Source code for chemicals.interface

"""Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Caleb Bell <>

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This module contains various surface tension estimation routines, dataframes
of fit coefficients, fitting model equations, mixing rules, and
water-hydrocarbon interfacial tension estimation routines.

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

.. contents:: :local:

Pure Component Correlations
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Brock_Bird
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Pitzer_sigma
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Sastri_Rao
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Zuo_Stenby
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Hakim_Steinberg_Stiel
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Miqueu
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Aleem
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Mersmann_Kind_sigma
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.sigma_Gharagheizi_1
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.sigma_Gharagheizi_2

Mixing Rules
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Winterfeld_Scriven_Davis
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Weinaug_Katz
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Diguilio_Teja

Correlations for Specific Substances
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.sigma_IAPWS

Petroleum Correlations
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.API10A32

Oil-Water Interfacial Tension Correlations
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Meybodi_Daryasafar_Karimi

Fit Correlations
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.REFPROP_sigma
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Somayajulu
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Jasper
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.PPDS14
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.Watson_sigma
.. autofunction:: chemicals.interface.ISTExpansion

Fit Coefficients
All of these coefficients are lazy-loaded, so they must be accessed as an
attribute of this module.

.. data:: sigma_data_Mulero_Cachadina

    Data from [5]_ with :obj:`REFPROP_sigma` coefficients.

.. data:: sigma_data_Jasper_Lange

    Data as shown in [4]_ but originally in [3]_ with :obj:`Jasper` coefficients.

.. data:: sigma_data_Somayajulu

    Data from [1]_ with :obj:`Somayajulu` coefficients.

.. data:: sigma_data_Somayajulu2

    Data from [2]_ with :obj:`Somayajulu` coefficients. These should be
    preferred over the original coefficients.

.. data:: sigma_data_VDI_PPDS_11

    Data from [6]_ with :obj:`chemicals.dippr.EQ106` coefficients.

.. [1] Somayajulu, G. R. "A Generalized Equation for Surface Tension from
   the Triple Point to the Critical Point." International Journal of
   Thermophysics 9, no. 4 (July 1988): 559-66. doi:10.1007/BF00503154.
.. [2] Mulero, A., M. I. Parra, and I. Cachadina. "The Somayajulu
   Correlation for the Surface Tension Revisited." Fluid Phase
   Equilibria 339 (February 15, 2013): 81-88.
.. [3] Jasper, Joseph J. "The Surface Tension of Pure Liquid Compounds."
   Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 1, no. 4
   (October 1, 1972): 841-1010. doi:10.1063/1.3253106.
.. [4] Speight, James. Lange's Handbook of Chemistry. 16 edition.
   McGraw-Hill Professional, 2005.
.. [5] Mulero, A., I. Cachadiña, and M. I. Parra. “Recommended
   Correlations for the Surface Tension of Common Fluids.” Journal of
   Physical and Chemical Reference Data 41, no. 4 (December 1, 2012):
   043105. doi:10.1063/1.4768782.
.. [6] Gesellschaft, V. D. I., ed. VDI Heat Atlas. 2nd edition.
   Berlin; New York:: Springer, 2010.

The structure of each dataframe is shown below:

.. ipython::

    In [1]: import chemicals

    In [2]: chemicals.interface.sigma_data_Mulero_Cachadina

    In [3]: chemicals.interface.sigma_data_Jasper_Lange

    In [4]: chemicals.interface.sigma_data_Somayajulu

    In [5]: chemicals.interface.sigma_data_Somayajulu2

    In [6]: chemicals.interface.sigma_data_VDI_PPDS_11

__all__ = ['REFPROP_sigma', 'Somayajulu', 'Jasper',
           'Brock_Bird', 'Pitzer_sigma', 'Sastri_Rao', 'Zuo_Stenby',
           'sigma_IAPWS', 'PPDS14', 'Watson_sigma',
           'Mersmann_Kind_sigma', 'API10A32',
           'Hakim_Steinberg_Stiel', 'Miqueu', 'Aleem',
           'Winterfeld_Scriven_Davis', 'Diguilio_Teja', 'Weinaug_Katz',
           'Meybodi_Daryasafar_Karimi', 'ISTExpansion', 'sigma_Gharagheizi_1',

from fluids.constants import N_A, k, root_two
from fluids.numerics import exp, log, sqrt
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np

from chemicals.data_reader import data_source, register_df_source
from chemicals.utils import PY37, can_load_data, mark_numba_incompatible, os_path_join, source_path

folder = os_path_join(source_path, 'Interface')

register_df_source(folder, 'MuleroCachadinaParameters.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'Jasper-Lange.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'Somayajulu.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'SomayajuluRevised.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'VDI PPDS surface tensions.tsv')

_interface_dfs_loaded = False
def load_interface_dfs():
    global _interface_dfs_loaded, sigma_data_Mulero_Cachadina, sigma_values_Mulero_Cachadina
    global sigma_data_Jasper_Lange, sigma_values_Jasper_Lange
    global sigma_data_Somayajulu, sigma_values_Somayajulu, sigma_data_Somayajulu2
    global sigma_values_Somayajulu2, sigma_data_VDI_PPDS_11, sigma_values_VDI_PPDS_11

    sigma_data_Mulero_Cachadina = data_source('MuleroCachadinaParameters.tsv')
    sigma_values_Mulero_Cachadina = np.array(sigma_data_Mulero_Cachadina.values[:, 1:], dtype=float)

    sigma_data_Jasper_Lange = data_source('Jasper-Lange.tsv')
    sigma_values_Jasper_Lange = np.array(sigma_data_Jasper_Lange.values[:, 1:], dtype=float)

    sigma_data_Somayajulu = data_source('Somayajulu.tsv')
    sigma_values_Somayajulu = np.array(sigma_data_Somayajulu.values[:, 1:], dtype=float)

    sigma_data_Somayajulu2 = data_source('SomayajuluRevised.tsv')
    sigma_values_Somayajulu2 = np.array(sigma_data_Somayajulu2.values[:, 1:], dtype=float)

    sigma_data_VDI_PPDS_11 = data_source('VDI PPDS surface tensions.tsv')
    sigma_values_VDI_PPDS_11 = np.array(sigma_data_VDI_PPDS_11.values[:, 1:], dtype=float)

if PY37:
    def __getattr__(name):
        if name in ('sigma_data_Mulero_Cachadina', 'sigma_values_Mulero_Cachadina',
                    'sigma_data_Jasper_Lange', 'sigma_values_Jasper_Lange',
                    'sigma_data_Somayajulu', 'sigma_values_Somayajulu', 'sigma_data_Somayajulu2',
                    'sigma_values_Somayajulu2', 'sigma_data_VDI_PPDS_11', 'sigma_values_VDI_PPDS_11'
            return globals()[name]
        raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}")
    if can_load_data:

[docs]def sigma_IAPWS(T): r'''Calculate the surface tension of pure water as a function of . temperature. Assumes the 2011 IAPWS [1]_ formulation. .. math:: \sigma = B\tau^\mu(1+b\tau)\\ .. math:: \tau = 1-T/T_c\\ .. math:: B = 0.2358 \text{N/m}\\ .. math:: b = -0.625\\ .. math:: \mu = 1.256 Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of liquid [K] Returns ------- sigma : float Air-liquid surface tension, [N/m] Notes ----- This function is valid from the triple temperature to the critical temperature. No effects for pressure are included in the formulation. Test values are from IAPWS 2010 book. The equation is valid from the triple point to the critical point, 647.096 K; but [1]_ also recommends its use down to -25°C. If a value larger than the critical temperature is input, 0.0 is returned. Examples -------- >>> sigma_IAPWS(300.) 0.0716859625271 >>> sigma_IAPWS(450.) 0.0428914991565 >>> sigma_IAPWS(600.) 0.0083756108728 References ---------- .. [1] IAPWS. 2014. Revised Release on Surface Tension of Ordinary Water Substance ''' tau = 1. - T*(1.0/647.096) if tau < 0.0: tau = 0.0 return 0.2358*tau**1.256*(1.0 - 0.625*tau)
### Regressed coefficient-based functions
[docs]def REFPROP_sigma(T, Tc, sigma0, n0, sigma1=0.0, n1=0.0, sigma2=0.0, n2=0.0): r'''Calculates air-liquid surface tension using the REFPROP_sigma [1]_ regression-based method. Relatively recent, and most accurate. .. math:: \sigma(T)=\sigma_0\left(1-\frac{T}{T_c}\right)^{n_0}+ \sigma_1\left(1-\frac{T}{T_c}\right)^{n_1}+ \sigma_2\left(1-\frac{T}{T_c}\right)^{n_2} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] sigma0 : float First emperical coefficient of a fluid n0 : float First emperical exponent of a fluid sigma1 : float, optional Second emperical coefficient of a fluid. n1 : float, optional Second emperical exponent of a fluid. sigma2 : float, optional Third emperical coefficient of a fluid. n2 : float, optional Third emperical exponent of a fluid. Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid surface tension, [N/m] Notes ----- Function as implemented in [1]_. No example necessary; results match literature values perfectly. Form of function returns imaginary results when T > Tc; 0 is returned if this is the case. When fitting parameters to this function, it is easy to end up with a fit that returns negative surface tension near but not quite at the critical point. Examples -------- Parameters for water at 298.15 K >>> REFPROP_sigma(298.15, 647.096, -0.1306, 2.471, 0.2151, 1.233) 0.07205503890847453 References ---------- .. [1] Diky, Vladimir, Robert D. Chirico, Chris D. Muzny, Andrei F. Kazakov, Kenneth Kroenlein, Joseph W. Magee, Ilmutdin Abdulagatov, and Michael Frenkel. "ThermoData Engine (TDE): Software Implementation of the Dynamic Data Evaluation Concept." Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 53, no. 12 (2013): 3418-30. doi:10.1021/ci4005699. ''' Tr = T/Tc tau = 1.0 - Tr if tau <= 0.0: return 0.0 if n1 == 0.0 and sigma1 != 0.0: sigma1 = 0.0 if n2 == 0.0 and sigma2 != 0.0: sigma2 = 0.0 sigma = sigma0*(tau)**n0 + sigma1*(tau)**n1 + sigma2*(tau)**n2 return sigma
[docs]def PPDS14(T, Tc, a0, a1, a2): r'''Calculates air-liquid surface tension using the [1]_ emperical (parameter-regressed) method, called the PPDS 14 equation for surface tension. .. math:: \sigma = a_0 \tau^{a_1}(1 + a_2 \tau) Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] a0 : float Regression parameter, [N/m] a1 : float Regression parameter, [-] a2 : float Regression parameter, [-] Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid surface tension, [N/m] Notes ----- If Tc is larger than T, 0 is returned as the model would return complex numbers. If this model is fit with `a0` and `a2` as positive values, it is guaranteed to predict only positive values of `sigma` right up to the critical point. However, `a2` is often fit to be a negative value. Examples -------- Benzene at 280 K from [1]_ >>> PPDS14(T=280, Tc=562.05, a0=0.0786269, a1=1.28646, a2=-0.112304) 0.030559764256249854 References ---------- .. [1] "ThermoData Engine (TDE103b V10.1) User`s Guide." .. [2] Frenkel, Michael, Robert D. Chirico, Vladimir Diky, Xinjian Yan, Qian Dong, and Chris Muzny. "ThermoData Engine (TDE): Software Implementation of the Dynamic Data Evaluation Concept." Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 45, no. 4 (July 1, 2005): 816-38. ''' tau = 1.0 - T/Tc if tau <= 0.0: return 0.0 return a0*tau**a1*(1.0 + a2*tau)
[docs]def Watson_sigma(T, Tc, a1, a2, a3=0.0, a4=0.0, a5=0.0): r'''Calculates air-liquid surface tension using the Watson [1]_ emperical (parameter-regressed) method developed by NIST. .. math:: \sigma = \exp\left[a_{1} + \ln(1 - T_r)\left( a_2 + a_3T_r + a_4T_r^2 + a_5T_r^3 \right)\right] Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] a1 : float Regression parameter, [-] a2 : float Regression parameter, [-] a3 : float Regression parameter, [-] a4 : float Regression parameter, [-] a5 : float Regression parameter, [-] Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid surface tension, [N/m] Notes ----- This expression is also used for enthalpy of vaporization in [1]_. The coefficients from NIST TDE for enthalpy of vaporization are kJ/mol. This model is coded to return 0 values at Tr >= 1. It is otherwise not possible to evaluate this expression at Tr = 1, as log(0) is undefined (although the limit shows the expression converges to 0). This equation does not have any term forcing it to become near-zero at the critical point, but it cannot be fit so as to produce negative values. Examples -------- Isooctane at 350 K from [1]_: >>> Watson_sigma(T=350.0, Tc=543.836, a1=-3.02417, a2=1.21792, a3=-5.26877e-9, a4=5.62659e-9, a5=-2.27553e-9) 0.0138340926605649 References ---------- .. [1] "ThermoData Engine (TDE103b V10.1) User`s Guide." ''' Tr = T/Tc if Tr >= 1.0: return 0.0 l = log(1.0 - Tr) return exp(a1 + l*(a2 + Tr*(a3 + Tr*(a4 + a5*Tr))))
[docs]def ISTExpansion(T, Tc, a1, a2, a3=0.0, a4=0.0, a5=0.0): r'''Calculates air-liquid surface tension using the IST expansion [1]_ emperical (parameter-regressed) method developed by NIST. .. math:: \sigma = \sum_i a_i\left(1 - \frac{T}{T_c} \right)^i Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] a1 : float Regression parameter, [-] a2 : float Regression parameter, [-] a3 : float Regression parameter, [-] a4 : float Regression parameter, [-] a5 : float Regression parameter, [-] Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid surface tension, [N/m] Notes ----- This equation hsa a term term forcing it to become zero at the critical point, but it can easily be fit so as to produce negative values at any reduced temperature. Examples -------- Diethyl phthalate at 400 K from [1]_: >>> ISTExpansion(T=400.0, Tc=776.0, a1=0.037545, a2=0.0363288) 0.02672100905515996 References ---------- .. [1] "ThermoData Engine (TDE103b V10.1) User`s Guide." ''' tau = 1.0 - T/Tc if tau <= 0.0: return 0.0 return tau*(a1 + tau*(a2 + tau*(a3 + tau*(a4 + a5*tau))))
[docs]def Somayajulu(T, Tc, A, B, C): r'''Calculates air-liquid surface tension using the [1]_ emperical (parameter-regressed) method. Well regressed, no recent data. .. math:: \sigma=aX^{5/4}+bX^{9/4}+cX^{13/4} .. math:: X=(T_c-T)/T_c Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] A : float Regression parameter B : float Regression parameter C : float Regression parameter Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid surface tension, N/m Notes ----- Presently untested, but matches expected values. Internal units are mN/m. Form of function returns imaginary results when T > Tc; 0.0 is returned if this is the case. Function is claimed valid from the triple to the critical point. Results can be evaluated beneath the triple point. This function can be accidentally fit to return negative values of surface tension. Examples -------- Water at 300 K >>> Somayajulu(300, 647.126, 232.713514, -140.18645, -4.890098) 0.07166386387996758 References ---------- .. [1] Somayajulu, G. R. "A Generalized Equation for Surface Tension from the Triple Point to the Critical Point." International Journal of Thermophysics 9, no. 4 (July 1988): 559-66. doi:10.1007/BF00503154. ''' if T >= Tc: return 0.0 X = (Tc-T)/Tc return X*sqrt(sqrt(X))*(A + X*(B + C*X))*1e-3
[docs]def Jasper(T, a, b): r'''Calculates surface tension of a fluid given two parameters, a linear fit in Celcius from [1]_ with data reprinted in [2]_. .. math:: \sigma = a - bT Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid, [K] a : float Parameter for equation. Chemical specific. b : float Parameter for equation. Chemical specific. Returns ------- sigma : float Surface tension [N/m] Notes ----- Internal units are mN/m, and degrees Celcius. This function has been checked against several references. As this is a linear model, negative values of surface tension will eventually arise. 0 is returned in these cases. Examples -------- >>> Jasper(298.15, 24, 0.0773) 0.0220675 References ---------- .. [1] Jasper, Joseph J. "The Surface Tension of Pure Liquid Compounds." Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 1, no. 4 (October 1, 1972): 841-1010. doi:10.1063/1.3253106. .. [2] Speight, James. Lange's Handbook of Chemistry. 16 edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2005. ''' sigma = (a - b*(T-273.15))*1e-3 if sigma < 0.0: return 0.0 return sigma
### CSP methods
[docs]def Brock_Bird(T, Tb, Tc, Pc): r'''Calculates air-liquid surface tension using the [1]_ emperical method. Old and tested. .. math:: \sigma = P_c^{2/3}T_c^{1/3}Q(1-T_r)^{11/9} .. math:: Q = 0.1196 \left[ 1 + \frac{T_{br}\ln (P_c/1.01325)}{1-T_{br}}\right]-0.279 Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tb : float Boiling temperature of the fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] Pc : float Critical pressure of fluid [Pa] Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid surface tension, N/m Notes ----- Numerous arrangements of this equation are available. This is DIPPR Procedure 7A: Method for the Surface Tension of Pure, Nonpolar, Nonhydrocarbon Liquids The exact equation is not in the original paper. If Tc is larger than T, 0 is returned as the model would return complex numbers. Examples -------- p-dichloribenzene at 412.15 K, from DIPPR; value differs due to a slight difference in method. >>> Brock_Bird(412.15, 447.3, 685, 3.952E6) 0.02208448325192495 Chlorobenzene from Poling, as compared with a % error value at 293 K. >>> Brock_Bird(293.15, 404.75, 633.0, 4530000.0) 0.032985686413713036 References ---------- .. [1] Brock, James R., and R. Byron Bird. "Surface Tension and the Principle of Corresponding States." AIChE Journal 1, no. 2 (June 1, 1955): 174-77. doi:10.1002/aic.690010208 ''' if T >= Tc: return 0.0 Tc_inv = 1.0/Tc Tbr = Tb*Tc_inv Tr = T*Tc_inv Pc = Pc*1e-5 # Convert to bar Q = 0.1196*(1.0 + Tbr*log(Pc*(1.0/1.01325))/(1.0 - Tbr)) - 0.279 sigma = (Pc)**(2.0/3.0)*Tc**(1.0/3.0)*Q*(1.0 - Tr)**(11.0/9.0) sigma = sigma*1e-3 # convert to N/m return sigma
[docs]def Pitzer_sigma(T, Tc, Pc, omega): r'''Calculates air-liquid surface tension using the correlation derived by [1]_ from the works of [2]_ and [3]_. Based on critical property CSP methods. .. math:: \sigma = P_c^{2/3}T_c^{1/3}\frac{1.86 + 1.18\omega}{19.05} \left[ \frac{3.75 + 0.91 \omega}{0.291 - 0.08 \omega}\right]^{2/3} (1-T_r)^{11/9} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] Pc : float Critical pressure of fluid [Pa] omega : float Acentric factor for fluid, [-] Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid surface tension, N/m Notes ----- The source of this equation has not been reviewed. Internal units of presure are bar, surface tension of mN/m. If Tc is larger than T, 0 is returned as the model would return complex numbers. Examples -------- Chlorobenzene from Poling, as compared with a % error value at 293 K. >>> Pitzer_sigma(293., 633.0, 4530000.0, 0.249) 0.03458453513446388 References ---------- .. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000. .. [2] Curl, R. F., and Kenneth Pitzer. "Volumetric and Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids-Enthalpy, Free Energy, and Entropy." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry 50, no. 2 (February 1, 1958): 265-74. doi:10.1021/ie50578a047 .. [3] Pitzer, K. S.: Thermodynamics, 3d ed., New York, McGraw-Hill, 1995, p. 521. ''' if T >= Tc: return 0.0 Tr = T/Tc Pc = Pc*1e-5 # Convert to bar sigma = Pc**(2.0/3.0)*Tc**(1.0/3.0)*(1.86 + 1.18*omega)*(1.0/19.05)*( (3.75 + 0.91*omega)/(0.291 - 0.08*omega))**(2.0/3.0)*(1.0 - Tr)**(11.0/9.0) return sigma*1e-3 # N/m, please
[docs]def Sastri_Rao(T, Tb, Tc, Pc, chemicaltype=None): r'''Calculates air-liquid surface tension using the correlation derived by [1]_ based on critical property CSP methods and chemical classes. .. math:: \sigma = K P_c^xT_b^y T_c^z\left[\frac{1-T_r}{1-T_{br}}\right]^m Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tb : float Boiling temperature of the fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] Pc : float Critical pressure of fluid [Pa] chemicaltype : str, optional One of 'alcohol', 'acid', or None Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid surface tension, N/m Notes ----- The source of this equation has not been reviewed. Internal units of presure are bar, surface tension of mN/m. If Tc is larger than T, 0 is returned as the model would return complex numbers. Examples -------- Chlorobenzene from Poling, as compared with a % error value at 293 K. >>> Sastri_Rao(293.15, 404.75, 633.0, 4530000.0) 0.03234567739694441 References ---------- .. [1] Sastri, S. R. S., and K. K. Rao. "A Simple Method to Predict Surface Tension of Organic Liquids." The Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal 59, no. 2 (October 1995): 181-86. doi:10.1016/0923-0467(94)02946-6. ''' if T >= Tc: return 0.0 if chemicaltype == 'alcohol': k, x, y, z, m = 2.28, 0.25, 0.175, 0, 0.8 elif chemicaltype == 'acid': k, x, y, z, m = 0.125, 0.50, -1.5, 1.85, 11.0/9.0 else: k, x, y, z, m = 0.158, 0.50, -1.5, 1.85, 11.0/9.0 Tr = T/Tc Tbr = Tb/Tc Pc = Pc*1E-5 # Convert to bar sigma = k*Pc**x*Tb**y*Tc**z*((1.0 - Tr)/(1.0 - Tbr))**m sigma = sigma*1e-3 # N/m return sigma
[docs]def Zuo_Stenby(T, Tc, Pc, omega): r'''Calculates air-liquid surface tension using the reference fluids methods of [1]_. .. math:: \sigma^{(1)} = 40.520(1-T_r)^{1.287} .. math:: \sigma^{(2)} = 52.095(1-T_r)^{1.21548} .. math:: \sigma_r = \sigma_r^{(1)}+ \frac{\omega - \omega^{(1)}} {\omega^{(2)}-\omega^{(1)}} (\sigma_r^{(2)}-\sigma_r^{(1)}) .. math:: \sigma = T_c^{1/3}P_c^{2/3}[\exp{(\sigma_r)} -1] Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] Pc : float Critical pressure of fluid [Pa] omega : float Acentric factor for fluid, [-] Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid surface tension, N/m Notes ----- Presently untested. Have not personally checked the sources. The reference values for methane and n-octane are from the DIPPR database. If Tc is larger than T, 0 is returned as the model would return complex numbers. Examples -------- Chlorobenzene >>> Zuo_Stenby(293., 633.0, 4530000.0, 0.249) 0.03345569011871088 References ---------- .. [1] Zuo, You-Xiang, and Erling H. Stenby. "Corresponding-States and Parachor Models for the Calculation of Interfacial Tensions." The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 75, no. 6 (December 1, 1997): 1130-37. doi:10.1002/cjce.5450750617 ''' if T >= Tc: return 0.0 Tc_1, Pc_1, omega_1 = 190.56, 4599000.0*1e-5, 0.012 Tc_2, Pc_2, omega_2 = 568.7, 2490000.0*1e-5, 0.4 Pc = Pc*1e-5 Tr = T/Tc ST_1 = 40.520*(1.0 - Tr)**1.287 # Methane ST_2 = 52.095*(1.0 - Tr)**1.21548 # n-octane ST_r_1 = log(1.0 + 0.013537770442486932*ST_1) # Constant from 1/(Tc_1**(1.0/3.0)*Pc_1**(2.0/3.0)) # ST_r_1 = log(1.0 + ST_1/(Tc_1**(1.0/3.0)*Pc_1**(2.0/3.0))) ST_r_2 = log(1.0 + 0.014154874587259097*ST_2) # Constant from /(Tc_2**(1.0/3.0)*Pc_2**(2.0/3.0)) sigma_r = ST_r_1 + (omega-omega_1)*(ST_r_2-ST_r_1)*2.5773195876288657 # sigma_r = ST_r_1 + (omega-omega_1)/(omega_2 - omega_1)*(ST_r_2-ST_r_1) sigma = Tc**(1.0/3.0)*Pc**(2.0/3.0)*(exp(sigma_r) - 1.0) sigma = sigma*1e-3 # N/m, please return sigma
[docs]def Hakim_Steinberg_Stiel(T, Tc, Pc, omega, StielPolar=0.0): r'''Calculates air-liquid surface tension using the reference fluids methods of [1]_. .. math:: \sigma = 4.60104\times 10^{-7} P_c^{2/3}T_c^{1/3}Q_p \left(\frac{1-T_r}{0.4}\right)^m .. math:: Q_p = 0.1574+0.359\omega-1.769\chi-13.69\chi^2-0.51\omega^2+1.298\omega\chi .. math:: m = 1.21+0.5385\omega-14.61\chi-32.07\chi^2-1.65\omega^2+22.03\omega\chi Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] Pc : float Critical pressure of fluid [Pa] omega : float Acentric factor for fluid, [-] StielPolar : float, optional Stiel Polar Factor, [-] Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid surface tension, N/m Notes ----- Original equation for m and Q are used. Internal units are atm and mN/m. If Tc is larger than T, 0 is returned as the model would return complex numbers. Examples -------- 1-butanol, as compared to value in CRC Handbook of 0.02493. >>> Hakim_Steinberg_Stiel(298.15, 563.0, 4414000.0, 0.59, StielPolar=-0.07872) 0.02190790257519 References ---------- .. [1] Hakim, D. I., David Steinberg, and L. I. Stiel. "Generalized Relationship for the Surface Tension of Polar Fluids." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals 10, no. 1 (February 1, 1971): 174-75. doi:10.1021/i160037a032. ''' if T >= Tc: return 0.0 omega2 = omega*omega StielPolar2 = StielPolar*StielPolar Q = (0.1574 + 0.359*omega - 1.769*StielPolar - 13.69*StielPolar2 - 0.510*omega2 + 1.298*StielPolar*omega) m = (1.210 + 0.5385*omega - 14.61*StielPolar - 32.07*StielPolar2 - 1.656*omega2 + 22.03*StielPolar*omega) Tr = T/Tc Pc = Pc*(1.0/101325.0) sigma = Pc**(2.0/3.)*Tc**(1.0/3.0)*Q*(2.5*(1.0 - Tr))**m sigma = sigma*1e-3 # convert to N/m return sigma
[docs]def Miqueu(T, Tc, Vc, omega): r'''Calculates air-liquid surface tension using the methods of [1]_. .. math:: \sigma = k T_c \left( \frac{N_a}{V_c}\right)^{2/3} (4.35 + 4.14 \omega)t^{1.26}(1+0.19t^{0.5} - 0.487t) Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] Vc : float Critical volume of fluid [m^3/mol] omega : float Acentric factor for fluid, [-] Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid surface tension, N/m Notes ----- Uses Avogadro's constant and the Boltsman constant. Internal units of volume are mL/mol and mN/m. However, either a typo is in the article or author's work, or my value of k is off by 10; this is corrected nonetheless. Created with 31 normal fluids, none polar or hydrogen bonded. Has an AARD of 3.5%. If Tc is larger than T, 0 is returned as the model would return complex numbers. Examples -------- Bromotrifluoromethane, 2.45 mN/m >>> Miqueu(300., 340.1, 0.000199, 0.1687) 0.003474100774091376 References ---------- .. [1] Miqueu, C, D Broseta, J Satherley, B Mendiboure, J Lachaise, and A Graciaa. "An Extended Scaled Equation for the Temperature Dependence of the Surface Tension of Pure Compounds Inferred from an Analysis of Experimental Data." Fluid Phase Equilibria 172, no. 2 (July 5, 2000): 169-82. doi:10.1016/S0378-3812(00)00384-8. ''' if T >= Tc: return 0.0 Vc = Vc*1E6 t = 1. - T/Tc sigma = k*Tc*(N_A/Vc)**(2.0/3.0)*(4.35 + 4.14*omega)*t**1.26*(1.0 + 0.19*sqrt(t) - 0.25*t)*10000.0 return sigma
[docs]def Aleem(T, MW, Tb, rhol, Hvap_Tb, Cpl): r'''Calculates vapor-liquid surface tension using the correlation derived by [1]_ based on critical property CSP methods. .. math:: \sigma = \phi \frac{MW^{1/3}} {6N_A^{1/3}}\rho_l^{2/3}\left[H_{vap} + C_{p,l}(T_b-T)\right] .. math:: \phi = 1 - 0.0047MW + 6.8\times 10^{-6} MW^2 Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] MW : float Molecular weight [g/mol] Tb : float Boiling temperature of the fluid [K] rhol : float Liquid density at T and P [kg/m^3] Hvap_Tb : float Mass enthalpy of vaporization at the normal boiling point [kg/m^3] Cpl : float Liquid heat capacity of the chemical at T [J/kg/K] Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid-vapor surface tension [N/m] Notes ----- Internal units of molecuar weight are kg/mol. This model is dimensionally consistent. This model does not use the critical temperature. After it predicts a surface tension of 0 at a sufficiently high temperature, it returns negative results. The temperature at which this occurs (the "predicted" critical temperature) can be calculated as follows: .. math:: \sigma = 0 \to T_{c,predicted} \text{ at } T_b + \frac{H_{vap}}{Cp_l} To handle this case, if Tc is larger than T, 0 is returned as the model would return complex numbers. Because of its dependence on density, it has the potential to model the effect of pressure on surface tension. Claims AAD of 4.3%. Developed for normal alkanes. Total of 472 data points. Behaves worse for higher alkanes. Behaves very poorly overall. Examples -------- Methane at 90 K >>> Aleem(T=90, MW=16.04246, Tb=111.6, rhol=458.7, Hvap_Tb=510870., ... Cpl=2465.) 0.01669970230131523 References ---------- .. [1] Aleem, W., N. Mellon, S. Sufian, M. I. A. Mutalib, and D. Subbarao. "A Model for the Estimation of Surface Tension of Pure Hydrocarbon Liquids." Petroleum Science and Technology 33, no. 23-24 (December 17, 2015): 1908-15. doi:10.1080/10916466.2015.1110593. ''' MW = MW*1e-3 # Use kg/mol for consistency with the other units sphericity = 1. - MW*(0.0047 - 6.8E-6*MW) res = sphericity*MW**(1.0/3.0)/(6.*N_A**(1.0/3.0))*rhol**(2.0/3.)*(Hvap_Tb + Cpl*(Tb-T)) if res < 0.0: return 0.0 return res
[docs]def Mersmann_Kind_sigma(T, Tm, Tb, Tc, Pc, n_associated=1): r'''Estimates the surface tension of organic liquid substances according to the method of [1]_. .. math:: \sigma^* = \frac{\sigma n_{ass}^{1/3}} {(kT_c)^{1/3} T_{rm}P_c^{2/3}} .. math:: \sigma^* = \left(\frac{T_b - T_m}{T_m}\right)^{1/3} \left[6.25(1-T_r) + 31.3(1-T_r)^{4/3}\right] Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of the fluid [K] Tm : float Melting temperature [K] Tb : float Boiling temperature of the fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of the fluid [K] Pc : float Critical pressure of the fluid [Pa] n_associated : float Number of associated molecules in a cluster (2 for alcohols, 1 otherwise), [-] Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid-vapor surface tension [N/m] Notes ----- In the equation, all quantities must be in SI units. `k` is the boltzman constant. If Tc is larger than T, 0 is returned as the model would return complex numbers. Examples -------- MTBE at STP (the actual value is 0.0181): >>> Mersmann_Kind_sigma(298.15, 164.15, 328.25, 497.1, 3430000.0) 0.016744311449290426 References ---------- .. [1] Mersmann, Alfons, and Matthias Kind. "Prediction of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Pure Liquids, of Critical Data, and of Vapor Pressure." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, January 31, 2017. ''' if T >= Tc: return 0.0 Tr = T/Tc sigma_star = ((Tb - Tm)/Tm)**(1.0/3.)*(6.25*(1. - Tr) + 31.3*(1. - Tr)**(4.0/3.)) sigma = sigma_star*(k*Tc)**(1.0/3.0)*(Tm/Tc)*Pc**(2.0/3.0)*n_associated**(-1.0/3.0) return sigma
[docs]def sigma_Gharagheizi_1(T, Tc, MW, omega): r'''Calculates air-liquid surface tension using the equation 4 derived in [1]_ by gene expression programming. .. math:: \sigma = 8.948226\times 10^{-4}\left[\frac{A^2}{MW}\sqrt{\frac{A\omega}{MW}} \right]^{0.5} .. math:: A = (T_{c} - T - \omega) Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] MW : float Molecular weight [g/mol] omega : float Acentric factor for fluid, [-] Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid surface tension, N/m Notes ----- This equation may fail before the critical point. In this case it returns 0.0 If Tc is larger than T, 0 is returned as the model would return complex numbers. Examples -------- Methane at 93 K, point from [1]_'s supporting material: >>> sigma_Gharagheizi_1(T=95, Tc=190.564, MW=16.04, omega=0.012) 0.0110389739 References ---------- .. [1] Gharagheizi, Farhad, Ali Eslamimanesh, Mehdi Sattari, Amir H. Mohammadi, and Dominique Richon. "Development of Corresponding States Model for Estimation of the Surface Tension of Chemical Compounds." AIChE Journal 59, no. 2 (2013): 613-21. ''' # Equation 4 A = (Tc - T - omega) if A < 0.0: return 0.0 sigma = 8.948226e-4*sqrt(A*A/MW*sqrt(A*omega/MW)) return sigma
[docs]def sigma_Gharagheizi_2(T, Tb, Tc, Pc, Vc): r'''Calculates air-liquid surface tension using the equation 6 derived in [1]_ by gene expression programming. .. math:: \frac{\sigma}{\text{N}/\text{m}} = 10^{-4}\left(\frac{P_c}{\text{bar}}\right)^{2/3} \left(\frac{T_c}{\text{K}}\right)^{1/3}(1-T_r)^{11/9} \left[7.728729T_{br} + 2.476318\left(T_{br}^3 + \frac{V_{c}}{\text{m}^3 /\text{kmol}}\right) \right] Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tb : float Boiling temperature of the fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] Pc : float Critical pressure of fluid [Pa] Vc : float Critical volume of fluid [m^3/mol] Returns ------- sigma : float Liquid surface tension, N/m Notes ----- This expression gives does converge to 0 at the critical point. If Tc is larger than T, 0 is returned as the model would return complex numbers. Examples -------- Methane at 93 K, point from [1]_'s supporting material: >>> sigma_Gharagheizi_2(T=95, Tb=111.66, Tc=190.564, Pc=45.99e5, Vc=0.0986e-3) 0.01674894057 References ---------- .. [1] Gharagheizi, Farhad, Ali Eslamimanesh, Mehdi Sattari, Amir H. Mohammadi, and Dominique Richon. "Development of Corresponding States Model for Estimation of the Surface Tension of Chemical Compounds." AIChE Journal 59, no. 2 (2013): 613-21. ''' # Equation 6 if T >= Tc: return 0.0 Pc *= 1e-5 # Pc, Pa to bar Tr = T/Tc Tbr = Tb/Tc Tbr2 = Tbr*Tbr Vc *= 1e3 # m^3/mol to m^3/kmol sigma = 1e-4*Pc**(2.0/3.0)*Tc**(1.0/3.0)*(1.0 - Tr)**(11/9.) sigma *= (7.728729*Tbr + 2.476318*(Tbr*Tbr2 + Vc)) return sigma
[docs]def API10A32(T, Tc, K_W): r'''Calculates the interfacial tension between a liquid petroleum fraction and air, using the oil's pseudocritical temperature and Watson K Characterization factor. .. math:: \sigma = \frac{673.7\left[\frac{\left(T_c - T\right)}{T_c}\right]^{1.232}}{K_W} Parameters ---------- T : float Liquid temperature, [K] Tc : float Pseudocritical temperature (or critical temperature if using the equation with a pure component), [K] K_W : float Watson characterization factor Returns ------- sigma : float Air-liquid surface tension, [N/m] Notes ----- [1]_ cautions that this should not be applied to coal liquids, and that it will give higher errors at pressures above 500 psi. [1]_ claims this has an average error of 10.7%. This function converges to zero at `Tc`. If Tc is larger than T, 0 is returned as the model would return complex numbers. Examples -------- Sample problem in Comments on Procedure 10A3.2.1 of [1]_; >>> from fluids.core import F2K, R2K >>> API10A32(T=F2K(60), Tc=R2K(1334), K_W=12.4) 29.577333312096968 References ---------- .. [1] API Technical Data Book: General Properties & Characterization. American Petroleum Institute, 7E, 2005. ''' if T >= Tc: return 0.0 return 673.7*((Tc-T)/Tc)**1.232/K_W
### Surface Tension Mixtures
[docs]def Winterfeld_Scriven_Davis(xs, sigmas, rhoms): r'''Calculates surface tension of a liquid mixture according to mixing rules in [1]_ and also in [2]_. .. math:: \sigma_M = \sum_i \sum_j \frac{1}{V_L^{L2}}\left(x_i V_i \right) \left( x_jV_j\right)\sqrt{\sigma_i\cdot \sigma_j} Parameters ---------- xs : array-like Mole fractions of all components, [-] sigmas : array-like Surface tensions of all components, [N/m] rhoms : array-like Molar densities of all components, [mol/m^3] Returns ------- sigma : float Air-liquid surface tension of mixture, [N/m] Notes ----- DIPPR Procedure 7C: Method for the Surface Tension of Nonaqueous Liquid Mixtures Becomes less accurate as liquid-liquid critical solution temperature is approached. DIPPR Evaluation: 3-4% AARD, from 107 nonaqueous binary systems, 1284 points. Internally, densities are converted to kmol/m^3. The Amgat function is used to obtain liquid mixture density in this equation. Raises a ZeroDivisionError if either molar volume are zero, and a ValueError if a surface tensions of a pure component is negative. Examples -------- >>> Winterfeld_Scriven_Davis([0.1606, 0.8394], [0.01547, 0.02877], ... [8610., 15530.]) 0.02496738845043982 References ---------- .. [1] Winterfeld, P. H., L. E. Scriven, and H. T. Davis. "An Approximate Theory of Interfacial Tensions of Multicomponent Systems: Applications to Binary Liquid-Vapor Tensions." AIChE Journal 24, no. 6 (November 1, 1978): 1010-14. doi:10.1002/aic.690240610. .. [2] Danner, Ronald P, and Design Institute for Physical Property Data. Manual for Predicting Chemical Process Design Data. New York, N.Y, 1982. ''' N = len(xs) Vms = [0.0]*N rho = 0.0 for i in range(N): Vms[i] = 1e3/rhoms[i] rho += xs[i]*Vms[i] # rho = 1./rho rho = root_two/rho # factor out rt2 # For speed, transform the Vms array to contain # xs[i]*Vms[i]*sigmas_05[i]*rho tot = 0.0 for i in range(N): val = sqrt(sigmas[i])*xs[i]*rho*Vms[i] Vms[i] = val tot += val*val tot *= 0.5 for i in range(N): # Symmetric - can be slightly optimized temp = 0.0 for j in range(i): temp += Vms[j] tot += Vms[i]*temp return tot
[docs]def Diguilio_Teja(T, xs, sigmas_Tb, Tbs, Tcs): r'''Calculates surface tension of a liquid mixture according to mixing rules in [1]_. .. math:: \sigma = 1.002855(T^*)^{1.118091} \frac{T}{T_b} \sigma_r .. math:: T^* = \frac{(T_c/T)-1}{(T_c/T_b)-1} .. math:: \sigma_r = \sum x_i \sigma_i .. math:: T_b = \sum x_i T_{b,i} .. math:: T_c = \sum x_i T_{c,i} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] xs : array-like Mole fractions of all components sigmas_Tb : array-like Surface tensions of all components at the boiling point, [N/m] Tbs : array-like Boiling temperatures of all components, [K] Tcs : array-like Critical temperatures of all components, [K] Returns ------- sigma : float Air-liquid surface tension of mixture, [N/m] Notes ----- Simple model, however it has 0 citations. Gives similar results to the `Winterfeld_Scriven_Davis` model. Raises a ValueError if temperature is greater than the mixture's critical temperature or if the given temperature is negative, or if the mixture's boiling temperature is higher than its critical temperature. [1]_ claims a 4.63 percent average absolute error on 21 binary and 4 ternary non-aqueous systems. [1]_ also considered Van der Waals mixing rules for `Tc`, but found it provided a higher error of 5.58% Examples -------- >>> Diguilio_Teja(T=298.15, xs=[0.1606, 0.8394], ... sigmas_Tb=[0.01424, 0.02530], Tbs=[309.21, 312.95], Tcs=[469.7, 508.0]) 0.025716823875045505 References ---------- .. [1] Diguilio, Ralph, and Amyn S. Teja. "Correlation and Prediction of the Surface Tensions of Mixtures." The Chemical Engineering Journal 38, no. 3 (July 1988): 205-8. doi:10.1016/0300-9467(88)80079-0. ''' Tc, Tb, sigmar = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 for i in range(len(xs)): Tc += Tcs[i]*xs[i] Tb += Tbs[i]*xs[i] sigmar += sigmas_Tb[i]*xs[i] if T > Tc: return 0.0 Tst = (Tc/T - 1.)/(Tc/Tb - 1.0) return 1.002855*Tst**1.118091*(T/Tb)*sigmar
[docs]def Weinaug_Katz(parachors, Vml, Vmg, xs, ys): r'''Calculates surface tension of a liquid mixture according to mixing rules in [1]_ and also in [2]_. This is based on the Parachor concept. This is called the Macleod-Sugden model in some places. .. math:: \sigma_M = \left[\sum_i P_i\left( \frac{x_i}{V_{m,l}} - \frac{y_i}{V_{m,g}}\right) \right]^4 Parameters ---------- parachors : list[float] Parachors of each component, [N^0.25*m^2.75/mol] Vml : float Liquid mixture molar volume, [m^3/mol] Vmg : float Gas mixture molar volume; this can be set to zero at low pressures, [m^3/mol] xs : list[float] Mole fractions of all components in liquid phase, [-] ys : list[float] Mole fractions of all components in gas phase, [-] Returns ------- sigma : float Air-liquid surface tension of mixture, [N/m] Notes ----- This expression is efficient and does not require pure component surface tensions. Its accuracy is dubious. Examples -------- >>> Weinaug_Katz([5.1e-5, 7.2e-5], Vml=0.000125, Vmg=0.02011, xs=[.4, .6], ys=[.6, .4]) 0.06547479150776776 Neglect the vapor phase density by setting `Vmg` to a high value: >>> Weinaug_Katz([5.1e-5, 7.2e-5], Vml=0.000125, Vmg=1e100, xs=[.4, .6], ys=[.6, .4]) 0.06701752894095361 References ---------- .. [1] Weinaug, Charles F., and Donald L. Katz. "Surface Tensions of Methane-Propane Mixtures." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry 35, no. 2 (February 1, 1943): 239-246. .. [2] Pedersen, Karen Schou, Aage Fredenslund, and Per Thomassen. Properties of Oils and Natural Gases. Vol. 5. Gulf Pub Co, 1989. ''' tot = 0.0 rhoml = 1.0/Vml rhomg = 1.0/Vmg for i in range(len(parachors)): tot += parachors[i]*(xs[i]*rhoml - ys[i]*rhomg) tot *= tot tot *= tot # fourth power it return tot
### Water-hydrocarbon interfacial tensions
[docs]def Meybodi_Daryasafar_Karimi(rho_water, rho_oil, T, Tc): r'''Calculates the interfacial tension between water and a hydrocabon liquid according to the correlation of [1]_. .. math:: \gamma_{hw} = \left(\frac{A_1 + A_2 \Delta \rho + A_3\Delta\rho^2 + A_4\Delta\rho^3} {A_5 + A_6\frac{T^{A_7}}{T_{c,h}} + A_8T^{A_9}} \right)^{A_{10}} Parameters ---------- rho_water : float The density of the aqueous phase, [kg/m^3] rho_oil : float The density of the hydrocarbon phase, [kg/m^3] T : float Temperature of the fluid, [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of the hydrocarbon mixture, [K] Returns ------- sigma : float Hydrocarbon-water surface tension [N/m] Notes ----- Internal units of the equation are g/mL and mN/m. Examples -------- >>> Meybodi_Daryasafar_Karimi(980, 760, 580, 914) 0.02893598143089256 References ---------- .. [1] Kalantari Meybodi, Mahdi, Amin Daryasafar, and Masoud Karimi. "Determination of Hydrocarbon-Water Interfacial Tension Using a New Empirical Correlation." Fluid Phase Equilibria 415 (May 15, 2016): 42-50. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2016.01.037. ''' A1 = -1.3687340042E-1 A2 = -3.0391828884E-1 A3 = 5.6225871072E-1 A4 = -3.3074367079E-1 A5 = -3.0050179309E0 A6 = 5.8914210205E-5 A7 = -4.1388901263E0 A8 = 3.0084299030E0 A9 = -3.8203072876E-3 # A10 = 3.5000000000E0 drho = abs(rho_water - rho_oil)*1e-3 # Correlation in units of g/mL sigma = ((A1 + drho*(A2 + drho*(A3 + A4*drho))) /(A5 + A6*T**A7/Tc + A8*T**A9)) return sigma*sigma*sigma*sqrt(sigma)*1e-3 # mN/m to N/m