Source code for chemicals.solubility

"""Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell

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of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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This module contains various solubility calculation routines and a Henry's law
coefficient converter.

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

.. contents:: :local:

Hansen Solubility Parameters
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.hansen_delta_d
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.hansen_delta_d_methods
.. autodata:: chemicals.solubility.hansen_delta_d_all_methods
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.hansen_delta_p
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.hansen_delta_p_methods
.. autodata:: chemicals.solubility.hansen_delta_p_all_methods
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.hansen_delta_h
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.hansen_delta_h_methods
.. autodata:: chemicals.solubility.hansen_delta_h_all_methods

Henry's Law
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.Henry_pressure
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.Henry_pressure_mixture
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.Henry_converter
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.Henry_constants
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.dHenry_constants_dT
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.d2Henry_constants_dT2

Utility functions
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.solubility_eutectic
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.solubility_parameter
.. autofunction:: chemicals.solubility.Tm_depression_eutectic


__all__ = ['solubility_parameter',
           'solubility_eutectic', 'Tm_depression_eutectic',
           'Henry_converter', 'Henry_pressure', 'Henry_pressure_mixture',
           'Henry_constants', 'dHenry_constants_dT', 'd2Henry_constants_dT2',
           'hansen_delta_d', 'hansen_delta_d_methods', 'hansen_delta_d_all_methods',
           'hansen_delta_p', 'hansen_delta_p_methods', 'hansen_delta_p_all_methods',
           'hansen_delta_h', 'hansen_delta_h_methods', 'hansen_delta_h_all_methods']

from fluids.constants import R, R_inv, atm
from fluids.numerics import exp, log, sqrt, trunc_exp

from chemicals import data_reader as dr
from chemicals.data_reader import (
from chemicals.utils import PY37, can_load_data, mark_numba_incompatible, os_path_join, source_path

folder = os_path_join(source_path, 'Misc')
register_df_source(folder, 'alshehri_hansen_solubility_parameters.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'hspipy_hansen_solubility_parameters.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'schrier_hansen_solubility_parameters.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'ruben_manuel_hansen_solubility_parameters.tsv')


hansen_delta_h_all_methods = hansen_delta_p_all_methods = hansen_delta_d_all_methods = (MANUEL_RUBEN_2022, ALSHERI_HANSEN, HSPIPY, WDR_SCHRIER)
"""Tuple of method name keys. See the `hansen_delta_d` for the actual references"""

_solubility_data_loaded = False

def _load_solubility_data():
    global alsheri_hansen_data, hspipy_data, wdr_schrier_data, manuel_ruben_2022_data
    global solubility_sources, _solubility_data_loaded

    alsheri_hansen_data = data_source('alshehri_hansen_solubility_parameters.tsv')
    hspipy_data = data_source('hspipy_hansen_solubility_parameters.tsv')
    wdr_schrier_data = data_source('schrier_hansen_solubility_parameters.tsv')
    manuel_ruben_2022_data = data_source('ruben_manuel_hansen_solubility_parameters.tsv')
    # Set up sources for lookup
    solubility_sources = {
        MANUEL_RUBEN_2022: manuel_ruben_2022_data,
        ALSHERI_HANSEN: alsheri_hansen_data,
        HSPIPY: hspipy_data,
        WDR_SCHRIER: wdr_schrier_data,
    _solubility_data_loaded = True

if PY37:
    def __getattr__(name):
        if name in ('alsheri_hansen_data', 'hspipy_data', 'wdr_schrier_data', 'manuel_ruben_2022_data', 'solubility_sources'):
            if not _solubility_data_loaded:
            return globals()[name]
        raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}")
    if can_load_data:

[docs]@mark_numba_incompatible def hansen_delta_d_methods(CASRN): """Return all methods available to obtain the Hansen solubility dispersive parameter (δD) for the desired chemical. Parameters ---------- CASRN : str CASRN, [-] Returns ------- methods : list[str] Methods which can be used to obtain the δD with the given inputs. See Also -------- hansen_delta_d """ if not _solubility_data_loaded: _load_solubility_data() return list_available_methods_from_df_dict(solubility_sources, CASRN, 'HANSEN_DELTA_D')
[docs]@mark_numba_incompatible def hansen_delta_d(CASRN, method=None): r'''This function handles the retrieval of a chemical's Hansen dispersive parameter (δD). Lookup is based on CASRNs. Will automatically select a data source to use if no method is provided; returns None if the data is not available. Parameters ---------- CASRN : str CASRN [-] Returns ------- delta_d : float Hansen dispersive parameter, [Pa^0.5] Other Parameters ---------------- method : string, optional A string for the method name to use, as defined in the variable, `hansen_delta_d_all_methods`. Notes ----- The available sources are as follows: * 'ALSHERI_HANSEN', based on the work of [1]_. * 'HSPIPY', based on [4]_. * 'WDR_SCHRIER', from [3]_. * 'MANUEL_RUBEN_2022', from [2]_. Examples -------- >>> hansen_delta_d('64-17-5') 15800.0 See Also -------- hansen_delta_d_methods References ---------- .. [1] Alshehri, Abdulelah S., Anjan K. Tula, Fengqi You, and Rafiqul Gani. "Next Generation Pure Component Property Estimation Models: With and without Machine Learning Techniques." AIChE Journal 68, no. 6 (2022): e17469. .. [2] Ríos, Manuel Díaz de los, and Rubén Murcia Belmonte. "Extending Microsoft Excel and Hansen Solubility Parameters Relationship to Double Hansen's Sphere Calculation." SN Applied Sciences 4, no. 6 (May 24, 2022): 185. .. [3] Joshua Schrier, "Hansen Solubility Parameters" from the Wolfram Data Repository (2020). .. [4] Alejandro Gutierrez, "HSPiPy". GitHub Repository, ''' if dr.USE_CONSTANTS_DATABASE and method is None: val, found = database_constant_lookup(CASRN, 'HANSEN_DELTA_D') if found: return val if not _solubility_data_loaded: _load_solubility_data() if method: return retrieve_from_df_dict(solubility_sources, CASRN, 'HANSEN_DELTA_D', method) else: return retrieve_any_from_df_dict(solubility_sources, CASRN, 'HANSEN_DELTA_D')
[docs]@mark_numba_incompatible def hansen_delta_p_methods(CASRN): """Return all methods available to obtain the Hansen solubility polar parameter (δP) for the desired chemical. Parameters ---------- CASRN : str CASRN, [-] Returns ------- methods : list[str] Methods which can be used to obtain the δP with the given inputs. See Also -------- hansen_delta_p """ if not _solubility_data_loaded: _load_solubility_data() return list_available_methods_from_df_dict(solubility_sources, CASRN, 'HANSEN_DELTA_P')
[docs]@mark_numba_incompatible def hansen_delta_p(CASRN, method=None): r'''This function handles the retrieval of a chemical's Hansen polar parameter (δP). Lookup is based on CASRNs. Will automatically select a data source to use if no method is provided; returns None if the data is not available. Parameters ---------- CASRN : str CASRN [-] Returns ------- delta_p : float Hansen polar parameter, [Pa^0.5] Other Parameters ---------------- method : string, optional A string for the method name to use, as defined in the variable, `hansen_delta_p_all_methods`. Notes ----- The available sources are as follows: * 'ALSHERI_HANSEN', based on the work of [1]_. * 'HSPIPY', based on [4]_. * 'WDR_SCHRIER', from [3]_. * 'MANUEL_RUBEN_2022', from [2]_. Examples -------- >>> hansen_delta_p('64-17-5') 8800.0 See Also -------- hansen_delta_p_methods References ---------- .. [1] Alshehri, Abdulelah S., Anjan K. Tula, Fengqi You, and Rafiqul Gani. "Next Generation Pure Component Property Estimation Models: With and without Machine Learning Techniques." AIChE Journal 68, no. 6 (2022): e17469. .. [2] Ríos, Manuel Díaz de los, and Rubén Murcia Belmonte. "Extending Microsoft Excel and Hansen Solubility Parameters Relationship to Double Hansen's Sphere Calculation." SN Applied Sciences 4, no. 6 (May 24, 2022): 185. .. [3] Joshua Schrier, "Hansen Solubility Parameters" from the Wolfram Data Repository (2020). .. [4] Alejandro Gutierrez, "HSPiPy". GitHub Repository, ''' if dr.USE_CONSTANTS_DATABASE and method is None: val, found = database_constant_lookup(CASRN, 'HANSEN_DELTA_P') if found: return val if not _solubility_data_loaded: _load_solubility_data() if method: return retrieve_from_df_dict(solubility_sources, CASRN, 'HANSEN_DELTA_P', method) else: return retrieve_any_from_df_dict(solubility_sources, CASRN, 'HANSEN_DELTA_P')
[docs]@mark_numba_incompatible def hansen_delta_h_methods(CASRN): """Return all methods available to obtain the Hansen solubility hydrogen bonding parameter (δH) for the desired chemical. Parameters ---------- CASRN : str CASRN, [-] Returns ------- methods : list[str] Methods which can be used to obtain the δH with the given inputs. See Also -------- hansen_delta_h """ if not _solubility_data_loaded: _load_solubility_data() return list_available_methods_from_df_dict(solubility_sources, CASRN, 'HANSEN_DELTA_H')
[docs]@mark_numba_incompatible def hansen_delta_h(CASRN, method=None): r'''This function handles the retrieval of a chemical's Hansen hydrogen bonding parameter (δH). Lookup is based on CASRNs. Will automatically select a data source to use if no method is provided; returns None if the data is not available. Parameters ---------- CASRN : str CASRN [-] Returns ------- delta_h : float Hansen hydrogen bonding parameter, [Pa^0.5] Other Parameters ---------------- method : string, optional A string for the method name to use, as defined in the variable, `hansen_delta_h_all_methods`. Notes ----- The available sources are as follows: * 'ALSHERI_HANSEN', based on the work of [1]_. * 'HSPIPY', based on [4]_. * 'WDR_SCHRIER', from [3]_. * 'MANUEL_RUBEN_2022', from [2]_. Examples -------- >>> hansen_delta_h('64-17-5') 19400.0 See Also -------- hansen_delta_h_methods References ---------- .. [1] Alshehri, Abdulelah S., Anjan K. Tula, Fengqi You, and Rafiqul Gani. "Next Generation Pure Component Property Estimation Models: With and without Machine Learning Techniques." AIChE Journal 68, no. 6 (2022): e17469. .. [2] Ríos, Manuel Díaz de los, and Rubén Murcia Belmonte. "Extending Microsoft Excel and Hansen Solubility Parameters Relationship to Double Hansen's Sphere Calculation." SN Applied Sciences 4, no. 6 (May 24, 2022): 185. .. [3] Joshua Schrier, "Hansen Solubility Parameters" from the Wolfram Data Repository (2020). .. [4] Alejandro Gutierrez, "HSPiPy". GitHub Repository, ''' if dr.USE_CONSTANTS_DATABASE and method is None: val, found = database_constant_lookup(CASRN, 'HANSEN_DELTA_H') if found: return val if not _solubility_data_loaded: _load_solubility_data() if method: return retrieve_from_df_dict(solubility_sources, CASRN, 'HANSEN_DELTA_H', method) else: return retrieve_any_from_df_dict(solubility_sources, CASRN, 'HANSEN_DELTA_H')
[docs]def solubility_parameter(T, Hvapm, Vml): r'''This function handles the calculation of a chemical's solubility parameter. Calculation is a function of temperature, but is not always presented as such. `Hvapm`, `Vml`, `T` are required. .. math:: \delta = \sqrt{\frac{\Delta H_{vap} - RT}{V_m}} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of the fluid [k] Hvapm : float Heat of vaporization [J/mol/K] Vml : float Specific volume of the liquid [m^3/mol] Returns ------- delta : float Solubility parameter, [Pa^0.5] Notes ----- Undefined past the critical point. For convenience, if Hvap is not defined, an error is not raised; None is returned instead. Also for convenience, if Hvapm is less than RT, None is returned to avoid taking the root of a negative number. This parameter is often given in units of cal/ml, which is 2045.48 times smaller than the value returned here. Examples -------- Pentane at STP >>> solubility_parameter(T=298.2, Hvapm=26403.3, Vml=0.000116055) 14357.68128600315 References ---------- .. [1] Barton, Allan F. M. CRC Handbook of Solubility Parameters and Other Cohesion Parameters, Second Edition. CRC Press, 1991. ''' # Prevent taking the root of a negative number return None if (Hvapm < R*T or Vml < 0.0) else sqrt((Hvapm - R*T)/Vml)
[docs]def solubility_eutectic(T, Tm, Hm, Cpl=0, Cps=0, gamma=1): r'''Returns the maximum solubility of a solute in a solvent. .. math:: \ln x_i^L \gamma_i^L = \frac{\Delta H_{m,i}}{RT}\left( 1 - \frac{T}{T_{m,i}}\right) - \frac{\Delta C_{p,i}(T_{m,i}-T)}{RT} + \frac{\Delta C_{p,i}}{R}\ln\frac{T_m}{T} .. math:: \Delta C_{p,i} = C_{p,i}^L - C_{p,i}^S Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of the system [K] Tm : float Melting temperature of the solute [K] Hm : float Heat of melting at the melting temperature of the solute [J/mol] Cpl : float, optional Molar heat capacity of the solute as a liquid [J/mol/K] Cps : float, optional Molar heat capacity of the solute as a solid [J/mol/K] gamma : float, optional Activity coefficient of the solute as a liquid [-] Returns ------- x : float Mole fraction of solute at maximum solubility [-] Notes ----- gamma is of the solute in liquid phase Examples -------- From [1]_, matching example >>> solubility_eutectic(T=260., Tm=278.68, Hm=9952., Cpl=0, Cps=0, gamma=3.0176) 0.243400713 References ---------- .. [1] Gmehling, Jurgen. Chemical Thermodynamics: For Process Simulation. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2012. ''' dCp = Cpl-Cps x = exp(- R_inv*((Hm*(1.0 - T/Tm) - dCp*(Tm-T))/T + dCp*log(Tm/T)))/gamma return x
[docs]def Tm_depression_eutectic(Tm, Hm, x=None, M=None, MW=None): r'''Returns the freezing point depression caused by a solute in a solvent. Can use either the mole fraction of the solute or its molality and the molecular weight of the solvent. Assumes ideal system behavior. .. math:: \Delta T_m = \frac{R T_m^2 x}{\Delta H_m} .. math:: \Delta T_m = \frac{R T_m^2 (MW) M}{1000 \Delta H_m} Parameters ---------- Tm : float Melting temperature of the solute [K] Hm : float Heat of melting at the melting temperature of the solute [J/mol] x : float, optional Mole fraction of the solute [-] M : float, optional Molality [mol/kg] MW : float, optional Molecular weight of the solvent [g/mol] Returns ------- dTm : float Freezing point depression [K] Notes ----- MW is the molecular weight of the solvent. M is the molality of the solute. Examples -------- From [1]_, matching example. >>> Tm_depression_eutectic(353.35, 19110, .02) 1.0864598583150 References ---------- .. [1] Gmehling, Jurgen. Chemical Thermodynamics: For Process Simulation. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2012. ''' if x is not None: dTm = R*Tm*Tm*x/Hm elif M is not None and MW is not None: MW = MW/1000. #g/mol to kg/mol dTm = R*Tm*Tm*MW*M/Hm else: raise ValueError('Either molality or mole fraction of the solute must be specified; MW of the solvent is required also if molality is provided') return dTm
[docs]def Henry_converter(val, old_scale, new_scale, rhom=None, MW=None): r'''Converts Henry's law constant for a gas with respect to a solvent from one scale to another. There are many scales, but it is recommemed to operate in the scale of `SI` - which returns a value with units `Pa`, and directly gets used in place of vapor pressure inside a flash calculation. This removes the complexity of Henry's law, avoiding possible simplication in favor of use with other thermodynamic models. Only some scales require the molecular weight and the molar density of the solvent. Values for water, the most common solute, are 55344.59 mol/m^3 at STP and 18.01528 g/mol. Parameters ---------- val : float Henry's law constant, various units old_scale : str String representing the scale that `val` is in originally. new_scale : str String representing the scale that `val` should be converted to. rhom : float, optional The molar density of the fluid [mol/m^3] MW : float, optional The molecular weight of the fluid [g/mol] Returns ------- result : float Input `val` converted from `old_scale` to `new_scale`, various units Notes ----- The valid scales for this function are any of the following: ('Hcp', 'mol/(m^3*Pa)', 'M/atm', 'Hcc', 'mol/(kg*Pa)', 'Hbp', 'mol/(kg*atm)', 'Hxp', '1/atm', 'alpha', 'bunsen coefficient', 'KHpx', 'atm', 'm^3*Pa/mol', 'KHpc', 'm^3*atm/mol', 'KHcc', 'SI') Examples -------- >>> Henry_converter(1.2e-5, old_scale='Hcp', new_scale='SI', rhom=55344.59, ... MW=18.01528) 4612049166.666666 >>> Henry_converter(0.0297475, old_scale='Hcc', new_scale='KHcc', ... rhom=55344.59, MW=18.01528) 33.61627027481301 References ---------- .. [1] Green, Don, and Robert Perry. Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8E. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007. ''' # Convert val to units of 1/atm if old_scale in HENRY_SCALES_HCP: factor = atm/rhom Hxp = val*factor # multiplication of 1.83089 elif old_scale in HENRY_SCALES_HCP_MOLALITY: # Hcp in Molarity factor = 1000.0/rhom Hxp = val*factor # multiplication of 0.0180695 elif old_scale in HENRY_SCALES_HCC: # Aqueous concentration divided by gas concentration factor = (atm/(R*298.15*rhom)) Hxp = val*factor # multiplication of 7.38573E-4 elif old_scale in HENRY_SCALES_HBP_SI: # Hbp in SI rho = 1e-3*rhom*MW # Vm_to_rho(1.0/rhom, MW) factor = rho*atm/rhom Hxp = val*factor# Multiplication of 1825.40 elif old_scale in HENRY_SCALES_HBP: rho = 1e-3*rhom*MW # Vm_to_rho(1.0/rhom, MW) factor = rho/rhom Hxp = val*factor # multiplication of 0.0180153 elif old_scale in HENRY_SCALES_HXP: Hxp = val elif old_scale in HENRY_SCALES_BUNSEN: factor = atm/(R*273.15*rhom) Hxp = val*factor # multiplication of 8.06171E-4 # Volatility constants elif old_scale in HENRY_SCALES_KHPX: Hxp = 1.0/val elif old_scale in HENRY_SCALES_KHPC_SI: factor = atm/rhom Hxp = factor/val # multiplication of 0.546182 elif old_scale in HENRY_SCALES_KHPC: factor = 1.0/rhom Hxp = factor/val # multiplication of 55341.9 elif old_scale in HENRY_SCALES_KHCC: factor = atm/(R*298.15*rhom) # gas concentration divided by Aqueous concentration Hxp = factor/val # Multiplication of 1353.96 elif old_scale in HENRY_SCALES_SI: Hxp = atm/val else: raise ValueError("Not recognized input scale") # raise ValueError("Not recognized input scale: %s" %old_scale) # Convert from the constant `Hxp` to the desired unit if new_scale in HENRY_SCALES_HCP: factor = atm/rhom conv_val = Hxp/factor elif new_scale in HENRY_SCALES_HCP_MOLALITY: factor = 1000.0/rhom conv_val = Hxp/factor elif new_scale in HENRY_SCALES_HCC: factor = (atm/(R*298.15*rhom)) conv_val = Hxp/factor elif new_scale in HENRY_SCALES_HBP_SI: rho = 1e-3*rhom*MW # Vm_to_rho(1.0/rhom, MW) factor = rho*atm/rhom conv_val = Hxp/factor elif new_scale in HENRY_SCALES_HBP: rho = 1e-3*rhom*MW # Vm_to_rho(1.0/rhom, MW) factor = rho/rhom conv_val = Hxp/factor elif new_scale in HENRY_SCALES_HXP: conv_val = Hxp elif new_scale in HENRY_SCALES_BUNSEN: factor = atm/(R*273.15*rhom) conv_val = Hxp/factor elif new_scale in HENRY_SCALES_KHPX: conv_val = 1.0/Hxp elif new_scale in HENRY_SCALES_KHPC_SI: factor = atm/rhom conv_val = factor/Hxp elif new_scale in HENRY_SCALES_KHPC: factor = 1.0/rhom conv_val = factor/Hxp elif new_scale in HENRY_SCALES_KHCC: factor = atm/(R*298.15*rhom) conv_val = factor/(Hxp) elif new_scale in HENRY_SCALES_SI: conv_val = atm/Hxp else: raise ValueError("Not recognized input scale") # raise ValueError("Not recognized input scale: %s" %new_scale) return conv_val
[docs]def Henry_pressure(T, A, B=0.0, C=0.0, D=0.0, E=0.0, F=0.0): r'''Calculates Henry's law constant as a function of temperature according to the SI units of `Pa` and using a common temperature dependence as used in many process simulation applications. Only the `A` parameter is required - which has no temperature dependence when used by itself. As the model is exponential, a sufficiently high temperature may cause an OverflowError. A negative temperature (or just low, if fit poorly) may cause a math domain error. .. math:: H_{12} = \exp\left(A_{12} + \frac{B_{12}}{T} + C_{12}\ln(T) + D_{12}T + \frac{E_{12}}{T^2} + F T^2\right) Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] A : float Constant term on exponential, [-] B : float, optional Inverse temperature term on exponential, [K] C : float, optional Logarithmic term on exponential, [-] D : float, optional Linear term on exponential, [1/K] E : float, optional Inverse quadratic temperature term on exponential, [K] F : float, optional Quadratic temperature term on exponential, [1/K^2] Returns ------- H12 : float Henry's constant [Pa] Notes ----- Add 11.51292 to the `A` constant if it is said to provide units of `bar`, so that it provides units of `Pa` instead. The `F` parameter is not often included in models. It is rare to fit all parameters. Examples -------- Random test example. >>> Henry_pressure(300.0, A=15.0, B=300.0, C=.04, D=1e-3, E=1e2, F=1e-5) 37105004.47898146 References ---------- .. [1] Gmehling, Jurgen. Chemical Thermodynamics: For Process Simulation. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2012. ''' T_inv = 1.0/T return exp(A + T_inv*(B + E*T_inv) + C*log(T) + T*(D + F*T))
[docs]def Henry_pressure_mixture(Hs, weights=None, zs=None): r'''Mixing rule for Henry's law components. Applies a logarithmic average to all solvent components and mole fractions. Optionally, weight factors can be provided instead of using mole fractions - only specify one of them. A common weight factor is using volume fractions of powers of them, or using critical volumes. Parameters ---------- Hs : list[float or None] Henry's law constant between each gas and the solvent (None for other solvents of gases without parameters available), [Pa] weights : list[float], optional Weight factors, [-] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of all species in phase, [-] Returns ------- H : value Henry's law constant for the gas in the liquid phase, [-] Notes ----- The default weight factor formulation is from [1]_. Examples -------- >>> Henry_pressure_mixture([1072330.36341, 744479.751106, None], zs=[.48, .48, .04]) 893492.1611602883 References ---------- .. [1] Gmehling, Jurgen. Chemical Thermodynamics: For Process Simulation. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2012. ''' N = len(Hs) if weights is None and zs is None: raise ValueError("Weights or mole fractions are required") if weights is None: z_solvent = 0.0 for i in range(N): if Hs[i] is not None: z_solvent += zs[i] # Default parameters - when weight specified only weight by that z_solvent_inv = 1.0/z_solvent weights = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): weights[i] = zs[i]*z_solvent_inv num = 0.0 for i in range(N): if Hs[i] is not None: num += weights[i]*log(Hs[i]) H = exp(num) return H
[docs]def Henry_constants(lnHenry_matrix, zs, henry_components, skip_zero=True, Hs=None): r'''Calculate the Henry's law constants for a list of components, only some of which are henry's law following components (solutes) and the rest that are solvents. The empirical mixing rule from [1]_ is used as follows: .. math:: H_i = \exp\left(\frac{\sum_{\text{j=solvent}} z_j \ln H_{i,j}} {\sum_{\text{j=solvent}} z_j}\right) Parameters ---------- lnHenry_matrix : list[list[float]] Henry's law constants between every species; 0.0 for non-applicable solvents, [log(Pa)] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of all species in phase; this can be mass or volume fractions as well, [-] henry_components : list[bool] Whether or not each component is a henry's law solvent or not, [-] skip_zero : bool If true, if parameters are missing from a solvent-solute pair, that pair will not be counted as part of the solvent fraction. If false, the calculation proceeds and the solubility is underestimated. Missing parameters are assumed from the value of `lnHenry_matrix` being 0, [-] Hs : list[float], optional Henry's law constants for each component; 0 for non-henry components (input array), [Pa] Returns ------- Hs : list[float] Henry's law constants for each component; 0 for non-henry components, [Pa] Notes ----- Examples -------- Oxygen and methane in water: >>> lnHenry_matrix = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [22.13581843104147, 0.0, 0.0], [22.239038459475733, 0.0, 0.0]] >>> Henry_constants(lnHenry_matrix, [0.8, 0.15, 0.05], [False, True, True], True) [0.0, 4106424071.093, 4552937470.331] References ---------- .. [1] Gmehling, Jurgen. Chemical Thermodynamics: For Process Simulation. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2012. ''' N = len(zs) if Hs is None: Hs = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): solvent_fraction = 0.0 solvent_fraction_with_parameters = 0.0 if henry_components[i]: for j in range(N): Hij = lnHenry_matrix[i][j] if not henry_components[j]: solvent_fraction += zs[j] if Hij != 0.0: solvent_fraction_with_parameters += zs[j] Hs[i] += zs[j]*Hij if solvent_fraction_with_parameters == 0.0: # keep the Psats pass elif skip_zero: Hs[i] = trunc_exp(Hs[i]/solvent_fraction_with_parameters) else: Hs[i] = trunc_exp(Hs[i]/solvent_fraction) return Hs
[docs]def dHenry_constants_dT(lnHenry_matrix, dlnHenry_matrix_dT, zs, henry_components, skip_zero=True, dH_dTs=None): r'''Calculate the first temperature derivative of Henry's law constants for a list of components, only some of which are henry's law following components (solutes) and the rest that are solvents. The empirical mixing rule from [1]_ is used as follows: Parameters ---------- lnHenry_matrix : list[list[float]] Henry's law constants between every species; 0.0 for non-applicable solvents, [log(Pa)] dlnHenry_matrix_dT : list[list[float]] First temperature derivative of Henry's law constants between every species; 0.0 for non-applicable solvents, [log(Pa)/K] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of all species in phase; this can be mass or volume fractions as well, [-] henry_components : list[bool] Whether or not each component is a henry's law solvent or not, [-] skip_zero : bool If true, if parameters are missing from a solvent-solute pair, that pair will not be counted as part of the solvent fraction. If false, the calculation proceeds and the solubility is underestimated. Missing parameters are assumed from the value of `lnHenry_matrix` being 0, [-] dH_dTs : list[float], optional First temperature derivative of Henry's law constants for each component; 0 for non-henry components (input array), [Pa/K] Returns ------- dH_dTs : list[float] First temperature derivative of Henry's law constants for each component; 0 for non-henry components, [Pa/K] Notes ----- Examples -------- Oxygen and methane in water: >>> lnHenry_matrix = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [22.13581843104147, 0.0, 0.0], [22.239038459475733, 0.0, 0.0]] >>> dlnHenry_matrix_dT = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.017113988888888904, 0.0, 0.0], [0.015461911111111101, 0.0, 0.0]] >>> dHenry_constants_dT(lnHenry_matrix, dlnHenry_matrix_dT, [0.8, 0.15, 0.05], [False, True, True], True) [0.0, 70277295.92576516, 70397114.46071726] References ---------- .. [1] Gmehling, Jurgen. Chemical Thermodynamics: For Process Simulation. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2012. ''' N = len(zs) if dH_dTs is None: dH_dTs = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): solvent_fraction = 0.0 solvent_fraction_with_parameters = 0.0 Hi = 0.0 dHi_dT = 0.0 if henry_components[i]: for j in range(N): Hij = lnHenry_matrix[i][j] dHij = dlnHenry_matrix_dT[i][j] if not henry_components[j]: solvent_fraction += zs[j] if Hij != 0.0: solvent_fraction_with_parameters += zs[j] Hi += zs[j]*Hij dHi_dT += zs[j]*dHij if solvent_fraction_with_parameters == 0.0: # keep the Psats pass elif skip_zero: Hi = trunc_exp(Hi/solvent_fraction_with_parameters) dH_dTs[i] = Hi*dHi_dT/solvent_fraction_with_parameters else: Hi = trunc_exp(Hi/solvent_fraction) dH_dTs[i] = Hi*dHi_dT/solvent_fraction return dH_dTs
[docs]def d2Henry_constants_dT2(lnHenry_matrix, dlnHenry_matrix_dT, d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2, zs, henry_components, skip_zero=True, d2H_dT2s=None): r'''Calculate the second temperature derivative of Henry's law constants for a list of components, only some of which are henry's law following components (solutes) and the rest that are solvents. The empirical mixing rule from [1]_ is used as follows: Parameters ---------- lnHenry_matrix : list[list[float]] Henry's law constants between every species; 0.0 for non-applicable solvents, [log(Pa)] dlnHenry_matrix_dT : list[list[float]] First temperature derivative of Henry's law constants between every species; 0.0 for non-applicable solvents, [log(Pa)/K] d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2 : list[list[float]] Second temperature derivative of Henry's law constants between every species; 0.0 for non-applicable solvents, [log(Pa)/K^2] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of all species in phase; this can be mass or volume fractions as well, [-] henry_components : list[bool] Whether or not each component is a henry's law solvent or not, [-] skip_zero : bool If true, if parameters are missing from a solvent-solute pair, that pair will not be counted as part of the solvent fraction. If false, the calculation proceeds and the solubility is underestimated. Missing parameters are assumed from the value of `lnHenry_matrix` being 0, [-] d2H_dT2s : list[float], optional Second temperature derivative of Henry's law constants for each component; 0 for non-henry components (input array), [Pa/K^2] Returns ------- d2H_dT2s : list[float] Second temperature derivative of Henry's law constants for each component; 0 for non-henry components, [Pa/K^2] Notes ----- Examples -------- Oxygen and methane in water: >>> lnHenry_matrix = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [22.13581843104147, 0.0, 0.0], [22.239038459475733, 0.0, 0.0]] >>> dlnHenry_matrix_dT = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.017113988888888904, 0.0, 0.0], [0.015461911111111101, 0.0, 0.0]] >>> d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2 = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.0004070325925925928, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.00034016518518518524, 0.0, 0.0]] >>> d2Henry_constants_dT2(lnHenry_matrix, dlnHenry_matrix_dT, d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2, [0.8, 0.15, 0.05], [False, True, True], True) [0.0, -468723.574327235, -460276.89146166] References ---------- .. [1] Gmehling, Jurgen. Chemical Thermodynamics: For Process Simulation. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2012. ''' N = len(zs) if d2H_dT2s is None: d2H_dT2s = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): solvent_fraction = 0.0 solvent_fraction_with_parameters = 0.0 Hi = 0.0 dHi_dT = 0.0 d2Hi_dT2 = 0.0 if henry_components[i]: for j in range(N): Hij = lnHenry_matrix[i][j] dHij = dlnHenry_matrix_dT[i][j] d2Hij = d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2[i][j] if not henry_components[j]: solvent_fraction += zs[j] if Hij != 0.0: solvent_fraction_with_parameters += zs[j] Hi += zs[j]*Hij dHi_dT += zs[j]*dHij d2Hi_dT2 += zs[j]*d2Hij if solvent_fraction_with_parameters == 0.0: # keep the Psats pass elif skip_zero: Hi = trunc_exp(Hi/solvent_fraction_with_parameters) d2H = Hi/solvent_fraction_with_parameters*(d2Hi_dT2 + dHi_dT*dHi_dT/solvent_fraction_with_parameters) d2H_dT2s[i] = d2H else: Hi = trunc_exp(Hi/solvent_fraction) d2H = Hi/solvent_fraction*(d2Hi_dT2 + dHi_dT*dHi_dT/solvent_fraction) d2H_dT2s[i] = d2H return d2H_dT2s