac{480 Tc^{6}}{T^{6}}\right)
.. math::
\frac{d^3 B^{(2)}}{dT^3} = - \frac{336 Tc^{6}}{T^{9}}
.. math::
\frac{d^3 B^{(3)}}{dT^3} = \frac{720 Tc^{8}}{T^{11}}
For the first indefinite integral of B:
.. math::
\int{B^{(0)}} dT = \frac{289 T}{2000} - \frac{33 Tc}{100} \ln{\left (T \right )} + \frac{1}{7000000 T^{7}} \left(969500 T^{6} Tc^{2} + 42350 T^{5} Tc^{3} + 607 Tc^{8}\right)
.. math::
\int{B^{(1)}} dT = \frac{637 T}{10000} - \frac{1}{70000 T^{7}} \left(23170 T^{6} Tc^{2} - 14805 T^{5} Tc^{3} - 80 Tc^{8}\right)
.. math::
\int{B^{(2)}} dT = - \frac{Tc^{6}}{5 T^{5}}
.. math::
\int{B^{(3)}} dT = \frac{Tc^{8}}{7 T^{7}}
For the second indefinite integral of B:
.. math::
\int\int B^{(0)} dT dT = \frac{289 T^{2}}{4000} - \frac{33 T}{100} Tc \ln{\left (T \right )} + \frac{33 T}{100} Tc + \frac{277 Tc^{2}}{2000} \ln{\left (T \right )} - \frac{1}{42000000 T^{6}} \left(254100 T^{5} Tc^{3} + 607 Tc^{8}\right)
.. math::
\int\int B^{(1)} dT dT = \frac{637 T^{2}}{20000} - \frac{331 Tc^{2}}{1000} \ln{\left (T \right )} - \frac{1}{210000 T^{6}} \left(44415 T^{5} Tc^{3} + 40 Tc^{8}\right)
.. math::
\int\int B^{(2)} dT dT = \frac{Tc^{6}}{20 T^{4}}
.. math::
\int\int B^{(3)} dT dT = - \frac{Tc^{8}}{42 T^{6}}
Example from Perry's Handbook, 8E, p2-499. Matches to a decimal place.
>>> BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended(430., 405.65, 11.28E6, 0.252608, a=0, b=0, species_type='ketone', dipole=1.469)
.. [1] Tsonopoulos, C., and J. L. Heidman. "From the Virial to the Cubic
Equation of State." Fluid Phase Equilibria 57, no. 3 (1990): 261-76.
.. [2] Tsonopoulos, Constantine, and John H. Dymond. "Second Virial
Coefficients of Normal Alkanes, Linear 1-Alkanols (and Water), Alkyl
Ethers, and Their Mixtures." Fluid Phase Equilibria, International
Workshop on Vapour-Liquid Equilibria and Related Properties in Binary
and Ternary Mixtures of Ethers, Alkanes and Alkanols, 133, no. 1-2
(June 1997): 11-34. doi:10.1016/S0378-3812(97)00058-7.
Tr = T/Tc
if order == 0:
B0 = 0.1445 - 0.33/Tr - 0.1385/Tr**2 - 0.0121/Tr**3 - 0.000607/Tr**8
B1 = 0.0637 + 0.331/Tr**2 - 0.423/Tr**3 - 0.008/Tr**8
B2 = 1./Tr**6
B3 = -1./Tr**8
elif order == 1:
B0 = 33*Tc/(100*T**2) + 277*Tc**2/(1000*T**3) + 363*Tc**3/(10000*T**4) + 607*Tc**8/(125000*T**9)
B1 = -331*Tc**2/(500*T**3) + 1269*Tc**3/(1000*T**4) + 8*Tc**8/(125*T**9)
B2 = -6.0*Tc**6/T**7
B3 = 8.0*Tc**8/T**9
elif order == 2:
B0 = -3*Tc*(27500 + 34625*Tc/T + 6050*Tc**2/T**2 + 1821*Tc**7/T**7)/(125000*T**3)
B1 = 3*Tc**2*(331 - 846*Tc/T - 96*Tc**6/T**6)/(500*T**4)
B2 = 42.0*Tc**6/T**8
B3 = -72.0*Tc**8/T**10
elif order == 3:
B0 = 3*Tc*(8250 + 13850*Tc/T + 3025*Tc**2/T**2 + 1821*Tc**7/T**7)/(12500*T**4)
B1 = 3*Tc**2*(-662 + 2115*Tc/T + 480*Tc**6/T**6)/(250*T**5)
B2 = -336.0*Tc**6/T**9
B3 = 720.0*Tc**8/T**11
elif order == -1:
B0 = 289*T/2000. - 33*Tc*log(T)/100. + (969500*T**6*Tc**2 + 42350*T**5*Tc**3 + 607*Tc**8)/(7000000.*T**7)
B1 = 637*T/10000. - (23170*T**6*Tc**2 - 14805*T**5*Tc**3 - 80*Tc**8)/(70000.*T**7)
B2 = -Tc**6/(5*T**5)
B3 = Tc**8/(7*T**7)
elif order == -2:
B0 = 289*T**2/4000. - 33*T*Tc*log(T)/100. + 33*T*Tc/100. + 277*Tc**2*log(T)/2000. - (254100*T**5*Tc**3 + 607*Tc**8)/(42000000.*T**6)
B1 = 637*T**2/20000. - 331*Tc**2*log(T)/1000. - (44415*T**5*Tc**3 + 40*Tc**8)/(210000.*T**6)
B2 = Tc**6/(20*T**4)
B3 = -Tc**8/(42*T**6)
raise ValueError('Only orders -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 and 3 are supported.')
if a == 0 and b == 0 and species_type != '':
if species_type in ('simple', 'normal'):
a, b = 0, 0
elif species_type == 'methyl alcohol':
a, b = 0.0878, 0.0525
elif species_type == 'water':
a, b = -0.0109, 0
elif dipole != 0 and Tc != 0 and Pc != 0:
dipole_r = 1E5*dipole**2*(Pc/101325.0)/Tc**2
if species_type in ('ketone', 'aldehyde', 'alkyl nitrile', 'ether', 'carboxylic acid', 'ester'):
a, b = -2.14E-4*dipole_r-4.308E-21*dipole_r**8, 0.0
elif species_type in ('alkyl halide', 'mercaptan', 'sulfide', 'disulfide'):
a, b = -2.188E-4*dipole_r**4-7.831E-21*dipole_r**8, 0.0
elif species_type == 'alkanol':
a, b = 0.0878, 0.00908+0.0006957*dipole_r
Br = B0 + omega*B1 + a*B2 + b*B3
return Br*R*Tc/Pc
[docs]def BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended_fast(T, Tc, Pc, omega, a=0.0, b=0.0):
r'''Implementation of :obj:`BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended` in the interface
which calculates virial coefficients and their derivatives at the
same time.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tc : float
Critical temperature of fluid [K]
Pc : float
Critical pressure of the fluid [Pa]
omega : float
Acentric factor for fluid, [-]
a : float, optional
Fit parameter [-]
b : float, optional
Fit parameter [-]
B : float
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dT : float
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2 : float
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3 : float
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
>>> BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended_fast(510., 425.2, 38E5, 0.193)
(-0.0002093529540, 9.9574235e-07, -5.54234465e-09, 4.5703516e-11)
c0 = 0.1445
c1 = -0.33
c2 = -0.1385
c3 = -0.0121
c4 = -0.000607
d0 = 0.0637
d1 = 0.331
d2 = -0.423
d3 = -0.008
T_inv = 1.0/T
T_inv2 = T_inv*T_inv
T_inv3 = T_inv*T_inv2
T_inv4 = T_inv2*T_inv2
Tc2 = Tc*Tc
Tc3 = Tc*Tc2
Tc4 = Tc*Tc3
x0 = Tc*T_inv
x1 = Tc4*Tc4*T_inv4*T_inv4
x2 = Tc3*Tc3*T_inv3*T_inv3
x4 = Tc3*T_inv3
x6 = Tc2*T_inv2
x7 = R/Pc
x8 = c2*x0
x9 = Tc4*Tc3*T_inv3*T_inv4
x10 = 8.0*x9
x11 = Tc3*Tc2*a*T_inv3*T_inv2
x12 = c3*x6
x13 = 2.0*d1
x14 = d2*x0
x15 = d3*x2
x16 = omega*x0
x17 = 36.0*x9
x18 = Tc2*x7
x19 = 120.0*x9
B = Tc*x7*(a*x2 - b*x1 + c0 + c1*x0 + c2*x6 + c3*x4 + c4*x1 + omega*(d0 + d1*x6 + d2*x4 + d3*x1))
dB = -x6*x7*(-b*x10 + c1 + c4*x10 + 6.0*x11 + 3.0*x12 + x16*(x13 + 3.0*x14 + 8.0*x15) + 2.0*x8)
d2B = 2.0*x18*T_inv3*(-b*x17 + c1 + c4*x17 + 21.0*x11 + 6.0*x12 + 3.0*x16*(d1 + 2.0*x14 + 12.0*x15) + 3.0*x8)
d3B = -6.0*x18*(-b*x19 + c1 + c4*x19 + 56.0*x11 + 10.0*x12 + 2.0*x16*(x13 + 5.0*x14 + 60.0*x15) + 4.0*x8)*T_inv4
return (B, dB, d2B, d3B)
[docs]def BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended_vec(T, Tcs, Pcs, omegas, ais, bs, Bs=None, dB_dTs=None,
d2B_dT2s=None, d3B_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a vectorized calculation of the Tsonopoulos (extended) B virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[float]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
omegas : list[float]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
ais : list[float]
Fit parameters, [-]
bs : list[float]
Fit parameters, [-]
Bs : list[float], optional
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[float], optional
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[float], optional
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[float], optional
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
Bs : list[float]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[float]
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Bs is None:
Bs = [0.0]*N
if dB_dTs is None:
dB_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2B_dT2s is None:
d2B_dT2s = [0.0]*N
if d3B_dT3s is None:
d3B_dT3s = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
B, dB, d2B, d3B = BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended_fast(T, Tcs[i], Pcs[i], omegas[i], ais[i], bs[i])
Bs[i] = B
dB_dTs[i] = dB
d2B_dT2s[i] = d2B
d3B_dT3s[i] = d3B
return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s
[docs]def BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended_mat(T, Tcs, Pcs, omegas, ais, bs, Bs=None, dB_dTs=None,
d2B_dT2s=None, d3B_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a matrix calculation of the Tsonopoulos (extended) B virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[list[float]]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[list[float]]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
omegas : list[list[float]]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
ais : list[list[float]]
Fit parameters, [-]
bs : list[list[float]]
Fit parameters, [-]
Bs : list[list[float]], optional
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[list[float]], optional
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[list[float]], optional
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[list[float]], optional
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
Bs : list[list[float]]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[list[float]]
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[list[float]]
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[list[float]]
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Bs is None:
Bs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Bs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if dB_dTs is None:
dB_dTs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# dB_dTs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d2B_dT2s is None:
d2B_dT2s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d2B_dT2s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d3B_dT3s is None:
d3B_dT3s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d3B_dT3s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Tc_row = Tcs[i]
Pc_row = Pcs[i]
omega_row = omegas[i]
B_row = Bs[i]
dB_row = dB_dTs[i]
d2B_row = d2B_dT2s[i]
d3B_row = d3B_dT3s[i]
a_row = ais[i]
b_row = bs[i]
for j in range(N):
B, dB, d2B, d3B = BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended_fast(T, Tc_row[j], Pc_row[j], omega_row[j], a_row[j], b_row[j])
B_row[j] = B
dB_row[j] = dB
d2B_row[j] = d2B
d3B_row[j] = d3B
return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s
[docs]def BVirial_Xiang(T, Tc, Pc, Vc, omega):
r'''Calculates the second virial coefficient using the model in [1]_.
.. math::
B = \frac{\left(-b_0T_r^{-3/4}\exp(b_1T_r^{-3}) + b_2T_r^{-1/2})
.. math::
b_0 = b_{00} + b_{01}\omega + b_{02}\theta
.. math::
b_1 = b_{10} + b_{11}\omega + b_{12}\theta
.. math::
b_2 = b_{20} + b_{21}\omega + b_{22}\theta
.. math::
\theta = (Z_c - 0.29)^2
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tc : float
Critical temperature of fluid [K]
Pc : float
Critical pressure of the fluid [Pa]
Vc : float
Critical volume of the fluid [m^3/mol]
omega : float
Acentric factor for fluid, [-]
B : float
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dT : float
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2 : float
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3 : float
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
>>> BVirial_Xiang(388.26, 647.1, 22050000.0, 5.543076e-05, 0.344)
(-0.0004799570, 4.6778266e-06, -7.0157656e-08, 1.4137862e-09)
.. [1] Xiang, H. W. "The New Simple Extended Corresponding-States
Principle: Vapor Pressure and Second Virial Coefficient." Chemical
Engineering Science 57, no. 8 (April 2002): 1439049.
b00 = 4.553
b01 = 4.172
b02 = 0.0
b10 = 0.02644
b11 = 0.075
b12 = 16.5
b20 = 3.530
b21 = 4.297
b22 = 0.0
x0 = 1.0/Tc
x1 = T*x0
x2 = 10000.0*omega
x3 = (100.0*Pc*Vc*x0/R - 29.0)
x3 = x3*x3
x1_sqrt_inv = 1.0/sqrt(x1)
x4 = (10000.0*b20 + b21*x2 + b22*x3)*x1_sqrt_inv
x5 = b11*omega
x6 = b12*x3
T_inv = 1.0/T
T_inv3 = T_inv*T_inv*T_inv
Tc3 = Tc*Tc*Tc
x8 = Tc3*T_inv3
x9 = (10000.0*b00 + b01*x2 + b02*x3)*exp(x8*(b10 + x5 + x6*(1/10000)))*(x1_sqrt_inv*sqrt(x1_sqrt_inv))
x10 = 3.0*x9
x11 = 10000.0*b10 + 10000.0*x5 + x6
x12 = x11*x8
x13 = x12*x9
x14 = Tc3*Tc3*x11*x11*T_inv3*T_inv3
B = Vc*(x4 - x9)*(1/10000)
dB = -Vc*(-x10*x12 + 5000.0*x4 - 7500.0*x9)*T_inv*(1/(100000000))
d2B = -3.0*Vc*(x10*x14 + 55000.0*x13 - 25000000.0*x4 + 43750000.0*x9)*T_inv*T_inv*(1/(1000000000000))
d3B = 3.0*Vc*T_inv3*(3293750000.0*x13 + 427500.*x14*x9 - 625000000000.*x4 + 1203125000000.*x9 + 9.*Tc3*Tc3*Tc3*x11*x11*x11*x9*T_inv3*T_inv3*T_inv3)*(1/10000000000000000)
return (B, dB, d2B, d3B)
[docs]def BVirial_Xiang_vec(T, Tcs, Pcs, Vcs, omegas, Bs=None, dB_dTs=None,
d2B_dT2s=None, d3B_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a vectorized calculation of the Xiang B virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[float]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
Vcs : list[float]
Critical volume of the fluids [m^3/mol]
omegas : list[float]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
Bs : list[float], optional
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[float], optional
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[float], optional
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[float], optional
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
Bs : list[float]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[float]
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Bs is None:
Bs = [0.0]*N
if dB_dTs is None:
dB_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2B_dT2s is None:
d2B_dT2s = [0.0]*N
if d3B_dT3s is None:
d3B_dT3s = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
B, dB, d2B, d3B = BVirial_Xiang(T, Tcs[i], Pcs[i], Vcs[i], omegas[i])
Bs[i] = B
dB_dTs[i] = dB
d2B_dT2s[i] = d2B
d3B_dT3s[i] = d3B
return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s
[docs]def BVirial_Xiang_mat(T, Tcs, Pcs, Vcs, omegas, Bs=None, dB_dTs=None,
d2B_dT2s=None, d3B_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a matrix calculation of the Xiang B virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[list[float]]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[list[float]]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
Vcs : list[list[float]]
Critical volume of the fluids [m^3/mol]
omegas : list[list[float]]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
Bs : list[list[float]], optional
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[list[float]], optional
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[list[float]], optional
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[list[float]], optional
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
Bs : list[list[float]]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[list[float]]
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[list[float]]
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[list[float]]
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Bs is None:
Bs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Bs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if dB_dTs is None:
dB_dTs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# dB_dTs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d2B_dT2s is None:
d2B_dT2s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d2B_dT2s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d3B_dT3s is None:
d3B_dT3s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d3B_dT3s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Tc_row = Tcs[i]
Pc_row = Pcs[i]
Vc_row = Vcs[i]
omega_row = omegas[i]
B_row = Bs[i]
dB_row = dB_dTs[i]
d2B_row = d2B_dT2s[i]
d3B_row = d3B_dT3s[i]
for j in range(N):
B, dB, d2B, d3B = BVirial_Xiang(T, Tc_row[j], Pc_row[j], Vc_row[j], omega_row[j])
B_row[j] = B
dB_row[j] = dB
d2B_row[j] = d2B
d3B_row[j] = d3B
return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s
[docs]def BVirial_Meng(T, Tc, Pc, Vc, omega, a=0.0):
r'''Calculates the second virial coefficient using the model in [1]_.
.. math::
B = \frac{RT_c}{P_c}\left(f_0 + \omega f_1 + f_2\right)
.. math::
f_0 = c_0 + c_1/T_r + c_2/T_r^2 + c_3/T_r^3 + c_4/T_r^8
.. math::
f_1 = d_0 + d_1/T_r + d_2/T_r^2 + d_3/T_r^3 + d_4/T_r^8
.. math::
f_2 = \frac{a}{T_r^6}
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tc : float
Critical temperature of fluid [K]
Pc : float
Critical pressure of the fluid [Pa]
Vc : float
Critical volume of the fluid [m^3/mol]
omega : float
Acentric factor for fluid, [-]
a : float
Polar parameter that can be estimated by :obj:`chemicals.virial.Meng_virial_a`
B : float
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dT : float
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2 : float
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3 : float
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
>>> BVirial_Meng(388.26, 647.1, 22050000.0, 5.543076e-05, 0.344)
(-0.00032436028, 2.47004e-06, -3.132e-08, 5.8e-10)
.. [1] Meng, Long, Yuan-Yuan Duan, and Lei Li. "Correlations for Second and
Third Virial Coefficients of Pure Fluids." Fluid Phase Equilibria 226
(December 10, 2004): 109-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fluid.2004.09.023.
c0, c1, c2, c3, c4 = 0.13356, -0.30252, -0.15668, -0.00724, -0.00022
d0, d1, d2, d3, d4 = 0.17404, -0.15581, 0.38183, -0.44044, -0.00541
T_inv = 1.0/T
Tc_T = Tc*T_inv
Tc_T2 = Tc_T*Tc_T
Tc_T4 = Tc_T2*Tc_T2
x1 = Tc_T4*Tc_T4
T_inv3 = T_inv*T_inv*T_inv
Tc2 = Tc*Tc
x3 = Tc*Tc2*T_inv3
x5 = Tc2*T_inv*T_inv
x6 = R/Pc
x7 = 2.0*Tc_T
x8 = Tc_T4*Tc_T2*Tc_T
x9 = 8.0*x8
x10 = a*Tc_T4*Tc_T
x11 = 3.0*x5
x12 = 3.0*Tc_T
x13 = 36.0*x8
x14 = 6.0*x5
x15 = Tc2*x6
x16 = 4.0*Tc_T
x17 = 120.0*x8
x18 = 10.0*x5
B = Tc*x6*(c0 + c1*Tc_T + c2*x5 + c3*x3 + c4*x1 + omega*(d0 + d1*Tc_T + d2*x5 + d3*x3 + d4*x1) + a*Tc_T4*Tc_T2)
dB = -x5*x6*(c1 + c2*x7 + c3*x11 + c4*x9 + omega*(d1 + d2*x7 + d3*x11 + d4*x9) + 6.0*x10)
dB2 = 2.0*x15*T_inv3*(c1 + c2*x12 + c3*x14 + c4*x13 + omega*(d1 + d2*x12 + d3*x14 + d4*x13) + 21.0*x10)
dB3 = -6.0*x15*(c1 + c2*x16 + c3*x18 + c4*x17 + omega*(d1 + d2*x16 + d3*x18 + d4*x17) + 56.0*x10)*T_inv3*T_inv
return B, dB, dB2, dB3
[docs]def BVirial_Meng_vec(T, Tcs, Pcs, Vcs, omegas, ais, Bs=None, dB_dTs=None,
d2B_dT2s=None, d3B_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a vectorized calculation of the Meng B virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[float]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
Vcs : list[float]
Critical volume of the fluids [m^3/mol]
omegas : list[float]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
ais : list[float]
Polar parameters that can be estimated by :obj:`chemicals.virial.Meng_virial_a`
Bs : list[float], optional
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[float], optional
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[float], optional
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[float], optional
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
Bs : list[float]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[float]
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Bs is None:
Bs = [0.0]*N
if dB_dTs is None:
dB_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2B_dT2s is None:
d2B_dT2s = [0.0]*N
if d3B_dT3s is None:
d3B_dT3s = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
B, dB, d2B, d3B = BVirial_Meng(T, Tcs[i], Pcs[i], Vcs[i], omegas[i], ais[i])
Bs[i] = B
dB_dTs[i] = dB
d2B_dT2s[i] = d2B
d3B_dT3s[i] = d3B
return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s
[docs]def BVirial_Meng_mat(T, Tcs, Pcs, Vcs, omegas, ais, Bs=None, dB_dTs=None,
d2B_dT2s=None, d3B_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a matrix calculation of the Meng B virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[list[float]]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[list[float]]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
Vcs : list[list[float]]
Critical volume of the fluids [m^3/mol]
omegas : list[list[float]]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
ais : list[float]
Polar parameters that can be estimated as the average of the pure
component values predicted by :obj:`chemicals.virial.Meng_virial_a`
Bs : list[list[float]], optional
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[list[float]], optional
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[list[float]], optional
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[list[float]], optional
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
Bs : list[list[float]]
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
dB_dTs : list[list[float]]
First temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K]
d2B_dT2s : list[list[float]]
Second temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^2]
d3B_dT3s : list[list[float]]
Third temperature derivative of second virial coefficient in density
form [m^3/mol/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Bs is None:
Bs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Bs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if dB_dTs is None:
dB_dTs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# dB_dTs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d2B_dT2s is None:
d2B_dT2s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d2B_dT2s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d3B_dT3s is None:
d3B_dT3s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d3B_dT3s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Tc_row = Tcs[i]
Pc_row = Pcs[i]
Vc_row = Vcs[i]
omega_row = omegas[i]
a_row = ais[i]
B_row = Bs[i]
dB_row = dB_dTs[i]
d2B_row = d2B_dT2s[i]
d3B_row = d3B_dT3s[i]
for j in range(N):
B, dB, d2B, d3B = BVirial_Meng(T, Tc_row[j], Pc_row[j], Vc_row[j], omega_row[j], a_row[j])
B_row[j] = B
dB_row[j] = dB
d2B_row[j] = d2B
d3B_row[j] = d3B
return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s
[docs]def Meng_virial_a(Tc, Pc, dipole=0.0, haloalkane=False):
r'''Calculate the `a` parameter which is used in the Meng
`B` second virial coefficient for polar components. There are two
correlations implemented - one for haloalkanes, and another for other
polar molecules. If the dipole moment is not provided, a value of 0.0
will be returned.
If the compound is a haloalkane
.. math::
a = -1.1524\times 10^{-6}{\mu}_r^2 + 7.2238\times 10^{-11}{\mu}_r^4
- 1.8701\times 10^{-15}{\mu}_r^6
.. math::
a = -3.0309\times 10^{-6}{\mu}_r^2 + 9.503\times 10^{-11}{\mu}_r^4
- 1.2469\times 10^{-15}{\mu}_r^6
Tc : float
Critical temperature, [K]
Pc : float
Critical pressure, [Pa]
dipole : float
Dipole moment, [debye]
haloalkane : bool
Whether or not the compound is a haloalkane, [-]
a : float
Coefficient [-]
>>> Meng_virial_a(514.0, 6137000.0, 1.44, haloalkane=False)
R-41 Fluoromethane
>>> Meng_virial_a(317.4, 5870000.0, 1.85, haloalkane=True)
.. [1] Meng, Long, Yuan-Yuan Duan, and Lei Li. "Correlations for Second and
Third Virial Coefficients of Pure Fluids." Fluid Phase Equilibria 226
(December 10, 2004): 109-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fluid.2004.09.023.
# Perfect validated with graph
mur = dipole*dipole*Pc/(1.01325*Tc*Tc)
if haloalkane:
a = -1.1524e-6*mur**2 + 7.2238e-11*mur**4 - 1.8701E-15*mur**6
a = -3.0309E-6*mur**2 + 9.503E-11*mur**4 - 1.2469E-15*mur**6
return a
def Kronecker_delta(i, j): return 1 if i == j else 0.0
[docs]def dCVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dzs(zs, Cijs, dCs=None):
r'''Calculate the first mole fraction derivatives of the `C` third virial
coefficient from a matrix of
virial cross-coefficients.
.. math::
\frac{\partial C}{\partial z_m} =
\sum_{\substack{0 \leq i \leq nc\\0 \leq j \leq nc\\0 \leq k \leq nc}}
\sqrt[3]{{Cs}_{i,j} {Cs}_{i,k} {Cs}_{j,k}} \left(\delta_{i m} {zs}_{j}
{zs}_{k} + \delta_{j m} {zs}_{i} {zs}_{k} + \delta_{k m} {zs}_{i}
zs : list[float]
Mole fractions of each species, [-]
Cijs : list[list[float]]
Third virial binary interaction coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dCs : list[float], optional
First derivatives of C with respect to mole fraction, [m^6/mol^2]
dC_dzs : list[float]
First derivatives of C with respect to mole fraction, [m^6/mol^2]
This equation can be derived with SymPy, as follows
>>> from sympy import * # doctest: +SKIP
>>> i, j, k, m, n, o = symbols("i, j, k, m, n, o", cls=Idx) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> zs = IndexedBase('zs') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> Cs = IndexedBase('Cs') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> nc = symbols('nc') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> C_expr = Sum(zs[i]*zs[j]*zs[k]*cbrt(Cs[i,j]*Cs[i,k]*Cs[j,k]),[i,0,nc],[j,0,nc],[k,0,nc]) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> diff(C_expr, zs[m]) # doctest: +SKIP
Sum((Cs[i, j]*Cs[i, k]*Cs[j, k])**(1/3)*KroneckerDelta(i, m)*zs[j]*zs[k] + (Cs[i, j]*Cs[i, k]*Cs[j, k])**(1/3)*KroneckerDelta(j, m)*zs[i]*zs[k] + (Cs[i, j]*Cs[i, k]*Cs[j, k])**(1/3)*KroneckerDelta(k, m)*zs[i]*zs[j], (i, 0, nc), (j, 0, nc), (k, 0, nc))
>>> Cijs = [[1.46e-09, 1.831e-09, 2.12e-09], [1.831e-09, 2.46e-09, 2.996e-09], [2.12e-09, 2.996e-09, 4.927e-09]]
>>> zs = [.5, .3, .2]
>>> dCVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dzs(zs, Cijs)
[5.44450470e-09, 6.54968776e-09, 7.74986672e-09]
N = len(zs)
Cij_cbrts = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Cij_cbrts = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Cij_cbrt_row = Cij_cbrts[i]
Cij_row = Cijs[i]
for j in range(i):
if Cij_row[j] > 0.0:
Cij_cbrt_row[j] = Cij_cbrts[j][i] = cbrt(Cij_row[j])
if Cij_row[i] > 0.0:
Cij_cbrt_row[i] = cbrt(Cij_row[i])
cC = Cij_cbrts
if dCs is None:
dCs = [0.0]*N
for m in range(N):
dC = 0.0
for i in range(N):
fact = cC[i][m]*zs[i]
tmp = 0.0
for j in range(N):
tmp += cC[i][j]*cC[m][j]*zs[j]
dC += fact*tmp
# symmetry double this term
dC += dC
dCs[m] += dC
for j in range(N):
for k in range(N):
x0 = zs[j]*zs[k]*cC[j][k]
for m in range(N):
dCs[m] += x0*cC[m][j]*cC[m][k]
return dCs
[docs]def d2CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dzizjs(zs, Cijs, d2Cs=None):
r'''Calculate the second mole fraction derivatives of the `C` third virial
coefficient from a matrix of
virial cross-coefficients.
.. math::
\frac{\partial^2 C}{\partial z_m \partial z_n} =
\sum_{\substack{0 \leq i \leq nc\\0 \leq j \leq nc\\0 \leq k \leq nc}}
\sqrt[3]{{Cs}_{i,j} {Cs}_{i,k} {Cs}_{j,k}} \left(\delta_{i m}
\delta_{j n} {zs}_{k} + \delta_{i m} \delta_{k n} {zs}_{j}
+ \delta_{i n} \delta_{j m} {zs}_{k} + \delta_{i n} \delta_{k m}
{zs}_{j} + \delta_{j m} \delta_{k n} {zs}_{i}
+ \delta_{j n} \delta_{k m} {zs}_{i}\right)
zs : list[float]
Mole fractions of each species, [-]
Cijs : list[list[float]]
Third virial binary interaction coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2]
d2Cs : list[list[float]], optional
Second derivatives of C with respect to mole fraction, [m^6/mol^2]
d2Cs : list[list[float]]
Second derivatives of C with respect to mole fraction, [m^6/mol^2]
This equation can be derived with SymPy, as follows
>>> from sympy import * # doctest: +SKIP
>>> i, j, k, m, n, o = symbols("i, j, k, m, n, o", cls=Idx) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> zs = IndexedBase('zs') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> Cs = IndexedBase('Cs') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> nc = symbols('nc') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> C_expr = Sum(zs[i]*zs[j]*zs[k]*cbrt(Cs[i,j]*Cs[i,k]*Cs[j,k]),[i,0,nc],[j,0,nc],[k,0,nc]) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> diff(C_expr, zs[m], zs[n]) # doctest: +SKIP
Sum((Cs[i, j]*Cs[i, k]*Cs[j, k])**(1/3)*(KroneckerDelta(i, m)*KroneckerDelta(j, n)*zs[k] + KroneckerDelta(i, m)*KroneckerDelta(k, n)*zs[j] + KroneckerDelta(i, n)*KroneckerDelta(j, m)*zs[k] + KroneckerDelta(i, n)*KroneckerDelta(k, m)*zs[j] + KroneckerDelta(j, m)*KroneckerDelta(k, n)*zs[i] + KroneckerDelta(j, n)*KroneckerDelta(k, m)*zs[i]), (i, 0, nc), (j, 0, nc), (k, 0, nc))
>>> Cijs = [[1.46e-09, 1.831e-09, 2.12e-09], [1.831e-09, 2.46e-09, 2.996e-09], [2.12e-09, 2.996e-09, 4.927e-09]]
>>> zs = [.5, .3, .2]
>>> d2CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dzizjs(zs, Cijs)
[[9.6827886655e-09, 1.1449146725e-08, 1.3064355337e-08], [1.1449146725e-08, 1.38557674294e-08, 1.60903596751e-08], [1.3064355337e-08, 1.60903596751e-08, 2.0702239403e-08]]
N = len(zs)
Cij_cbrts = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Cij_cbrts = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Cij_cbrt_row = Cij_cbrts[i]
Cij_row = Cijs[i]
for j in range(i):
if Cij_row[j] > 0.0:
Cij_cbrt_row[j] = Cij_cbrts[j][i] = Cij_row[j]**(1.0/3)
if Cij_row[i] > 0.0:
Cij_cbrt_row[i] = Cij_row[i]**(1.0/3.0)
cC = Cij_cbrts
if d2Cs is None:
d2Cs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d2Cs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
cCi = cC[i]
zi = zs[i]
d2Cis = d2Cs[i]
for j in range(N):
cCij = cC[i][j]
cCj = cC[j]
zj = zs[j]
d2Cjs = d2Cs[j]
for k in range(N):
cCv = cCij*cCi[k]*cCj[k]
d2Cis[j] += cCv*zs[k]
d2Cis[k] += cCv*zj
d2Cjs[i] += cCv*zs[k]
d2Cjs[k] += cCv*zi
d2Cs[k][i] += cCv*zj
d2Cs[k][j] += cCv*zi
return d2Cs
[docs]def d3CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dzizjzks(zs, Cijs, d3Cs=None):
r'''Calculate the third mole fraction derivatives of the `C` third virial
coefficient from a matrix of
virial cross-coefficients.
.. math::
\frac{\partial^3 C}{\partial z_m \partial z_n \partial z_o} =
\sum_{\substack{0 \leq i \leq nc\\0 \leq j \leq nc\\0 \leq k \leq nc}}
\sqrt[3]{{Cs}_{i,j} {Cs}_{i,k} {Cs}_{j,k}} \left(\delta_{i m} \delta_{j n}
\delta_{k o} + \delta_{i m} \delta_{j o} \delta_{k n} + \delta_{i n}
\delta_{j m} \delta_{k o} + \delta_{i n} \delta_{j o} \delta_{k m}
+ \delta_{i o} \delta_{j m} \delta_{k n} + \delta_{i o} \delta_{j n}
\delta_{k m}\right)
zs : list[float]
Mole fractions of each species, [-]
Cijs : list[list[float]]
Third virial binary interaction coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2]
d3Cs : list[list[list[float]]], optional
Third derivatives of C with respect to mole fraction, [m^6/mol^2]
d3Cs : list[list[list[float]]]
Third derivatives of C with respect to mole fraction, [m^6/mol^2]
This equation can be derived with SymPy, as follows
>>> from sympy import * # doctest: +SKIP
>>> i, j, k, m, n, o = symbols("i, j, k, m, n, o", cls=Idx) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> zs = IndexedBase('zs') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> Cs = IndexedBase('Cs') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> nc = symbols('nc') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> C_expr = Sum(zs[i]*zs[j]*zs[k]*cbrt(Cs[i,j]*Cs[i,k]*Cs[j,k]),[i,0,nc],[j,0,nc],[k,0,nc]) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> diff(C_expr, zs[m], zs[n], zs[o]) # doctest: +SKIP
Sum((Cs[i, j]*Cs[i, k]*Cs[j, k])**(1/3)*(KroneckerDelta(i, m)*KroneckerDelta(j, n)*KroneckerDelta(k, o) + KroneckerDelta(i, m)*KroneckerDelta(j, o)*KroneckerDelta(k, n) + KroneckerDelta(i, n)*KroneckerDelta(j, m)*KroneckerDelta(k, o) + KroneckerDelta(i, n)*KroneckerDelta(j, o)*KroneckerDelta(k, m) + KroneckerDelta(i, o)*KroneckerDelta(j, m)*KroneckerDelta(k, n) + KroneckerDelta(i, o)*KroneckerDelta(j, n)*KroneckerDelta(k, m)), (i, 0, nc), (j, 0, nc), (k, 0, nc))
>>> Cijs = [[1.46e-09, 1.831e-09, 2.12e-09], [1.831e-09, 2.46e-09, 2.996e-09], [2.12e-09, 2.996e-09, 4.927e-09]]
>>> zs = [.5, .3, .2]
>>> d3CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dzizjzks(zs, Cijs)
[[[8.760000000e-09, 1.0187346981e-08, 1.12329228549e-08], [1.01873469818e-08, 1.21223973593e-08, 1.35937701316e-08], [1.12329228549e-08, 1.35937701316e-08, 1.68488143533e-08]], [[1.01873469818e-08, 1.21223973593e-08, 1.35937701316e-08], [1.2122397359e-08, 1.47600000000e-08, 1.68328437491e-08], [1.35937701316e-08, 1.68328437491e-08, 2.12181074230e-08]], [[1.12329228549e-08, 1.35937701316e-08, 1.68488143533e-08], [1.35937701316e-08, 1.68328437491e-08, 2.12181074230e-08], [1.68488143533e-08, 2.12181074230e-08, 2.9562000000e-08]]]
N = len(zs)
Cij_cbrts = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Cij_cbrts = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Cij_cbrt_row = Cij_cbrts[i]
Cij_row = Cijs[i]
for j in range(i):
if Cij_row[j] > 0.0:
Cij_cbrt_row[j] = Cij_cbrts[j][i] = cbrt(Cij_row[j])
if Cij_row[i] > 0.0:
Cij_cbrt_row[i] = cbrt(Cij_row[i])
cC = Cij_cbrts
if d3Cs is None:
d3Cs = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)]# numba: delete
# d3Cs = np.zeros((N, N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
d3Cis = d3Cs[i]
cCis = cC[i]
for j in range(N):
d3Cijs = d3Cis[j]
d3Cjs = d3Cs[j]
cCij = cC[i][j]
cCjs = cC[j]
for k in range(N):
cCv = cCij*cCis[k]*cCjs[k]
d3Cijs[k]+= cCv
d3Cis[k][j]+= cCv
d3Cjs[i][k]+= cCv
d3Cjs[k][i]+= cCv
d3Cs[k][i][j]+= cCv
d3Cs[k][j][i]+= cCv
return d3Cs
[docs]def d2CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dTdzs(zs, Cijs, dCij_dTs,
r'''Calculate the first mole fraction derivatives of the `C` third virial
coefficient from a matrix of
virial cross-coefficients.
.. math::
\frac{\partial^2 C}{\partial T \partial z_m}
zs : list[float]
Mole fractions of each species, [-]
Cijs : list[list[float]]
Third virial binary interaction coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dCij_dTs : list[list[float]]
First temperature derivative of third virial binary interaction
coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2/K]
d2C_dTdzs : list[float], optional
Array for second derivatives of C with respect to mole fraction and
temperature, [m^6/mol^2/K]
d2C_dTdzs : list[float]
Second derivatives of C with respect to mole fraction and temperature,
This equation can be derived with SymPy, as follows
>>> from sympy import * # doctest: +SKIP
>>> from sympy import * # doctest: +SKIP
>>> i, j, k, m, n, o, T = symbols("i, j, k, m, n, o, T", cls=Idx) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> zs = IndexedBase('zs') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> Cs = IndexedBase('Cs') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> dC_dTs = IndexedBase('dC_dTs') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> nc = symbols('nc') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> C_expr = Sum(zs[i]*zs[j]*zs[k]/3*cbrt(Cs[i,j]*Cs[i,k]*Cs[j,k])/(Cs[i,j]*Cs[i,k]*Cs[j,k])*(Cs[i,j]*Cs[i,k]*dC_dTs[j,k] + Cs[i,j]*dC_dTs[i,k]*Cs[j,k] + dC_dTs[i,j]*Cs[i,k]*Cs[j,k]),[i,0,nc],[j,0,nc],[k,0,nc]) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> diff(C_expr, zs[m]) # doctest: +SKIP
Sum((Cs[i, j]*Cs[i, k]*Cs[j, k])**(1/3)*(Cs[i, j]*Cs[i, k]*dC_dTs[j, k] + Cs[i, j]*Cs[j, k]*dC_dTs[i, k] + Cs[i, k]*Cs[j, k]*dC_dTs[i, j])*KroneckerDelta(i, m)*zs[j]*zs[k]/(3*Cs[i, j]*Cs[i, k]*Cs[j, k]) + (Cs[i, j]*Cs[i, k]*Cs[j, k])**(1/3)*(Cs[i, j]*Cs[i, k]*dC_dTs[j, k] + Cs[i, j]*Cs[j, k]*dC_dTs[i, k] + Cs[i, k]*Cs[j, k]*dC_dTs[i, j])*KroneckerDelta(j, m)*zs[i]*zs[k]/(3*Cs[i, j]*Cs[i, k]*Cs[j, k]) + (Cs[i, j]*Cs[i, k]*Cs[j, k])**(1/3)*(Cs[i, j]*Cs[i, k]*dC_dTs[j, k] + Cs[i, j]*Cs[j, k]*dC_dTs[i, k] + Cs[i, k]*Cs[j, k]*dC_dTs[i, j])*KroneckerDelta(k, m)*zs[i]*zs[j]/(3*Cs[i, j]*Cs[i, k]*Cs[j, k]), (i, 0, nc), (j, 0, nc), (k, 0, nc))
>>> Cijs = [[1.46e-09, 1.831e-09, 2.12e-09], [1.831e-09, 2.46e-09, 2.996e-09], [2.12e-09, 2.996e-09, 4.927e-09]]
>>> dCij_dTs = [[-2.212e-12, -4.137e-12, -1.079e-11], [-4.137e-12, -7.669e-12, -1.809e-11], [-1.079e-11, -1.809e-11, -2.010e-11]]
>>> zs = [.5, .3, .2]
>>> d2CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dTdzs(zs, Cijs, dCij_dTs)
[-1.5740994103e-11, -2.27267309501e-11, -3.56846953115e-11]
N = len(zs)
cC = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# cC = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
cC_row = cC[i]
Ci_row = Cijs[i]
for j in range(i):
if Ci_row[j] > 0.0:
cC_row[j] = cC[j][i] = Ci_row[j]**(1.0/3)/Ci_row[j]
# else:
# raise ValueError("Negative C")
if Ci_row[i] > 0.0:
cC_row[i] = Ci_row[i]**(1.0/3.0)/Ci_row[i]
# else:
# raise ValueError("Negative C")
if d2C_dTdzs is None:
d2C_dTdzs = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
i_sum = 0.0
zi = zs[i]
cCis = cC[i]
for j in range(N):
j_sum = 0.0
zj = zs[j]
zizj = zi*zj
Cij = Cijs[i][j]
cCij = cC[i][j]
dCij = dCij_dTs[i][j]
cCjs = cC[j]
for k in range(N):
t = cCij*cCis[k]*cCjs[k]
c0 = (Cij*Cijs[i][k]*dCij_dTs[j][k]
+ Cij*Cijs[j][k]*dCij_dTs[i][k]
+ Cijs[i][k]*Cijs[j][k]*dCij)
c1 = t*c0
i_sum += c1*zj*zs[k]
j_sum += c1*zi*zs[k]
d2C_dTdzs[k] += c1*zizj
d2C_dTdzs[j] += j_sum
d2C_dTdzs[i] += i_sum
for i in range(N):
d2C_dTdzs[i] *= (1.0/3.0)
return d2C_dTdzs
[docs]def CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz(zs, Cijs):
r'''Calculate the `C` third virial coefficient from a matrix of
virial cross-coefficients. The diagonal is virial coefficients of the
pure components.
.. math::
C = \sum_i \sum_j \sum_k y_i y_j y_k C_{ijk}(T)
.. math::
C_{ijk} = \left(C_{ij}C_{jk}C_{ik}\right)^{1/3}
zs : list[float]
Mole fractions of each species, [-]
Cijs : list[list[float]]
Third virial binary interaction coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2]
C : float
Third virial coefficient in density form [m^6/mol^2]
>>> Cijs = [[1.46e-09, 1.831e-09, 2.12e-09], [1.831e-09, 2.46e-09, 2.996e-09], [2.12e-09, 2.996e-09, 4.927e-09]]
>>> zs = [.5, .3, .2]
>>> CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz(zs, Cijs)
.. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition.
New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
N = len(zs)
Cij_cbrts = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Cij_cbrts = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Cij_cbrt_row = Cij_cbrts[i]
Cij_row = Cijs[i]
for j in range(i):
if Cij_row[j] > 0.0:
Cij_cbrt_row[j] = Cij_cbrts[j][i] = Cij_row[j]**(1.0/3)
if Cij_row[i] > 0.0:
Cij_cbrt_row[i] = Cij_row[i]**(1.0/3.0)
# print(np.array(Cijs)**(1/3)/Cij_cbrts)
C_diag, C_off = 0.0, 0.0
# TODO: can we use symmetry to cut time down?
for i in range(N):
Cij_cbrts_i = Cij_cbrts[i]
for j in range(N):
x0 = zs[i]*zs[j]*Cij_cbrts_i[j]
Cij_cbrts_j = Cij_cbrts[j]
for k in range(j):
if Cij_cbrts_i[k]*Cij_cbrts_j[k] > 0.0:
C_off += x0*zs[k]*Cij_cbrts_i[k]*Cij_cbrts_j[k]
if Cij_cbrts_i[j]*Cij_cbrts_j[j] > 0.0:
C_diag += x0*zs[j]*Cij_cbrts_i[j]*Cij_cbrts_j[j]
return C_off*2.0 + C_diag
[docs]def dCVirial_mixture_dT_Orentlicher_Prausnitz(zs, Cijs, dCij_dTs):
r'''Calculate the first temperature derivative of the `C` third virial
coefficient from matrices of
virial cross-coefficients and their first temperature derivatives.
.. math::
\frac{\partial C}{\partial T} = \sum_i \sum_j \sum_k
\frac{zi zj zk \sqrt[3]{\operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)}
\operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}} \left(\frac{\operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}
\operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}}{3}
+ \frac{\operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T}
\operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)}}{3} + \frac{\operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}
\frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}}{3}\right)}{\operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}
\operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}}
zs : list[float]
Mole fractions of each species, [-]
Cijs : list[list[float]]
Third virial binary interaction coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dCij_dTs : list[list[float]]
First temperature derivative of third virial binary interaction
coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2/K]
dC_dT : float
First temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K]
>>> Cijs = [[1.46e-09, 1.831e-09, 2.12e-09], [1.831e-09, 2.46e-09, 2.996e-09], [2.12e-09, 2.996e-09, 4.927e-09]]
>>> dCij_dTs = [[-2.212e-12, -4.137e-12, -1.079e-11], [-4.137e-12, -7.669e-12, -1.809e-11], [-1.079e-11, -1.809e-11, -2.010e-11]]
>>> zs = [.5, .3, .2]
>>> dCVirial_mixture_dT_Orentlicher_Prausnitz(zs, Cijs, dCij_dTs)
.. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition.
New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
N = len(zs)
Cij_pow_n23 = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Cij_pow_n23 = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Cij_pow_n23_row = Cij_pow_n23[i]
Cij_row = Cijs[i]
for j in range(i):
if Cij_row[j] > 0.0:
Cij_pow_n23_row[j] = Cij_pow_n23[j][i] = Cij_row[j]**(1.0/3)/Cij_row[j]
if Cij_row[i] > 0.0:
Cij_pow_n23_row[i] = Cij_row[i]**(1.0/3.0)/Cij_row[i]
# expect = np.array(Cijs)**(1/3)/Cijs
# print(Cij_pow_n23/expect)
dC = 0.0
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
inner = 0.0
x0 = zs[i]*zs[j]*Cij_pow_n23[i][j]
if x0 < 0.0:
Cij = Cijs[i][j]
dCij = dCij_dTs[i][j]
for k in range(N):
t0 = Cij*Cijs[i][k]*dCij_dTs[j][k]
t1 = Cij*Cijs[j][k]*dCij_dTs[i][k]
t2 = Cijs[i][k]*Cijs[j][k]*dCij
# Good
# dC += zs[i]*zs[j]*zs[k]*(Cijs[i][j]*Cijs[i][k]*Cijs[j][k])**(1/3)*(t0 + t1 + t2)/(Cijs[i][j]*Cijs[i][k]*Cijs[j][k])
# Good but suboptimal
# dC += zs[i]*zs[j]*zs[k]*(Cijs[i][j]*Cijs[i][k]*Cijs[j][k])**(-2/3)*(t0 + t1 + t2)#/(Cijs[i][j]*Cijs[i][k]*Cijs[j][k])
# Factor out the powers out
term = Cij_pow_n23[i][k]*Cij_pow_n23[j][k]
if term < 0.0:
inner += zs[k]*term*(t0 + t1 + t2)
dC += inner*x0
dC *= 1/3
return dC
[docs]def d2CVirial_mixture_dT2_Orentlicher_Prausnitz(zs, Cijs, dCij_dTs, d2Cij_dT2s):
r'''Calculate the second temperature derivative of the `C` third virial
coefficient from matrices of
virial cross-coefficients and their first and second temperature derivatives.
.. math::
\frac{\partial^2 C}{\partial T^2} = \sum_i \sum_j \sum_k z_i z_j z_k
\frac{\sqrt[3]{\operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)}
\operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}} \left(\frac{\left(\operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}
\operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}
+ \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T}
\operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} + \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)}
\operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}\right)^{2}}
{\operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)}
\operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}} - \frac{3 \left(\operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}
\operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}
+ \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T}
\operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} + \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)}
\operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}\right)
\frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}}{\operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}}
- \frac{3 \left(\operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)}
\frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)} + \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}
\operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)}
+ \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T}
\operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}\right) \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)}}
{\operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)}} - \frac{3 \left(\operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}
\operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}
+ \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T}
\operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} + \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)}
\operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}\right)
\frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}}{\operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}}
+ 3 \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}}
\operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)} + 3 \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}
\frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}} \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} + 6 \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T}
\operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}
+ 3 \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}
\frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}} \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)} + 6 \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)}
\frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}
+ 6 \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}
\frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)}\right)}{9 \operatorname{Cij}{\left(T \right)}
\operatorname{Cik}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{Cjk}{\left(T \right)}}
zs : list[float]
Mole fractions of each species, [-]
Cijs : list[list[float]]
Third virial binary interaction coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dCij_dTs : list[list[float]]
First temperature derivative of third virial binary interaction
coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2/K]
d2Cij_dT2s : list[list[float]]
Second temperature derivative of third virial binary interaction
coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2/K^2]
d2C_dT2 : float
Second temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^2]
>>> Cijs = [[1.46e-09, 1.831e-09, 2.12e-09], [1.831e-09, 2.46e-09, 2.996e-09], [2.12e-09, 2.996e-09, 4.927e-09]]
>>> dCij_dTs = [[-2.212e-12, -4.137e-12, -1.079e-11], [-4.137e-12, -7.669e-12, -1.809e-11], [-1.079e-11, -1.809e-11, -2.010e-11]]
>>> d2Cij_dT2s = [[ 2.6469e-14, 5.0512e-14, 1.1509e-13], [ 5.0512e-14, 9.3272e-14, 1.7836e-13], [ 1.1509e-13, 1.7836e-13, -1.4906e-13]]
>>> zs = [.5, .3, .2]
>>> d2CVirial_mixture_dT2_Orentlicher_Prausnitz(zs, Cijs, dCij_dTs, d2Cij_dT2s)
.. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition.
New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
N = len(zs)
Cij_cbrts = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Cij_cbrts = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
# for i in range(N):
# for j in range(N):
# Cij_cbrts[i][j] = (Cijs[i][j])**(1/3)
for i in range(N):
Cij_cbrt_row = Cij_cbrts[i]
Cij_row = Cijs[i]
for j in range(i):
if Cij_row[j] > 0.0:
Cij_cbrt_row[j] = Cij_cbrts[j][i] = Cij_row[j]**(1.0/3)
if Cij_row[i] > 0.0:
Cij_cbrt_row[i] = Cij_row[i]**(1.0/3.0)
d2C = 0.0
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
t0 = zs[i]*zs[j]
x8 = dCij_dTs[i][j]
x0 = Cijs[i][j]
x0_inv = 1.0/x0
x16 = d2Cij_dT2s[i][j]
cCij = Cij_cbrts[i][j]
for k in range(N):
x1 = Cijs[i][k]
x2 = Cijs[j][k]
x3 = x1*x2
if x0*x3 < 0.0:
x4 = x0*x1
x5 = x0*x2
x6 = dCij_dTs[i][k]
x7 = dCij_dTs[j][k]
x9 = 6.0*x8
x11 = x3*x8 + x4*x7 + x5*x6
x12 = 3.0*x11
x13 = 1.0/x1
x14 = 1.0/x2
x15 = x0_inv*x13*x14
big = (x15*cCij*Cij_cbrts[i][k]*Cij_cbrts[j][k]*(6.0*x0*x6*x7 + x1*x7*x9 - x0_inv*x12*x8
+ x11*x11*x15 - x12*x13*x6 - x12*x14*x7 + x2*x6*x9
+ 3.0*x3*x16 + 3.0*x4*d2Cij_dT2s[j][k] + 3.0*x5*d2Cij_dT2s[i][k]))
d2C += t0*zs[k]*big
return d2C*(1/9.0)
[docs]def d3CVirial_mixture_dT3_Orentlicher_Prausnitz(zs, Cijs, dCij_dTs, d2Cij_dT2s,
r'''Calculate the third temperature derivative of the `C` third virial
coefficient from matrices of
virial cross-coefficients and their first, second, and third temperature
The expression is quite lengthy and not shown here [1]_.
.. math::
\frac{\partial^3 C}{\partial T^3}
zs : list[float]
Mole fractions of each species, [-]
Cijs : list[list[float]]
Third virial binary interaction coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dCij_dTs : list[list[float]]
First temperature derivative of third virial binary interaction
coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2/K]
d2Cij_dT2s : list[list[float]]
Second temperature derivative of third virial binary interaction
coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2/K^2]
d3Cij_dT3s : list[list[float]]
Third temperature derivative of third virial binary interaction
coefficients in density form [m^6/mol^2/K^2^2]
d3C_dT3 : float
Third temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^3]
>>> Cijs = [[1.46e-09, 1.831e-09, 2.12e-09], [1.831e-09, 2.46e-09, 2.996e-09], [2.12e-09, 2.996e-09, 4.927e-09]]
>>> dCij_dTs = [[-2.212e-12, -4.137e-12, -1.079e-11], [-4.137e-12, -7.669e-12, -1.809e-11], [-1.079e-11, -1.809e-11, -2.010e-11]]
>>> d2Cij_dT2s = [[ 2.6469e-14, 5.0512e-14, 1.1509e-13], [ 5.0512e-14, 9.3272e-14, 1.7836e-13], [ 1.1509e-13, 1.7836e-13, -1.4906e-13]]
>>> d3Cij_dT3s = [[-4.2300e-16, -7.9727e-16, -1.6962e-15], [-7.9727e-16, -1.3826e-15, -1.4525e-15], [-1.6962e-15, -1.4525e-15, 1.9786e-14]]
>>> zs = [.5, .3, .2]
>>> d3CVirial_mixture_dT3_Orentlicher_Prausnitz(zs, Cijs, dCij_dTs, d2Cij_dT2s, d3Cij_dT3s)
.. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition.
New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
N = len(zs)
d3C = 0.0
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
for k in range(N):
x0 = Cijs[j][k]
x1 = 1/x0
x2 = Cijs[i][j]
x3 = Cijs[i][k]
x4 = x0*x3
x2x4 = x2*x4
# Create a discontinuity in this mixing rule if we were going to have complex components
if x2x4 < 0.0:
x6 = d2Cij_dT2s[j][k]
x7 = dCij_dTs[i][k]
x9 = dCij_dTs[j][k]
x10 = d2Cij_dT2s[i][k]
x11 = dCij_dTs[i][j]
x13 = d2Cij_dT2s[i][j]
term = (x2x4)**(1/3)
x5 = x2/3.0
x8 = x2*x7
x12 = x3*x6
x14 = x3*x9
x15 = x0*x10
x16 = x0*x7
x17 = 2.0*x11
x18 = x7*x9
x19 = 1.0/x2
x20 = x11*x4 + x14*x2 + x16*x2
x21 = x20/3.0
x22 = x19*x21
x23 = 1.0/x3
x24 = x2**(-2.0)
x25 = 2.0*x20/3.0
x26 = x3**(-2.0)
x27 = x0**(-2.0)
x28 = x23*x7
x29 = x11*x19
x30 = x25*x29
x31 = x1*x9
x32 = x1*x23
x33 = x20**2.0/3.0
x34 = x1*x33
x35 = x19*x23
x36 = x12*x2 + x13*x4 + x14*x17 + x15*x2 + x16*x17 + 2.0*x8*x9
x37 = 2.0*x36/3.0
big = (x1*x35*term*(x0*x5*d3Cij_dT3s[i][k] - x1*x21*x6
+ x10*x2*x9 - x10*x21*x23 + x11**2.0*x24*x25 + x11*x12 + x11*x15
- x11*x23*x24*x34 + x13*x14 + x13*x16 - x13*x22 + x17*x18 + x18*x25*x32
- x19*x26*x34*x7 + x20**3.0*x24*x26*x27/27.0 + x22*x32*x36 + x25*x26*x7**2.0
+ x25*x27*x9**2.0 - x27*x33*x35*x9 + x28*x30 - x28*x37 - x29*x37
+ x3*x5*d3Cij_dT3s[j][k] + x30*x31 - x31*x37 + x4*d3Cij_dT3s[i][j]/3.0 + x6*x8))
d3C += zs[i]*zs[j]*zs[k]*big
return d3C
[docs]def CVirial_Orbey_Vera(T, Tc, Pc, omega):
r'''Calculates the third virial coefficient using the model in [1]_.
.. math::
C = (RT_c/P_c)^2 (fC_{Tr}^{(0)} + \omega fC_{Tr}^{(1)})
.. math::
fC_{Tr}^{(0)} = 0.01407 + 0.02432T_r^{-2.8} - 0.00313T_r^{-10.5}
.. math::
fC_{Tr}^{(1)} = -0.02676 + 0.01770T_r^{-2.8} + 0.040T_r^{-3} - 0.003T_r^{-6} - 0.00228T_r^{-10.5}
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tc : float
Critical temperature of fluid [K]
Pc : float
Critical pressure of the fluid [Pa]
omega : float
Acentric factor for fluid, [-]
C : float
Third virial coefficient in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dC_dT : float
First temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K]
d2C_dT2 : float
Second temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^2]
d3C_dT3 : float
Third temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^3]
>>> CVirial_Orbey_Vera(T=300, Tc=568.7, Pc=2490000.0, omega=0.394)
(-1.1107124e-05, 4.1326808e-07, -1.6041435e-08, 6.7035158e-10)
.. [1] Orbey, Hasan, and J. H. Vera. "Correlation for the Third Virial
Coefficient Using Tc, Pc and ω as Parameters." AIChE Journal 29, no. 1
(January 1, 1983): 107-13. https://doi.org/10.1002/aic.690290115.
x0 = T/Tc
Tinv = 1.0/T
Tinv2 = Tinv*Tinv
x7 = R*Tc/Pc
x7 *= x7
Tc3 = Tc*Tc*Tc
x3 = Tc3*Tc3*Tinv2*Tinv2*Tinv2
x4 = Tinv2*Tinv
x5 = Tc3*x4
x1 = x0**(-21.0/2.0) # not worth optimizing, power tree is too large
x2 = x0**(-14.0/5.0)
x6 = -2000.0*x5
x8 = 60.0*omega
C = -x7*(2.0*omega*(114.0*x1 - 885.0*x2 + 150.0*x3 + x6 + 1338.0) + 313.0*x1 - 2432.0*x2 - 1407.0)*(1.0/100000.0)
dC = x7*(32865.0*x1 - 68096.0*x2 + x8*(399.0*x1 - 826.0*x2 + 300.0*x3 + x6))*Tinv*(1.0/1000000.0)
d2C = -x7*(3779475.0*x1 - 2587648.0*x2 + x8*(45885.0*x1 - 31388.0*x2 + 21000.0*x3 - 80000.0*x5))*Tinv2*(1.0/10000000.0)
d3C = 3.0*x4*x7*(20.0*omega*(5735625.0*x1 - 1506624.0*x2 + 1680000.0*x3 - 4000000.0*x5) + 157478125.0*x1 - 41402368.0*x2)*(1.0/100000000.0)
return C, dC, d2C, d3C
[docs]def CVirial_Orbey_Vera_vec(T, Tcs, Pcs, omegas, Cs=None, dC_dTs=None,
d2C_dT2s=None, d3C_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a vectorized calculation of the Orbey-Vera C virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[float]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
omegas : list[float]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
Cs : list[float], optional
Third virial coefficient in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dC_dTs : list[float], optional
First temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K]
d2C_dT2s : list[float], optional
Second temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^2]
d3C_dT3s : list[float], optional
Third temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^3]
Cs : list[float]
Third virial coefficient in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dC_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K]
d2C_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^2]
d3C_dT3s : list[float]
Third temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Cs is None:
Cs = [0.0]*N
if dC_dTs is None:
dC_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2C_dT2s is None:
d2C_dT2s = [0.0]*N
if d3C_dT3s is None:
d3C_dT3s = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
C, dC, d2C, d3C = CVirial_Orbey_Vera(T, Tcs[i], Pcs[i], omegas[i])
Cs[i] = C
dC_dTs[i] = dC
d2C_dT2s[i] = d2C
d3C_dT3s[i] = d3C
return Cs, dC_dTs, d2C_dT2s, d3C_dT3s
[docs]def CVirial_Orbey_Vera_mat(T, Tcs, Pcs, omegas, Cs=None, dC_dTs=None,
d2C_dT2s=None, d3C_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a matrix calculation of the Orbey-Vera C virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[list[float]]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[list[float]]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
omegas : list[list[float]]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
Cs : list[list[float]], optional
Third virial coefficient in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dC_dTs : list[list[float]], optional
First temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K]
d2C_dT2s : list[list[float]], optional
Second temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^2]
d3C_dT3s : list[list[float]], optional
Third temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^3]
Cs : list[list[float]]
Third virial coefficient in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dC_dTs : list[list[float]]
First temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K]
d2C_dT2s : list[list[float]]
Second temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^2]
d3C_dT3s : list[list[float]]
Third temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Cs is None:
Cs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Cs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if dC_dTs is None:
dC_dTs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# dC_dTs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d2C_dT2s is None:
d2C_dT2s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d2C_dT2s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d3C_dT3s is None:
d3C_dT3s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d3C_dT3s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Tc_row = Tcs[i]
Pc_row = Pcs[i]
omega_row = omegas[i]
C_row = Cs[i]
dC_row = dC_dTs[i]
d2C_row = d2C_dT2s[i]
d3C_row = d3C_dT3s[i]
for j in range(N):
C, dC, d2C, d3C = CVirial_Orbey_Vera(T, Tc_row[j], Pc_row[j], omega_row[j])
C_row[j] = C
dC_row[j] = dC
d2C_row[j] = d2C
d3C_row[j] = d3C
return Cs, dC_dTs, d2C_dT2s, d3C_dT3s
[docs]def CVirial_Liu_Xiang(T, Tc, Pc, Vc, omega):
r'''Calculates the third virial coefficient using the model in [1]_.
.. math::
C = V_c^2 (f_{T_r}^{(0)} + \omega f_{T_r}^{(1)} + \theta f_{T_r}^{(2)})
.. math::
f_{T_r}^{(0)} = a_{00} + a_{10}T_r^{-3} + a_{20}T_r^{-6} + a_{30}T_r^{-11}
.. math::
f_{T_r}^{(1)} = a_{01} + a_{11}T_r^{-3} + a_{21}T_r^{-6} + a_{31}T_r^{-11}
.. math::
f_{T_r}^{(2)} = a_{02} + a_{12}T_r^{-3} + a_{22}T_r^{-6} + a_{32}T_r^{-11}
.. math::
\theta = (Z_c - 0.29)^2
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tc : float
Critical temperature of fluid [K]
Pc : float
Critical pressure of the fluid [Pa]
Vc : float
Critical volume of the fluid [m^3/mol]
omega : float
Acentric factor for fluid, [-]
C : float
Third virial coefficient in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dC_dT : float
First temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K]
d2C_dT2 : float
Second temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^2]
d3C_dT3 : float
Third temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^3]
Water at Tr = 0.6
>>> CVirial_Liu_Xiang(388.26, 647.1, 22050000.0, 5.543076923076923e-05, 0.344)
(-1.4779977e-07, 4.9949901e-09, -1.652899e-10, 5.720067e-12)
.. [1] Liu, D. X., and H. W. Xiang. "Corresponding-States Correlation and
Prediction of Third Virial Coefficients for a Wide Range of Substances."
International Journal of Thermophysics 24, no. 6 (November 1, 2003):
1667-80. https://doi.org/10.1023/B:IJOT.0000004098.98614.38.
a00 = 0.1623538
a01 = -0.5390344
a02 = 34.22804
a10 = 0.3087440
a11 = 1.783526
a12 = -74.76559
a20 = -0.01790184
a21 = -1.055391
a22 = 279.9220
a30 = -0.02789157
a31 = 0.09955867
a32 = -62.85431
x0 = Vc*Vc
T_inv = 1.0/T
T_inv2 = T_inv*T_inv
T_inv3 = T_inv2*T_inv
T_inv8 = T_inv3*T_inv3*T_inv*T_inv
Tc2 = Tc*Tc
Tc3 = Tc2*Tc
Tc8 = Tc3*Tc3*Tc2
x2 = T_inv3*T_inv3
x1 = Tc8*Tc3*T_inv8*T_inv3
x3 = Tc3*Tc3*x2
x5 = Tc3*T_inv3
Zc = Pc*Vc*R_inv/Tc
theta = (Zc - 0.29)
theta *= theta
x7 = Tc8*T_inv8
x8 = 11.0*x7
x9 = 6.0*x5
x10 = x0*Tc3
x11 = 22.0*x7
x12 = 7.0*x5
x13 = 143.0*x7
x14 = 28.0*x5
C = x0*(a00 + a10*x5 + a20*x3 + a30*x1 + omega*(a01 + a11*x5 + a21*x3 + a31*x1) + theta*(a02 + a12*x5 + a22*x3 + a32*x1))
dC = -x10*(3.0*a10 + a20*x9 + a30*x8 + omega*(3.0*a11 + a21*x9 + a31*x8) + theta*(3.0*a12 + a22*x9 + a32*x8))*T_inv2*T_inv2
d2C = 6.0*x10*(2.0*a10 + a20*x12 + a30*x11 + omega*(2.0*a11 + a21*x12 + a31*x11) + theta*(2.0*a12 + a22*x12 + a32*x11))*T_inv2*T_inv3
d3C = -12.0*x10*x2*(5.0*a10 + a20*x14 + a30*x13 + omega*(5.0*a11 + a21*x14 + a31*x13) + theta*(5.0*a12 + a22*x14 + a32*x13))
return C, dC, d2C, d3C
[docs]def CVirial_Liu_Xiang_vec(T, Tcs, Pcs, Vcs, omegas, Cs=None, dC_dTs=None,
d2C_dT2s=None, d3C_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a vectorized calculation of the Xiang C virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[float]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
Vcs : list[float]
Critical volume of the fluids [m^3/mol]
omegas : list[float]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
Cs : list[float], optional
Third virial coefficient in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dC_dTs : list[float], optional
First temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K]
d2C_dT2s : list[float], optional
Second temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^2]
d3C_dT3s : list[float], optional
Third temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^3]
Cs : list[float]
Third virial coefficient in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dC_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K]
d2C_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^2]
d3C_dT3s : list[float]
Third temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Cs is None:
Cs = [0.0]*N
if dC_dTs is None:
dC_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2C_dT2s is None:
d2C_dT2s = [0.0]*N
if d3C_dT3s is None:
d3C_dT3s = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
C, dC, d2C, d3C = CVirial_Liu_Xiang(T, Tcs[i], Pcs[i], Vcs[i], omegas[i])
Cs[i] = C
dC_dTs[i] = dC
d2C_dT2s[i] = d2C
d3C_dT3s[i] = d3C
return Cs, dC_dTs, d2C_dT2s, d3C_dT3s
[docs]def CVirial_Liu_Xiang_mat(T, Tcs, Pcs, Vcs, omegas, Cs=None, dC_dTs=None,
d2C_dT2s=None, d3C_dT3s=None):
r'''Perform a matrix calculation of the Xiang C virial coefficient model
and its first three temperature derivatives.
T : float
Temperature of fluid [K]
Tcs : list[list[float]]
Critical temperature of fluids [K]
Pcs : list[list[float]]
Critical pressure of the fluids [Pa]
Vcs : list[list[float]]
Critical volume of the fluids [m^3/mol]
omegas : list[list[float]]
Acentric factor for fluids, [-]
Cs : list[list[float]], optional
Third virial coefficient in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dC_dTs : list[list[float]], optional
First temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K]
d2C_dT2s : list[list[float]], optional
Second temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^2]
d3C_dT3s : list[list[float]], optional
Third temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^3]
Cs : list[list[float]]
Third virial coefficient in density form [m^6/mol^2]
dC_dTs : list[list[float]]
First temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K]
d2C_dT2s : list[list[float]]
Second temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^2]
d3C_dT3s : list[list[float]]
Third temperature derivative of third virial coefficient in density
form [m^6/mol^2/K^3]
N = len(Tcs)
if Cs is None:
Cs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Cs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if dC_dTs is None:
dC_dTs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# dC_dTs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d2C_dT2s is None:
d2C_dT2s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d2C_dT2s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
if d3C_dT3s is None:
d3C_dT3s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d3C_dT3s = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
Tc_row = Tcs[i]
Pc_row = Pcs[i]
Vc_row = Vcs[i]
omega_row = omegas[i]
C_row = Cs[i]
dC_row = dC_dTs[i]
d2C_row = d2C_dT2s[i]
d3C_row = d3C_dT3s[i]
for j in range(N):
C, dC, d2C, d3C = CVirial_Liu_Xiang(T, Tc_row[j], Pc_row[j], Vc_row[j], omega_row[j])
C_row[j] = C
dC_row[j] = dC
d2C_row[j] = d2C
d3C_row[j] = d3C
return Cs, dC_dTs, d2C_dT2s, d3C_dT3s
### Mixing Rules
def Meng_Duan_2005_virial_CSP_kij_alkane(nci, ncj):
# This whole thing can be cached as a lookup table
# Also, not temperature dependent so no issues here
if nci > ncj:
nci, ncj = ncj, nci
m = 0.00678/(1.0 + 0.336*nci)
kij = m*(log(ncj - nci + 1.0)**(7.0/2.0))
return kij
def Meng_Duan_2005_virial_CSP_kij_alkane_N2(nci):
if nci < 1:
return 0.0
m = 0.04311
return m*log(nci + 1.0)**1.5 # equation 15
def Meng_Duan_2005_virial_CSP_kij_alkane_CO2(nci):
if nci < 1:
return 0.0
m = 0.07475
return m*log(nci + 1.0)**1.5 # equation 15
CO2_CAS = '124-38-9'
N2_CAS = '7727-37-9'
[docs]def Meng_Duan_2005_virial_CSP_kijs(CASs, atomss):
r'''Calculates a binary interaction parameter for the calculation of Bij
binary virial coefficient as shown in [1]_. This implements a correlation
of alkane-alkane, CO2-alkane, and N2-alkane.
The equation this kij is used in is
.. math::
T_{cij} = \sqrt{T_{ci}T_{cj}}(1-k_{ij})
CASs : list[str]
CAS registration numbers for each component, [-]
atomss : list[dict]
Breakdown of each component into its elements and their counts, as a
dict, [-]
kijs : list[list[float]]
Binary interaction parameters, [-]
>>> CASs = ['74-82-8', '74-84-0', '124-38-9', '7727-37-9', '7439-89-6']
>>> atomss = [{'C': 1, 'H': 4}, {'C': 2, 'H': 6}, {'C': 1, 'O': 2}, {'N': 2}, {'Fe': 1}]
>>> kijs = Meng_Duan_2005_virial_CSP_kijs(CASs=CASs, atomss=atomss)
.. [1] Meng, Long, and Yuan-Yuan Duan. "Prediction of the Second Cross
Virial Coefficients of Nonpolar Binary Mixtures." Fluid Phase Equilibria
238 (December 1, 2005): 229-38.
N = len(CASs)
kijs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)]
for i in range(N):
CAS1 = CASs[i]
kij_row = kijs[i]
C_i = atomss[i].get('C', 0)
# symmetrical
for j in range(i):
CAS2 = CASs[j]
if CAS1 == CO2_CAS:
C = atomss[j].get('C', 0)
kij_row[j] = kijs[j][i] = Meng_Duan_2005_virial_CSP_kij_alkane_CO2(C)
elif CAS2 == CO2_CAS:
kij_row[j] = kijs[j][i] = Meng_Duan_2005_virial_CSP_kij_alkane_CO2(C_i)
elif CAS1 == N2_CAS:
C = atomss[j].get('C', 0)
kij_row[j] = kijs[j][i] = Meng_Duan_2005_virial_CSP_kij_alkane_N2(C)
elif CAS2 == N2_CAS:
kij_row[j] = kijs[j][i] = Meng_Duan_2005_virial_CSP_kij_alkane_N2(C_i)
elif C_i and atomss[j].get('C', 0):
kij_row[j] = kijs[j][i] = Meng_Duan_2005_virial_CSP_kij_alkane(C_i, atomss[j].get('C', 0))
return kijs
[docs]def Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_kijs(Vcs):
r'''Calculates a binary interaction parameter for the calculation of Bij
binary virial coefficient as shown in [1]_ and [2]_.
This equation for kij is:
.. math::
k_{ij} = 1 - \frac{8\sqrt{v_{ci}v_{cj}}}{(V_{ci}^{1/3} +V_{ci}^{1/3})^3}
The equation this kij is used in is
.. math::
T_{cij} = \sqrt{T_{ci}T_{cj}}(1-k_{ij})
Vcs : list[float]
Critical volumes for each species, [m^3/mol]
kijs : list[list[float]]
Binary interaction parameters, [-]
>>> Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_kijs(Vcs=[0.000168, 0.000316])
[[0.0, 0.01646332091], [0.0164633209, 0.0]]
.. [1] Tarakad, Ramanathan R., and Ronald P. Danner. "An Improved
Corresponding States Method for Polar Fluids: Correlation of Second
Virial Coefficients." AIChE Journal 23, no. 5 (1977): 685-95.
.. [2] Meng, Long, and Yuan-Yuan Duan. "Prediction of the Second Cross
Virial Coefficients of Nonpolar Binary Mixtures." Fluid Phase Equilibria
238 (December 1, 2005): 229-38.
N = len(Vcs)
kijs = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] # numba: delete
# kijs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
Vc_cbrts = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
Vc_cbrts[i] = Vcs[i]**(1.0/3.0)
rt8 = 2.8284271247461903 #sqrt(8)
Vc_sqrts = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
Vc_sqrts[i] = rt8*sqrt(Vcs[i])
# There is Symmetry here but it is not used
for i in range(N):
r = kijs[i]
Vci_cbrt = Vc_cbrts[i]
Vci_sqrt = Vc_sqrts[i]
for j in range(N):
den = Vci_cbrt + Vc_cbrts[j]
r[j] = 1.0 - Vci_sqrt*Vc_sqrts[j]/(den*den*den)
# More efficient and numerical error makes this non-zero
r[i] = 0.0
return kijs
[docs]def Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_Tcijs(Tcs, kijs):
r'''Calculates the corresponding states critical temperature for the
calculation of Bij
binary virial coefficient as shown in [1]_ and [2]_.
.. math::
T_{cij} = \sqrt{T_{ci}T_{cj}}(1-k_{ij})
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperatures for each species, [K]
kijs : list[list[float]]
Binary interaction parameters, [-]
Tcijs : list[list[float]]
CSP Critical temperatures for each pair of species, [K]
>>> kijs = Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_kijs(Vcs=[0.000168, 0.000316])
>>> Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_Tcijs(Tcs=[514.0, 591.75], kijs=kijs)
[[514.0, 542.42694], [542.42694, 591.75000]]
.. [1] Tarakad, Ramanathan R., and Ronald P. Danner. "An Improved
Corresponding States Method for Polar Fluids: Correlation of Second
Virial Coefficients." AIChE Journal 23, no. 5 (1977): 685-95.
.. [2] Meng, Long, and Yuan-Yuan Duan. "Prediction of the Second Cross
Virial Coefficients of Nonpolar Binary Mixtures." Fluid Phase Equilibria
238 (December 1, 2005): 229-38.
N = len(Tcs)
Tc_sqrts = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
Tc_sqrts[i] = sqrt(Tcs[i])
Tcijs = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Tcijs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
# also symmetric
kij_row = kijs[i]
Tcij_row = Tcijs[i]
Tci = Tc_sqrts[i]
for j in range(N):
Tcij_row[j] = Tci*Tc_sqrts[j]*(1.0 - kij_row[j])
return Tcijs
[docs]def Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_Pcijs(Tcs, Pcs, Vcs, Tcijs):
r'''Calculates the corresponding states critical pressure for the
calculation of Bij
binary virial coefficient as shown in [1]_ and [2]_.
.. math::
P_{cij} = \frac{4T_{cij} \left(
\frac{P_{ci}V_{ci}}{T_{ci}} + \frac{P_{cj}V_{cj}}{T_{cj}}
}{(V_{ci}^{1/3} +V_{ci}^{1/3})^3}
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperatures for each species, [K]
Pcs : list[float]
Critical pressures for each species, [Pa]
Vcs : list[float]
Critical volumes for each species, [m^3/mol]
Tcijs : list[list[float]]
CSP Critical temperatures for each pair of species, [K]
Pcijs : list[list[float]]
CSP Critical pressures for each pair of species, [Pa]
>>> kijs = Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_kijs(Vcs=[0.000168, 0.000316])
>>> Tcijs = Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_Tcijs(Tcs=[514.0, 591.75], kijs=kijs)
>>> Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_Pcijs(Tcs=[514.0, 591.75], Pcs=[6137000.0, 4108000.0], Vcs=[0.000168, 0.000316], Tcijs=Tcijs)
[[6136999.9, 4861936.4], [4861936.4, 4107999.9]]
.. [1] Tarakad, Ramanathan R., and Ronald P. Danner. "An Improved
Corresponding States Method for Polar Fluids: Correlation of Second
Virial Coefficients." AIChE Journal 23, no. 5 (1977): 685-95.
.. [2] Meng, Long, and Yuan-Yuan Duan. "Prediction of the Second Cross
Virial Coefficients of Nonpolar Binary Mixtures." Fluid Phase Equilibria
238 (December 1, 2005): 229-38.
N = len(Vcs)
Pcijs = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Pcijs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
Vc_cbrts = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
Vc_cbrts[i] = Vcs[i]**(1.0/3.0)
factors = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
factors[i] = 4.0*Pcs[i]*Vcs[i]/Tcs[i]
for i in range(N):
Vci_cbrt = Vc_cbrts[i]
factori = factors[i]
Tcij_row = Tcijs[i]
Pcij_row = Pcijs[i]
for j in range(N):
den = Vci_cbrt + Vc_cbrts[j]
Pcij_row[j] = Tcij_row[j]*(factori + factors[j])/(den*den*den)
# Pcijs[i][j] = 4.0*Tcijs[i][j]*(Pcs[i]*Vcs[i]/Tcs[i]
# + Pcs[j]*Vcs[j]/Tcs[j])/(Vcs[i]**(1/3) + Vcs[j]**(1/3) )**3
return Pcijs
[docs]def Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_omegaijs(omegas):
r'''Calculates the corresponding states acentric factor for the
calculation of Bij
binary virial coefficient as shown in [1]_ and [2]_.
.. math::
\omega_{ij} = 0.5(\omega_i + \omega_j)
omegas : list[float]
Acentric factor for each species, [-]
omegaijs : list[list[float]]
CSP acentric factors for each pair of species, [-]
>>> Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_omegaijs([0.635, 0.257])
[[0.635, 0.446], [0.446, 0.257]]
.. [1] Tarakad, Ramanathan R., and Ronald P. Danner. "An Improved
Corresponding States Method for Polar Fluids: Correlation of Second
Virial Coefficients." AIChE Journal 23, no. 5 (1977): 685-95.
.. [2] Meng, Long, and Yuan-Yuan Duan. "Prediction of the Second Cross
Virial Coefficients of Nonpolar Binary Mixtures." Fluid Phase Equilibria
238 (December 1, 2005): 229-38.
N = len(omegas)
omegaijs = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] # numba: delete
# omegaijs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
omegai = omegas[i]
r = omegaijs[i]
for j in range(N):
r[j] = 0.5*(omegai + omegas[j])
return omegaijs
[docs]def Lee_Kesler_virial_CSP_Vcijs(Vcs):
r'''Calculates the corresponding states critical volumes for the
calculation of Vcijs
binary virial coefficient as shown in [1]_ and [2]_.
.. math::
V_{cij} = \frac{1}{8}\left(V_{c,i}^{1/3} + V_{c,j}^{1/3}
Vcs : list[float]
Critical volume of the fluids [m^3/mol]
Vcijs : list[list[float]]
CSP critical volumes for each pair of species, [m^3/mol]
[1]_ cites this as Lee-Kesler rules.
>>> Lee_Kesler_virial_CSP_Vcijs(Vcs=[0.000168, 0.000316])
[[0.000168, 0.00023426], [0.000234265, 0.000316]]
.. [1] Estela-Uribe, J. F., and J. Jaramillo. "Generalised Virial Equation
of State for Natural Gas Systems." Fluid Phase Equilibria 231, no. 1
(April 1, 2005): 84-98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fluid.2005.01.005.
.. [2] Lee, Byung Ik, and Michael G. Kesler. "A Generalized Thermodynamic
Correlation Based on Three-Parameter Corresponding States." AIChE
Journal 21, no. 3 (1975): 510-27. https://doi.org/10.1002/aic.690210313.
N = len(Vcs)
Vcijs = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] # numba: delete
# Vcijs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
Vc_cbrts = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
Vc_cbrts[i] = Vcs[i]**(1.0/3.0)
for i in range(N):
Vci_cbrt = Vc_cbrts[i]
Vcij_row = Vcijs[i]
for j in range(N):
f = Vci_cbrt + Vc_cbrts[j]
Vcij_row[j] = 0.125*f*f*f
return Vcijs
[docs]def dV_dzs_virial(B, C, V, dB_dzs, dC_dzs, dV_dzs=None):
r'''Calculates first mole fraction derivative of volume for the virial
equation of state.
.. math::
\frac{\partial V}{\partial z_i} = \frac{V(V\frac{\partial B}{\partial z_i} + \frac{\partial C}{\partial z_i} )}{2BV + 3C + V^2}
B : float
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
C : float
Third virial coefficient in density form [m^6/mol^2]
V : float
Molar volume from virial equation, [m^3/mol]
dB_dzs : list[float]
First mole fraction derivatives of second virial coefficient in
density form [m^3/mol]
dC_dzs : list[float]
First derivatives of C with respect to mole fraction, [m^6/mol^2]
dV_dzs : list[float], optional
Array for first derivatives of molar volume with respect to mole fraction, [m^3/mol]
dV_dzs : list[float]
First derivatives of molar volume with respect to mole fraction, [m^3/mol]
This expression was derived with SymPy as follows:
>>> from sympy import * # doctest: +SKIP
>>> Z, R, T, P, z1 = symbols('Z, R, T, P, z1') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> B, C, V = symbols('B, C, V', cls=Function) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> base =Eq(P*V(z1)/(R*T), 1 + B(z1)/V(z1) + C(z1)/V(z1)**2) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> P_sln = solve(base, P)[0] # doctest: +SKIP
>>> solve(diff(P_sln, z1), Derivative(V(z1), z1)) # doctest: +SKIP
[(V(z1)*Derivative(B(z1), z1) + Derivative(C(z1), z1))*V(z1)/(2*B(z1)*V(z1) + 3*C(z1) + V(z1)**2)]
>>> dV_dzs_virial(B=-5.130920247359858e-05, C=2.6627784284381213e-09, V=0.024892080086430797, dB_dzs=[-4.457911131778849e-05, -9.174964457681726e-05, -0.0001594258679841028], dC_dzs=[6.270599057032657e-09, 7.766612052069565e-09, 9.503031492910165e-09])
[-4.4510120473455416e-05, -9.181495962913208e-05, -0.00015970040988493522]
N = len(dB_dzs)
if dV_dzs is None:
dV_dzs = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
dV_dzs[i] = (V*dB_dzs[i] + dC_dzs[i])*V/(2.0*B*V + 3.0*C + V*V)
return dV_dzs
[docs]def d2V_dzizjs_virial(B, C, V, dB_dzs, dC_dzs, dV_dzs, d2B_dzizjs, d2C_dzizjs,
r'''Calculates second mole fraction derivative of volume for the virial
equation of state.
.. math::
\frac{\partial^2 V}{\partial z_i \partial z_j}
B : float
Second virial coefficient in density form [m^3/mol]
C : float
Third virial coefficient in density form [m^6/mol^2]
V : float
Molar volume from virial equation, [m^3/mol]
dB_dzs : list[float]
First mole fraction derivatives of second virial coefficient in
density form [m^3/mol]
dC_dzs : list[float]
First derivatives of C with respect to mole fraction, [m^6/mol^2]
dV_dzs : list[float]
First derivatives of molar volume with respect to mole fraction, [m^3/mol]
d2B_dzizjs : list[list[float]]
Second mole fraction derivatives of second virial coefficient in
density form [m^3/mol]
d2C_dzizjs : list[list[float]]
Second derivatives of C with respect to mole fraction, [m^6/mol^2]
d2V_dzizjs : list[list[float]], optional
Array for second derivatives of molar volume with respect to mole
fraction, [m^3/mol]
d2V_dzizjs : list[list[float]]
Second derivatives of molar volume with respect to mole
fraction, [m^3/mol]
This expression was derived with SymPy as follows:
>>> from sympy import * # doctest: +SKIP
>>> Z, R, T, P, z1 = symbols('Z, R, T, P, z1') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> B, C, V = symbols('B, C, V', cls=Function) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> base =Eq(P*V(z1)/(R*T), 1 + B(z1)/V(z1) + C(z1)/V(z1)**2) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> P_sln = solve(base, P)[0] # doctest: +SKIP
>>> solve(diff(P_sln, z1), Derivative(V(z1), z1)) # doctest: +SKIP
[(V(z1)*Derivative(B(z1), z1) + Derivative(C(z1), z1))*V(z1)/(2*B(z1)*V(z1) + 3*C(z1) + V(z1)**2)]
>>> d2C_dzizjs = [[1.0287075724127612e-08, 1.2388277824773021e-08, 1.4298813522844275e-08], [1.2388277824773021e-08, 1.514162073913238e-08, 1.8282527232061114e-08], [1.4298813522844275e-08, 1.8282527232061114e-08, 2.3350122217403063e-08]]
>>> d2B_dzizjs = [[-1.0639357784985337e-05, -3.966321845899801e-05, -7.53987684376414e-05], [-3.966321845899801e-05, -8.286257232134107e-05, -0.00014128571574782375], [-7.53987684376414e-05, -0.00014128571574782375, -0.00024567752140887547]]
>>> dB_dzs = [-4.457911131778849e-05, -9.174964457681726e-05, -0.0001594258679841028]
>>> dC_dzs = [6.270599057032657e-09, 7.766612052069565e-09, 9.503031492910165e-09]
>>> dV_dzs = [-4.4510120473455416e-05, -9.181495962913208e-05, -0.00015970040988493522]
>>> d2V_dzizjs_virial(B=-5.130920247359858e-05, C=2.6627784284381213e-09, V=0.024892080086430797, dB_dzs=dB_dzs, dC_dzs=dC_dzs, dV_dzs=dV_dzs, d2B_dzizjs=d2B_dzizjs, d2C_dzizjs=d2C_dzizjs)
[[-1.04268917389e-05, -3.9654694588e-05, -7.570310078e-05], [-3.9654694588e-05, -8.3270116767e-05, -0.0001423083584], [-7.5703100789e-05, -0.000142308358, -0.00024779788]]
N = len(dB_dzs)
if d2V_dzizjs is None:
d2V_dzizjs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
# d2V_dzizjs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
x0 = V
x1 = C
x2 = x0*x0
x3 = B
x4 = x0*x3
x5 = dV_dzs[j]
x6 = dV_dzs[i]
x7 = x5*x6
x8 = 3*x0
x9 = 2*x2
x10 = x5*x9
d2V_dzizjs[i][j] = (x0*x0*x0*d2B_dzizjs[i][j]+ 12.0*x1*x7 + x10*x6 - x10*dB_dzs[i]
+ x2*d2C_dzizjs[i][j] + 6.0*x4*x7 - x5*x8*dC_dzs[i] - x6*x8*dC_dzs[j]
- x6*x9*dB_dzs[j])/(x0*(3.0*x1 + x2 + 2.0*x4))
return d2V_dzizjs