Source code for chemicals.iapws

"""Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell

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of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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This module contains the core of the IAPWS-95 and IAPWS-97 standards.
The objective of this module is to contain extremely fast functions to
calculate several basic properties of water.

The simplest interfaces are :obj:`iapws95_rho` for density calculation only and
:obj:`iapws95_properties` for some basic properties.

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

.. contents:: :local:

IAPWS-95 Basic Solvers
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_rho
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_P
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_T

IAPWS-97 Basic Solvers
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_rho
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_P
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_T

IAPWS-95 Properties
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_properties

IAPWS Saturation Pressure/Temperature
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_Psat
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_dPsat_dT
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws92_Psat
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws92_dPsat_dT
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_Tsat
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_saturation
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws11_Psub

IAPWS Saturation Density
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_rhol_sat
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_rhog_sat
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_drhol_sat_dT
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws92_rhol_sat
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws92_rhog_sat

IAPWS Constants
.. autodata:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_Tc
.. autodata:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_Pc
.. autodata:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_rhoc
.. autodata:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_MW
.. autodata:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_R
.. autodata:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_R
.. autodata:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_Tt

IAPWS-97 Region 1
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_G_region1
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_dG_dpi_region1
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_d2G_dpi2_region1
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_dG_dtau_region1
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_d2G_dtau2_region1
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_d2G_dpidtau_region1

IAPWS-97 Region 2
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_G0_region2
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_dG0_dtau_region2
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_d2G0_dtau2_region2
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_Gr_region2
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_dGr_dpi_region2
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_d2Gr_dpi2_region2
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_dGr_dtau_region2
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_d2Gr_dtau2_region2
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_d2Gr_dpidtau_region2

IAPWS-97 Region 3
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_A_region3
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_dA_ddelta_region3
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_d2A_ddelta2_region3
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_dA_dtau_region3
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_d2A_dtau2_region3
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_d2A_ddeltadtau_region3

IAPWS-97 Region 3 PT Backwards Equation Boundaries
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_boundary_3uv
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_boundary_3ef
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_boundary_3cd
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_boundary_3gh
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_boundary_3ij
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_boundary_3jk
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_boundary_3mn
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_boundary_3qu
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_boundary_3rx
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_boundary_3wx
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_boundary_3ab
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_boundary_3op

IAPWS-97 Region 3 PT Backwards Equations
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_a
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_b
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_c
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_d
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_e
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_f
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_g
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_h
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_i
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_j
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_k
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_l
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_m
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_n
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_o
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_p
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_q
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_r
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_s
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_t
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_u
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_v
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_w
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_x
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_y
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_region3_z

IAPWS-97 Region 5
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_G0_region5
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_dG0_dtau_region5
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_d2G0_dtau2_region5
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_Gr_region5
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_dGr_dpi_region5
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_d2Gr_dpi2_region5
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_dGr_dtau_region5
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_d2Gr_dtau2_region5
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws97_d2Gr_dpidtau_region5

IAPWS-95 Ideal Gas Terms
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_A0
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_dA0_dtau
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_d2A0_dtau2
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_d3A0_dtau3
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_A0_tau_derivatives

IAPWS-95 Residual Terms
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_Ar
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_dAr_ddelta
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_d2Ar_ddelta2
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_d3Ar_ddelta3
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_dAr_dtau
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_d2Ar_dtau2
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_d2Ar_ddeltadtau
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_d3Ar_ddeltadtau2
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_d3Ar_ddelta2dtau
.. autofunction:: chemicals.iapws.iapws95_d4Ar_ddelta2dtau2


from fluids.numerics import broyden2, cbrt, exp, horner, horner_and_der, log, newton, newton_system, solve_2_direct, sqrt, translate_bound_f_jac, trunc_exp

from chemicals.utils import mark_numba_uncacheable
from chemicals.vapor_pressure import Psat_IAPWS, Tsat_IAPWS

__all__ = ['iapws97_identify_region_TP', 'iapws97_region_3', 'iapws97_region3_rho',
           'iapws97_region1_rho', 'iapws97_region2_rho', 'iapws97_region5_rho',
           'iapws95_rho', 'iapws95_P', 'iapws95_T', 'iapws97_rho_extrapolated',
           'iapws97_rho', 'iapws97_P', 'iapws97_T', 'iapws95_Psat', 'iapws95_dPsat_dT',
           'iapws95_Tsat', 'iapws92_rhol_sat', 'iapws92_rhog_sat', 'iapws95_rhol_sat',
    'iapws95_rhog_sat', 'iapws95_saturation', 'iapws95_A0', 'iapws95_dA0_dtau',
    'iapws95_d2A0_dtau2', 'iapws95_d3A0_dtau3', 'iapws95_A0_tau_derivatives',
    'iapws95_Ar', 'iapws95_d3Ar_ddeltadtau2', 'iapws95_d3Ar_ddelta2dtau',
    'iapws95_dAr_ddelta', 'iapws95_d2Ar_ddelta2', 'iapws95_d3Ar_ddelta3',
    'iapws95_dAr_dtau', 'iapws95_d2Ar_dtau2', 'iapws95_d2Ar_ddeltadtau',
    'iapws95_MW', 'iapws95_Pc', 'iapws95_Tc', 'iapws95_rhoc', 'iapws95_R',
    'iapws97_R', 'iapws97_G_region1', 'iapws95_drhol_sat_dT',
    'iapws97_dG_dpi_region1', 'iapws97_d2G_dpi2_region1',
    'iapws97_dG_dtau_region1', 'iapws97_d2G_dtau2_region1',
    'iapws97_d2G_dpidtau_region1', 'iapws97_Gr_region2',
    'iapws97_dGr_dpi_region2', 'iapws97_d2Gr_dpi2_region2',
    'iapws97_dGr_dtau_region2', 'iapws97_d2Gr_dtau2_region2',
    'iapws97_d2Gr_dpidtau_region2', 'iapws97_G0_region2',
    'iapws97_dG0_dtau_region2', 'iapws97_d2G0_dtau2_region2',
    'iapws97_Gr_region5', 'iapws97_dGr_dpi_region5', 'iapws97_d2Gr_dpi2_region5',
    'iapws97_dGr_dtau_region5', 'iapws97_d2Gr_dtau2_region5',
           'iapws97_d2Gr_dpidtau_region5', 'iapws97_G0_region5',
           'iapws97_dG0_dtau_region5', 'iapws97_d2G0_dtau2_region5', 'iapws97_A_region3',
           'iapws97_dA_ddelta_region3', 'iapws97_d2A_ddelta2_region3',
           'iapws97_dA_dtau_region3', 'iapws97_d2A_dtau2_region3',
           'iapws97_d2A_ddeltadtau_region3', 'iapws97_boundary_3uv',
           'iapws97_boundary_3ef', 'iapws97_boundary_3ef', 'iapws97_boundary_3cd',
           'iapws97_boundary_3gh', 'iapws97_boundary_3ij', 'iapws97_boundary_3jk',
           'iapws97_boundary_3mn', 'iapws97_boundary_3qu', 'iapws97_boundary_3rx',
           'iapws97_boundary_3wx', 'iapws97_boundary_3ab', 'iapws97_boundary_3op',
           'iapws97_region3_a', 'iapws97_region3_b', 'iapws97_region3_c',
           'iapws97_region3_d', 'iapws97_region3_e', 'iapws97_region3_f',
           'iapws97_region3_g', 'iapws97_region3_h', 'iapws97_region3_i',
           'iapws97_region3_j', 'iapws97_region3_k', 'iapws97_region3_l',
           'iapws97_region3_m', 'iapws97_region3_n', 'iapws97_region3_o',
           'iapws97_region3_p', 'iapws97_region3_q', 'iapws97_region3_r',
           'iapws97_region3_s', 'iapws97_region3_t', 'iapws97_region3_u',
           'iapws97_region3_v', 'iapws97_region3_w', 'iapws97_region3_x',
           'iapws97_region3_y', 'iapws97_region3_z',
           'iapws92_Psat', 'iapws92_dPsat_dT',

iapws95_R = 461.51805
"""Specific gas constant in J/(kg*K) according to IAPWS-95"""

iapws97_R = 461.526
"""Specific gas constant in J/(kg*K) according to IAPWS-97"""

iapws95_MW = 18.015268
"""Molecular weight of water in g/mol according to IAPWS-95, also used in IAPWS-97"""

iapws95_Pc = 22064000.0
"""Critical pressure of water in Pa according to IAPWS-95, also used in IAPWS-97"""

iapws95_Tc = 647.096
"""Critical temperature of water in K according to IAPWS-95, also used in IAPWS-97"""

iapws95_Tc_inv = 1.0 / iapws95_Tc

iapws95_rhoc = 322.0
"""Critical density of water in kg/m^3 according to IAPWS-95, also used in IAPWS-97"""

iapws95_rhoc_inv = 1.0 / iapws95_rhoc

iapws95_R_rhoc_inv2 = iapws95_R*iapws95_rhoc_inv*iapws95_rhoc_inv

iapws95_Tt = 273.16
"""Triple temperature of water in K according to IAPWS"""

def use_mpmath_backend():
    import mpmath as mp
    globals()['exp'] = mp.exp
    globals()['log'] = mp.log
    globals()['sqrt'] = mp.sqrt
    globals()['iapws95_R'] = mp.mpf("461.51805")
    globals()['iapws97_R'] = mp.mpf("461.526")
    globals()['iapws95_MW'] = mp.mpf("18.015268")
    globals()['iapws95_Tc'] = mp.mpf("647.096")
    globals()['Tc_inv'] = 1/mp.mpf("647.096")
    globals()['rhoc'] = mp.mpf("322")
    globals()['iapws95_rhoc_inv'] = 1/mp.mpf("322")
    import fluids.numerics
    fluids.numerics.exp = mp.exp
    fluids.numerics.log = mp.log
    fluids.numerics.trunc_exp = mp.exp
    fluids.numerics.trunc_log = mp.log

    return mp

def reset_backend():
    import math
    globals()['exp'] = math.exp
    globals()['log'] = math.log
    globals()['sqrt'] = math.sqrt
    globals()['iapws95_R'] = 461.51805
    globals()['iapws97_R'] = 461.526
    globals()['iapws95_MW'] = 18.015268
    globals()['iapws95_Tc'] = 647.096
    globals()['Tc_inv'] = 1/647.096
    globals()['rhoc'] = 322.0
    globals()['iapws95_rhoc_inv'] = 1/322.0
    import fluids.numerics
    import fluids.numerics.special
    fluids.numerics.exp = math.exp
    fluids.numerics.log = math.log
    fluids.numerics.trunc_exp = fluids.numerics.special.trunc_exp
    fluids.numerics.trunc_log = fluids.numerics.special.trunc_log

def iapws97_boundary_2_3(T):
    '''Above this pressure we are in region 3.

    >>> iapws97_boundary_2_3(0.623150000E3)
    return (0.34805185628969E9 - T*(0.11671859879975E7 - 0.10192970039326E4*T))

### IAPWS 07 Region 3 P boundaries

def iapws97_boundary_2_3_reverse(P):
    >>> iapws97_boundary_2_3_reverse(16529164.2526216)
    return (116.85603437027114637*sqrt(7.1845068690062562659e-8*P - 1.0)
            + 572.54459862744727161)

[docs]def iapws97_boundary_3uv(P): ''' >>> iapws97_boundary_3uv(22.3E6) 647.7996121480069 ''' return (P*(P*(2.867916822636969863e-21*P - 2.228141349037550121e-13) + 8.905796021353068107e-6) + 528.1996462630620499)
# P = P/1E6 # T = sum([nis3uv[i]*P**Iis3uv[i] for i in range(4)]) # return T
[docs]def iapws97_boundary_3ef(P): ''' >>> iapws97_boundary_3ef(40E6) 713.959399239744 ''' return 3.7278880039999996e-6*P + 564.843879079744056
# P = P/1E6 # T = 3.727888004*(P-22.064)+Tc # return T
[docs]def iapws97_boundary_3cd(P): ''' >>> iapws97_boundary_3cd(25E6) 649.3659208321279 ''' return (P*(P*(1.59090746562728991e-22*P - 1.2728354929587799e-14) + 2.78233532206914969e-6) + 585.27696669634895)
# P = P/1E6 # T = sum([nis3cd[i]*P**Iis3cd[i] for i in range(4)]) # return T
[docs]def iapws97_boundary_3gh(P): ''' >>> iapws97_boundary_3gh(25E6) 656.69805722612 ''' return (P*(P*(P*(7.51608051114156857e-18 - 7.87105249910382769e-26*P) - 2.69029173140129987e-10) + 0.0042814358479154593) - 24928.4240900418008)
# P = P/1E6 # T = sum([nis3gh[i]*P**Iis3gh[i] for i in range(5)]) # return T
[docs]def iapws97_boundary_3ij(P): ''' >>> iapws97_boundary_3ij(25E6) 660.7865756716819 ''' return (P*(P*(P*(5.15308185433081825e-29*P - 5.87071076864458977e-21) + 2.60763050899561981e-13) - 6.16179320924617007e-7) + 584.814781649163024)
# P = P/1E6 # T = sum([nis3ij[i]*P**Iis3ij[i] for i in range(5)]) # return T
[docs]def iapws97_boundary_3jk(P): ''' >>> iapws97_boundary_3jk(25E6) 668.1915358826951 ''' return (P*(P*(P*(1.37897492684193974e-28*P - 1.57391839848015003e-20) + 6.97072596851896056e-13) - 7.70600270141674947e-6) + 617.229772068439047)
# P = P/1E6 # T = sum([nis3jk[i]*P**Iis3jk[i] for i in range(5)]) # return T
[docs]def iapws97_boundary_3mn(P): ''' >>> iapws97_boundary_3mn(22.8E6) 649.6054132953997 ''' return (P*(P*(1.92871054508107992e-21*P - 1.58365725441647998e-13) + 7.61978122720127966e-6) + 535.339483742384004)
# P = P/1E6 # T = sum([nis3mn[i]*P**Iis3mn[i] for i in range(4)]) # return T
[docs]def iapws97_boundary_3qu(P): ''' >>> iapws97_boundary_3qu(22E6) 645.6355027340121 ''' return (P*(P*(1.22240301070144985e-21*P - 1.02020639611015996e-13) + 5.29062258221221963e-6) + 565.60364823912596)
# P = P/1E6 # T = sum([nis3qu[i]*P**Iis3qu[i] for i in range(4)]) # return T
[docs]def iapws97_boundary_3rx(P): ''' >>> iapws97_boundary_3rx(22E6) 648.26227536701 ''' return (P*(P*(2.43293362700451993e-13 - 2.94905044740798962e-21*P) - 1.02961025163668997e-6) + 584.561202520005963)
# P = P/1E6 # T = sum([nis3rx[i]*P**Iis3rx[i] for i in range(4)]) # return T ### IAPWS 07 Region 3 log P boundaries
[docs]def iapws97_boundary_3wx(logP_MPa, logP_MPa_inv): ''' >>> iapws97_boundary_3wx(log(22.3), 1/log(22.3)) 648.204947950734 ''' return (logP_MPa*(14.7370491183190993*logP_MPa + 97.3505869861951965) + 7.28052609145380014 + logP_MPa_inv*(329.196213998375015 + 873.371668682416953*logP_MPa_inv))
# P = P/1E6 # T = sum([nis3wx[i]*logP_MPa**Iis3wx[i] for i in range(5)]) # return T
[docs]def iapws97_boundary_3ab(logP_MPa, logP_MPa_inv): ''' >>> iapws97_boundary_3ab(log(40), 1/log(40)) 693.0341408296053 ''' return (logP_MPa*(21.3144632222113017*logP_MPa - 187.661219490113012) + 1547.93642129415002 - logP_MPa_inv*(1918.87498864292002 - 918.419702359447001*logP_MPa_inv))
# T = sum([nis3ab[i]*logP_MPa**Iis3ab[i] for i in range(5)]) # return T
[docs]def iapws97_boundary_3op(logP_MPa, logP_MPa_inv): ''' >>> iapws97_boundary_3op(log(22.8), 1/log(22.8)) 650.010694314133 ''' return (logP_MPa*(64.2859598466067013*logP_MPa - 332.500170441277987) + 969.461372400213008 + logP_MPa_inv*(773.845935768222034 - 1523.13732937084001*logP_MPa_inv))
# T = sum([nis3op[i]*logP_MPa**Iis3op[i] for i in range(5)]) # return T region3_boundary_doc = """ Calculates the transition temperature for a region 3 PT backwards equation transition. Parameters ---------- P : float Pressure [Pa] Returns ------- T_trans : float Transition temperature [K] Examples -------- """ region3_logboundary_doc = """ Calculates the transition temperature for a region 3 PT backwards equation transition (for one of "wx", "ab", or "op"; the others do not use a log fit). The parameters are provided in the specific units for speed savings only. Parameters ---------- logP_MPa : float Natural logarithm of pressure in units of MPa [log(MPa)] logP_MPa_inv : float Inverse of Natural logarithm of pressure in units of MPa [1/log(MPa)] Returns ------- T_trans : float Transition temperature [K] Examples -------- """ try: for func in (iapws97_boundary_3uv, iapws97_boundary_3ef, iapws97_boundary_3cd, iapws97_boundary_3gh, iapws97_boundary_3ij, iapws97_boundary_3jk, iapws97_boundary_3mn, iapws97_boundary_3qu, iapws97_boundary_3rx): func.__doc__ = region3_boundary_doc + func.__doc__ for func in (iapws97_boundary_3wx, iapws97_boundary_3ab, iapws97_boundary_3op): func.__doc__ = region3_logboundary_doc + func.__doc__ except: # except is needed for running Python under -OO flag pass ### Region 1
[docs]def iapws97_G_region1(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the dimensionless Gibbs free energy for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 1). .. math:: \gamma = \sum_{i=1}^{34} I_i(7.1-\pi)^{I_i}(\tau - 1.222)^{J_i} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (1386 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(16.53 MPa), [-] Returns ------- G : float Dimensionless Gibbs energy G/(RT), [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_G_region1(1386/277.15, 101325/16.53E6) -0.00016341033954414 ''' pit = 7.1 - pi taut = tau - 1.222 taut_inv = 1.0/taut pit2 = pit*pit pit4 = pit2*pit2 taut_inv2 = pit4*pit4 # abuse taut_inv2 variable as a temporary pit21 = taut_inv2*taut_inv2*pit4*pit pit29 = pit21*taut_inv2 taut_inv2 = taut*taut # abuse taut_inv2 variable as a temporary taut3 = taut_inv2*taut taut5 = taut_inv2*taut3 taut_inv2 = taut_inv*taut_inv taut_inv3 = taut_inv2*taut_inv taut_inv9 = taut_inv3*taut_inv3*taut_inv3 taut_inv29 = taut_inv9*taut_inv9*taut_inv9*taut_inv2 return (pit*(-0.02184171717541399937*taut - 0.01899006821841900047*taut_inv - 0.0325297487705049973 - 0.00005283835796993000233*taut3 - 0.000607063015658739955*taut_inv3*taut_inv3*taut_inv + 0.0002831908012380400042*taut_inv9) + taut*(3.385516916838500201 + 0.00004766139390698700138*pit2 - 0.9579196338787200338*taut) - 0.8454818716911399745*taut_inv - 3.756360367204000017 + 0.1463297121316700089*taut_inv2 + pit2*(-0.0003000178079302599906 - 4.414184533084599669e-6*taut3 - 0.0004718432107326699771*taut_inv3 - 7.269499629759400146e-16*taut5*taut5*taut5*taut*taut + pit*(-2.827079798531199973e-6 - 0.00003167964484505400157*taut_inv3*taut_inv - 8.520512812010300437e-10*taut5*taut)) + taut3*(0.157720385132280011 - 0.01661641719950100043*taut) + 0.0008121462998356799657*taut5 + pit4*(taut_inv2*(- 6.517122289560100218e-7 - taut_inv3*(2.242528190799999857e-6 + 4.051699686011699983e-7*pit*taut_inv3) - 1.273430174164099942e-9*pit4*taut_inv9) - 1.434172993792399922e-13*taut5*taut5 - 1.742487123063400057e-10*pit4*taut_inv3*taut_inv3) + taut_inv29*(1.44783078285210013e-20*pit21*pit2*taut_inv2 - 6.876213129553099646e-19*pit21 + pit29*taut_inv9*(2.633578166279499979e-23 - 1.194762264007099993e-23*pit*taut_inv + 1.822809458140400033e-24*pit2*taut_inv2 - 9.353708729245799802e-26*pit2*pit*taut_inv3)))
[docs]def iapws97_dG_dpi_region1(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the derivative of dimensionless Gibbs free energy with respect to `pi` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 1). .. math:: \frac{\partial \gamma}{\partial \pi} = \sum_{i=1}^{34} -n_i I_i(7.1-\pi)^{I_i-1}(\tau - 1.222)^{J_i} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (1386 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(16.53 MPa), [-] Returns ------- dG_dpi : float Derivative of dimensionless Gibbs energy G/(RT) with respect to `pi`, [-] Notes ----- Used in density solution. This contains a hand-optimized implementation with a single division, no power operations, 65 multiplications, 16 local variables, and a minimum number of additions. Examples -------- >>> iapws97_dG_dpi_region1(1386/277.15, 101325/16.53E6) 0.1292327182544 ''' pit = 7.1 - pi taut = tau - 1.222 pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit2*pit pit7 = pit3*pit3*pit pit14 = pit7*pit7 taut3 = taut*taut*taut taut6 = taut3*taut3 taut10 = taut6*taut3*taut taut_inv = 1.0/taut taut_inv2 = taut_inv*taut_inv taut_inv4 = taut_inv2*taut_inv2 taut_inv5 = taut_inv4*taut_inv taut_inv7 = taut_inv5*taut_inv2 taut_inv17 = taut_inv5*taut_inv5*taut_inv7 pit14taut_inv17 = taut_inv17*pit14 return (pit*(-0.0000953227878139740028*taut + 0.000600035615860519981 + 8.82836906616919934e-6*(taut3) + 0.000943686421465339954*(taut_inv2*taut_inv) + 1.45389992595188003e-15*(taut10*taut6*taut)) + 0.0218417171754139994*taut + 0.0189900682184190005*taut_inv + 0.0325297487705049973 + pit2*(8.48123939559359992e-6 + 0.0000950389345351620047*(taut_inv4) + 2.55615384360309023e-9*(taut6)) + 2.60684891582404009e-6*(pit3)*(taut_inv2) + 8.97011276319999943e-6*(pit3)*(taut_inv5) + 5.73669197516959969e-13*(pit3)*(taut10) + 0.0000528383579699300023*(taut3) + 1.39398969845072005e-9*(pit7)*(taut_inv5*taut_inv) + taut_inv7*(2.02584984300584983e-6*(pit3*pit)*taut_inv + 1.01874413933127995e-8*(pit7)*(taut_inv4) + 0.000607063015658739955 - 0.000283190801238040004*taut_inv2) + pit14taut_inv17*(1.44400475720615078e-17*(pit3*pit3)*(taut_inv7*taut_inv5) - 3.33001080055983015e-19*pit7*pit*taut_inv7*taut_inv7 + pit14taut_inv17*(3.58428679202129995e-22*(pit)*(taut_inv5) - 7.6373766822105502e-22*taut_inv4 - 5.65070932023524029e-23*pit2*taut_inv5*taut_inv + 2.99318679335865594e-24*(pit3)*(taut_inv7))))
[docs]def iapws97_d2G_dpi2_region1(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the second derivative of dimensionless Gibbs free energy with respect to `pi` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 1). .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \gamma}{\partial \pi^2} = \sum_{i=1}^{34} n_i I_i(I_i-1)(7.1-\pi)^{I_i-2}(\tau - 1.222)^{J_i} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (1386 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(16.53 MPa), [-] Returns ------- d2G_dpi2 : float Second Derivative of dimensionless Gibbs energy G/(RT) with respect to `pi`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_d2G_dpi2_region1(1386/277.15, 101325/16.53E6) -0.0010570100274769 ''' pit = 7.1 - pi taut = tau - 1.222 taut_inv = 1.0/taut pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit2*pit tmp = pit3*pit3*pit3 pit18 = tmp*tmp pit27 = pit18*tmp taut3 = taut*taut*taut taut7 = taut3*taut3*taut taut_inv2 = taut_inv*taut_inv taut_inv3 = taut_inv*taut_inv2 tmp = taut_inv3*taut_inv3 # 6 tmp *= tmp # 12; also temporary variable taut_inv29 = tmp*tmp*taut_inv2 # 26 taut_inv38 = taut_inv29*tmp # 26 + 12 = 38 end taut_inv29 *= taut_inv3 # 29 end # some savings remain below via horner with appropriate testing return (-0.00001696247879118719984*pit - 0.0001900778690703240094*pit*taut_inv3*taut_inv - 5.112307687206180469e-9*pit*taut3*taut3 + 0.00009532278781397400275*taut - 0.0006000356158605199813 - 7.820546747472120262e-6*pit2*taut_inv2 - 0.00002691033828959999829*pit2*taut_inv3*taut_inv2 - 1.721007592550879906e-12*pit2*taut7*taut3 - 8.103399372023399331e-6*pit3*taut_inv3*taut_inv3*taut_inv2 - 8.828369066169199338e-6*taut3 - 0.0009436864214653399542*taut_inv3 - 9.757927889155040732e-9*pit3*pit3*taut_inv3*taut_inv3 - 7.131208975318960007e-8*pit3*pit3*taut_inv3*taut_inv3*taut_inv3*taut_inv2 - 1.453899925951880029e-15*taut7*taut7*taut3 - 2.888009514412301439e-16*pit18*pit*taut_inv29 + 7.326023761231625652e-18*pit18*pit3*taut_inv29*taut_inv2 + 2.138465471018954057e-20*pit27*taut_inv38 - 1.039443169686176943e-20*pit27*pit*taut_inv38*taut_inv + 1.695212796070572203e-21*pit27*pit2*taut_inv38*taut_inv2 - 9.278879059411833807e-23*pit27*pit3*taut_inv38*taut_inv3)
[docs]def iapws97_dG_dtau_region1(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the derivative of dimensionless Gibbs free energy with respect to `tau` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 1). .. math:: \frac{\partial \gamma}{\partial \tau} = \sum_{i=1}^{34} n_i(7.1-\pi)^{I_i}J_i(\tau - 1.222)^{J_i-1} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (1386 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(16.53 MPa), [-] Returns ------- dG_dtau : float Derivative of dimensionless Gibbs energy G/(RT) with respect to `tau`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_dG_dtau_region1(1386/277.15, 101325/16.53E6) 0.026440334282967 ''' pit = 7.1 - pi taut = tau - 1.222 taut_inv = 1.0/taut pit2 = pit*pit pit4 = pit2*pit2 tmp = pit4*pit4 # 8 pit21 = tmp*tmp*pit4*pit # 20 pit29 = pit21*tmp taut2 = taut*taut taut4 = taut2*taut2 taut_inv2 = taut_inv*taut_inv taut_inv3 = taut_inv2*taut_inv tmp = taut_inv3*taut_inv3 # 6 taut_inv9 = tmp*taut_inv3 taut_inv30 = taut_inv9*tmp # 15 taut_inv30 *= taut_inv30 return (-0.02184171717541399937*pit - 0.0001585150739097900138*pit*taut2 + 0.01899006821841900047*pit*taut_inv2 + 0.004249441109611180011*pit*taut_inv3*taut_inv3*taut_inv2 - 0.002548717211142359929*pit*taut_inv9*taut_inv - 1.915839267757440068*taut + 3.385516916838500201 + 0.00004766139390698700138*pit2 - 0.00001324255359925379985*pit2*taut2 + 0.001415529632198009877*pit2*taut_inv3*taut_inv - 1.235814937059098064e-14*pit2*taut4*taut4*taut4*taut4 + 0.4731611553968400052*taut2 + 0.8454818716911399745*taut_inv2 - 5.112307687206180469e-9*pit2*pit*taut4*taut + 0.0001267185793802160063*pit2*pit*taut_inv3*taut_inv2 - 0.06646566879800400174*taut2*taut - 0.2926594242633400178*taut_inv3 + 1.303424457912020044e-6*pit4*taut_inv3 + 0.00001121264095399999929*pit4*taut_inv3*taut_inv3 - 1.434172993792399922e-12*pit4*taut4*taut4*taut + 0.00406073149917839972*taut4 + 3.241359748809359987e-6*pit4*pit*taut_inv9 + 1.045492273838040137e-9*pit4*pit4*taut_inv3*taut_inv3*taut_inv + 1.400773191580509978e-8*pit4*pit4*taut_inv9*taut_inv3 + 1.99410180757039883e-17*pit21*taut_inv30 - 4.488275426841510012e-19*pit21*pit2*taut_inv30*taut_inv2 - 1.000759703186210033e-21*pit29*taut_inv30*taut_inv9 + 4.659572829627690075e-22*pit29*pit*taut_inv30*taut_inv9*taut_inv - 7.291237832561599838e-23*pit29*pit2*taut_inv30*taut_inv9*taut_inv2 + 3.835020578990777884e-24*pit29*pit2*pit*taut_inv30*taut_inv9*taut_inv3)
[docs]def iapws97_d2G_dtau2_region1(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the second derivative of dimensionless Gibbs free energy with respect to `tau` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 1). .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \gamma}{\partial \tau^2} = \sum_{i=1}^{34} n_i(7.1-\pi)^{I_i}J_i(J_i-1)(\tau - 1.222)^{J_i-2} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (1386 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(16.53 MPa), [-] Returns ------- d2G_dtau2 : float Second Derivative of dimensionless Gibbs energy G/(RT) with respect to `tau`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_d2G_dtau2_region1(1386/277.15, 101325/16.53E6) -0.3645169808573 ''' pit = 7.1 - pi taut = tau - 1.222 taut_inv = 1.0/taut pit2 = pit*pit pit4 = pit2*pit2 taut_inv2 = pit4*pit4 # abuse taut_inv2 variable as a temporary pit21 = taut_inv2*taut_inv2*pit4*pit pit29 = pit21*taut_inv2 taut2 = taut*taut taut4 = taut2*taut2 taut_inv2 = taut_inv*taut_inv taut_inv4 = taut_inv2*taut_inv2 taut_inv9 = taut_inv4*taut_inv4*taut_inv taut_inv31 = taut_inv9*taut_inv9*taut_inv9*taut_inv4 return (-0.0003170301478195800275*pit*taut - 0.03798013643683800095*pit*taut_inv2*taut_inv - 0.03399552887688944008*pit*taut_inv9 + 0.02548717211142359843*pit*taut_inv9*taut_inv2 + 0.9463223107936800105*taut - 0.00002648510719850759971*taut*pit2 - 1.915839267757440068 - 0.005662118528792039508*pit2*taut_inv4*taut_inv - 1.977303899294556903e-13*pit2*taut4*taut4*taut4*taut2*taut - 0.1993970063940120052*taut2 - 2.556153843603090152e-8*pit2*pit*taut4 - 0.0006335928969010799772*pit2*pit*taut_inv4*taut_inv2 + 0.01624292599671359888*taut2*taut - 1.690963743382279949*taut_inv2*taut_inv - 3.910273373736060131e-6*pit4*taut_inv4 - 0.00006727584572399999572*pit4*taut_inv4*taut_inv2*taut_inv - 1.29075569441316001e-11*pit4*taut4*taut4 + 0.8779782727900200534*taut_inv4 - 0.0000291722377392842403*pit4*pit*taut_inv9*taut_inv - 7.318445916866280962e-9*pit4*pit4*taut_inv4*taut_inv4 - 1.680927829896611973e-7*pit4*pit4*taut_inv9*taut_inv4 - 5.982305422711196613e-16*pit21*taut_inv31 + 1.436248136589283204e-17*pit21*pit2*taut_inv31*taut_inv2 + 3.902962842426219073e-20*pit29*taut_inv31*taut_inv9 - 1.863829131851076105e-20*pit29*pit*taut_inv31*taut_inv9*taut_inv + 2.989407511350256051e-21*pit29*pit2*taut_inv31*taut_inv9*taut_inv2 - 1.610708643176126667e-22*pit29*pit2*pit*taut_inv31*taut_inv9*taut_inv2*taut_inv)
[docs]def iapws97_d2G_dpidtau_region1(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the second derivative of dimensionless Gibbs free energy with respect to `tau` and `pi` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 1). .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \gamma}{\partial \tau \partial \pi} = \sum_{i=1}^{34} -n_iI_i(7.1-\pi)^{I_i}J_i(\tau - 1.222)^{J_i-1} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (1386 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(16.53 MPa), [-] Returns ------- d2G_dpidtau : float Second Derivative of dimensionless Gibbs energy G/(RT) with respect to `tau` and `pi`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_d2G_dpidtau_region1(1386/277.15, 101325/16.53E6) 0.025837659858819 ''' pit = 7.1 - pi taut = tau - 1.222 taut_inv = 1.0/taut pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit2*pit pit7 = pit3*pit3*pit pit28 = pit7*pit7 pit28 *= pit28 taut2 = taut*taut taut8 = taut2*taut2 taut8 *= taut8 taut_inv2 = taut_inv*taut_inv taut_inv3 = taut_inv2*taut_inv taut_inv30 = taut_inv3*taut_inv3 # 6 temporarily taut_inv9 = taut_inv30*taut_inv3 taut_inv30 = taut_inv9*taut_inv30 taut_inv30 *= taut_inv30 # 30 finally return (-0.00009532278781397400275*pit + 0.00002648510719850759971*pit*taut2 - 0.002831059264396019754*pit*taut_inv3*taut_inv + 2.471629874118196128e-14*pit*taut8*taut8 + 0.02184171717541399937 + 1.533692306161854223e-8*pit2*taut2*taut2*taut - 0.0003801557381406480188*pit2*taut_inv3*taut_inv2 + 0.0001585150739097900138*taut2 - 0.01899006821841900047*taut_inv2 - 5.213697831648080174e-6*pit3*taut_inv3 - 0.00004485056381599999715*pit3*taut_inv3*taut_inv3 + 5.736691975169599686e-12*pit3*taut8*taut - 0.00001620679874404679866*pit3*pit*taut_inv9 - 8.3639381907043211e-9*pit7*taut_inv3*taut_inv3*taut_inv - 1.120618553264407982e-7*pit7*taut_inv9*taut_inv3 - 0.004249441109611180011*taut_inv3*taut_inv3*taut_inv2 + 0.002548717211142359929*taut_inv9*taut_inv - 4.187613795897837728e-16*pit7*pit7*pit3*pit3*taut_inv30 + 1.03230334817354737e-17*pit7*pit7*pit7*pit*taut_inv30*taut_inv2 + 2.902203139240009378e-20*pit28*taut_inv30*taut_inv9 - 1.397871848888307079e-20*pit28*pit*taut_inv30*taut_inv9*taut_inv + 2.26028372809409602e-21*pit28*pit2*taut_inv30*taut_inv9*taut_inv2 - 1.227206585277048923e-22*pit28*pit3*taut_inv30*taut_inv9*taut_inv3)
### Region 2
[docs]def iapws97_G0_region2(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the dimensionless ideal gas Gibbs free energy for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 2). .. math:: \gamma^\circ = \ln \pi + \sum_{i=1}^9 n_i^\circ \tau^{J_i^\circ} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (540 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- G0 : float Dimensionless ideal gas Gibbs energy G0/(RT), [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_G0_region2(540/300.0, 101325/1e6) 3.3180953922351 ''' tau_inv = 1.0/tau return (tau*(tau*(0.0212684637533070015*tau - 0.284086324607719987) + 10.0866559680180004) + tau_inv*(tau_inv*(tau_inv*(tau_inv*(0.0714527380814549973 - 0.00560879112830200022*tau_inv) - 0.407104982239279989) + 1.42408191714439991) - 4.38395113194500041) + log(pi) - 9.69276865002169963)
[docs]def iapws97_dG0_dtau_region2(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the first derivative of dimensionless ideal gas Gibbs free energy with respect to `tau` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 2). .. math:: \frac{\partial \gamma^\circ}{\partial \tau} =\sum_{i=1}^9 n_i^\circ J_i^\circ\tau^{J_i^\circ-1} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (540 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- dG0_dtau : float First derivative of dimensionless ideal gas Gibbs energy G0/(RT) with respect to `tau`, [-] Notes ----- This function does not depend on `pi` but it is accepted for consistency. Examples -------- >>> iapws97_dG0_dtau_region2(540/300.0, 101325/1e6) 10.2374188173906 ''' tau_inv = 1.0/tau return (tau*(0.0638053912599210044*tau - 0.568172649215439973) + tau_inv*tau_inv*(tau_inv*(tau_inv*(tau_inv*(0.0280439556415100003*tau_inv - 0.285810952325819989) + 1.22131494671783991) - 2.84816383428879982) + 4.38395113194500041) + 10.0866559680180004)
[docs]def iapws97_d2G0_dtau2_region2(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the second derivative of dimensionless ideal gas Gibbs free energy with respect to `tau` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 2). .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \gamma^\circ}{\partial \tau^2} =\sum_{i=1}^9 n_i^\circ J_i^\circ( J_i^\circ-1)\tau^{J_i^\circ-2} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (540 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- d2G0_dtau2 : float Second derivative of dimensionless ideal gas Gibbs energy G0/(RT) with respect to `tau`, [-] Notes ----- This function does not depend on `pi` but it is accepted for consistency. Examples -------- >>> iapws97_d2G0_dtau2_region2(540/300.0, 101325/1e6) -1.2472096479372 ''' tau_inv = 1.0/tau return (0.127610782519842009*tau + tau_inv*tau_inv*tau_inv*(tau_inv*(tau_inv*( tau_inv*(1.42905476162910006 - 0.168263733849060015*tau_inv) - 4.88525978687135964) + 8.54449150286639991) - 8.76790226389000082) - 0.568172649215439973)
[docs]def iapws97_Gr_region2(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the dimensionless residual Gibbs free energy for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 2). .. math:: \gamma^r = \sum_{i=1}^{43} n_i \pi^{I_i} (\tau - 0.5)^{J_i} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (540 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- Gr : float Dimensionless residual Gibbs energy Gr/(RT), [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_Gr_region2(540/300.0, 101325/1e6) -0.71851548053980 ''' taut = tau - 0.5 pi2 = pi*pi pi3 = pi2*pi pi4 = pi2*pi2 pi8 = pi4*pi4 pi20 = pi8*pi8*pi4 taut2 = taut*taut taut3 = taut2*taut taut4 = taut2*taut2 taut10 = taut4*taut4*taut2 taut25 = taut10*taut10*taut2*taut3 return (-0.01783486229235799886*pi*taut - 0.001773174247321299916*pi - 0.04599601369636500264*pi*taut2 - 0.05758125908343200011*pi*taut3 - 0.05032527872793000207*pi*taut4*taut2 - 0.00003303264167020299999*taut*pi2 + 4.387066728443500103e-7*taut*pi3 - 7.884730955936700091e-10*taut*pi4 - 0.000189489875163149999*pi2*taut2 - 0.003939277724335500143*pi2*taut4 - 0.04379729565057299823*pi2*taut4*taut3 - 0.00002667454791408700141*pi2*taut25*taut10*taut + 2.048173769230899887e-8*pi3 - 0.0000322776772385700023*pi3*taut3 - 0.001503392454214799983*pi3*taut4*taut2 - 0.04066825356264899827*pi3*taut25*taut10 + 1.279071785228500082e-8*pi4*taut2 + 4.82253727185070016e-7*pi4*taut3 + 2.292207633766100113e-6*pi4*pi*taut4*taut3 - 1.671476645106100115e-11*pi4*pi2*taut3 - 0.002117147232135499837*pi4*pi2*taut10*taut4*taut2 - 23.89574193410399872*pi4*pi2*taut25*taut10 - 5.905956432427000368e-18*pi4*pi3 - 1.262180889910100042e-6*pi4*pi3*taut10*taut - 0.03894684243573900279*pi4*pi3*taut25 + 1.125621136045899983e-11*pi8*taut4*taut4 - 8.231134089799800435*pi8*taut25*taut10*taut + 1.980971280208800021e-8*pi8*pi*taut10*taut3 + 1.040696521017399955e-19*pi8*pi2*taut4 - 1.023474709592900015e-13*pi8*pi2*taut10 - 1.001817937951099974e-9*pi8*pi2*taut10*taut4 - 8.088290864698499771e-11*pi8*pi8*taut25*taut4 + 0.1069303187940899985*pi8*pi8*taut25*taut25 - 0.3366225057417099875*pi8*pi8*pi2*taut25*taut25*taut4*taut3 + 8.918584535542099871e-25*pi20*taut10*taut10 + 3.062931687623199748e-13*pi20*taut25*taut10 - 4.200246769820800092e-6*pi20*taut25*taut10*taut10*taut3 - 5.905602968563900274e-26*pi20*pi*taut10*taut10*taut + 3.782694761345700151e-6*pi20*pi2*taut25*taut25*taut3 - 1.276860893468100005e-15*pi20*pi3*taut25*taut10*taut4 + 7.308761059506100019e-29*pi20*pi4*taut25*taut + 5.541471535077800115e-17*pi20*pi4*taut25*taut10*taut4*taut - 9.436970724120999844e-7*pi20*pi4*taut25*taut25*taut4*taut4)
[docs]def iapws97_dGr_dpi_region2(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the first derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs free energy with respect to `pi` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 2). .. math:: \frac{\partial \gamma^r}{\partial \pi} = \sum_{i=1}^{43} n_i I_i \pi^{I_i-1} (\tau - 0.5)^{J_i} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (540 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- dGr_dpi : float Derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs energy Gr/(RT) with respect to `pi`, [-] Notes ----- Used in density solution. Examples -------- >>> iapws97_dGr_dpi_region2(540/300.0, 101325/1e6) -27.7714056629532 ''' taut = tau - 0.5 pi2 = pi*pi pi3 = pi*pi2 pi4 = pi*pi3 pi5 = pi2*pi3 pi6 = pi3*pi3 pi7 = pi6*pi pi9 = pi7*pi2 pi15 = pi9*pi6 pi19 = pi9*pi9*pi pi23 = pi9*pi9*pi5 taut2 = taut*taut taut3 = taut*taut2 taut4 = taut2*taut2 taut6 = taut3*taut3 taut7 = taut*taut6 taut10 = taut4*taut6 taut20 = taut10*taut10 taut35 = taut20*taut10*taut3*taut2 taut36 = taut*taut35 taut50 = taut35*taut10*taut2*taut3 return (pi19*(-2.93678005497663003e-14*pi3*taut35*taut4 + 0.0000832192847496054092*pi2*taut36*taut10*taut7 - 1.24017662339841913e-24*pi*taut10*taut10*taut) - 6.05920510335077989*pi15*pi2*taut50*taut7 + pi4*taut7*(1.78287415218792009e-7*pi4*taut6 + 0.0000114610381688305001) - 0.000066065283340406*pi*taut - 0.000378979750326299998*pi*taut2 - 0.00787855544867100029*pi*taut4 - 0.0875945913011459965*pi*taut7 - 0.0000533490958281740028*pi*taut36 + taut10*(taut20*taut10*(taut10*(1.71088510070543998*pi15 - 0.0000226487297378903988*taut4*taut4*pi23) - 0.0000840049353964159951*taut4*taut4*pi19) # Cannot factor out taut here due to numerical issues + taut10*(1.32995316841867198e-15*taut20*pi23 - 1.29412653835175996e-9*taut7*taut2*pi15 + 1.78371690710842005e-23*pi19 + 1.75410265428146418e-27*taut6*pi23 - 0.27262789705017304*taut4*taut*pi6) - 0.012702883392812999*taut6*pi5 - 1.00181793795109993e-8*taut4*pi9 - 8.83526622937069987e-6*taut*pi6 - 1.02347470959289996e-12*pi9) + 9.00496908836719986e-11*taut4*taut4*pi7 + 1.31612001853305008e-6*taut*pi2 - 3.15389238237468004e-9*taut*pi3 - 0.0178348622923579989*taut - 0.0000968330317157100001*pi2*taut3 - 0.00451017736264439952*pi2*taut6 - 0.122004760687946995*pi2*taut35 + 6.14452130769269999e-8*pi2 - 4.13416950269890026e-17*pi6 - 1.00288598706366e-10*pi5*taut3 - 143.374451604623999*pi5*taut35 - 65.8490727183984035*pi7*taut36 + 1.04069652101739995e-18*pi9*taut4 + 6.1258633752463995e-12*pi19*taut35 + 5.11628714091400033e-8*taut2*pi3 - 0.0459960136963650026*taut2 + 1.92901490874028006e-6*taut3*pi3 - 0.0575812590834320001*taut3 - 0.0503252787279300021*taut6 - 0.00177317424732129992)
[docs]def iapws97_d2Gr_dpi2_region2(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the second derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs free energy with respect to `pi` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 2). .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \gamma^r}{\partial \pi^2} = \sum_{i=1}^{43} n_i I_i (I_i-1)\pi^{I_i-2} (\tau - 0.5)^{J_i} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (540 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- d2Gr_dpi2 : float Second Derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs energy Gr/(RT) with respect to `pi`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_d2Gr_dpi2_region2(540/300.0, 101325/1e6) -983.15187604898 ''' taut = tau - 0.5 pi2 = pi*pi pi4 = pi2*pi2 pi8 = pi4*pi4 pi18 = pi2*pi8*pi8 taut2 = taut*taut taut3 = taut2*taut taut4 = taut2*taut2 taut10 = taut4*taut4*taut2 taut25 = taut10*taut10*taut4*taut return (2.632240037066100168e-6*pi*taut + 1.228904261538539999e-7*pi - 0.0001936660634314200003*pi*taut3 - 0.00902035472528879903*pi*taut4*taut2 - 0.2440095213758939896*pi*taut25*taut10 - 0.00006606528334040599997*taut - 9.461677147124039696e-9*taut*pi2 + 1.534886142274200165e-7*pi2*taut2 + 5.787044726220840615e-6*pi2*taut3 - 0.0003789797503262999981*taut2 + 0.00004584415267532200057*pi2*pi*taut4*taut3 - 5.014429935318299763e-10*pi4*taut3 - 0.06351441696406499859*pi4*taut10*taut4*taut2 - 716.8722580231200254*pi4*taut25*taut10 - 0.007878555448671000286*taut4 - 2.480501701619340401e-16*pi4*pi - 0.00005301159737622419582*pi4*pi*taut10*taut - 1.635767382301038353*pi4*pi*taut25 + 6.303478361857040293e-10*pi4*pi2*taut4*taut4 - 460.9435090287888102*pi4*pi2*taut25*taut10*taut + 1.426299321750336068e-6*pi4*pi2*pi*taut10*taut3 - 0.08759459130114599645*taut4*taut3 + 9.366268689156599206e-18*pi8*taut4 - 9.211272386336099881e-12*pi8*taut10 - 9.016361441559899391e-8*pi8*taut10*taut4 - 1.941189807527639966e-8*pi8*pi4*pi2*taut25*taut4 + 25.66327651058159987*pi8*pi4*pi2*taut25*taut25 - 103.0064867569632554*pi8*pi8*taut25*taut25*taut4*taut3 + 3.389062123505998002e-22*pi18*taut10*taut10 + 1.16391404129681584e-10*pi18*taut25*taut10 - 0.001596093772531903933*pi18*taut25*taut10*taut10*taut3 - 2.4803532467968384e-23*pi18*pi*taut10*taut10*taut + 0.001747604979741713581*pi18*pi2*taut25*taut25*taut3 - 6.460916120948586575e-13*pi18*pi2*pi*taut25*taut10*taut4 + 4.034436104847367623e-26*pi18*pi4*taut25*taut + 3.058892287362945313e-14*pi18*pi4*taut25*taut10*taut4*taut - 0.0005209207839714791177*pi18*pi4*taut25*taut25*taut4*taut4 - 0.00005334909582817400282*taut25*taut10*taut)
[docs]def iapws97_dGr_dtau_region2(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the first derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs free energy with respect to `tau` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 2). .. math:: \frac{\partial \gamma^r}{\partial \tau} = \sum_{i=1}^{43} n_i \pi^{I_i} J_i (\tau - 0.5)^{J_i-1} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (540 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- dGr_dtau : float Derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs energy Gr/(RT) with respect to `tau`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_dGr_dtau_region2(540/300.0, 101325/1e6) -18.1535856049444 ''' taut = tau - 0.5 pi2 = pi*pi pi3 = pi2*pi pi4 = pi2*pi2 pi8 = pi4*pi4 pi20 = pi8*pi8*pi4 taut2 = taut*taut taut4 = taut2*taut2 taut5 = taut4*taut taut13 = taut4*taut4*taut5 # 13 taut34 = taut13*taut4 # 9 + 8 = 17 taut34 *= taut34 # 34 end return (-0.09199202739273000529*pi*taut - 0.01783486229235799886*pi - 0.1727437772502959934*pi*taut2 - 0.3019516723675800263*pi*taut5 - 0.0003789797503262999981*taut*pi2 + 2.558143570457000165e-8*taut*pi4 - 0.00003303264167020299999*pi2 - 0.01575711089734200057*pi2*taut2*taut - 0.3065810695540109876*pi2*taut5*taut - 0.0009602837249071320778*pi2*taut34*taut + 4.387066728443500103e-7*pi3 - 0.00009683303171571000013*pi3*taut2 - 0.00902035472528879903*pi3*taut5 - 1.423388874692715023*pi3*taut34 - 7.884730955936700091e-10*pi4 + 1.446761181555210154e-6*pi4*taut2 + 0.00001604545343636269952*pi4*pi*taut5*taut - 5.014429935318300022e-11*pi4*pi2*taut2 - 0.0338743557141679974*pi4*pi2*taut13*taut2 - 836.3509676936399728*pi4*pi2*taut34 - 0.00001388398978901110004*pi4*pi3*taut5*taut5 - 0.9736710608934751043*pi4*pi3*taut13*taut5*taut5*taut + 9.004969088367199864e-11*pi8*taut5*taut2 - 296.3208272327927943*pi8*taut34*taut + 2.575262664271440094e-7*pi8*pi*taut5*taut5*taut2 + 4.162786084069599818e-19*pi8*pi2*taut2*taut - 1.023474709592899964e-12*pi8*pi2*taut5*taut2*taut2 - 1.402545113131540004e-8*pi8*pi2*taut13 - 2.345604350762564972e-9*pi8*pi8*taut13*taut13*taut2 + 5.34651593970450012*pi8*pi8*taut34*taut13*taut2 - 19.18748282727747068*pi8*pi8*pi2*taut34*taut13*taut5*taut2*taut2 + 1.783716907108420048e-23*pi20*taut13*taut5*taut + 1.072026090668119912e-11*pi20*taut34 - 0.0002016118449513984044*pi20*taut34*taut13 - 1.240176623398419126e-24*pi20*pi*taut13*taut5*taut2 + 0.0002004828223513221118*pi20*pi2*taut34*taut13*taut5 - 4.979757484525589725e-14*pi20*pi3*taut34*taut2*taut2 + 1.90027787547158596e-27*pi20*pi4*taut13*taut5*taut5*taut2 + 2.216588614031120095e-15*pi20*pi4*taut34*taut5 - 0.00005473443019990179931*pi20*pi4*taut34*taut13*taut5*taut5)
[docs]def iapws97_d2Gr_dtau2_region2(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the second derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs free energy with respect to `tau` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 2). .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \gamma^r}{\partial \tau^2} = \sum_{i=1}^{43} n_i \pi^{I_i} J_i (J_i-1) (\tau - 0.5)^{J_i-2} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (540 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- d2Gr_dtau2 : float Second derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs energy Gr/(RT) with respect to `tau`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_d2Gr_dtau2_region2(540/300.0, 101325/1e6) -470.9302933324787 ''' taut = tau - 0.5 pi2 = pi*pi pi3 = pi2*pi pi4 = pi2*pi2 pi8 = pi4*pi4 pi20 = pi8*pi8*pi4 taut2 = taut*taut taut4 = taut2*taut2 taut5 = taut4*taut taut18 = taut4*taut4 taut18 *= taut18 # 16 taut33 = taut18*taut18*taut #32 taut18 *= taut2 # 18 return (-0.3454875545005919868*pi*taut - 0.09199202739273000529*pi - 1.509758361837900242*pi*taut4 - 0.0001936660634314200003*taut*pi3 + 2.893522363110420308e-6*taut*pi4 - 1.002885987063660004e-10*taut*pi4*pi2 - 0.0003789797503262999981*pi2 - 0.04727133269202600518*pi2*taut2 - 1.839486417324065926*pi2*taut5 - 0.03360993037174962034*pi2*taut33*taut - 0.04510177362644399168*pi3*taut4 - 48.3952217395523121*pi3*taut33 + 2.558143570457000165e-8*pi4 + 0.00009627272061817619036*pi4*pi*taut5 - 0.5081153357125199888*pi4*pi2*taut5*taut5*taut4 - 28435.93290158375748*pi4*pi2*taut33 - 0.0001388398978901110071*pi4*pi3*taut5*taut4 - 23.3681054614434025*pi4*pi3*taut18*taut5 + 6.303478361857040293e-10*pi8*taut5*taut - 10371.22895314774723*pi8*taut33*taut + 3.090315197125728325e-6*pi8*pi*taut5*taut5*taut + 1.248835825220879946e-18*pi8*pi2*taut2 - 9.211272386336099881e-12*pi8*pi2*taut5*taut2*taut - 1.823308647071001956e-7*pi8*pi2*taut5*taut5*taut2 - 6.567692182135182584e-8*pi8*pi8*taut18*taut5*taut4 + 261.9792810455205085*pi8*pi8*taut33*taut5*taut5*taut5 - 1074.499038327538301*pi8*pi8*pi2*taut33*taut18*taut4 + 3.389062123505998002e-22*pi20*taut18 + 3.644888708271607926e-10*pi20*taut33 - 0.009475756712715725089*pi20*taut33*taut5*taut5*taut2*taut - 2.4803532467968384e-23*pi20*pi*taut18*taut + 0.01042510676226874981*pi20*pi2*taut33*taut18 - 1.892307844119724095e-12*pi20*pi3*taut33*taut4 + 4.750694688678964685e-26*pi20*pi4*taut18*taut5*taut + 8.644695594721368726e-14*pi20*pi4*taut33*taut5 - 0.003119862521394402635*pi20*pi4*taut33*taut18*taut5)
[docs]def iapws97_d2Gr_dpidtau_region2(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the second derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs free energy with respect to `tau` and `pi` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 2). .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \gamma^r}{\partial \tau \partial \pi} = \sum_{i=1}^{43} n_i I_i \pi^{I_i-1} J_i (\tau - 0.5)^{J_i} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (540 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- d2Gr_dpidtau_ : float Second derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs energy Gr/(RT) with respect to `tau` and `pi`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_d2Gr_dpidtau_region2(540/300.0, 101325/1e6) -735.391845360247 ''' taut = tau - 0.5 pi2 = pi*pi pi3 = pi2*pi pi6 = pi3*pi3 pi17 = pi6*pi6*pi3*pi2 taut2 = taut*taut taut4 = taut2*taut2 taut5 = taut4*taut taut13 = taut4*taut4*taut5 # 13 taut34 = taut13*taut4 # 9 + 8 = 17 taut34 *= taut34 # 34 end return (-0.0007579595006525999962*pi*taut - 0.00006606528334040599997*pi - 0.03151422179468400114*pi*taut2*taut - 0.6131621391080219752*pi*taut5*taut - 0.001920567449814264156*pi*taut34*taut - 0.09199202739273000529*taut + 1.023257428182800066e-7*taut*pi3 - 0.01783486229235799886 + 1.316120018533050084e-6*pi2 - 0.0002904990951471300275*pi2*taut2 - 0.02706106417586639709*pi2*taut5 - 4.270166624078144402*pi2*taut34 - 0.1727437772502959934*taut2 - 3.153892382374680036e-9*pi3 + 5.787044726220840615e-6*pi3*taut2 + 0.000080227267181813501*pi3*pi*taut5*taut - 3.008657961190980272e-10*pi3*pi2*taut2 - 0.2032461342850079844*pi3*pi2*taut13*taut2 - 5018.10580616183961*pi3*pi2*taut34 - 0.3019516723675800263*taut5 - 0.00009718792852307769686*pi6*taut5*taut5 - 6.815697426254326174*pi6*taut13*taut5*taut5*taut + 7.203975270693759891e-10*pi6*pi*taut5*taut2 - 2370.566617862342355*pi6*pi*taut34*taut + 2.317736397844296243e-6*pi6*pi2*taut5*taut5*taut2 + 4.162786084069599818e-18*pi6*pi3*taut2*taut - 1.023474709592900005e-11*pi6*pi3*taut5*taut2*taut2 - 1.402545113131539905e-7*pi6*pi3*taut13 - 3.752966961220103956e-8*pi6*pi6*pi3*taut13*taut13*taut2 + 85.54425503527200192*pi6*pi6*pi3*taut34*taut13*taut2 - 345.3746908909944295*pi17*taut34*taut13*taut5*taut2*taut2 + 3.567433814216839978e-22*pi17*pi2*taut13*taut5*taut + 2.144052181336239759e-10*pi17*pi2*taut34 - 0.004032236899027968197*pi17*pi2*taut34*taut13 - 2.604370909136680202e-23*pi17*pi3*taut13*taut5*taut2 + 0.004410622091729086459*pi17*pi3*pi*taut34*taut13*taut5 - 1.145344221440885637e-12*pi17*pi3*pi2*taut34*taut2*taut2 + 4.560666901131806878e-26*pi17*pi6*taut13*taut5*taut5*taut2 + 5.319812673674687913e-14*pi17*pi6*taut34*taut5 - 0.001313626324797643238*pi17*pi6*taut34*taut13*taut5*taut5)
### Region 3 A formulations
[docs]def iapws97_A_region3(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the dimensionless Helmholtz free energy for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 3). .. math:: \frac{f(\rho, T)}{RT} = \phi(\delta, \tau) = n_1\ln\delta + \sum_{i=2}^{40} n_i \delta^{I_i}\tau^{J_i} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- A : float Helmholtz free energy A/(RT), [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_A_region3(647.096/500.0, 400.0/322.0) -3.0336402168865 ''' delta2 = delta*delta delta3 = delta2*delta delta4 = delta3*delta delta5 = delta4*delta tau2 = tau*tau tau4 = tau2*tau2 tau6 = tau4*tau2 tau13 = tau6*tau6*tau return (-1.265431547771399989*delta*tau2 - 1.152440780668100073*delta*tau6 + 0.8852104398431800414*delta*tau13*tau2 - 0.6420776518160700164*delta*tau13*tau4 + 20.94439697430700065*tau + 0.1077051262633200029*tau*delta5 - 0.0001655767979503699929*tau*delta5*delta5 + 1.065807002851300034*log(delta) - 15.73284529023900014 + 0.3849346018667100244*delta2 - 0.8521470882420599802*delta2*tau2 + 4.897228154187700078*delta2*tau6 - 3.050261725696500115*delta2*tau6*tau + 0.03942053687915399868*delta2*tau13*tau6*tau2*tau + 0.1255840842430800131*delta2*tau13*tau13 - 7.686770787871600064*tau2 - 0.2799932969871000155*delta3 + 1.389979956946000073*delta3*tau2 - 2.018991502357000201*delta3*tau4 - 0.008214763717396300277*delta3*tau13*tau2*tau - 0.4759603573492299788*delta3*tau13*tau13 + 0.0439840744735000011*delta4 - 0.4447643542873899736*delta4*tau2 + 0.9057207071973299994*delta4*tau4 + 0.7052245008796700354*delta4*tau13*tau13 - 0.3291362325895400009*delta5*tau2*tau - 0.5087106204115799946*delta5*tau13*tau13 - 0.02217540087309599964*delta5*delta + 0.0942607516650919991*delta5*delta*tau2 + 0.1643627844796100024*delta5*delta*tau13*tau13 - 0.01350337224134800021*delta5*delta2*tau2 + 2.618594778795400035*tau6*tau - 0.01483434535247200002*delta5*delta3*tau13*tau13 + 0.0005792295362808399465*delta5*delta4*tau2 + 0.00323089047037109986*delta5*delta4*tau13*tau13 + 0.00008096480299621500545*delta5*delta5 - 2.808078114861999985*tau6*tau4 - 0.00004492389906181499664*delta5*delta5*delta*tau13*tau13 + 1.205336969651700008*tau6*tau6 - 0.008456681281250200827*tau13*tau6*tau4)
[docs]def iapws97_dA_ddelta_region3(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the derivative of dimensionless Helmholtz free energy with respect to `delta` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 3). .. math:: \frac{\partial \phi(\delta, \tau)}{\partial \delta} = \frac{n_1}{\delta} + \sum_{i=2}^{40} n_i I_i \delta^{I_i-1}\tau^{J_i} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- dA_ddelta : float Derivative of dimensionless Helmholtz free energy with respect to `delta`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_dA_ddelta_region3(647.096/500.0, 400.0/322.0) 7.35562435092 ''' delta2 = delta*delta delta3 = delta2*delta delta4 = delta3*delta delta5 = delta4*delta tau2 = tau*tau tau3 = tau2*tau tau6 = tau3*tau3 tau13 = tau6*tau6*tau return (0.7698692037334200489*delta - 1.70429417648411996*delta*tau2 + 9.794456308375400155*delta*tau6 - 6.100523451393000229*delta*tau6*tau + 0.07884107375830799735*delta*tau13*tau6*tau3 + 0.2511681684861600261*delta*tau13*tau13 + 0.5385256313166000286*tau*delta4 - 0.001655767979503699984*tau*delta5*delta4 + 1.065807002851300034/delta - 0.8399798909613001019*delta2 + 4.169939870838000218*delta2*tau2 - 6.056974507071000602*delta2*tau3*tau - 0.0246442911521888991*delta2*tau13*tau3 - 1.427881072047689992*delta2*tau13*tau13 - 1.265431547771399989*tau2 + 0.1759362978940000044*delta3 - 1.779057417149559894*delta3*tau2 + 3.622882828789319998*delta3*tau3*tau + 2.820898003518680142*delta3*tau13*tau13 - 1.645681162947699949*delta4*tau3 - 2.543553102057900084*delta4*tau13*tau13 - 0.1330524052385760048*delta5 + 0.5655645099905519668*delta5*tau2 + 0.9861767068776600142*delta5*tau13*tau13 - 0.09452360568943600494*delta5*delta*tau2 - 1.152440780668100073*tau6 - 0.1186747628197760002*delta5*delta2*tau13*tau13 + 0.005213065826527559302*delta5*delta3*tau2 + 0.02907801423333989874*delta5*delta3*tau13*tau13 + 0.0008096480299621500003*delta5*delta4 - 0.0004941628896799649291*delta5*delta5*tau13*tau13 + 0.8852104398431800414*tau13*tau2 - 0.6420776518160700164*tau13*tau3*tau)
[docs]def iapws97_d2A_ddelta2_region3(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the second derivative of dimensionless Helmholtz free energy with respect to `delta` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 3). .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \phi(\delta, \tau)}{\partial \delta^2} = \frac{-n_1}{\delta^2} + \sum_{i=2}^{40} n_i I_i (I_i-1)\delta^{I_i-2}\tau^{J_i} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- d2A_ddelta2 : float Second derivative of dimensionless Helmholtz free energy with respect to `delta`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_d2A_ddelta2_region3(647.096/500.0, 400.0/322.0) -2.2858869882497 ''' delta2 = delta*delta delta3 = delta2*delta delta4 = delta3*delta tau2 = tau*tau tau4 = tau2*tau2 tau6 = tau4*tau2 tau20 = tau6*tau6*tau6*tau2 return ( - 1.065807002851300034/delta2 -1.679959781922600204*delta + 8.339879741676000435*delta*tau2 - 12.1139490141420012*delta*tau4 - 0.04928858230437779819*delta*tau6*tau6*tau4 - 2.855762144095379984*delta*tau20*tau6 + 2.154102525266400114*tau*delta3 - 0.0149019118155332992*tau*delta4*delta4 + 0.7698692037334200489 + 0.5278088936820000132*delta2 - 5.337172251448679461*delta2*tau2 + 10.86864848636795955*delta2*tau4 + 8.462694010556040425*delta2*tau20*tau6 - 1.70429417648411996*tau2 - 6.582724651790799797*delta3*tau2*tau - 10.17421240823160034*delta3*tau20*tau6 - 0.6652620261928799961*delta4 + 2.827822549952760056*delta4*tau2 + 4.930883534388300404*delta4*tau20*tau6 - 0.5671416341366160019*delta4*delta*tau2 - 0.8307233397384320428*delta4*delta2*tau20*tau6 + 9.794456308375400155*tau6 + 0.04170452661222047441*delta4*delta3*tau2 + 0.2326241138667191899*delta4*delta3*tau20*tau6 - 6.100523451393000229*tau6*tau + 0.007286832269659350436*delta4*delta4 - 0.004941628896799649291*delta4*delta4*delta*tau20*tau6 + 0.07884107375830799735*tau20*tau2 + 0.2511681684861600261*tau20*tau6)
[docs]def iapws97_dA_dtau_region3(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the derivative of dimensionless Helmholtz free energy with respect to `tau` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 3). .. math:: \frac{\partial \phi(\delta, \tau)}{\partial \tau} = + \sum_{i=2}^{40} n_i J_i \delta^{I_i}\tau^{J_i-1} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- dA_dtau : float Derivative of dimensionless Helmholtz free energy with respect to `tau`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_dA_dtau_region3(647.096/500.0, 400.0/322.0) -24.9687028688 ''' delta2 = delta*delta delta3 = delta2*delta delta4 = delta3*delta delta5 = delta4*delta tau11 = tau*tau # tau2 tau3 = tau11*tau tau5 = tau3*tau11 tau11 = tau5*tau5 # 10 tau25 = tau11*tau11*tau5 # 25 tau11 *= tau return (-2.530863095542799979*delta*tau - 6.914644684008599995*delta*tau5 + 13.27815659764770118*delta*tau11*tau3 - 10.91532008087319028*delta*tau11*tau5 - 15.37354157574320013*tau - 1.70429417648411996*tau*delta2 + 2.779959913892000145*tau*delta3 - 0.8895287085747799471*tau*delta4 + 0.1885215033301839982*tau*delta5*delta - 0.02700674448269600042*tau*delta5*delta2 + 0.001158459072561679893*tau*delta5*delta4 + 20.94439697430700065 + 29.38336892512619869*delta2*tau5 - 21.35183207987549991*delta2*tau5*tau + 0.867251811341387957*delta2*tau11*tau5*tau5 + 3.265186190320080506*delta2*tau25 - 8.075966009428000802*delta3*tau3 - 0.1314362194783408044*delta3*tau11*tau3*tau - 12.37496929107997978*delta3*tau25 + 3.622882828789319998*delta4*tau3 + 18.33583702287142003*delta4*tau25 + 0.1077051262633200029*delta5 - 0.9874086977686200584*delta5*tau*tau - 13.22647613070108008*delta5*tau25 + 4.273432396469860173*delta5*delta*tau25 + 18.33016345156779892*tau5*tau - 0.3856929791642719763*delta5*delta3*tau25 + 0.08400315222964860329*delta5*delta4*tau25 - 28.08078114861999808*tau5*tau3*tau - 0.0001655767979503699929*delta5*delta5 - 0.001168021375607189872*delta5*delta5*delta*tau25 + 14.4640436358203992*tau11 - 0.1945036694687546086*tau11*tau11)
[docs]def iapws97_d2A_dtau2_region3(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the second derivative of dimensionless Helmholtz free energy with respect to `tau` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 3). .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \phi(\delta, \tau)}{\partial \tau^2} = + \sum_{i=2}^{40} n_i J_i (J_i-1)\delta^{I_i}\tau^{J_i-2} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- d2A_dtau2 : float Second derivative of dimensionless Helmholtz free energy with respect to `tau`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_d2A_dtau2_region3(647.096/500.0, 400.0/322.0) -373.6565823701 ''' delta2 = delta*delta delta3 = delta2*delta delta6 = delta3*delta3 tau2 = tau*tau tau4 = tau2*tau2 tau10 = tau4*tau4*tau2 tau24 = tau4*tau10*tau10 return (-2.530863095542799979*delta - 34.57322342004299998*delta*tau4 + 185.8941923670678307*delta*tau10*tau2*tau - 174.6451212939710445*delta*tau10*tau4*tau - 1.974817395537240117*tau*delta3*delta2 - 15.37354157574320013 - 1.70429417648411996*delta2 + 146.9168446256310006*delta2*tau4 - 128.1109924792530137*delta2*tau4*tau + 18.21228803816914876*delta2*tau10*tau10 + 81.62965475800201887*delta2*tau24 + 2.779959913892000145*delta3 - 24.22789802828400241*delta3*tau2 - 1.97154329217511215*delta3*tau10*tau4 - 309.3742322769995212*delta3*tau24 - 0.8895287085747799471*delta3*delta + 10.86864848636795955*delta3*delta*tau2 + 458.395925571785483*delta3*delta*tau24 - 330.6619032675270091*delta3*delta2*tau24 + 109.9809807094067935*tau4*tau + 0.1885215033301839982*delta6 + 106.8358099117465088*delta6*tau24 - 0.02700674448269600042*delta6*delta - 9.642324479106799018*delta6*delta2*tau24 - 252.7270303375799756*tau4*tau4 + 0.001158459072561679893*delta6*delta3 + 2.100078805741214971*delta6*delta3*tau24 + 159.1044799940243877*tau10 - 0.02920053439017974636*delta6*delta3*delta2*tau24 - 4.279080728312601778*tau10*tau10*tau)
[docs]def iapws97_d2A_ddeltadtau_region3(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the second derivative of dimensionless Helmholtz free energy with respect to `tau` and `delta` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 3). .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \phi(\delta, \tau)}{\partial \tau \partial \delta} = + \sum_{i=2}^{40} n_i J_i \delta^{I_i-1}\tau^{J_i-1} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- d2A_ddeltadtau : float Second derivative of dimensionless Helmholtz free energy with respect to `tau` and `delta`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_d2A_ddeltadtau_region3(647.096/500.0, 400.0/322.0) 145.85190014717 ''' tau2 = tau*tau delta2 = tau2*tau2 # abuse - tau4 tau5 = delta2*tau tau14 = tau5*tau5 # 10 tau25 = tau14*tau14*tau5 tau14 *= delta2 delta2 = delta*delta delta3 = delta2*delta delta4 = delta3*delta delta5 = delta4*delta return (-3.408588352968239921*delta*tau + 58.76673785025239738*delta*tau5 - 42.70366415975099983*delta*tau5*tau + 1.734503622682775914*delta*tau14*tau5*tau2 + 6.530372380640161012*delta*tau25 - 2.530863095542799979*tau + 8.339879741676000435*tau*delta2 - 3.558114834299119789*tau*delta3 + 1.131129019981103934*tau*delta5 - 0.1890472113788720099*tau*delta5*delta + 0.0104261316530551186*tau*delta5*delta3 - 24.22789802828400241*delta2*tau2*tau - 0.3943086584350223855*delta2*tau14*tau - 37.12490787323994113*delta2*tau25 + 14.49153131515727999*delta3*tau2*tau + 73.34334809148568013*delta3*tau25 + 0.5385256313166000286*delta4 - 4.937043488843100292*delta4*tau2 - 66.13238065350540751*delta4*tau25 + 25.64059437881915926*delta5*tau25 - 6.914644684008599995*tau5 - 3.08554383331417581*delta5*delta2*tau25 + 0.7560283700668373186*delta5*delta3*tau25 - 0.001655767979503699984*delta5*delta4 - 0.01284823513167908729*delta5*delta5*tau25 + 13.27815659764770118*tau14 - 10.91532008087319028*tau14*tau2)
### Region 5
[docs]def iapws97_G0_region5(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the dimensionless ideal gas Gibbs free energy for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 5). .. math:: \gamma^\circ = \ln \pi + \sum_{i=1}^6 n_i^\circ \tau^{J_i^\circ} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (1000 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- G0 : float Dimensionless ideal gas Gibbs energy G/(RT), [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_G0_region5(1000.0/1500, 101325/1e6) -14.9741430290056 ''' tau_inv = 1.0/tau return (tau*(6.85408416344340043 - 0.329616265389169993*tau) + tau_inv*(tau_inv*(0.369015349803330006 - 0.0248051489334660015*tau_inv) - 3.1161318213925) + log(pi) - 13.1799836742010008)
[docs]def iapws97_dG0_dtau_region5(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the first derivative of dimensionless ideal gas Gibbs free energy with respect to `tau` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 5). .. math:: \frac{\partial \gamma^\circ}{\partial \tau} =\sum_{i=1}^6 n_i^\circ J_i^\circ\tau^{J_i^\circ-1} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (1000 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- dG0_dtau : float First derivative of dimensionless ideal gas Gibbs energy G/(RT) with respect to `tau`, [-] Notes ----- This function does not depend on `pi` but it is accepted for consistency. Examples -------- >>> iapws97_dG0_dtau_region5(1000.0/1500, 101325/1e6) 11.311766995978 ''' tau_inv = 1.0/tau return (-0.659232530778339987*tau + tau_inv*tau_inv*(tau_inv*(0.074415446800398008*tau_inv - 0.738030699606660012) + 3.1161318213925) + 6.85408416344340043)
[docs]def iapws97_d2G0_dtau2_region5(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the second derivative of dimensionless ideal gas Gibbs free energy with respect to `tau` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 5). .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \gamma^\circ}{\partial \tau^2} =\sum_{i=1}^6 n_i^\circ J_i^\circ( J_i^\circ-1)\tau^{J_i^\circ-2} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (1000 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- d2G0_dtau2 : float Second derivative of dimensionless ideal gas Gibbs energy G/(RT) with respect to `tau`, [-] Notes ----- This function does not depend on `pi` but it is accepted for consistency. Examples -------- >>> iapws97_d2G0_dtau2_region5(1000.0/1500, 101325/1e6) -12.744650271463655 ''' tau_inv = 1.0/tau return (tau_inv*tau_inv*tau_inv*(tau_inv*(2.21409209881998015 - 0.297661787201592032*tau_inv) - 6.232263642785) - 0.659232530778339987)
[docs]def iapws97_Gr_region5(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the dimensionless residual Gibbs free energy for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 5). .. math:: \gamma^r = \sum_{i=1}^{6} n_i \pi^{I_i} (\tau)^{J_i} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (1000 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- Gr : float Dimensionless residual Gibbs energy Gr/(RT), [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_Gr_region5(1000/300.0, 101325/1e6) -0.0194648291645718 ''' tau3 = tau*tau*tau return (pi*(pi*tau3*(3.79194548229549995e-8*pi*tau*tau3 + (2.24400374094849992e-6 - 4.11632754534709986e-6*tau3*tau3)) + tau*(tau*(0.000901537616739440007 - 0.00502700776776479966*tau) + 0.00157364048552589993)))
[docs]def iapws97_dGr_dpi_region5(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the first derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs free energy with respect to `pi` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 5). .. math:: \frac{\partial \gamma^r}{\partial \pi} = \sum_{i=1}^{6} n_i I_i \pi^{I_i-1} (\tau)^{J_i} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (1000 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- dGr_dpi : float Derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs energy Gr/(RT) with respect to `pi`, [-] Notes ----- Used in density solution. Examples -------- >>> iapws97_dGr_dpi_region5(1000/300.0, 101325/1e6) -0.213281155629998 ''' tau3 = tau*tau tau3 *= tau return (pi*tau3*(4.48800748189699983e-6 + tau3*(1.13758364468865005e-7*pi*tau - 8.23265509069419973e-6*tau3)) + tau*(tau*(0.000901537616739440007 - 0.00502700776776479966*tau) + 0.00157364048552589993))
[docs]def iapws97_d2Gr_dpi2_region5(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the second derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs free energy with respect to `pi` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 5). .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \gamma^r}{\partial \pi^2} = \sum_{i=1}^{6} n_i I_i (I_i-1) \pi^{I_i-2} (\tau)^{J_i} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (540 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- d2Gr_dpi2 : float Second derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs energy Gr/(RT) with respect to `pi`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_d2Gr_dpi2_region5(1000/300.0, 101325/1e6) -0.4179905782304291 ''' tau2 = tau*tau return (tau2*tau*(tau2*tau2*(2.2751672893773001e-7*pi - 8.23265509069419973e-6*tau2) + 4.48800748189699983e-6))
[docs]def iapws97_dGr_dtau_region5(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the first derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs free energy with respect to `tau` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 5). .. math:: \frac{\partial \gamma^r}{\partial \tau} = \sum_{i=1}^{6} n_i \pi^{I_i} J_i(\tau)^{J_i-1} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (1000 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- dGr_dtau : float Derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs energy Gr/(RT) with respect to `tau`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_dGr_dtau_region5(1000/300.0, 101325/1e6) -0.02200629869194 ''' tau2 = tau*tau return pi*(0.001803075233478880013*tau + 0.001573640485525899932 + tau2*(-0.01508102330329439897 + pi*(6.732011222845499322e-6 + tau2*tau2*(-0.00003704694790812389877*tau2 + 2.654361837606849767e-7*pi))))
[docs]def iapws97_d2Gr_dtau2_region5(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the second derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs free energy with respect to `tau` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 5). .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \gamma^r}{\partial \tau^2} = \sum_{i=1}^{6} n_i \pi^{I_i} J_i(J_i-1)(\tau)^{J_i-2} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (1000 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- d2Gr_dtau2 : float Second derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs energy Gr/(RT) with respect to `tau`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_d2Gr_dtau2_region5(1000/300.0, 101325/1e6) -0.0239165867999155 ''' tau2 = tau*tau # # 10 before # return (0.00180307523347888001*pi + tau*(0.0000134640224456909986*pi2 # - 0.0301620466065887979*pi + tau**4*pi2*(1.59261710256410975e-6*pi* # - 0.00029637558326499119*tau2))) return pi*(0.001803075233478880013 + tau*(-0.03016204660658879794 + pi*(0.00001346402244569099864 + tau2*tau2*(-0.0002963755832649911902*tau2 + 1.592617102564109754e-6*pi))))
[docs]def iapws97_d2Gr_dpidtau_region5(tau, pi): r'''Calculates the second derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs free energy with respect to `tau` and `pi` for water according to the IAPWS-97 standard (for region 5). .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \gamma^r}{\partial \tau \partial \pi} = \sum_{i=1}^{6} n_i I_i \pi^{I_i-1} J_i(\tau)^{J_i-1} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (1000 K)/T [-] pi : float Dimensionless pressure, P/(1 MPa), [-] Returns ------- d2Gr_dpidtau : float Second derivative of dimensionless residual Gibbs energy Gr/(RT) with respect to `tau` and `pi`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> iapws97_d2Gr_dpidtau_region5(1000/300.0, 101325/1e6) -0.27438379131103097 ''' tau2 = tau*tau return (0.001573640485525899932 + tau*(0.001803075233478880013 + tau*(-0.01508102330329439897 + pi*(0.00001346402244569099864 + tau2*tau2*(-0.00007409389581624779755*tau2 + 7.963085512820550889e-7*pi)))))
### Region 3 subregion density calls REGION_3A = 1 REGION_3B = 2 REGION_3C = 3 REGION_3D = 4 REGION_3E = 5 REGION_3F = 6 REGION_3G = 7 REGION_3H = 8 REGION_3I = 9 REGION_3J = 10 REGION_3K = 11 REGION_3L = 12 REGION_3M = 13 REGION_3N = 14 REGION_3O = 15 REGION_3P = 16 REGION_3Q = 17 REGION_3R = 18 REGION_3S = 19 REGION_3T = 20 REGION_3U = 21 REGION_3V = 22 REGION_3W = 23 REGION_3X = 24 REGION_3Y = 25 REGION_3Z = 26 REGION_3_AS_LETTERS = {1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C', 4: 'D', 5: 'E', 6: 'F', 7: 'G', 8: 'H', 9: 'I', 10: 'J', 11: 'K', 12: 'L', 13: 'M', 14: 'N', 15: 'O', 16: 'P', 17: 'Q', 18: 'R', 19: 'S', 20: 'T', 21: 'U', 22: 'V', 23: 'W', 24: 'X', 25: 'Y', 26: 'Z'} def iapws97_region_3(T, P): r'''Identify the subregion in the IAPWS-97 region 3 given a temperature and pressure point. No cheking that the original point is in region 3 is performed. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] P : float Pressure, [Pa] Returns ------- subregion : int One of 1 to 26 inclusive, [-] Examples -------- >>> iapws97_identify_region_TP(648.6, 22.5e6) 3 ''' logP_MPa = log(P*1e-6) logP_MPa_inv = 1.0/logP_MPa region = 0 if P > 100e6: return region Tab = iapws97_boundary_3ab(logP_MPa, logP_MPa_inv) if P > 40e6: # and P <= 100e6 if T <= Tab: return REGION_3A return REGION_3B Tcd = iapws97_boundary_3cd(P) Tef = iapws97_boundary_3ef(P) if P > 25e6 and P <= 40e6: if T <= Tcd: return REGION_3C elif Tcd < T <= Tab: return REGION_3D elif Tab < T <= Tef: return REGION_3E else: return REGION_3F Tgh = iapws97_boundary_3gh(P) Tij = iapws97_boundary_3ij(P) Tjk = iapws97_boundary_3jk(P) if P > 23.5E6 and P <= 25e6: if T <= Tcd: return REGION_3C elif Tcd < T and T <= Tgh: return REGION_3G elif Tgh < T and T <= Tef: return REGION_3H elif Tef < T and T <= Tij: return REGION_3I elif Tij < T and T<= Tjk: return REGION_3J return REGION_3K if 23e6 < P <= 23.5e6: if T <= Tcd: return REGION_3C elif Tcd < T <= Tgh: return REGION_3L elif Tgh < T <= Tef: return REGION_3H elif Tef < T <= Tij: return REGION_3I elif Tij < T <= Tjk: return REGION_3J return REGION_3K Tmn = iapws97_boundary_3mn(P) Top = iapws97_boundary_3op(logP_MPa, logP_MPa_inv) if 22.5e6 < P <= 23e6: if T <= Tcd: return REGION_3C elif Tcd < T <= Tgh: return REGION_3L elif Tgh < T <= Tmn: return REGION_3M elif Tmn < T <= Tef: return REGION_3N elif Tef < T <= Top: return REGION_3O elif Top < T <= Tij: return REGION_3P elif Tij < T <= Tjk: return REGION_3J else: return REGION_3K Trx = iapws97_boundary_3rx(P) Tqu = iapws97_boundary_3qu(P) Psat_643 = 21043367.318975247 # Psat_IAPWS(643.15) Tsat = Tsat_IAPWS(P) if Psat_643 < P <= 22.5e6: if T <= Tcd: return REGION_3C elif Tcd < T <= Tqu: return REGION_3Q elif Trx < T <= Tjk: return REGION_3R elif T > Tjk: return REGION_3K else: Tuv = iapws97_boundary_3uv(P) Twx = iapws97_boundary_3wx(logP_MPa, logP_MPa_inv) if 22.11e6 < P <= 22.5e6: if Tqu < T <= Tuv: return REGION_3U elif Tuv < T <= Tef: return REGION_3V elif Tef < T <= Twx: return REGION_3W elif Twx < T <= Trx: return REGION_3X if 22.064e6 < P <= 22.11e6: if Tqu < T <= Tuv: return REGION_3U elif Tuv < T <= Tef: return REGION_3Y elif Tef < T <= Twx: return REGION_3Z elif Twx < T <= Trx: return REGION_3X if T > Tsat: if Psat_643 < P <= 2.190096265E7: #if T < Trx: return REGION_3X if 2.190096265E7 < P <= 22.064e6: if T <= Twx: return REGION_3Z elif Twx < T <= Trx: return REGION_3X else: if Psat_643 < P <= 2.193161551E7: return REGION_3U if 2.193161551E7 < P <= 22.064E6: if Tqu < T <= Tuv: return REGION_3U return REGION_3Y if 20.5e6 < P <= Psat_643: if T <= Tcd: return REGION_3C elif Tcd < T <= Tsat: return REGION_3S elif Tsat <= T <= Tjk: return REGION_3R else: return REGION_3K P3cd = 19.00881189E6 if P3cd < P <= 20.5e6: if T < Tcd: return REGION_3C elif Tcd < T < Tsat: return REGION_3S else: return REGION_3T Psat_623 = 16529164.25260448# Psat_IAPWS(623.15) if Psat_623 < P <= P3cd: if T <= Tsat: return REGION_3C return REGION_3T
[docs]def iapws97_region3_a(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*1e-08 - 0.085 thetat = T*0.0013157894736842105 - 0.817 pit_inv = 1.0/pit pit2 = pit*pit pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 pit_inv10 = pit_inv5*pit_inv5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat main = (-0.050226879086966297*pit + 0.040874841585674497*pit_inv + thetat*(0.47468639786331202*pit_inv + thetat*(-0.36964530819337699*pit + 1.1864681499791501*pit_inv + thetat*(1.3582570312914*(pit_inv2) + (thetat2)*(thetat*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*(234105.65413187601*(pit_inv10) - 76705.194838085197*pit_inv10*pit_inv2) + 28277.661724328598*(pit_inv5) - 26989.395617661299*pit_inv5*pit_inv3 + 6280.0804934568896*(pit_inv10) + 572.61674081061597*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) - 2424.3152002952302*pit_inv2*pit_inv2 - 156.237904341963*pit_inv5*pit_inv3) + 44.272952105831401*(pit_inv3)) + 26.698704085604*(pit_inv5) + 0.216867826045856*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3) - 0.0253321069529674*pit_inv10 + 0.00110879558823853*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) + 1.7935760401998899*(pit_inv3)) + 0.079744179390101699*(pit2) + 0.45318626168577397*(pit_inv2)) + 0.19526677045264301 - 0.0122494831387441*pit_inv3 + 0.0011673222766826099*(pit_inv5) - 0.00018040710008550501*pit_inv5*pit_inv) + 0.54698726572754897 + 0.0063382803752842004*(pit2) - 0.0059322348901834198*pit_inv2 + 0.00043521732302273302*(pit_inv3)) V = main*0.0024 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_b(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*1e-08 - 0.28 thetat = T*0.0011627906976744186 - 0.779 pit_inv = 1.0/pit pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 pit_inv10 = pit_inv5*pit_inv5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat main = (-0.102845919373532*pit + 0.0122261479925384*pit_inv + thetat*(thetat*(-0.49267663758928398*pit + 2.1635605769293802*pit_inv + thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*(-29103.2084950276*pit_inv10*thetat2 + 41.688712601056501*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) - 1406.99677420738*pit_inv5 - 0.082767047000362096*pit_inv10*pit_inv2) + 361.18245261214901*(pit_inv5) + 140.24499760965799*(pit_inv5*pit_inv) - 111.422582236948*pit_inv5*pit_inv3 + 0.048365198219705897*(pit_inv10)) + 294.00250933851498*(pit_inv5*pit_inv)) + 23.960066025616101*(pit_inv2) - 50.667329572163702*pit_inv3 - 4.2559780405863199*pit_inv2*pit_inv2 - 344.38415881145897*pit_inv5 - 0.020230008390401399*pit_inv5*pit_inv) + 171.346792457471*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2)) - 41.375495701104199*pit_inv3) + 6.0881736840178498*(pit_inv2) - 0.24046253507852999*pit3 - 0.041637529016623598*pit_inv3 - 0.00202023902676481*pit_inv2*pit_inv2) - 0.116892827834085 + 0.00151140509678925*(pit_inv3) + 0.128369435967012*(pit2*pit2)) + 0.398198903368642 + 0.065554045640679001*(pit2) - 0.00057221296556902296*pit_inv2 + 6.9134608500033399e-6*(pit_inv3) - 0.026979818031007501*pit2*pit2) V = main*0.0041 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_c(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*2.5e-08 - 0.259 thetat = T*0.0014492753623188406 - 0.903 pit_inv = 1.0/pit pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 pit_inv10 = pit_inv5*pit_inv5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat main = (-0.156531975531713*pit + 0.0158646812591361*pit_inv + thetat*(0.70790633624184296*pit_inv + thetat*(11.770743004815801*pit + 12.601622514657*pit_inv + thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*((thetat2)*(-79389204.982125103*pit_inv10 + 32258310.340326902*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) - 3820310.2057081298*pit_inv2*pit_inv2 + 7912143.6522279195*(pit_inv5*pit_inv) - 899732.52990737697*pit_inv10 + 27671.3458847564*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) + 1232904.23502494*(pit2) - 1070777.1666086901*pit3 - 833426.56321285095*pit_inv5 + 175336.67532249901*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3)) + 2297.8474234507198*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3) - 342.41606509536302*pit_inv10 + 3.1196778876303002*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) + 3775.1566896695099*(pit_inv2) + 95.319300321738794*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3)) + 234.604891591616*(pit_inv2) - 65.950886355576699*pit_inv5) - 44.017020394964497*pit2 + 31.032749849200801*(pit_inv3)) - 17.810058818913699 + 0.064573468058329198*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2)) + 0.67654426899910103 - 0.18644246747194901*pit2 + 3.1993334584420903e-5*(pit_inv5) + 0.0438319858566475*(pit5*pit3)) + 0.73614365577215202 + 0.084014365386044704*(pit2) - 0.00089299671848372397*pit_inv2 - 0.0240650039730845*pit3 + 4.0639884847007902e-5*(pit_inv3)) V = main*0.0022 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_d(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*2.5e-08 - 0.559 thetat = T*0.0014492753623188406 - 0.939 pit_inv = 1.0/pit pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 pit_inv10 = pit_inv5*pit_inv5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat main = (-0.032665012142638297*pit + 0.0050083391537212099*pit_inv + thetat*(0.38784248299841101*pit_inv + thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(-1385.35367777182*pit_inv + thetat*(4980.4417172787698*pit + thetat*(thetat*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*(-41125421794.6539*pit_inv10 + 1153711331204.97*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)*(thetat2)) - 12712303.684593201*pit_inv10*pit_inv2) - 19541952.506071299*pit_inv5*pit_inv3 + 1443694.8990905299*(pit_inv10) + 508.05887480834502*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) + 2240407.5442698798*(pit_inv5*pit_inv) - 68931.508793315807*pit_inv5*pit_inv3 - 20.3578994462286*pit_inv10) + 125031.83535173599*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2) - 385294.21355528902*pit_inv5 - 22.177428114603799*pit_inv5*pit_inv3 - 0.0021499135204754499*pit_inv10*pit_inv2) + 3163.7351056401499*(pit_inv5*pit_inv) + 0.00277211346836625*(pit_inv10) + 3.1521038953880098e-5*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) - 348.15320341466298*pit_inv5) + 225.66051751243799*(pit_inv3) - 1.56481703640525e-6*pit_inv10 - 4.5248484717164498e-10*pit_inv10*pit_inv2) + 6.23449786243773e-6*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3)) + 1.7194625206874199 + 0.096812367845584099*(pit_inv3) - 0.00040421385283399602*pit_inv5 + 2.4155480603397201e-11*(pit_inv10)) - 0.029962841081922899*pit_inv2 + 0.00013464838327108901*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2) - 4.3670134792235601e-6*pit_inv5) + 0.87074524597177305 - 0.000190102435341872*pit_inv2 + 0.0055147802276508699*(pit3) + 1.3520370009940299e-7*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2) - 1.97805728776273e-16*pit_inv10) V = main*main V *= V*0.0029 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_e(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*2.5e-08 - 0.587 thetat = T*0.0014084507042253522 - 0.918 pit_inv = 1.0/pit pit2 = pit*pit pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 pit_inv10 = pit_inv5*pit_inv5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat main = (-0.54467412487890998*pit - 0.015749651617430801*pit_inv + thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(2045.29931318843*pit - 1043.9079421301101*pit_inv2 + (thetat2)*(-22834.235932875199*pit + thetat*(thetat*((thetat2)*((thetat2*thetat2)*((thetat2)*(79497740233.560303*(pit_inv10) - 114328360753.44901*pit_inv10*pit_inv2) + 5353641749.6012697*(pit_inv10) + 715815808.40472102*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) - 1117963.81424162*pit_inv5*pit_inv3 + 665695.90883625206*(pit_inv10)) - 142586.073991215*pit_inv5*pit_inv3) - 266627.75039034098*pit_inv3 + 92.223056342143707*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3)) + 47599.266771712399*(pit_inv3) - 6699.8923907049102*pit_inv5 + 8961.2162964075997*(pit_inv5*pit_inv) - 9.0398366869115705e-5*pit_inv10) - 33.973132597771297*pit_inv2*pit_inv2) + 123.654999499486*(pit_inv2) + 3.7653100201571999e-12*(pit_inv10)) - 34.193183591040501*pit2 - 1.2052311155227799*pit_inv3 + 0.0045124253848683399*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2)) + 1.7837346287390301 + 0.30563840482826499*(pit_inv2)) + 0.685331118940253 + 0.41319748151589902*(pit2) - 0.00015331495438652401*pit_inv2) V = main*0.0032 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_f(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = sqrt(P*2.5e-08 - 0.587) thetat = T*0.0013698630136986301 - 0.891 thetat_inv = 1.0/thetat pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 thetat_inv2 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv thetat_inv3 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv5 = thetat_inv3*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv10 = thetat_inv5*thetat_inv5 main = (-0.00141987303638727*pit*thetat_inv + thetat*(2.69251915156554*pit + thetat*(-30.020869577178299*pit*thetat + 34.974181585872202*pit - 16.517557195908601) + 2.1410775923648599 - 8.3909127728616895*pit2 - 1.4977453386065001*pit5 + 1.5120553127513301*(pit5*pit2)) - 0.00100615977450049*thetat_inv + 0.99996914025219197 - 1.31546288252539*pit2 + 6.0130719366876297e-6*(thetat_inv2) + 1.52115067087106*(pit3) - 0.00059109920647890904*pit3*thetat_inv2 + 1.81545608337015e-10*(pit3)*(thetat_inv5) - 2.5175654779232502e-8*thetat_inv3 + 2.5295647066322501e-5*(pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv3) + 1.0072626520378601e-15*(pit5)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) - 7.9394097056296902e-10*pit5*pit*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv - 0.000150290891264717*pit5*pit2*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 + 4.7094260622165203e-6*(pit10)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) + 0.00060437464020126502*(pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2) - 9.1162788626607693e-9*pit10*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 + 1.95049710391712e-13*(pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv10) - 0.00091929673666610605*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 - 1.3779607079840901e-5*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv - 3.0306390804340398e-7*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 + 6.1091697358298098e-12*(pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv10) - 2.2513293390013599e-16*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 + 7.5325947989869902e-7*(pit10*pit3*pit3)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) + 6.3928822313254498e-10*(pit10*pit3*pit3)*(thetat_inv10) + 7.5614029435161407e-9*(pit10*pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv10) - 4.0032147868292898e-13*pit10*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 + 2.6958601059187399e-5*(pit10*pit5*pit3*pit2)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) - 2.3761238114053899e-8*pit10*pit5*pit3*pit2*thetat_inv10 - 9.1208205403489092e-12*pit10*pit5*pit3*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 - 7.3282813515783902e-11*pit10*pit10*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 - 0.00040573553273032199*pit10*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 + 2.4199557830666001e-10*(pit10*pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) + 1.8942414349801099e-10*(pit10*pit10*pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) - 4.8663296507456297e-10*pit10*pit10*pit10*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) V = main*main V *= V*0.0064 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_g(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4e-08 - 0.872 thetat = T*0.0015151515151515152 - 0.971 pit_inv = 1.0/pit pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 pit_inv10 = pit_inv5*pit_inv5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat main = (-0.11048023927260101*pit + thetat*(5.3651603187505899*pit + thetat*(30.433158444409301*pit_inv + thetat*(-2914.41872156205*pit - 91.078254013468097*pit_inv2 + (thetat2)*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(5932507979.59445*pit_inv + (thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*(-7.1294938340821105e+18*pit_inv2 + (thetat2*thetat2)*(-3.6417406211079798e+27*pit_inv + (thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*(-1.04578785289542e+36*pit_inv2 + 6.16338176535305e+39*(pit3) + 7.2537907205934803e+29*(pit_inv10) - 1.05549884548496e+28*pit_inv10*pit_inv2) + 8.0205671552837802e+31*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2) - 1.2088917586118e+38*pit5 - 2.8021431005410101e+30*pit_inv5*pit_inv + 4.962507048713e+24*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) + 6.1375422916861901e+27*(pit_inv5) - 9.2217276959610093e+22*pit_inv10) - 1.9578886571897101e+17*pit_inv10*pit_inv2) - 758642165988.27795*pit_inv10 + 9481808850.3208008*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) + 8.1839602452461196e+22*(pit5*pit) + 228646846221.83099*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3) - 1149872.3828058699*pit_inv10*pit_inv2) - 37954580.233648703*pit_inv5*pit_inv3) - 4997410.93010619*pit_inv5*pit_inv + 10755.5033344858*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3)) - 29861781.9828065*pit_inv3 + 1049154.0676958601*(pit_inv5) - 61.7718249205859*pit_inv5*pit_inv3 + 4.1220902065299602e-5*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) - 8375139317986550.0*pit10) + 135033.22728156499*(pit_inv2)) + 940781944.83582902*(pit5*pit3)) - 72.464414375850794) - 0.33769360965747097) + 0.92179140353246103 - 36727.966954544798*pit10) V = main*main V *= V*0.0027 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_h(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4e-08 - 0.898 thetat = T*0.0015151515151515152 - 0.983 pit_inv = 1.0/pit pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 pit_inv10 = pit_inv5*pit_inv5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat main = (-0.21134640224085799*pit + 0.0014719965861807599*pit_inv + thetat*(thetat*(24.997175295749098*pit + 20.261848702557799*pit_inv + thetat*(thetat*((thetat2)*(thetat*(thetat*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*(17195156812433.699*(pit_inv10) - 18546115498514500.0*pit_inv10*thetat2) + 7741354215.8708296*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) - 605971823.58500504*pit_inv10) - 6561744.2199959401*pit_inv5*pit_inv + 17768333.734819099*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3) + 1936.9655876492*(pit_inv10) + 0.056137967888757703*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) - 2120.1062070121998*pit_inv5*pit_inv3) - 234396.09169331301*pit_inv5*pit_inv - 170.875935679023*pit_inv5*pit_inv3 - 0.00143987128208183*pit_inv10) + 1394.99167345464*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2) + 13.5249306374858*(pit_inv5) + 11.017744362957499*(pit_inv5*pit_inv) + 1.11482975877938e-9*(pit_inv10)) - 2.1294625702140002*pit_inv5) - 0.15201104438964799*pit_inv3 + 0.17718916414581301*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2) + 1.5636221297739601e-5*(pit_inv5)) - 0.0070367093203638799*pit_inv3 - 3.9546432784610502e-14*pit_inv5*pit_inv3) + 0.89934551894423997 + 9.8191692299111303e-5*(pit_inv2) + 3.8785116807801003e-17*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3)) V = main*main V *= V*0.0032 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_i(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = sqrt(P*4e-08 - 0.91) thetat = T*0.0015151515151515152 - 0.984 thetat_inv = 1.0/thetat pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat thetat3 = thetat*thetat2 thetat5 = thetat3*thetat2 thetat_inv2 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv thetat_inv3 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv5 = thetat_inv3*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv10 = thetat_inv5*thetat_inv5 main = (-0.0023530288573684901*pit*thetat_inv - 0.269226321968839*pit - 5.6662075717003204e-7*pit*thetat_inv2 - 4.4635205567874902e-12*pit*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 + thetat*(thetat*((thetat3)*((thetat5)*(259862256980408.0 - 2.2328627042235599e+21*pit5*thetat2 + 4.2273953705724101e+19*(pit5*pit3)) - 99226310037675.0*pit10*pit2*pit2) + 42227580030.4086*(pit10*pit5*pit3)) - 1.4862085792233299) - 2.3177966967562398*thetat_inv*pit2*pit2 + 4.8133713145289097*thetat_inv*(pit5) + 1.0690568435913601 + 9.22024992944392*(pit2) - 17.394256556222199*pit3 + 3.5763350550377198e-12*(pit3)*(thetat_inv5) - 0.00026705035107576803*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv2 + 7.0068178555622898e-6*(pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv3) - 7.5353304697975201e-13*pit5*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv + 0.0064641293413649596*(pit5*pit2)*(thetat_inv3) - 1.18746004987383e-5*pit5*pit2*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 - 4.1058853633093698e-10*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv + 3.1369818047381199e-13*(pit10)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) - 0.013526863990502101*pit10*pit2*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 - 3.39823323754373e-6*pit10*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv + 1.6439533434503999e-24*(pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) - 0.046395953375238497*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 + 1.84386437538366e-9*(pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) - 7.2325251421162496e-15*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv10 + 0.00345570606200257*(pit10*pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) - 5.4084301862408299e-8*pit10*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 - 2.2262099845219699e-11*pit10*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv10 + 6.8816915443933499e-17*(pit10*pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) + 9.2723798515367901e-10*(pit10*pit5*pit3*pit2)*(thetat_inv10) - 1.2697447877048701e-15*pit10*pit5*pit3*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 + 6.1267081201648904e-14*(pit10*pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) - 0.00038366950263682198*pit10*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 - 7.22693924063497e-12*pit10*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 - 93197.689751108599*pit10*pit10*pit10*pit2*thetat_inv5 + 0.000374684572410204*(pit10*pit10*pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv10) + 65.811054675947403*(pit10*pit10*pit10*pit3*pit3)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) - 0.0247690616026922*pit10*pit10*pit10*pit3*pit3*thetat_inv10) V = main*main V *= V*0.0041 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_j(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = sqrt(P*4e-08 - 0.875) thetat = T*0.0014925373134328358 - 0.964 thetat_inv = 1.0/thetat pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 thetat_inv2 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv thetat_inv3 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv5 = thetat_inv3*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv10 = thetat_inv5*thetat_inv5 main = (-0.000728541958464774*pit*thetat_inv + 1.79058760078792e-6*pit*(thetat_inv2) + thetat*(-18.757613337170401*pit + thetat*(6223.2297178647304*thetat*(pit5*pit) - 198.704578406823*pit2*pit2) + 5.3061558192897902 + 24.357475537729002*(pit2)) - 0.00011137131739554*thetat_inv + 0.0019906087407184901*thetat_inv*(pit2) + 1.0034289242368499 - 0.000177040785499444*pit3*thetat_inv2 - 0.0025968038522712999*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv2 - 1.6102312131433301*pit5 - 0.0023626469284413801*pit5*thetat_inv2 + 7.3862779022428697e-5*(pit5)*(thetat_inv3) - 9.6075411670166893e-9*pit10*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv + 0.0076737378140421097*(pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv3) - 5.1057226972048803e-11*pit10*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 + 1.46564542926508e-5*(pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv5) - 7.1759073552674496e-10*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 + 6.6385546948525403e-15*(pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv10) + 3.0902947427701301e-12*(pit10*pit3*pit3)*(thetat_inv10) - 4.6421630097170797e-16*pit10*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 - 2.36716126781431e-10*pit10*pit5*pit3*pit2*thetat_inv10 - 3.9049963796116099e-14*pit10*pit5*pit3*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 - 0.0042227178748249702*pit10*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv + 4.54652854268717e-12*(pit10*pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) + 2.7092900272022802*(pit10*pit10*pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv5) + 2.8391174235470601e-11*(pit10*pit10*pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2)) V = main*main V *= V*0.0054 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_k(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4e-08 - 0.802 thetat = T*0.0014705882352941176 - 0.935 pit_inv = 1.0/pit thetat_inv = 1.0/thetat pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv thetat2 = thetat*thetat thetat_inv2 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv thetat_inv3 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv5 = thetat_inv3*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv10 = thetat_inv5*thetat_inv5 main = (-3.4470960548668601*pit - 0.00027761760697574801*pit*thetat_inv2 + 1.7034307284185001e-6*pit*(thetat_inv3) + 3.9472147136367802e-15*pit_inv*(thetat_inv5) + thetat*(22.133386244709499*pit + thetat*(-194.64611003707901*pit + thetat*(thetat*(3289.13873658481*(pit2) + (thetat2)*(37262.996737414702*pit_inv + (thetat2*thetat2)*(-401215699.57609898*pit_inv2 + (thetat2)*(48450147831.840599*(pit_inv2) - 29102685116444.398*thetat2)))) + 589.70277127742895) - 104.52963483027899) + 12.243316265660001) - 0.000879148916140706*thetat_inv + 0.84431786384433105 + 2.5583029857902702*(pit2) - 0.00181057560300994*pit2*thetat_inv2 - 6.96664158132412e-6*pit2*thetat_inv3 - 1.8084520914547001e-11*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv + 8.0835463977282498e-16*(pit2)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) + 4.7536162997023301e-7*(thetat_inv2) - 0.0039568892342125*pit5*thetat_inv3 - 6.6187679255803405e-7*pit5*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv - 1.73270241249904e-19*pit5*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 + 3.8371940902555598e-5*(pit5*pit)*(thetat_inv5) + 1.6075110746495799e-9*(pit5*pit)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) - 4.00879935920517e-14*pit5*pit*thetat_inv10 + 6.0420329981913199e-18*(pit5*pit)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) - 3.8043640701245203e-15*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv - 6.4956544670245702e-15*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 - 1.4909532850600001e-12*pit10*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 + 5.4144937732958098e-9*(pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv10) - 3.6979437416866603e-30*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) V = main*0.0077 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_l(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4.166666666666667e-08 - 0.908 thetat = T*0.0015384615384615385 - 0.989 pit_inv = 1.0/pit pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 pit_inv10 = pit_inv5*pit_inv5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat thetat3 = thetat*thetat2 thetat5 = thetat3*thetat2 thetat10 = thetat5*thetat5 main = (-0.198068404154428*pit + 2.6583961888553e-5*pit_inv + thetat*(0.025339239288975399*pit_inv + thetat*(thetat*(-214.443041836579*pit_inv + thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*((thetat2)*(-306367307532219.0*pit_inv2 + (thetat2)*(4.9423723717971798e+20 + (thetat2)*((thetat2)*(-1.4141534988114001e+30*pit + (thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*(5.21635864527315e+34*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3) - 4.87095672740742e+54*pit_inv5*pit_inv3*thetat10*thetat2 - 3.8145826048995503e+32*pit_inv10) + 4.1386518684890801e+26*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) - 6.9595362234882901e+32*pit_inv3 - 7.5896694638775806e+22*pit_inv10*pit_inv2) + 2.7070611108523801e+29*(pit_inv3) - 4.4435947874629502e+22*pit_inv5*pit_inv3 + 5.5492387028966697e+18*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) - 1.0810548079647099e+24*pit_inv2*pit_inv2 - 188277213604704.0*pit_inv10*pit_inv2) + 1.1666212121932199e+32*(pit5*pit) + 5294829964228630.0*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3) - 815038000738.06006*pit_inv10 + 2607020586.4753699*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) - 495017809506.71997*pit_inv5*pit_inv3 - 4.4570336919694501e+32*pit10) + 22609563.143717401*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3) + 6.4279493237369401e+32*(pit10*pit2*pit2)) - 714430.20993754698*pit_inv5*pit_inv) + 7774514.3796098996*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2)) - 0.0123239564600519*pit_inv5*pit_inv3) - 10.0752127917598*pit_inv5) + 0.127868634615495*(pit_inv5) - 3158749762715330.0*pit10) + 72.155916336135405*(pit_inv2) - 2.1285716942348398*pit_inv3) + 33.840122250919102 + 0.11060902747228001*(pit_inv2)) + 2.2318404310169999 - 99.386242161365104*pit2 - 3.5757858116965902e-6*pit_inv3 + 47313.790987276501*(pit5)) + 0.93784660148966703 + 125.07053414273101*(pit2*pit2) - 996.473529004439*pit5) V = main*main V *= V*0.0026 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_m(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4.347826086956522e-08 - 1.0 thetat = sqrt(sqrt(T*0.0015384615384615385 - 0.997)) pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat thetat3 = thetat*thetat2 main = (0.81138436348184695 + (thetat2)*((thetat3)*(-81456.820934687203*pit + thetat*(458384.82859394897*pit + thetat*(thetat*((thetat2)*(-5475783138.9909697*pit2 + (thetat2)*((thetat2)*(-170451090076.38501*pit + 185135446.82833701 + (thetat2*thetat2)*(157890366037614.0*pit + (thetat2)*(-2025305097487740.0*pit + (thetat2)*(1.70215539458936e+17*(pit2) + (thetat2)*(-821698160721956.0 + (thetat2*thetat2)*(2.3341586947851002e+17 - 6.0007993458680299e+22*pit3 + 5.9458438227338403e+24*(pit2*pit2) + (thetat2*thetat2)*(1.88813911076809e+21*pit + (thetat2*thetat2)*(-3.2942192395146001e+21 - 1.37570282536696e+25*pit2 + 1.8150899630390199e+27*(pit3) - 3.4686512276835299e+29*pit2*pit2 - 2.1196114877426e+37*pit5*pit3 - 1.2861789988767499e+48*pit10*pit2*pit2 + 4.79817895699239e+64*(pit10*pit10*pit2*pit2)) + 1.11052244098768e+35*(pit5*pit3) + 2.9113395860250301e+45*(pit10*pit2*pit2)) + 1.8946127934949199e+39*(pit10*pit2) - 8.1009342884264494e+45*pit10*pit3*pit3) - 7.9526024187230606e+23*pit5) + 6.3923490991874096e+41*(pit10*pit3*pit3)) + 3.6819392618356999e+59*(pit10*pit10*pit5*pit3)))) + 1850072455632.3899*(pit3)) + 200725701112386.0*(pit5)) + 939454935735.56299*(pit2*pit2) + 2.6657285643293799e+27*(pit10*pit2*pit2)) + 45373580.000427298*(pit2)) - 38575400038384.797*pit5*pit) - 65977456.760287397*pit3 - 15286114865.930201*pit2*pit2 - 560165667510.44604*pit5) + 7.9553765761342698e+31*(pit10*pit5*pit3*pit2)) - 5681.99310990094*pit3 - 17865719817.2556*pit5*pit3) V = main*0.0028 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_n(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4.347826086956522e-08 - 0.976 thetat = T*0.0015384615384615385 - 0.997 thetat_inv = 1.0/thetat pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat thetat_inv2 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv thetat_inv3 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv5 = thetat_inv3*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv10 = thetat_inv5*thetat_inv5 main = (-302.807107747776*pit + thetat*(232534.27270987601*pit + thetat*((-86987136466.276901*pit + thetat*(400849240129329.0*pit*thetat + 354542769185.67102))*(thetat2) - 792681.20713260002) + 1591.5874831459901) - 0.00089076330670130501*thetat_inv - 4402.0959940771399*thetat_inv*pit3 - 4.9311136203016203e-11*pit2*thetat_inv5 + 5.4127691156417598e-14*(pit2)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) + 2.4056080832171301e-7*(thetat_inv2) - 0.0064306413263692502*pit3*thetat_inv3 + 7.0541210077369902e-12*(pit3)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) - 3.34952758812999e-19*pit3*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 - 6.0724664397089301e-24*pit3*thetat_inv10 + 6.14869006573609e-31*(pit3)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) + 0.0022001990172961501*(pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2) - 1.5864969989454301e-6*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv5 + 2.5858588789748602e-9*(pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) + 5.8223866704894202e-28*(pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) + 62.915414901504803*(pit5)*(thetat_inv3) - 4.0235211523449402e-19*pit5*thetat_inv10 + 135.14731861706099*(pit5*pit)*(thetat_inv3) - 7.44938506925544e-17*pit5*pit*thetat_inv10 + 3.9062836923846201e-23*(pit5*pit)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) - 0.52503742788609997*pit5*pit2*thetat_inv5 - 4.2153772609838902e-9*pit5*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 + 8.2144575825511904e-21*(pit5*pit2)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) + 1.8991720652623699e-13*(pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv10) + 1.7727487236194601e-26*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) + 4.0213796184277599e-15*(pit10)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) - 1.35031446451331e-32*thetat_inv10 - 0.039104816792964903*pit10*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 + 3.64975183508473e-6*(pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv10) + 6.5171817187830098e-13*(pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) + 2.80967799943151e-39*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) - 2.1177335580305798e-8*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 + 0.0026495335438007201*(pit10*pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2)) V = exp(main)*0.0031 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_o(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = sqrt(P*4.347826086956522e-08 - 0.974) thetat = T*0.0015384615384615385 - 0.996 thetat_inv = 1.0/thetat pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 thetat_inv2 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv thetat_inv3 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv5 = thetat_inv3*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv10 = thetat_inv5*thetat_inv5 main = (0.0028907869214915001*thetat_inv + 0.244482731907223*thetat_inv*(pit2) + 1.38647388209306*thetat_inv*(pit2*pit2) + 1.4173349203098499e-24*(pit3)*(thetat_inv10) + 2.0137732541180301e-6*(pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2) - 5.8518840178277898e-9*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv5 - 5.9453920290143103e-18*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 - 3.5453385305947602e-29*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 - 7.35234770382342e-12*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 + 0.00137680878349369*(pit5)*(thetat_inv3) - 1.7395936508477201e-5*pit5*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 + 8.1489760580551298e-15*(pit5*pit)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) + 4.2559663135183898e-26*(pit5*pit2)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) - 0.0017184963895152099*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 + 1.3981474793024e-13*(pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) - 3.8744911378775499e-18*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv10 + 1.1896057807201801e-11*(pit10)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) + 6.4189052951329603e-22*(pit10)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) + 1.2874602397971801e-35*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) + 2.33907907347507e-8*(pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) - 1.55282762571611e-18*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 + 3.7768264908914897e-9*(pit10*pit5*pit3*pit2)*(thetat_inv10) - 1.7409324776621299e-13*pit10*pit5*pit3*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 - 5.1672023657530198e-11*pit10*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) V = main*0.0034 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_p(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = sqrt(P*4.347826086956522e-08 - 0.972) thetat = T*0.0015384615384615385 - 0.997 thetat_inv = 1.0/thetat pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 thetat_inv2 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv thetat_inv3 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv5 = thetat_inv3*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv10 = thetat_inv5*thetat_inv5 main = (thetat*(-1235.9234861013699*pit + 3246.64750281543*thetat + 116.033094095084) - 9.8282534201036601e-5*thetat_inv - 0.056140345001349498*thetat_inv*pit2 + 1.0514570085061199 + 236.31342539392401*(pit3) + 8.5667740164086898e-8*(pit3)*(thetat_inv3) + 0.0097250329235010896*(pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv2) - 1.03001994531927*pit5*pit*thetat_inv2 - 2.15743778861592e-5*pit5*pit2*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 - 1.4965370619916199e-9*pit5*pit2*thetat_inv5 - 8.3445219829144506*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv2 + 0.586602660564988*(pit10)*(thetat_inv3) + 0.00294985697916798*(pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv5) + 8.1625609594702108e-6*(pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) + 3.4348002210496797e-26*(pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) + 10.776602703285301*(pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv3) + 4.0095476380694099e-10*(pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) + 7.1173046627658394e-17*(pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv10) - 4.0944959913818202e-7*pit10*pit3*pit3*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 - 7.2912130775890196e-6*pit10*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 + 6.7710797093890902e-9*(pit10*pit5*pit3*pit2)*(thetat_inv10) + 6.0274597302297505e-8*(pit10*pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv10) + 0.00179946628317437*(pit10*pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) - 3.82323011855257e-11*pit10*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 - 0.000345042834640005*pit10*pit10*pit10*pit3*pit3*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) V = main*0.0041 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_q(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4.347826086956522e-08 - 0.848 thetat = T*0.0015384615384615385 - 0.983 pit_inv = 1.0/pit pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 pit_inv10 = pit_inv5*pit_inv5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat main = (-0.0838165632204598*pit + 0.0010035565172151*pit_inv + thetat*(2.4779590841149202*pit + 0.33349145514351602*pit_inv + thetat*(1.0969757688887301*pit_inv + thetat*(-3191.1496900653301*pit + thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*((thetat2)*(-1729857814.3333499*pit_inv10 - 82043.384325994994*pit_inv10*pit_inv2 + 47327151846.1586*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)*(thetat2)) + 35176923.2729192*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3) - 3566.1702998249002*pit_inv10) + 32.860002543598*(pit_inv10)) - 775489.25998514402*pit_inv5*pit_inv - 0.080595002100541296*pit_inv10) + 99349.988382027397*(pit_inv5)) + 2256.8993916191798*(pit_inv2) - 6128.4281682008304*pit_inv2*pit_inv2) + 232.808472983776*(pit_inv3) - 0.64209417190456997*pit_inv2*pit_inv2) - 4.2857722747561402*pit_inv2 + 7.1034669196601803e-5*(pit_inv5)) - 0.0064359606067845602*pit_inv2) + 0.96191737937645205 - 1.42808220416837e-5*pit_inv2) V = main*main V *= V*0.0022 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_r(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4.347826086956522e-08 - 0.874 thetat = T*0.0015384615384615385 - 0.982 pit_inv = 1.0/pit thetat_inv = 1.0/thetat pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 thetat2 = thetat*thetat thetat3 = thetat*thetat2 thetat5 = thetat3*thetat2 thetat_inv2 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv thetat_inv3 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv5 = thetat_inv3*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv10 = thetat_inv5*thetat_inv5 main = (thetat*(3.0530889006508901 + (thetat2)*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*((thetat2)*(490112654.15421098*(pit_inv3) - 7014385996282.5801*pit_inv5*pit_inv3*thetat5*thetat) + 0.0014416595566086299*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3)) - 3997452.76971264 - 10433.403065402101*pit_inv3) + 393.09721470624498*(pit_inv3)) + 0.26197513536810901*(pit_inv3))) - 0.000147104222772069*thetat_inv + 1.0360274804340801 - 0.046492350440777798*pit3*thetat_inv2 + 5.6923371959374999e-12*(pit3)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) - 8.30946716459219e-17*pit_inv3*thetat_inv3 + 0.015953672241120199*(pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv5) - 5.3647956020181104e-7*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 + 3.9998879569316202e-13*(pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv10) - 5.3540039651290598e-18*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 + 150764.97412551101*(pit10)*(thetat_inv2) - 14336.5406393758*pit10*thetat_inv3 + 546.49132352849097*(pit10)*(thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2) - 9.9345695784500592*pit10*thetat_inv5 + 0.066351314422445407*(pit10)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) - 9.8343063671645403e-6*pit10*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 + 2.4424745385850599e-8*(pit10)*(thetat_inv10) + 2.70303248860217e-15*(pit10)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) - 3.37209709340105e-10*pit10*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 + 3.7750198002546901e-9*(pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2)) V = main*0.0054 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_s(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4.761904761904762e-08 - 0.886 thetat = T*0.0015625 - 0.99 pit_inv = 1.0/pit pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 pit_inv10 = pit_inv5*pit_inv5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat thetat3 = thetat*thetat2 thetat5 = thetat3*thetat2 main = (-0.198339358557937*pit + thetat*(0.0012139997999321701*pit_inv + thetat*(1.88317043049455*pit_inv + thetat*(-1670.7350396206*pit_inv + thetat*(-65391.5627346115 + 18751.4491833092*(pit_inv2) + (thetat2)*((thetat2)*(-5041607241.3259001*pit_inv3 + 88458547.259613395*(pit_inv5) + (thetat5*thetat)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*(-6.1655261113579205e+45*pit2*pit2 + (thetat2*thetat2)*(6.0401220016344396e+49 + (thetat2*thetat2)*(-1.7598409016350101e+57*pit - 1.8566232754532401e+53*pit_inv2*pit_inv2 + 2.02281884477061e+58*(pit_inv5*pit_inv)*(thetat2*thetat2))) + 1.00415480000824e+31*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2) + 9.5089817042504195e+53*(pit10*pit2*pit2)) - 1.9154000182136699e+29*pit_inv10) - 5.3246661214025397e+22*pit_inv10*pit_inv2) + 4.37796099975134e+33*(pit2*pit2)) + 1.66540181638363e+22*(pit_inv5)) + 10561837780884700.0*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3))) - 313563.19766911102*pit_inv2*pit_inv2) + 1935687689.1779699*(pit5)) - 0.0624942093918942*pit_inv3 - 10917404.498782899*pit2*pit2) + 45621.341533807099*(pit3)) + 2.94885696802488 - 575.99125514438401*pit3) + 0.96596165059977501 + 3.5631488140398702*(pit3)) V = main*main V *= V*0.0022 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_t(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*5e-08 - 0.803 thetat = T*0.0015384615384615385 - 1.02 pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat main = (-2.9100291578376098*pit + thetat*(6.6423511500903096 + (thetat2)*(thetat*(-2893.6623672720998 + (thetat2)*(thetat*(thetat*((thetat2)*(-829088246858.08301*pit + (thetat2)*(-3859232023098.48 + (thetat2)*(1.6046460868783398e+17*(pit2) + (thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*((thetat2*thetat2)*((thetat2*thetat2)*((thetat2*thetat2)*(-3.4155204086064402e+50*pit5*pit2 - 7.0577262332637399e+64*pit10*pit10*pit2 - 4.4422736775830395e+71*pit10*pit10*pit10*pit2 - 2.81396013562745e+76*pit10*pit10*pit10*pit3*pit3) + 5.6902145441327e+57*(pit10*pit5*pit3*pit2) + 4.2843233862067799e+68*(pit10*pit10*pit10*pit2)) - 3.00475129680486e+60*pit10*pit10*pit5*pit3) + 1.6686117620014801e+52*(pit10*pit10*pit2*pit2)) - 6.5647528033941103e+35*pit10 - 7.0058454643311301e+47*pit10*pit10*pit2 - 6.6848129519680801e+50*pit10*pit10*pit10*pit2) - 3.2791059208652301e+30*pit5*pit2) + 3.5528604551230099e+38*(pit10*pit5*pit3)) + 3.58958955867578e+28*(pit10)) - 1.68776617209269e+26*pit10) + 2.4537564093705501e+23*(pit10)) - 2297462376236920.0*pit2*pit2 - 5.2725133970904698e+20*pit10) + 1566374275417.29*(pit3)) - 67707383068734.898*pit5*pit2) - 534686695.71346903*pit2) + 1105544467.9054301*(pit5*pit2)) + 196435.366560186*(pit3) + 38565900.164800599*(pit5*pit2))) + 1.5528724958626801 + 1.76814899675218*(pit2) - 1.78154560260006*pit2*pit2) V = main*0.0088 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_u(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4.347826086956522e-08 - 0.902 thetat = T*0.0015384615384615385 - 0.988 pit_inv = 1.0/pit thetat_inv = 1.0/thetat pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 pit_inv10 = pit_inv5*pit_inv5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat thetat_inv2 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv thetat_inv3 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv5 = thetat_inv3*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv10 = thetat_inv5*thetat_inv5 main = (0.00105581745346187*pit*(thetat_inv2) - 0.00012270822923564101*pit_inv*thetat_inv + thetat*(-106.201671767107*pit_inv + thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*((thetat2)*((thetat2)*(-1.6011681327467599e+24*pit2 + (thetat2)*(9.03443213959313e+24*pit_inv + (thetat2)*(-6.9399627037085199e+27*pit_inv - 3.1443257755155201e+21*pit_inv5*pit_inv3 + 2.5992951084949901e+19*(pit_inv10) + 1.2208834925835501e+17*(pit_inv10*pit_inv2)) - 8.4340592684641799e+20*pit_inv5 + 1.5907964819684901e+20*(pit_inv5*pit_inv) - 8.7847358505008499e+17*pit_inv5*pit_inv3 - 8826669315646520.0*pit_inv10) + 222612779142211.0*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3) + 1042164686.08488*(pit_inv10)) + 8843876513378.3594*(pit_inv5) - 2169349169962.8501*pit_inv5*pit_inv + 1.04674840020929e+26*(pit5*pit3)) - 7.8175450769884603e+27*pit10*pit2*pit2) - 651903203602581.0*pit2) - 339.56761730342299*pit_inv5 + 2.2614596374788099e+21*(pit10*pit2)) + 276378438378930.0*(pit5)) + 11.4178193518022*(pit_inv3) + 677143292290.14404*(pit5) - 30142694798017.102*pit5*pit) + 7189.5756712785096) - 5.1025429423783704e-9*pit3*thetat_inv5 + 6.4891671896557497e-9*(thetat_inv3) - 0.152355388953402*pit5*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 + 0.0116862983141686*(pit5*pit)*(thetat_inv5) + 1.6971981388484e-8*(pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) - 10801.690456013999*pit10*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 + 5361164.8360273801*(pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2) - 9.9062360193429495e-13*pit10*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 - 22770.046464391999*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv + 1.5100154888067e-5*(pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv10) - 4.8873156577621002e-10*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) V = main*0.0026 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_v(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4.347826086956522e-08 - 0.96 thetat = T*0.0015384615384615385 - 0.995 pit_inv = 1.0/pit thetat_inv = 1.0/thetat pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 pit_inv10 = pit_inv5*pit_inv5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat thetat_inv2 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv thetat_inv3 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv5 = thetat_inv3*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv10 = thetat_inv5*thetat_inv5 main = (2.7603260114515101e-29*pit*(thetat_inv10) - 1.11526741826431e-35*pit*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 + 0.018458726111483699*pit_inv - 1.8821488234144798e-9*pit_inv*thetat_inv2 + thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(-72368188562634800.0 + (thetat2)*((thetat2)*(-2.2344919405412401e+26 + (thetat2)*(7.4270572330273797e+26*(pit_inv3) - 1.03977184454767e+28*pit_inv5*thetat2) - 1.92359972440634e+22*pit_inv3 - 4.6813835890873197e+31*pit2*pit2 + 5.8779310562074801e+20*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2) - 6.9759575034739098e+18*pit_inv5 + 31308029991594400.0*(pit_inv5*pit_inv)) + 5131174628650.4404*(pit_inv5) - 62418400710.315804*pit_inv5*pit_inv) + 654144.37374993705*(pit_inv5) + 59461.976619346002*(pit_inv5*pit_inv)) - 25.912373638026899*pit_inv5*pit_inv) + 8206120.4864546899*(pit_inv2)) + 134856491567853.0*(pit3) + 51065511977436000.0*(pit2*pit2)) - 51.742968245060503*pit_inv2 - 7606674911832790.0*pit5 - 1.92824336984852e-6*pit_inv5) + 1.05006446192036e-9*(pit_inv5) + 2.4776139232905799e+26*(pit10*pit2*pit2)) - 1.3583040778266301e-6*thetat_inv2 + 2.80375725094731e-18*(pit_inv3)*(thetat_inv3) + 6.5244029334585999e-10*(pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) + 9.2699003653063902e-30*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) - 4.3667703405165502e-42*pit_inv2*pit_inv2*thetat_inv10 + 1.1956313554066601e-48*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) + 3.5925221360411398e-26*(pit_inv5*pit_inv)*(thetat_inv3) - 3.5707866820337699e-55*pit_inv5*pit_inv*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 - 4.1724798698682099e-19*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 + 1.7744174292404301e-61*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) + 31254567775610.398*(pit10)*(thetat_inv2) - 4.15652812061591e-55*pit_inv10*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 - 100375333864186.0*pit10*pit2*thetat_inv3) V = main*0.0031 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_w(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4.347826086956522e-08 - 0.959 thetat = T*0.0015384615384615385 - 0.995 pit_inv = 1.0/pit thetat_inv = 1.0/thetat pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 pit_inv10 = pit_inv5*pit_inv5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat thetat3 = thetat*thetat2 thetat5 = thetat3*thetat2 thetat_inv2 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv thetat_inv3 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv5 = thetat_inv3*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv10 = thetat_inv5*thetat_inv5 main = (0.92326135790147001*pit*thetat_inv + 2.7170023573989301e-15*pit_inv*(thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2) + 2.3741673261664401e-27*pit_inv*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) + thetat*(-90.788621348359996*pit_inv + thetat*(thetat*(-1033.08436323771*pit_inv3 + (thetat3)*((thetat2)*(-96110924.098574698*pit_inv5*pit_inv + (thetat5*thetat)*(-1.5854860965500201e+18*pit_inv5*pit_inv3 - 89446035500.552597*pit_inv10*pit_inv2) + 22827.6853990249*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3) + 0.109892402329239*(pit_inv10) - 5.8621913381701603e-8*pit_inv10*pit_inv2) - 0.0575368389425212*pit_inv5*pit_inv3) + 0.725937724828145*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2)) + 3219887.6763638901*(pit2) + 579.51404176570998*(pit_inv2) + 6.15762068640611e-9*(pit_inv5*pit_inv)) + 156.792067854621 - 0.066255281634216803*pit_inv2) - 5.9786598842257703*thetat_inv*pit2 - 4.7110372549807704e-13*thetat_inv*pit_inv2*pit_inv2 + 5.3116803751977397e-31*thetat_inv*(pit_inv10) + 4.9342908604698102e-8*(pit3)*(thetat_inv5) - 3.9944139004220299e-30*pit3*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 + 1.8776852576368201e-39*(pit_inv3)*(thetat_inv10) - 3.4082129141971899e-7*pit5*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv - 2.0761028465413701e-12*pit5*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 + 8.1203698337056496e-20*(pit5)*(thetat_inv10) - 4.0627428665262499e-45*pit_inv5*thetat_inv10 - 6.3498798119066896e-25*pit_inv5*pit_inv*thetat_inv3 + 3.29865748576503e-28*(pit_inv5*pit_inv)*(thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2) - 8.5671158651021397e-13*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv10 + 5.4200057337223301e-18*(pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) + 8.58133791857099e-6*(pit10)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) + 2.6617045440598101e-14*(pit10)*(thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) - 1.71242509570207e-37*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) V = main*main V *= V*0.0039 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_x(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4.347826086956522e-08 - 0.91 thetat = T*0.0015384615384615385 - 0.988 pit_inv = 1.0/pit thetat_inv = 1.0/thetat pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 thetat2 = thetat*thetat thetat_inv2 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv thetat_inv3 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv5 = thetat_inv3*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv10 = thetat_inv5*thetat_inv5 main = (-0.32085055136733398*pit*thetat_inv + 2.1578022250902002e-27*pit*(thetat_inv10) + thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(thetat*(64866249228.068199*pit_inv + thetat*(-38264244845861000.0*pit2 + (thetat2)*((thetat2)*(1.6989448143359199e+21 + (thetat2)*((thetat2)*(-4.2599956229273801e+23*pit_inv2*pit_inv2 + 3.7737374129815101e+18*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3)) + 1.0731906585576701e+21*(pit_inv3)) - 1033632255988600.0*pit_inv5 - 5071008837229.1299*pit_inv5*pit_inv) - 3.2606864627931401e+20*pit3 + 2.6241320970635799e+24*(pit5*pit3)))) - 8515357334.8425798) + 39794900155318.398*(pit2*pit2)) - 0.00092472937839094499*pit_inv2*pit_inv2) + 1.8479081432077301e-6*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2) - 43235522531.974503*pit5 - 592874245598.60999*pit5*pit + 25818961427085.301*(pit5*pit3)) + 2.44200600688281 - 563199.25339166599*pit3 - 2.7538607767442098e-29*pit3*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2 - 4.6230777187397299e-13*pit_inv3*thetat_inv2 + 16223.4569738433*(pit5)*(thetat_inv2) + 1.00824008584757e-7*(pit5)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) + 1573381.97797544*(pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv3) + 1.3306164728110601*(pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) - 0.092001193743114204*pit10*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 - 592910695.76253605*pit10*pit2*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 + 8470048.7061208691*(pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv5) - 11.043375910954699*pit10*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 + 0.0022021376590542598*(pit10*pit2)*(thetat_inv10) + 4308676.5806146804*(pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) - 1192.28759669889*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3 + 0.18133960351630199*(pit10*pit2*pit2)*(thetat_inv10) - 1.8302717326966e-5*pit10*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv10*thetat_inv2) V = main*0.0049 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_y(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4.545454545454546e-08 - 0.996 thetat = T*0.0015384615384615385 - 0.994 thetat_inv = 1.0/thetat pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit10 = pit5*pit5 thetat2 = thetat*thetat thetat3 = thetat*thetat2 thetat_inv2 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv thetat_inv3 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv5 = thetat_inv3*thetat_inv2 main = (thetat*(5834.4130522840696 + (thetat3)*(thetat*(thetat*((thetat2)*(-1.5909649090470799e+26*pit + 1.18973500934212e+25 - 2.66713136106469e+30*pit3) + 1.4933391705313e+27*(pit2*pit2)) - 13477896845792500.0 - 5.2711465785069603e+21*pit2) + 3.27777227273171e+18*(pit2) + 7.0510622439983402e+20*(pit3)) - 3818819062711000.0*pit5) + 496.21219715823901*thetat_inv*(pit2) - 3.15839902302021e-7*pit2*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 + 2.10017506281863e-17*(pit3)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) - 5.2559799502463301e-10*thetat_inv3 - 1.4537051255456199e-8*pit2*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv - 14979562.028764101*pit5*thetat_inv2 - 93780816955019.297*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv2 + 7.2466016558579696e-5*(pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) + 5144114683.7638302*(pit10)*(thetat_inv5) - 82819.859404014103*pit10*pit2*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) V = main*main V *= V*0.0031 return 1.0/V
[docs]def iapws97_region3_z(T, P): # This function was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly! pit = P*4.545454545454546e-08 - 0.993 thetat = T*0.0015384615384615385 - 0.994 pit_inv = 1.0/pit thetat_inv = 1.0/thetat pit2 = pit*pit pit3 = pit*pit2 pit5 = pit3*pit2 pit_inv2 = pit_inv*pit_inv pit_inv3 = pit_inv*pit_inv2 pit_inv5 = pit_inv3*pit_inv2 thetat2 = thetat*thetat thetat_inv2 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv thetat_inv3 = thetat_inv*thetat_inv2 thetat_inv5 = thetat_inv3*thetat_inv2 main = (-8.1973155961052001e-21*pit_inv*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv + thetat*(-62500479.117154002*pit + thetat*(thetat*(328380587890.65997 + (thetat2)*(thetat*(8.0319795746202006e+20*(pit2) + (thetat2)*(9238140070232500.0*(pit_inv2*pit_inv2) + 3277763028588600.0*(pit_inv5)) - 167170186672140.0*pit_inv3 - 3238999157299.6001*pit_inv2*pit_inv2 + 7288032747.7770996*(pit_inv5) - 4630574.3033124004*pit_inv5*pit_inv) + 663221436245.51001*(pit_inv3) - 1105981701.1840999*pit_inv2*pit_inv2) + 2.4400789229064998e-11*(pit_inv5*pit_inv3)) + 2537.4935870139002*(pit_inv2))) - 68285901137.457001*thetat_inv*pit5*pit - 3783.9104705594*pit3*thetat_inv2 - 2.0439701133835e-11*pit3*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv + 8.4225008041371002e-13*(pit_inv3)*(thetat_inv2) - 3739.6286292864002*pit5*pit*thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2 + 15.435572168146001*(pit5*pit)*(thetat_inv5) + 0.0097287654593861995*(pit5*pit)*(thetat_inv5*thetat_inv) + 3945360.4949706998*(pit5*pit3)*(thetat_inv2*thetat_inv2) - 0.00024848801561453999*pit5*pit3*thetat_inv5*thetat_inv3) V = main*main V *= V*0.0038 return 1.0/V
region3_backwards_PT_doc = """ Calculate the mass density water in one of the 26 region 3 backwards regions of the IAPWS-97 standard. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] P : float Pressure, [Pa] Returns ------- rho : float Mass density of water in region 3, [kg/m^3] Notes ----- Significant discontinuities exist between each region. These functions are automatically generated and are not to be edited directly. """ try: for _ in (iapws97_region3_a, iapws97_region3_b, iapws97_region3_c, iapws97_region3_d, iapws97_region3_e, iapws97_region3_f, iapws97_region3_g, iapws97_region3_h, iapws97_region3_i, iapws97_region3_j, iapws97_region3_k, iapws97_region3_l, iapws97_region3_m, iapws97_region3_n, iapws97_region3_o, iapws97_region3_p, iapws97_region3_q, iapws97_region3_r, iapws97_region3_s, iapws97_region3_t, iapws97_region3_u, iapws97_region3_v, iapws97_region3_w, iapws97_region3_x, iapws97_region3_y, iapws97_region3_z): _.__doc__ = region3_backwards_PT_doc except: # except is needed for running Python under -OO flag pass def iapws97_region3_rho(T, P): r'''Calculate the mass density of water in region 3 of the IAPWS-97 standard. No cheking that the original point is in region 3 is performed. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] P : float Pressure, [Pa] Returns ------- rho : float Mass density of water in region 3, [kg/m^3] Notes ----- Significant discontinuities exist between each region. Examples -------- >>> iapws97_region3_rho(648.6, 22.5e6) 353.06081088726 ''' region = iapws97_region_3(T, P) if region == REGION_3A: rho = iapws97_region3_a(T, P) elif region == REGION_3B: rho = iapws97_region3_b(T, P) elif region == REGION_3C: rho = iapws97_region3_c(T, P) elif region == REGION_3D: rho = iapws97_region3_d(T, P) elif region == REGION_3E: rho = iapws97_region3_e(T, P) elif region == REGION_3F: rho = iapws97_region3_f(T, P) elif region == REGION_3G: rho = iapws97_region3_g(T, P) elif region == REGION_3H: rho = iapws97_region3_h(T, P) elif region == REGION_3I: rho = iapws97_region3_i(T, P) elif region == REGION_3J: rho = iapws97_region3_j(T, P) elif region == REGION_3K: rho = iapws97_region3_k(T, P) elif region == REGION_3L: rho = iapws97_region3_l(T, P) elif region == REGION_3M: rho = iapws97_region3_m(T, P) elif region == REGION_3N: rho = iapws97_region3_n(T, P) elif region == REGION_3O: rho = iapws97_region3_o(T, P) elif region == REGION_3P: rho = iapws97_region3_p(T, P) elif region == REGION_3Q: rho = iapws97_region3_q(T, P) elif region == REGION_3R: rho = iapws97_region3_r(T, P) elif region == REGION_3S: rho = iapws97_region3_s(T, P) elif region == REGION_3T: rho = iapws97_region3_t(T, P) elif region == REGION_3U: rho = iapws97_region3_u(T, P) elif region == REGION_3V: rho = iapws97_region3_v(T, P) elif region == REGION_3W: rho = iapws97_region3_w(T, P) elif region == REGION_3X: rho = iapws97_region3_x(T, P) elif region == REGION_3Y: rho = iapws97_region3_y(T, P) elif region == REGION_3Z: rho = iapws97_region3_z(T, P) else: raise ValueError("Could not identify region 3 subregion") return rho def iapws97_identify_region_TP(T, P, use_95_boundary=False): r'''Identify the main region given a temperature and pressure point according to the IAPWS-97 standard. Raises a ValueError if the input point is out of bounds. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] P : float Pressure, [Pa] use_95_boundary : bool, optional If True, the SF-95 formulation vapor pressure fit will be used instead of the simpler vapor pressure curve associated with IF-97, [-] Returns ------- region : int One of 1, 2, 3, or 5; region 4 is the two-phase region which cannot be reached with a TP call, [-] Examples -------- >>> iapws97_identify_region_TP(400, 1e6) 1 ''' under_623 = T <= 623.15 if under_623: if use_95_boundary: Psat = iapws95_Psat(T) else: Psat = Psat_IAPWS(T) two_to_three = iapws97_boundary_2_3(T) if 273.15 <= T <= 623.15 and Psat < P <= 100E6: return 1 elif 273.15 <= T <= 623.15 and P <= Psat: return 2 elif 623.15 <= T <= 1073.15 and P <= 100E6 and P <= two_to_three: return 2 elif 623.15 <= T <= 1073.15 and P <= 100E6 and P > two_to_three: return 3 elif 1073.15 <= T <= 2273.15 and P <= 50E6: return 5 else: raise ValueError("For box (1,2,3,4) 273.15 K <= T <= 1073.15 K and P <= 100 MPa; " "for box 5, 1073.15 K <= T <= 2273.15 K and P <= 50 MPa.") def iapws97_region1_rho(T, P): # Useful to separate this out for confirming derivatives numerically pi = P*6.049606775559589e-08 #1/16.53E6 tau = 1386.0/T dG_dpi = iapws97_dG_dpi_region1(tau, pi) return P/(iapws97_R*T*pi*dG_dpi) def iapws97_region2_rho(T, P): pi = P*1e-6 tau = 540.0/T dG_dpi = 1.0/pi + iapws97_dGr_dpi_region2(tau, pi) return P/(iapws97_R*T*pi*dG_dpi) def iapws97_region5_rho(T, P): pi = P*1e-6 tau = 1000.0/T dG_dpi = 1.0/pi + iapws97_dGr_dpi_region5(tau, pi) return P/(iapws97_R*T*pi*dG_dpi)
[docs]def iapws97_rho(T, P, use_95_boundary=False): r'''Calculate the density of water in kg/m^3 according to the IAPWS-97 standard. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] P : float Pressure, [Pa] use_95_boundary : bool, optional If True, respect the IAPWS-95 vapor pressure curve instead of the IF-97 one, [-] Returns ------- rho : float Mass density of water, [kg/m^3] Notes ----- The range of validity of this formulation is as follows: For :math:`P \le 100 \text{ MPa}`: .. math:: 273.15 \text{ K} \le T \le 1073.15 \text{ K} For :math:`P \le 50 \text{ MPa}`: .. math:: 1073.15 \text{ K} \le T \le 2273.15 \text{ K} A ValueError is raised if the temperature or the pressure is out of bounds. IAPWS is implemented in four regions in the `T`-`P` domain: Region 1 (liquid), region 2 (gas and supercritical gas), region 5 (high temperature gas), and region 3 (near-critical). Significant discontinuities exist between the transitions of each regions. In region 3, there are 26 sub-regions and the correlation has the least accuracy. For many applications, the discontinuities in IF-97 can be problematic and the slower IAPWS-95 must be used. IAPWS-95 also has a wider range of applicability. Examples -------- >>> iapws97_rho(648.6, 22.5e6) 353.06081088726 >>> iapws97_rho(330.0, 8e5) 985.10498080770 >>> iapws97_rho(823.0, 14e6) 40.39293607288123 >>> iapws97_rho(2000.0, 3e7) 32.11456228328856 References ---------- .. [1] Cooper, JR, and RB Dooley. "Revised Release on the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam." The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam 1 (2007): 48. ''' region = iapws97_identify_region_TP(T, P, use_95_boundary) if region == 1: return iapws97_region1_rho(T, P) elif region == 2: return iapws97_region2_rho(T, P) elif region == 3: return iapws97_region3_rho(T, P) elif region == 5: return iapws97_region5_rho(T, P) else: raise ValueError("Out of bounds")
def iapws97_rho_extrapolated(T, P, use_95_boundary=False): # Intended to extend the range using first derivatives # for use in iapws-95 solver. out_of_range = (T < 273.15 or T > 2273.15 or P > 100e6 or (T > 1073.15 and 50e6 <= P <= 100e6)) if not out_of_range: return iapws97_rho(T, P, use_95_boundary) if T > 2273.15 and P < 50E6: T_border = 2273.15 Pref = 1e6 Tref = 1e3 P_inv = 1.0/P pi = P*1e-6 tau = Tref/T_border # region 5 upwards T extrapolate drho_dT dGr_dpi = iapws97_dGr_dpi_region5(tau, pi) dG_dpi = 1e6*P_inv + dGr_dpi rho = P/(iapws97_R*T_border*pi*dG_dpi) d2Gr_dpidtau = iapws97_d2Gr_dpidtau_region5(tau, pi) x0 = (dGr_dpi + Pref*P_inv) x1 = iapws97_R*T_border*T_border drho_dT = -Pref/(x1*x0) + Pref*Tref*d2Gr_dpidtau/(x1*T_border*x0*x0) rho = rho + drho_dT*(T - T_border) elif T > 1073.15 and 50e6 <= P <= 100e6: T_border = 1073.15 Pref = 1e6 Tref = 540.0 P_inv = 1.0/P pi = P*1e-6 tau = Tref/T_border # region 5 upwards T extrapolate drho_dT dGr_dpi = iapws97_dGr_dpi_region2(tau, pi) dG_dpi = 1e6*P_inv + dGr_dpi rho = P/(iapws97_R*T_border*pi*dG_dpi) d2Gr_dpidtau = iapws97_d2Gr_dpidtau_region2(tau, pi) x0 = (dGr_dpi + Pref*P_inv) x1 = iapws97_R*T_border*T_border drho_dT = -Pref/(x1*x0) + Pref*Tref*d2Gr_dpidtau/(x1*T_border*x0*x0) drho = drho_dT*(T - T_border) if (rho + drho) > .1*rho: # Do not take the extrapolation if density has decreased too much rho = rho + drho elif T < 273.15: # region 1 - fairly incompressible, don't bother extrapolating if P > 100e6: P = 100e6 rho = iapws97_region1_rho(273.15, P) else: # Don't bother extrapolating to higher P at this point, the density # change is small there if P > 100e6: P = 100e6 if T > 1073.15: T = 1073.15 rho = iapws97_rho(T, P, use_95_boundary) return rho def iapws_97_Trho_err_region1(P, T, rho): pi_region1 = P*6.049606775559589e-08 #1/16.53E6 tau_region1 = 1386.0/T dG_dpi_region1 = iapws97_dG_dpi_region1(tau_region1, pi_region1) rhol = P/(iapws97_R*T*pi_region1*dG_dpi_region1) err = rhol - rho d2G_dpi2_region1 = iapws97_d2G_dpi2_region1(tau_region1, pi_region1) derr = -d2G_dpi2_region1/(iapws97_R*T*dG_dpi_region1*dG_dpi_region1) # print(P, err, derr) return err, derr def iapws_97_Trho_err_region2(P, T, rho): pi_region2 = P*1e-6 tau_region2 = 540.0/T dG_dpi_region2 = 1/pi_region2 + iapws97_dGr_dpi_region2(tau_region2, pi_region2) rhog = P/(iapws97_R*T*pi_region2*dG_dpi_region2) err = rhog - rho d2G_dpi2_region2 = iapws97_d2Gr_dpi2_region2(tau_region2, pi_region2) d2G_dpi2_region2 -= 1e12/(P*P) # ideal part # checked numerically derr = -d2G_dpi2_region2/(iapws97_R*T*dG_dpi_region2*dG_dpi_region2) # print(P, T, rho, err, derr) return err, derr def iapws_97_Trho_err_region5(P, T, rho): pi_region5 = P*1e-6 tau_region5 = 1000.0/T dG_dpi_region5 = 1/pi_region5 + iapws97_dGr_dpi_region5(tau_region5, pi_region5) rhog = P/(iapws97_R*T*pi_region5*dG_dpi_region5) err = rhog - rho d2G_dpi2_region5 = iapws97_d2Gr_dpi2_region5(tau_region5, pi_region5) d2G_dpi2_region5 -= 1e12/(P*P) # ideal part derr = -d2G_dpi2_region5/(iapws97_R*T*dG_dpi_region5*dG_dpi_region5) return err, derr
[docs]def iapws97_P(T, rho): r'''Calculate the pressure of water according to the IAPWS-97 standard given a temperature `T` and mass density `rho`. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] rho : float Mass density of water, [kg/m^3] Returns ------- P : float Pressure, [Pa] Notes ----- The range of validity of this formulation is as follows: For :math:`P \le 100 \text{ MPa}`: .. math:: 273.15 \text{ K} \le T \le 1073.15 \text{ K} For :math:`P \le 50 \text{ MPa}`: .. math:: 1073.15 \text{ K} \le T \le 2273.15 \text{ K} A ValueError is raised if the temperature or density is out of bounds. Newton's method with analytical derivatives is used here to solve these equations. The solver tolerance is as tight as it can be without causing wasted iterations that do not improve the result at all. Pressure changes quickly with density however, and some discrepancy between solvers is to be expected. For region 3, there are really two formulations present in IAPWS-97. There is a Helmholtz energy equation (Temperature and density dependent), and also 26 separate backwards equations for `rho` which depend on `T` and `P`. The Helmholtz energy equation is much more accurate and does not have discontinuities. The two sets of equations agree closely not not perfectly. By design, :obj:`iapws97_rho` implements the 26 T-P equations and this implements the Helmholtz energy equation. This means that in region 3 solutions will not be consistent. For consistency requirements, IAPWS-95 is recommended. This solver does not have any issues with multiple solutions. The solvers have been checked to achieve a relative solution tolerance of 5e-9 on 100 million points. Examples -------- >>> iapws97_P(330.0, iapws97_rho(T=330.0, P=8e5)) 8e5 >>> iapws97_P(823.0, 40.39293607288123) 14e6 >>> iapws97_P(T=2000.0, rho=32.11456228328856) 3e7 Region 3 point - does not implement the same equations as :obj:`iapws97_rho`! >>> iapws97_P(648.6, iapws97_rho(T=648.6, P=22.5e6)) 22499974.093936257 References ---------- .. [1] Cooper, JR, and RB Dooley. "Revised Release on the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam." The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam 1 (2007): 48. ''' if T < 273.15: raise ValueError("T is under minimum value of 273.15 K") elif T <= 1073.15: if T <= 623.15: # region 2 to region 1 only - easy solver under 623K # Compute the density borders at the saturation pressure, and then decide which to pursue Psat = Psat_IAPWS(T) pi_region2 = Psat*1e-6 tau_region2 = 540.0/T dG_dpi_region2 = 1.0/pi_region2 + iapws97_dGr_dpi_region2(tau_region2, pi_region2) rhog_sat = Psat/(iapws97_R*T*pi_region2*dG_dpi_region2) pi_region1 = Psat*6.049606775559589e-08 #1/16.53E6 tau_region1 = 1386.0/T dG_dpi_region1 = iapws97_dG_dpi_region1(tau_region1, pi_region1) rhol_sat = Psat/(iapws97_R*T*pi_region1*dG_dpi_region1) if rhog_sat < rho < rhol_sat: raise ValueError("Specified density is not a stable state at T") elif rho > rhol_sat: return newton(iapws_97_Trho_err_region1, Psat*10.0, fprime=True, bisection=True, low=Psat, high=100e6, args=(T, rho), xtol=3e-12) else: return newton(iapws_97_Trho_err_region2, Psat*.1, fprime=True, bisection=True, low=Psat*1e-20, high=Psat, args=(T, rho), xtol=3e-12) P_region2_border = iapws97_boundary_2_3(T) pi_region2 = P_region2_border*1e-6 tau_region2 = 540.0/T dG_dpi_region2 = 1.0/pi_region2 + iapws97_dGr_dpi_region2(tau_region2, pi_region2) rhog_region2_border = P_region2_border/(iapws97_R*T*pi_region2*dG_dpi_region2) if rho < rhog_region2_border or P_region2_border > 100e6: return newton(iapws_97_Trho_err_region2, P_region2_border*.1, fprime=True, bisection=True, low=P_region2_border*1e-20, high=P_region2_border, args=(T, rho), xtol=3e-12) else: # region 3 tau = iapws95_Tc / T delta = rho * iapws95_rhoc_inv dA_ddelta = iapws97_dA_ddelta_region3(tau, delta) return dA_ddelta*delta*rho*iapws97_R*T elif T <= 2273.15: return newton(iapws_97_Trho_err_region5, 1e6, fprime=True, bisection=True, low=1e-10, high=50e6, args=(T, rho), xtol=1e-12) else: raise ValueError("T is above maximum value of 2273.15 K")
def iapws_97_Prho_err_region1(T, P, rho): pi_region1 = P*6.049606775559589e-08 #1/16.53E6 tau_region1 = 1386.0/T dG_dpi_region1 = iapws97_dG_dpi_region1(tau_region1, pi_region1) rhol = P/(iapws97_R*T*pi_region1*dG_dpi_region1) err = rhol - rho # what it is supposed to be drhol = (-16.53E6/(iapws97_R*T*T*dG_dpi_region1) + 16.53E6*1386.0*iapws97_d2G_dpidtau_region1(tau_region1, pi_region1)/(iapws97_R*T*T*T*dG_dpi_region1*dG_dpi_region1)) return err, drhol def iapws_97_Prho_err_region2(T, P, rho): pi_region2 = P*1e-6 tau_region2 = 540.0/T dG_dpi_region2 = 1.0/pi_region2 + iapws97_dGr_dpi_region2(tau_region2, pi_region2) rhol = P/(iapws97_R*T*pi_region2*dG_dpi_region2) err = rhol - rho drhol = (-1e6/(iapws97_R*T*T*dG_dpi_region2) + 1E6*540.0*iapws97_d2Gr_dpidtau_region2(tau_region2, pi_region2)/(iapws97_R*T*T*T*dG_dpi_region2*dG_dpi_region2)) return err, drhol def iapws_97_Prho_err_region5(T, P, rho): pi_region5 = P*1e-6 tau_region5 = 1000/T dG_dpi_region5 = 1.0/pi_region5 + iapws97_dGr_dpi_region5(tau_region5, pi_region5) rhol = P/(iapws97_R*T*pi_region5*dG_dpi_region5) err = rhol - rho drhol = (-1e6/(iapws97_R*T*T*dG_dpi_region5) + 1E6*1000*iapws97_d2Gr_dpidtau_region5(tau_region5, pi_region5)/(iapws97_R*T*T*T*dG_dpi_region5*dG_dpi_region5)) return err, drhol def iapws_97_Prho_err_region3(T, P, rho): tau = iapws95_Tc / T delta = rho * iapws95_rhoc_inv dA_ddelta = iapws97_dA_ddelta_region3(tau, delta) P_calc = dA_ddelta*delta*rho*iapws97_R*T err = P_calc - P d2A_ddeltadtau = iapws97_d2A_ddeltadtau_region3(tau, delta) derr = iapws97_R*rho**2*dA_ddelta/iapws95_rhoc - iapws97_R*iapws95_Tc*rho**2*d2A_ddeltadtau/(T*iapws95_rhoc) return err, derr
[docs]@mark_numba_uncacheable def iapws97_T(P, rho): r'''Calculate the temperature of water according to the IAPWS-97 standard given a pressure `P` and mass density `rho`. Parameters ---------- P : float Pressure, [Pa] rho : float Mass density of water, [kg/m^3] Returns ------- T : float Temperature, [K] Notes ----- The range of validity of this formulation is as follows: For :math:`P \le 100 \text{ MPa}`: .. math:: 273.15 \text{ K} \le T \le 1073.15 \text{ K} For :math:`P \le 50 \text{ MPa}`: .. math:: 1073.15 \text{ K} \le T \le 2273.15 \text{ K} A ValueError is raised if the pressure or density is out of bounds. Newton's method with analytical derivatives is used here to solve these equations. The solver tolerance is as tight as it can be without causing wasted iterations that do not improve the result at all. Due to water's unique density curve, there is a temperature region spanning 273.15 K to 280.005 K where there are two solutions. No guarantee is made as to which solution will be returned. Examples -------- >>> iapws97_T(8e5, iapws97_rho(T=330.0, P=8e5)) 330.0 >>> iapws97_T(14e6, 40.39293607288123) 823.0 >>> iapws97_T(P=3e7, rho=32.11456228328856) 2000.0 References ---------- .. [1] Cooper, JR, and RB Dooley. "Revised Release on the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam." The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam 1 (2007): 48. ''' solve_region = 0 if P > 100e6: raise ValueError("P is above maximum value of 100 MPa") if P < 50E6: # Calculate the 2-5 border using region 5's equations pi_5_border = P*1e-6 tau_5_border = 1000.0/1073.15 dG_dpi_5_border = 1.0/pi_5_border + iapws97_dGr_dpi_region5(tau_5_border, pi_5_border) rho_25_border = P/(iapws97_R*1073.15*pi_5_border*dG_dpi_5_border) # get rho minimum at 1073.15 if rho <= rho_25_border: rho_5end_border = iapws97_rho(2273.15, P) if rho < rho_5end_border: raise ValueError("Density is lower then region 5 limit") else: solve_region = 5 if solve_region == 0: no_region_3 = False if P > 13918839.778885445: T_23 = iapws97_boundary_2_3_reverse(P) if T_23 < 623.15: no_region_3 = True else: no_region_3 = True if no_region_3: if P < 0.005706860511498897: # where the vapor pressure equation dies solve_region = 2 # always gas T_23 = 273.15 else: Tsat = Tsat_IAPWS(P) if Tsat < 273.15: solve_region = 2 # always gas T_23 = 273.15 else: pi_region1_sat = P*6.049606775559589e-08 #1/16.53E6 tau_region1_sat = 1386.0/Tsat dG_dpi_region1_sat = iapws97_dG_dpi_region1(tau_region1_sat, pi_region1_sat) rho1_sat = P/(iapws97_R*Tsat*pi_region1_sat*dG_dpi_region1_sat) pi_region2_sat = P*1e-6 tau_region2_sat = 540.0/Tsat dG_dpi_region2_sat = 1.0/pi_region2_sat + iapws97_dGr_dpi_region2(tau_region2_sat, pi_region2_sat) rho2_sat = P/(iapws97_R*Tsat*pi_region2_sat*dG_dpi_region2_sat) # if rho2_sat < rho < rho1_sat: # raise ValueError("At specified pressure, density is not a stable solution") if rho > rho2_sat: solve_region = 1 else: solve_region = 2 T_23 = Tsat # for initial guess bondary only else: rho_23_side3 = iapws97_rho(T_23 * (1 + 1e-12), P) # Calculate the 2-5 border using region 2's equations pi_region2_25_on2 = P*1e-6 tau_region2_25_on2 = 540.0/1073.15 dG_dpi_region2_25_on2 = 1.0/pi_region2_25_on2 + iapws97_dGr_dpi_region2(tau_region2_25_on2, pi_region2_25_on2) rho2_25_on2 = P/(iapws97_R*1073.15*pi_region2_25_on2*dG_dpi_region2_25_on2) if rho2_25_on2 <= rho <= rho_23_side3: solve_region = 2 if solve_region == 0: rho_13 = iapws97_rho(623.15-1e-12, P) if rho_23_side3 <= rho <= rho_13: solve_region = 3 if solve_region == 0: rho_Tmin_border = iapws97_rho(273.15, P) if rho_13 <= rho <= rho_Tmin_border: solve_region = 1 else: # Sometimes liquid water has a higher density at a higher temperature. Weird! solve_region = 1 if solve_region == 5: return newton(iapws_97_Prho_err_region5, 1673.15, fprime=True, bisection=True, low=1073.15, high=2273.15, args=(P, rho), xtol=1e-12) elif solve_region == 2: return newton(iapws_97_Prho_err_region2, 0.5*(T_23 + 1073.15), fprime=True, bisection=True, low=T_23 , high=1073.15, args=(P, rho), xtol=1e-12) elif solve_region == 3: return newton(iapws_97_Prho_err_region3, 0.5*(T_23 + 623.15), fprime=True, bisection=True, low=623.15 , high=T_23, args=(P, rho), xtol=1e-12) elif solve_region == 1: try: Tsat = Tsat_IAPWS(P) except: Tsat = 623.15 return newton(iapws_97_Prho_err_region1, 0.5*(Tsat + 273.15), fprime=True, bisection=True, low=273.15 , high=Tsat, args=(P, rho), xtol=1e-12) else: raise ValueError("Could not detect region")
### IAPWS95 ### IAPWS 95 Initial Guesses
[docs]def iapws92_rhol_sat(T): r'''Calculates saturation liquid mass density of water using the IAPWS SR1-86(1992) [1]_ [2]_ explicit equation. .. math:: \frac{\rho^{sat}_l}{\rho_c} = 1 + b_1\tau^{1/3} + b_2\tau^{2/3} + b_3 \tau^{5/3} + b_4\tau^{16/3} + b_5\tau^{43/3} + b_6\tau^{110/3} .. math:: \tau = 1 - \frac{T}{T_c} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of water, [K] Returns ------- rhol_sat : float Saturation liquid mass density of water [kg/m^3] Notes ----- This equation is fit to experimental data to within its accuracy. It does not satisfy the equilibrium conditions for the IAPWS-95 or IAPWS-97 formulations. The values of the constants are as follows: b1 = 1.99274064; b2 = 1.09965342; b3 = -0.510839303; b4 = -1.75493479; b5 = -45.5170352; b6 = -6.74694450e5 See Also -------- iapws95_rhol_sat Examples -------- >>> iapws92_rhol_sat(300.) 996.5089712803 References ---------- .. [1] IAPWS, Secretariat, B Dooley, and EPRI. "Revised Supplementary Release on Saturation Properties of Ordinary Water Substance", 1992. .. [2] Wagner, Wolfgang, and A. Pruss. "International Equations for the Saturation Properties of Ordinary Water Substance. Revised According to the International Temperature Scale of 1990. Addendum to J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 16, 893 (1987)." Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 22, no. 3 (May 1, 1993): 783-87. ''' tau = 1.0 - T * iapws95_Tc_inv tau_cbrt = tau**(1.0/3.0) ratio = 1.0 + 1.99274064*tau_cbrt tau_cbrt4 = tau_cbrt*tau_cbrt # still 2 for first term ratio += 1.09965342*tau_cbrt4 # still b2*tau^(2/3) tau_cbrt4 = tau_cbrt4*tau_cbrt4 ratio += -0.510839303*tau_cbrt4*tau_cbrt tau_cbrt8 = tau_cbrt4*tau_cbrt4 ratio += -1.75493479*tau_cbrt8*tau_cbrt8 tau_cbrt4 = tau_cbrt8*tau_cbrt # repurpse 4 as 9 tau_cbrt = tau_cbrt4*tau_cbrt8 # 17 - repurpose variable as tau_cbrt34 tau_cbrt *= tau_cbrt # 17+17 = 34 ratio += tau_cbrt*(-45.5170352*tau_cbrt4 -6.74694450e5*tau_cbrt*tau_cbrt*tau_cbrt8) # ratio += -6.74694450e5*tau_cbrt*tau_cbrt*tau_cbrt*tau_cbrt8 return ratio * iapws95_rhoc
[docs]def iapws92_rhog_sat(T): r'''Calculates saturation vapor mass density of water using the IAPWS SR1-86(1992) [1]_ [2]_ explicit equation. .. math:: \ln \left(\frac{\rho^{sat}_g}{\rho_c}\right) = 1 + c_1\tau^{2/6} + c_2\tau^{4/6} + c_3 \tau^{8/6} + c_4\tau^{18/6} + c_5\tau^{37/6} + c_6\tau^{71/6} .. math:: \tau = 1 - \frac{T}{T_c} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of water, [K] Returns ------- rhog_sat : float Saturation vapor mass density of water [kg/m^3] Notes ----- This equation is fit to experimental data to within its accuracy. It does not satisfy the equilibrium conditions for the IAPWS-95 or IAPWS-97 formulations. The values of the constants are as follows: c1 = -2.03150240; c2 = -2.68302940; c3 = -5.38626492; c4 = -17.2991605; c5 = -44.7586581; c6 = -63.9201063 See Also -------- iapws95_rhog_sat Examples -------- >>> iapws92_rhog_sat(300.) 0.0255887212886 References ---------- .. [1] IAPWS, Secretariat, B Dooley, and EPRI. "Revised Supplementary Release on Saturation Properties of Ordinary Water Substance", 1992. .. [2] Wagner, Wolfgang, and A. Pruss. "International Equations for the Saturation Properties of Ordinary Water Substance. Revised According to the International Temperature Scale of 1990. Addendum to J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 16, 893 (1987)." Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 22, no. 3 (May 1, 1993): 783-87. ''' tau = 1.0 - T * iapws95_Tc_inv tau_6rt = tau**(1.0/6.0) tau_6rt2 = tau_6rt*tau_6rt ratio = -2.03150240*tau_6rt2 tau_6rt8 = tau_6rt2*tau_6rt2 # start it off as 4 ratio += -2.68302940*tau_6rt8 tau_6rt8 *= tau_6rt8 ratio += -5.38626492*tau_6rt8 tau_6rt16 = tau_6rt8*tau_6rt8 tau_6rt18 = tau_6rt16*tau_6rt2 ratio += -17.2991605*tau_6rt18 tau_6rt2 = tau_6rt18*tau_6rt18*tau_6rt # 37 - reuse tau_6rt2 ratio += tau_6rt2*(-44.7586581 - 63.9201063*tau_6rt16*tau_6rt18) # 71 return exp(ratio) * iapws95_rhoc
### IAPWS 95 fundamental derivatives
[docs]def iapws95_A0(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the ideal gas Helmholtz energy of water according to the IAPWS-95 standard. .. math:: \phi^\circ = \ln \delta + n_1 + n_2\tau + n_3\ln \tau + \sum_{i=4}^8 n_i \ln \left[1 - \exp(-\gamma_i \tau) \right] Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- A0 : float Ideal gas dimensionless Helmholtz energy A/(RT) [-] Notes ----- This implementation is checked to have a relative error always under 1e-15. Examples -------- >>> iapws95_A0(647.096/300.0, 999.0/322) 9.537075529761053 ''' # only way to optimize is likely to save transcendentals between calls # It should also be possible to replace the tau bit with polynomial fits # which are nearly bit for bit identical, including the derivatives. return (6.68321052759320011*tau + log(delta) + 3.00632*log(tau) + 0.24873*log(1. - exp(-27.5075105*tau)) + 0.96956*log(1. - exp(-9.24437796*tau)) + 1.2795*log(1. - exp(-7.74073708*tau)) + 0.97315*log(1. - exp(-3.53734222*tau)) + 0.012436*log(1. - exp(-1.28728967*tau)) - 8.32044648374970031)
[docs]def iapws95_dA0_dtau(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the first derivative of ideal gas Helmholtz energy of water with respect to `tau` according to the IAPWS-95 standard. .. math:: \frac{\partial \phi^\circ}{\partial \tau} = n_2 + \frac{n_3}{\tau} + \sum_{i=4}^8 n_i\gamma_i \left[\left(1-\exp(-\gamma_i \tau) \right)^{-1} - 1 \right] Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- dA0_dtau : float First derivative of ideal gas dimensionless Helmholtz energy A/(RT) with respect to `tau` [-] Notes ----- This implementation is checked to have a relative error always under 1e-15. Examples -------- >>> iapws95_dA0_dtau(647.096/300.0, 999.0/322) 8.079705548882 ''' return (-22.4843580635585205 + 0.01600873433612/(1.0 - exp(-1.28728967*tau)) + 3.44236458139299994/(1.0 - exp(-3.53734222*tau)) + 9.90427309386000054/(1.0 - exp(-7.74073708*tau)) + 8.96297909489759981/(1.0 - exp(-9.24437796*tau)) + 6.84194308666500017/(1.0 - exp(-27.5075105*tau)) + 3.00632/tau)
[docs]def iapws95_d2A0_dtau2(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the second derivative of ideal gas Helmholtz energy of water with respect to `tau` according to the IAPWS-95 standard. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \phi^\circ}{\partial \tau^2} = \frac{n_3}{\tau^2} + \sum_{i=4}^8 n_i\gamma_i ^2 \exp(-\gamma_i \tau) \left[\left(1-\exp(-\gamma_i \tau) \right)^{-2}\right] Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- d2A0_dtau2 : float Second derivative of ideal gas dimensionless Helmholtz energy A/(RT) with respect to `tau` [-] Notes ----- This implementation is checked to have a relative error always under 1e-15. Examples -------- >>> iapws95_d2A0_dtau2(647.096/300.0, 999.0/322) -0.653543047751809 ''' x0 = exp(-27.5075105*tau) x1 = exp(-9.24437796*tau) x2 = exp(-7.74073708*tau) x3 = exp(-3.53734222*tau) x4 = exp(-1.28728967*tau) return (-188.204821296839867*x0/((1.0 - x0)*(1.0 - x0)) - 82.8571664008121047*x1/((1.0 - x1)*(1.0 - x1)) - 76.6663739880884236*x2/((1.0 - x2)*(1.0 - x2)) - 12.1768215703940861*x3/((1.0 - x3)*(1.0 - x3)) - 0.0206078783406615819*x4/((1.0 - x4)*(1.0 - x4)) - 3.00632/(tau*tau))
[docs]def iapws95_d3A0_dtau3(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the third derivative of ideal gas Helmholtz energy of water with respect to `tau` according to the IAPWS-95 standard. Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- d3A0_dtau3 : float Third derivative of ideal gas dimensionless Helmholtz energy A/(RT) with respect to `tau` [-] Notes ----- This implementation is checked to have a relative error always under 1e-15. This equation is not explicitly in IAPWS-95, but is needed to compute some second derivatives. Examples -------- >>> iapws95_d3A0_dtau3(647.096/300.0, 999.0/322) 0.6222542507278 ''' tot = 0.0 x0 = exp(-27.5075105*tau) x1 = 1.0/(1.0 - x0) x2 = exp(-9.24437796*tau) x3 = 1.0/(1.0 - x2) x4 = exp(-7.74073708*tau) x5 = 1.0/(1.0 - x4) x6 = exp(-3.53734222*tau) x7 = 1.0/(1.0 - x6) x8 = exp(-1.28728967*tau) x9 = 1.0/(1.0 - x8) return (x1*x1*x0*(5177.04609797344619 + 10354.0921959468924*x0*x1) + (x3*x3*x2)*(765.962962903719927 + 1531.92592580743985*x2*(x3)) + x5*x5*x4*(593.454243918743487 + 1186.90848783748697*x4*(x5)) + x7*x7*x6*(86.1471700927234139*x6*(x7) + 43.0735850463617069) + x9*x9*x8*(0.0265283089085503951 + 0.0530566178171007902*x8*(x9)) + 6.01264/(tau*tau*tau))
[docs]def iapws95_A0_tau_derivatives(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the ideal gas Helmholtz energy of water and its first three derivatives with respect to `tau` according to the IAPWS-95 standard. As each of those calls spends most of their time computing exponentials which are the same for each function, function offers a time saving. Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- A0 : float Ideal gas dimensionless Helmholtz energy A/(RT) [-] dA0_dtau : float First derivative of ideal gas dimensionless Helmholtz energy A/(RT) with respect to `tau` [-] d2A0_dtau2 : float Second derivative of ideal gas dimensionless Helmholtz energy A/(RT) with respect to `tau` [-] d3A0_dtau3 : float Third derivative of ideal gas dimensionless Helmholtz energy A/(RT) with respect to `tau` [-] Notes ----- The extra cost of calling this function vs :obj:`iapws95_A0` alone is ~15% with numba, ~40% with PyPy, and 120% with CPython. Examples -------- >>> iapws95_A0_tau_derivatives(647.096/300.0, 999.0/322) (9.53707552976, 8.0797055488, -0.65354304775, 0.62225425072) ''' _exp, _log = exp, log # 6 divisions, 5 exp, 7 log x0 = _exp(-27.5075105*tau) x1 = 1.0/(1.0 - x0) x2 = _exp(-9.24437796*tau) x3 = 1.0/(1.0 - x2) x4 = _exp(-7.74073708*tau) x5 = 1.0/(1.0 - x4) x6 = _exp(-3.53734222*tau) x7 = 1.0/(1.0 - x6) x8 = _exp(-1.28728967*tau) x9 = 1.0/(1.0 - x8) tau_inv = 1.0/tau A0 = (6.68321052759320011*tau + _log(delta) + 3.00632*_log(tau) + 0.24873*_log(1. - x0) + 0.96956*_log(1. - x2) + 1.2795*_log(1. - x4) + 0.97315*_log(1. - x6) + 0.012436*_log(1. - x8) - 8.32044648374970031) dA0_dtau = (-22.4843580635585205 + 0.01600873433612*x9 + 3.44236458139299994*x7 + 9.90427309386000054*x5 + 8.96297909489759981*x3 + 6.84194308666500017*x1 + 3.00632*tau_inv) x0 *= x1 x2 *= x3 x4 *= x5 x6 *= x7 x8 *= x9 d2A0_dtau2 = (-188.204821296839867*x0*x1 - 82.8571664008121047*x2*x3 - 76.6663739880884236*x4*x5 - 12.1768215703940861*x6*x7 - 0.0206078783406615819*x8*x9 - 3.00632*tau_inv*tau_inv) d3A0_dtau3 = (x1*x0*(5177.04609797344619 + 10354.0921959468924*x0) + (x3*x2)*(765.962962903719927 + 1531.92592580743985*x2) + x5*x4*(593.454243918743487 + 1186.90848783748697*x4) + x7*x6*(86.1471700927234139*x6 + 43.0735850463617069) + x9*x8*(0.0265283089085503951 + 0.0530566178171007902*x8) + 6.01264*tau_inv*tau_inv*tau_inv) return (A0, dA0_dtau, d2A0_dtau2, d3A0_dtau3)
[docs]def iapws95_Ar(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the residual Helmholtz energy of water according to the IAPWS-95 standard. .. math:: \phi^{\mathrm{r}}=\sum_{i=1}^{7} n_{i} \delta^{d_{i}} \tau^{t_{i}}+\sum_{i=8}^{51} n_{i} \delta^{d_{i}} \tau^{t_{i}} \mathrm{e}^{-\delta^{c_{i}}}+\sum_{i=52}^{54} n_{i} \delta^{d_{i}} \tau^{t_{i}} \mathrm{e}^{-\alpha_{i}\left(\delta-\varepsilon_{i} \right)^{2}-\beta_{i}\left(\tau-\gamma_{i}\right)^{2}}+\sum_{i=55}^{56} n_{i} \Delta^{b_{i}} \delta \psi .. math:: \Delta=\theta^{2}+B_{i}\left[(\delta-1)^{2}\right]^{a_{i}} .. math:: \theta=(1-\tau)+A_{i}\left[(\delta-1)^{2}\right]^{\frac{1}{2 \beta_{i}}} .. math:: \psi=e^{-C_{i}(\delta-1)^{2}-D_{i}(\tau-1)^{2}} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- Ar : float Residual Helmholtz energy A/(RT) [-] Notes ----- This is an optimized implementatation taking 9 exp calls, 4 sqrts, and 3 powers. It was generated using SymPy's CSE functionality, with select polynomial optimizations by hand as well. It is over 10x faster than a naive implementation. This implementation has been tested against a straightforward implementation with the equations given in IAPWS-95. Over a linear temperature range of 200 K to 5000 K and a logarithmic density range of 1E-10 kg/m^3 to 5000 kg/m^3, 4E6 points were evaluated. The mean relative error was 5.0416E-15, with a maximum relative error of 1.118E-9 and a standard deviation of 5.773e-13. Over the same range, the model was evaluated to a precision of 50 decimal places with `mpmath`, and on 90000 points, the mean relative error was 3.14E-15, with a maximum relative error of 3.54e-12 and a standard deviation of 3.017E-14. This comparison indicates that this implementation is more accurate than the straightforward implementation. Examples -------- >>> iapws95_Ar(647.096/300.0, 999.0/322) -9.57577716026768 ''' _sqrt, _exp = sqrt, exp taurt = _sqrt(tau) tau_quarter = _sqrt(taurt) tau_eighth = _sqrt(tau_quarter) # tau checked, is not causing the small discrepancies. deltam1sqr = (delta - 1.0) deltam1sqr *= deltam1sqr taum1sqr = (tau - 1.0) taum1sqr *= taum1sqr tau2 = tau*tau tau3 = tau*tau2 tau4 = tau*tau3 tau6 = tau4*tau2 x29 = tau4*tau4 tau9 = tau6*tau3 tau10 = tau*tau9 tau11 = tau10*tau tau13 = tau10*tau3 tau50 = tau10*tau10 tau50 *= tau50*tau10 delta2 = delta*delta delta4 = delta2*delta2 delta5 = delta*delta4 delta6 = delta*delta5 delta8 = delta6*delta2 delta9 = delta*delta8 delta3 = delta*delta2 expnd = _exp(-delta) expnd2 = _exp(-delta2) expnd3 = _exp(-delta3) expnd6 = _exp(-delta6) tauexpnd = tau*expnd tau4expnd = expnd*tau4 deltaexpnd2 = delta*expnd2 tau7expnd2 = tau6*tau*expnd2 delta3expnd = delta3*expnd delta8expnd2 = delta8*expnd2 tau10expnd2 = tau10*expnd2 tau23expnd3 = tau10*tau13*expnd3 delta5expnd6 = expnd6*delta5 delta9expnd2 = delta9*expnd2 x32 = -20.0*deltam1sqr x33 = (0.826446280991736*tau - 1.0) x33 = delta2*_exp(x32 - 219.615*x33*x33) x50 = (-tau + 0.32*(deltam1sqr)**1.66666666666666674 + 1.0) x51 = 0.8*tau - 1.0 x35 = 0.2*_sqrt(deltam1sqr)*deltam1sqr*deltam1sqr*deltam1sqr + x50*x50 x35_n05 = x35**-0.05 return (delta*(delta*(delta9*(delta*(delta*(delta*(-6.26395869124539993e-10*delta*tauexpnd - 0.000062689710414685001*tau10*_exp(-delta4)) - 1.32511800746680002e-12*tau13*expnd) - 0.0000163885683425300002*x29*expnd2) + 3.65821651442040008e-7*tau4expnd) + taurt*(-0.26145533859358*tau_quarter + 0.318025093454180008) -tauexpnd*(0.25709043003437998*tau4 + 0.192327211560020001) - 0.00781997516879810034*tau_quarter*tau_eighth*delta ) + 7.89576347228280007*tau**0.875 + tau11*(tau11*tau11*tau11*delta5expnd6*(0.317774973307380026*tau2 - 0.199057183544080002) + expnd*(1.15379964229510002e-9*delta9 - 0.0000662126050396869941*tau)) # These two terms catastrophic cancel somewhat; cannot change them any at all + 0.0349940054637650003*tau11*tau11*delta3*expnd3 + 0.0436136157238109987*tau4*tau*tau11*delta2*expnd3 + tau50*(expnd6*delta2*(-0.118411824259810006*delta3 - 5.57111185656449973e-10)) + tau*(0.00880894931021340005*delta3 + 0.00833265048807130086*delta8expnd2 + 0.0176114910087519991*deltaexpnd2 + 31.5461402377809996*x33 - 8.78032033035609949) +delta3*(expnd2*tau3*(tau4*(-0.0313587007125490022 - 0.743159297103409999*tau3) + 0.0049969146990805997) # tau23expnd3 needs to do in both - 0.0767881978446210006*tau23expnd3 +delta*(0.0224462773320059997*tau23expnd3 - 7.59413770881439999e-6*tau9*expnd + 0.478073299154800013*tau10expnd2)) - 0.107936009089319995*tau7expnd2 + 0.000158703083241569997*tau9*delta9expnd2 + 0.221322951675460011*tau9*deltaexpnd2 - 0.40247669763527999*tau10*deltaexpnd2 - 0.0400928289258069975*tau2*delta3expnd - 0.029052336009585001*tau2*delta8expnd2 + 3.93434226032540015e-7*delta3expnd*tau13 + 0.000562509793518880044*delta6*tau3*expnd + 0.0141806344006170006*delta6*tau10expnd2 + 0.0386150855742060026*tau3*delta8expnd2 - 0.0000156086522571349985*delta8*tau4expnd + 0.580833999857589989*delta2*tau10expnd2 - 2521.31543416949989*delta2*tau4*_exp(x32 - 390.625*x51*x51) + 0.160748684862510011*delta2*tau4expnd - 0.0203934865137039983*delta8expnd2*tau4 - 0.136364351103430009*tau10expnd2*delta5 + 0.0205279408959480013*delta5*tau6*expnd2 + 0.204338109509650007*expnd*tau6 + 0.00199555719795409996*delta9expnd2*tau6 - 0.00165540500637340006*delta8expnd2*x29 - 31.3062603234350014*x33 - 0.148746408567240002*x35*x35_n05*x35_n05*x35_n05*_exp(-28.0*deltam1sqr - 700.0*taum1sqr) + 0.318061108784439994*x35*x35_n05*_exp(-32.0*deltam1sqr - 800.0*taum1sqr) - 0.668565723079650009*tau4expnd + 0.0125335479355230001/taurt))
[docs]def iapws95_dAr_ddelta(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the first derivative of residual Helmholtz energy of water with respect to `delta` according to the IAPWS-95 standard. .. math:: \phi_{\delta}^{\mathrm{r}}=\sum_{i=1}^{7} n_{i} d_{i} \delta^{d_{i}-1} \tau^{t_{i}}+\sum_{i=8}^{51} n_{i} \mathrm{e}^{-\delta^{c_{i}}}\left[ \delta^{d_{i}-1} \tau^{t_{i}}\left(d_{i}-c_{i} \delta^{c_{i}}\right) \right]+\sum_{i=52}^{54} n_{i} \delta^{d_{i}} \tau^{t_{i}} \mathrm{e}^{-\alpha_{i}\left(\delta-\varepsilon_{i}\right)^{2}-\beta_{i} \left(\tau-\gamma_{i}\right)^{2}}\left[\frac{d_{i}}{\delta}-2 \alpha_{i} \left(\delta-\varepsilon_{i}\right)\right]+\sum_{i=55}^{56} n_{i} \left[\Delta^{b_{i}}\left(\psi+\delta \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial \delta}\right)+\frac{\partial \Delta^{b_{i}}}{\partial \delta} \delta \psi\right] Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- dAr_ddelta : float First derivative of residual Helmholtz energy A/(RT) with respect to `delta`, [-] Notes ----- This is an optimized implementatation taking 8 exp calls, 4 sqrts, and 2 powers. It was generated using SymPy's CSE functionality, with select polynomial optimizations by hand as well. It is over 10x faster than a naive implementation. This implementation has been tested against a straightforward implementation with the equations given in IAPWS-95. Over a linear temperature range of 200 K to 5000 K and a logarithmic density range of 1E-10 kg/m^3 to 5000 kg/m^3, 4E6 points were evaluated. The mean relative error was 4.033E-15, with a maximum relative error of 3.8765e-10 and a standard deviation of 3.189e-13. Over the same range, the model was evaluated to a precision of 50 decimal places with `mpmath`, and on 90000 points, the mean relative error was 6.046E-15, with a maximum relative error of 3.39E-10 and a standard deviation of 7.056E-13. There was a singularity at `tau` = `delta` = 1, but the limit is correctly returned. Examples -------- >>> iapws95_dAr_ddelta(647.096/300.0, 999.0/322) -0.3093321202374 ''' if tau == 1.0 and delta == 1.0: # Evaluated with sympy's limit command, otherwise divide by zero return -0.7705590295466400609 _sqrt, _exp = sqrt, exp # Variables which do not depend on delta taurt = _sqrt(tau) tau4rt = _sqrt(taurt) tau8rt = _sqrt(tau4rt) # tau checked, is not causing the small discrepancies. tau875 = tau**0.875#tau8rt*tau4rt*taurt#tau**0.875 c54 = (tau - 1.21) taum1sqr = (tau - 1.0) taum1sqr *= taum1sqr x64 = 700.0*taum1sqr x100 = (tau - 1.25) x59 = 800.0*taum1sqr tau2 = tau*tau tau3 = tau*tau2 tau4 = tau*tau3 tau6 = tau3*tau3 tau7 = tau6*tau tau9 = tau6*tau3 tau10 = tau*tau9 tau12 = tau10*tau2 tau13 = tau10*tau3 tau23 = tau10*tau13 delta2 = delta*delta delta3 = delta*delta2 delta4 = delta*delta3 delta5 = delta*delta4 delta6 = delta*delta5 delta8 = delta6*delta2 delta9 = delta*delta8 # 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 also used for delta but not needed x6 = delta - 1.0 expnd = _exp(-delta) expnd2 = _exp(-delta2) expnd6 = _exp(-delta6) expnd3 = _exp(-delta3) expnd4 = _exp(-delta4) x8 = x6*expnd x10 = tau*expnd x11 = delta*(delta - 2.0) x12 = tau4*expnd x14 = delta3*expnd*(delta - 4.0) x21 = delta8*tau4 x24 = delta2 + delta2 x26 = tau*tau6*expnd2 x27 = delta*(delta2 - 1.0) x28 = expnd2*x27 x30 = expnd2*tau10 x33 = delta3*(delta2 - 2.0) x35 = delta5*(delta2 - 3.0) x38 = delta5*(delta6 - 1.0) x39 = expnd6*x38 x40 = tau23*tau23*tau4*expnd6 x41 = delta9*expnd2*(delta2 - 5.0) x42 = tau4*tau4*expnd2 x43 = 3.0*delta3 x44 = delta3*(x43 - 4.0) x45 = tau23*expnd3 x46 = x24 - 9.0 x47 = expnd2*x46 x48 = delta8*x47 x50 = delta - 1.0 x51 = x50*x50 dm1rt23 = cbrt(x51)#**(1.0/3.0) # numba will make this a cbrt, PyPy does not care, CPython slows a by a multiply and assign dm1rt23 *= dm1rt23 x65 = x51*dm1rt23 x52 = -20.0*x51 x53 = (-40.0*delta4 + 40.0*delta3 + 3.0*delta2) x51_2_x51sqrt = x51*x51*_sqrt(x51) y50 = 0.32*x65 + 1.0 - tau x56 = 0.2*x51*x51_2_x51sqrt + y50*y50 x57 = 32.0*x51 x62 = delta*x6 x63 = 28.0*x51 exp100 = _exp(0.125*(-x57 - x59)) exp200 = exp100*exp100 exp400 = exp200*exp200 exp800 = exp400*exp400 exp700 = exp400*exp200*exp100 pow005 = x56**(-0.05) exp250 = _exp(x52 - 250.0*x100*x100) exp150 = _exp(x52 - 150.0*c54*c54) x54 = x53*exp150 x67 = x62*(1.4*x51_2_x51sqrt + (-2.13333333333333333*tau + 0.68266666666666666*x65 + 2.13333333333333333)*dm1rt23) return (-3.6582165144204e-7*delta9*delta*x12*(delta - 11.0) + 3.277713668506e-5*delta9*delta2*x42*(delta2 - 6.0) + 1.3251180074668e-12*delta9*delta3*tau13*expnd*(delta - 13.0) + 0.00012537942082937*delta9*delta4*tau10*(delta4 + delta4 - 7.0)*expnd4 + 6.2639586912454e-10*delta9*delta5*x10*(delta - 15.0) - 0.023459925506394301*tau4rt*tau8rt*delta2 - 0.52291067718716*tau4rt*taurt*delta + 7.89576347228280007*tau875#tau_quarter*taurt*tau_eighth # improves average but increases max. + 0.25709043003438*tau4*tau*x11*expnd - 1.1537996422951e-9*tau*tau10*delta9*expnd*(delta - 10.0) + 6.6212605039687e-5*tau12*x8 - 0.130840847171432989*tau9*tau7*delta2*expnd3*(delta3 - 1.0) - 0.0349940054637650003*tau10*tau12*expnd3*x44 + 1.19434310126448007*tau23*tau12*tau9*x39 - 1.90664983984428016*tau23*tau23*x39 + 0.636050186908360016*taurt*delta - 0.0352229820175039982*tau*x28 + 0.0352357972408536002*tau*delta3 - 0.00833265048807130086*tau*x48 + 31.546140237781*tau*x54 - 8.7803203303561*tau + 0.19232721156002*x10*x11 - 0.16074868486251*x12*delta2*(delta - 3.0) + 0.0400928289258069975*tau2*x14 + 0.029052336009585001*tau2*x48 - 3.9343422603254e-7*x14*tau13 + 7.5941377088144e-6*delta4*tau9*expnd*(delta - 5.0) - 0.4780732991548*delta4*x30*(x24 - 5.0) - 0.0224462773320059997*delta4*x45*(x43 - 5.0) - 0.442645903350920022*tau9*x28 - 0.000317406166483139994*tau9*x41 - 0.000562509793518880044*delta6*tau3*expnd*(delta - 7.0) - 0.0141806344006170006*delta6*x30*(x24 - 7.0) - 0.0099938293981611994*tau3*expnd2*x33 - 0.0386150855742060026*tau3*x48 + 0.00165540500637340006*delta8*x42*x46 + 0.0203934865137039983*x21*x47 + 1.5608652257135e-5*x21*expnd*(delta - 9.0) - 0.0410558817918960026*expnd2*x35*tau6 + 0.0627174014250980044*x26*x33 + 0.10793600908932*x26*(x24 - 1.0) + 0.804953395270559979*x27*x30 - 0.58083399985759*delta2*x30*(x24 - 3.0) + 1.67133355696935002e-9*delta2*x40*(delta6 + delta6 - 1.0) + 1.48631859420682*x30*x33 + 0.272728702206860019*x30*x35 + 0.710470945558860034*x38*x40 - 0.00399111439590819992*x41*tau6 + 0.0767881978446210006*x44*x45 - 2521.3154341695*tau4*x53*exp250 + 0.668565723079650009*tau4*x8 - 31.3062603234350014*x54 - 0.14874640856724*x56*pow005*pow005*pow005*(-56.0*x62*exp700 + exp700) + 0.31806110878444*x56*pow005*(-64.0*x62*exp800 + exp800) - 0.126434447282154*pow005*pow005*pow005*x67*exp700 + 0.302158053345218003*pow005*x67*exp800 - 0.204338109509650007*x8*tau6 + 0.0125335479355230001/taurt)
def iapws95_d2Ar_ddelta2_delta_1(tau): # Derived with sympy exp = trunc_exp return (-0.046919851012788602*tau**0.375 + 0.636050186908360016*tau**0.5 - 0.52291067718716*tau**0.75 + 1.56820593144323182*tau**50 - 4.20850366554920272*tau**46 + 2.63624563596086548*tau**44 + 0.196436526075828838*tau**23 - 0.115862176569242416*tau**22 - 0.144400973219474584*tau**16 + 7.23617955691807259e-7*tau**13 + 0.0000243582561405054769*tau**12 + 3.01366009018245322e-8*tau**11 + 0.31651327600812403*tau**10 - 0.322675438839726093*tau**9 - 0.0236600953022247575*tau**8 + 0.102487320000099597*tau**7 + 0.023417142139243132*tau**6 + 0.0945782837315734979*tau**5 + 1.93563785043781879e-165*tau**4*exp(625.0*tau)*exp(-250.0*tau**2) + 0.0196947947463537576*tau**4 + 0.542141065361544732*tau**3 - 0.479881408666422377*tau**2 - 4.49616772203662689e-93*tau*exp(363.0*tau)*exp(-150.0*tau**2) + 0.267030565833120499*tau + 1.48037819526523354e-303*(0.5*tau**2 - tau + 0.5)**0.849999999999999978 *exp(1400*tau)*exp(-700*tau**2) - 1.44239270039235679e-346*(0.5*tau**2 - tau + 0.5)**0.949999999999999956*exp(1600*tau)*exp(-800*tau**2) + 4.46197842597955621e-93*exp(363.0*tau)*exp(-150.0*tau**2))
[docs]def iapws95_d2Ar_ddelta2(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the second derivative of residual Helmholtz energy of water with respect to `delta` according to the IAPWS-95 standard. .. math:: \begin{aligned} \phi_{\delta \delta}^{\mathrm{r}}=& \sum_{i=1}^{7} n_{i} d_{i}\left(d_{i}-1\right) \delta^{d_{i}-2} \tau^{t_{i}} +\sum_{i=8}^{51} n_{i} \mathrm{e}^{-\delta^{6}}\left[\delta^{d_{i}-2} \tau^{t_{i}}\left(\left(d_{i}-c_{i} \delta^{c_{i}}\right)\left(d_{i} -1-c_{i} \delta^{c_{i}}\right)-c_{i}^{2} \delta^{c_{i}}\right)\right] +\sum_{i=52}^{54} n_{i} \tau^{t_{i}} \mathrm{e}^{-\alpha_{i} \left(\delta-\varepsilon_{i}\right)^{2}-\beta_{i}\left(\tau-\gamma_{i} \right)^{2}} \\ & \cdot\left[-2 \alpha_{i} \delta^{d_{i}}+4 \alpha_{i}^{2} \delta^{d_{i}}\left(\delta-\varepsilon_{i}\right)^{2} -4 d_{i} \alpha_{i} \delta^{d_{i}-1}\left(\delta-\varepsilon_{i}\right) +d_{i}\left(d_{i}-1\right) \delta^{d_{i}-2}\right]+\sum_{i=55}^{56} n_{i}\left[\Delta^{b_{i}}\left(2 \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial \delta} +\delta \frac{\partial^{2} \psi}{\partial \delta^{2}}\right)+2 \frac{\partial \Delta^{b_{i}}}{\partial \delta}\left(\psi+\delta \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial \delta}\right)+\frac{\partial^{2} \Delta^{b_{i}}}{\partial \delta^{2}} \delta \psi\right]\end{aligned} Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- d2Ar_ddelta2 : float Second derivative of residual Helmholtz energy A/(RT) with respect to `delta`, [-] Notes ----- This is an optimized implementatation taking 4 exp calls, 4 sqrts, and 2 powers. It was generated using SymPy's CSE functionality, with select polynomial optimizations by hand as well. It is over 10x faster than a naive implementation. This implementation has been tested against a straightforward implementation with the equations given in IAPWS-95. Over a linear temperature range of 200 K to 5000 K and a logarithmic density range of 1E-10 kg/m^3 to 5000 kg/m^3, 4E6 points were evaluated. The mean relative error was 9.566e-16, with a maximum relative error of 1.0518E-10 and a standard deviation of 6.20265E-14. Over the same range, the model was evaluated to a precision of 50 decimal places with `mpmath`, and on 250000 points, the mean relative error was 1.039E-15, with a maximum relative error of 2.431E-11 and a standard deviation of 5.31708E-14. Examples -------- >>> iapws95_d2Ar_ddelta2(647.096/300.0, 999.0/322) 1.7862535141735987 ''' if delta == 1.0: return iapws95_d2Ar_ddelta2_delta_1(tau) # 4 sqrt; 4 exp; 2 power; 3 div; loads of multiplies and adds. # What depends only on tau - keep it separated out _sqrt, _exp = sqrt, exp taurt = _sqrt(tau) tau4rt = _sqrt(taurt) tau8rt = _sqrt(tau4rt) tau3 = tau*tau*tau tau4 = tau3*tau tau6 = tau3*tau3 taum1sqr = (tau - 1.0)*(tau - 1.0) y63 = (0.8*tau - 1.0) delta2 = delta*delta delta3 = delta2*delta delta4 = delta2*delta2 y1 = delta - 1.0 y2 = delta*y1 y3 = y1*y1 y4 = 800.0*delta2*y3 - 20.0*delta2 - 120.0*y2 + 3.0 y5 = -20.0*y3 y6 = (0.826446280991736*tau - 1.0) exp150 = _exp(y5 - 219.615*y6*y6) exp100 = _exp(-100.0*taum1sqr - 4.0*y3) exp200 = exp100*exp100 exp400 = exp200*exp200 exp700 = exp400*exp200*exp100 exp800 = exp400*exp400 exp250 = _exp(y5 - 390.625*y63*y63) y6 = y4*exp150 y7 = delta*tau y9 = 2.0 - 2.0*delta dm1rt23 = cbrt(y3) y12 = y3*dm1rt23*dm1rt23 y3rt = _sqrt(y3) y16 = y3*y3*y3rt y13 = 0.32*y12 + 1.0 - tau y13 = 0.2*y3*y16 + y13*y13 pow005 = y13**(-0.05) y15 = pow005*pow005*pow005 y17 = dm1rt23*dm1rt23*(-2.1333333333333333*tau + 0.682666666666666755*y12 + 2.1333333333333333) y18 = 1.4*y16 + y17 y19 = y1*y18 y21 = (y16 + 0.714285714285714191*y17) y21 *= y3*y21 y22 = (y18 + y3*((-2.84444444444444455*tau + 0.910222222222222488*y12 + 2.84444444444444455)/dm1rt23 + 2.275555555555556*y3*dm1rt23 + 7.*y3*y3rt)) delta5 = delta4*delta delta6 = delta4*delta2 delta7 = delta*delta6 delta8 = delta*delta7 delta9 = delta*delta8 delta12 = delta6*delta6 delta15 = delta8*delta7 expnd = _exp(-delta) expnd2 = _exp(-delta2) expnd4 = _exp(-delta4) expnd3 = _exp(-delta3) expnd6 = _exp(-delta6) y24 = delta*expnd y26 = delta2*expnd y29 = delta2*expnd2 y31 = expnd2*delta4 y33 = expnd2*delta7 y35 = expnd2*delta9 y37 = expnd2*delta5*delta6 y39 = expnd*delta3 y40 = expnd*delta4 y42 = expnd*delta5 y44 = expnd*delta7 y45 = expnd2*delta6 y47 = expnd*delta8 y48 = expnd*delta9 y50 = expnd*delta5*delta5 y51 = expnd*delta5*delta6 y52 = expnd2*delta8 y53 = expnd2*delta5*delta5 y55 = expnd2*delta12 y56 = delta*expnd2 y57 = expnd2*delta3 y60 = delta*expnd3 y61 = delta4*expnd3 y62 = delta7*expnd3 return (-0.046919851012788602*delta*tau8rt*tau4rt + 0.148746408567240002*delta*exp700*( 0.2499*y15/y13*y21 - 0.85*y15*y22) - 0.318061108784439994*delta*exp800*(0.0931*pow005/y13*y21 - 0.949999999999999956*pow005*y22) - 5042.63086833899979*delta*y4*tau4*exp250 - 62.6125206468700028*delta*y6 + taurt*(0.636050186908360016 - 0.52291067718716*tau4rt) + 0.105707391722560801*tau*delta2 - tau*(1.31543132516153401e-7*delta7*delta6*expnd + tau*(-tau*(tau*(tau*(tau*(tau*(tau*(tau*(tau*(-0.00100303536663496002*delta15*delta5*expnd4 + 0.0077735240914209398*delta8*delta8*expnd4 + tau*(tau*(0.000132425210079373988*expnd - 0.0000662126050396869941*y24 + y7*(tau3*(tau6*(tau*(tau3*tau6*tau6*tau6*(tau*tau*(11.439899039065681*delta15 - 32.41304727735276*delta9 + 9.53324919922140168*delta3 + tau4*(-4.26282567335316021*delta15 + 12.078006074500621*delta9 - 3.55235472779430017*delta3 + 3.67693382533256956e-8*delta6 - 2.00560026836322003e-8*delta12 - 3.34266711393870005e-9)) - 7.16605860758687996*delta15 + 20.3038327214961605*delta9 - 5.97171550632239967*delta3)*expnd6 + 0.448925546640119966*delta2*expnd3 - 0.80806598395221596*delta5*expnd3 + 0.20201649598805399*delta8*expnd3 - 0.921458374135452063*y60 + 2.30364593533863005*y61 - 0.691093780601588992*y62) + 0.419928065565180031*y60 - 1.04982016391295008*y61 + 0.314946049173885023*y62) - 1.04672677737146391*delta3*expnd3 + 0.392522541514298995*delta6*expnd3 + 0.261681694342865978*expnd3) - 1.32511800746680002e-12*expnd*delta12 + 4.72121071239048018e-6*y24 - 3.14747380826032012e-6*y26 + 3.93434226032540015e-7*y39 - 2.06718409164820794e-10*y50 + 3.44530681941368034e-11*y51)) + 1.03841967806558997e-7*y47 - 2.30759928459020012e-8*y48 + 1.15379964229510002e-9*y50) - 7.59868993714932728*expnd2*delta5 - 0.804953395270559979*expnd2 - 4.89314458888812087*y29 + 7.67603002421735958*y31 + 1.48687416460069*y33 + 0.0567225376024680025*y35 + 0.572835940275540079*y45 - 0.545457404413720037*y52 - 0.0114095272954726698*delta12*expnd4 + 3.48500399914553993*y56 + 1.42978998508973909*y57) + 0.442645903350920022*expnd2 - 2.21322951675460011*y29 + 0.885291806701840045*y31 - 0.00015188275417628801*y39 + 0.000075941377088144005*y40 - 7.59413770881439999e-6*y42 + 0.0142832774917412992*y52 - 0.0066655294961459402*y53 + 0.000634812332966279988*y55) - 0.0000655542733701200008*expnd2*delta7*delta7 - 0.119189160458884807*y33 + 0.0629053902421892047*y35 - 0.00662162002549360022*y37 - 0.00216329102121396019*y53 + 0.000819428417126499982*y55) - 0.376304408550587999*y29 + 0.564456612825881998*y31 - 0.125434802850196009*y45 + 0.647616054535919972*y56 - 0.431744036357279981*y57) - 0.408676219019300013*expnd + 0.204338109509650007*y24 + 0.615838226878440032*y31 - 0.533726463294648013*y45 + 0.26171191139966099*y52 - 0.083813402314072194*y53 + 0.00798222879181639984*y55) - 0.51418086006875996*expnd + 1.02836172013751992*y24 - 0.25709043003437998*y26) + 1.33713144615930002*expnd + 0.295926386095409999*y24 - 0.964492109175060008*y26 - 1.46833102898668777*y33 + 0.774952487520751965*y35 - 0.0815739460548159934*y37 + 0.160748684862510011*y39 - 0.00112382296251371978*y44 + 0.000280955740628429946*y47 + 0.0000246317294014894049*y48 - 8.04807633172487966e-6*y50 + 3.65821651442040008e-7*y51) - 0.00787513710926432062*expnd*delta6 + 0.059962976388967193*y29 - 0.0899444645834507894*y31 + 2.78028616134283224*y33 - 1.46737325181982814*y35 + 0.15446034229682401*y37 + 0.0236254113277929619*y42 + 0.000562509793518880044*y44 + 0.0199876587963223988*y45) + 0.48111394710968397*y26 + 2.09176819269011993*y33 - 1.10398876836422999*y35 + 0.116209344038340004*y37 - 0.32074263140645598*y39 + 0.0400928289258069975*y40) - 1.87918760737362006e-8*expnd*delta7*delta7 + 6.26395869124539993e-10*expnd*delta15 + 0.384654423120040001*expnd - 0.769308846240080002*y24 - 0.0352229820175039982*expnd2 + 0.192327211560020001*y26 + 0.176114910087520005*y29 - 0.0704459640350079963*y31 - 0.599950835141133676*y33 + 0.316640718546709443*y35 - 0.0333306019522852034*y37) - 8.32979887976543942*exp700*y13*y15*(delta*(56.0*y3 - 1.0) + y9) + 0.252868894564308*exp700*y15*y19*(56.0*y2 - 1.0) + 20.3559109622041596*y13*pow005*exp800*(delta*(64.0*y3 - 1.0) + y9) - 0.604316106690436006*exp800*y19*pow005*(64.0*y2 - 1.0) + 63.0922804755619993*y6*y7)
[docs]def iapws95_d3Ar_ddelta3(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the third derivative of residual Helmholtz energy of water with respect to `delta` according to the IAPWS-95 standard. Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- d3Ar_ddelta3 : float Third derivative of residual Helmholtz energy A/(RT) with respect to `delta`, [-] Notes ----- No equation is given for this in IAPWS-95, and the derivative was symbolically computed with SymPy. This is an optimized implementatation. It was generated using SymPy's CSE functionality. Over a linear temperature range of 200 K to 5000 K and a logarithmic density range of 1E-4 kg/m^3 to 5000 kg/m^3, 90000 points were evaluated. The mean relative error was 5.41E-13, with a maximum relative error of 6.3957e-11 and a standard deviation of 3.346e-12. 90000 points were also evaluated with mpmath. The mean relative error was 1.41959E-14, with a maximum relative error of 5.8878E-10 and a standard deviation of 1.978E-12. Evaluating 10000 points in the 1e-10 to 1e-4 range, the mean relative error was 1.2E-16, maximum relative error 1.2e-16, and standard deviation 6.66e-16. Examples -------- >>> iapws95_d3Ar_ddelta3(647.096/300.0, 999.0/322) 0.33621190578 ''' # Gonna have to reduce the number of constants quite a bit for pypy delta2 = delta*delta delta3 = delta*delta2 delta4 = delta*delta3 delta5 = delta*delta4 delta6 = delta*delta5 delta7 = delta*delta6 delta8 = delta*delta7 delta9 = delta*delta8 delta10 = delta*delta9 delta11 = delta*delta10 delta12 = delta*delta11 delta13 = delta*delta12 delta15 = delta2*delta13 delta21 = delta15*delta6 tau2 = tau*tau tau3 = tau*tau2 tau4 = tau*tau3 tau6 = tau2*tau4 tau8 = tau4*tau4 tau9 = tau*tau8 tau10 = tau*tau9 tau40 = tau10*tau10 tau40 *= tau40 x0 = delta*tau x1 = exp(-delta) x2 = tau*x1 x3 = 1.15396326936012006*x2 x5 = x1*tau4 x6 = tau*tau4*x1 x7 = 1.54254258020627999*x6 x9 = x1*tau6 x10 = tau6*tau6*x1 x12 = exp(-delta2) x14 = x1*tau2 x15 = tau10*tau3*x1 x19 = tau6*tau*x12 x21 = x12*tau10 x23 = exp(-delta3) x24 = tau10*tau6*x23 x26 = exp(-delta6) x27 = tau40*tau10*x26 x29 = x12*tau3 x31 = x12*tau9 x32 = tau10*tau10*tau2*x23 x33 = tau10*tau10*tau3*x23 x34 = 0.000455648262528864003*x1 x35 = tau*x12 x36 = delta3*tau9 x38 = x1*tau3 x39 = x1*tau9 x42 = tau10*tau*x1 x44 = x12*delta8 x48 = x12*delta12 x49 = x12*tau6 x50 = tau40*tau4*x26 x51 = tau40*tau6*x26 x52 = x12*tau2 x53 = x12*tau4 x55 = x12*tau8 x56 = tau10*exp(-delta4) x58 = delta - 1.0 x59 = x58*x58 x60 = -20.0*x59 x61 = (0.826446280991736*tau - 1.0) x61 = exp(x60 - 219.615*x61*x61) x62 = tau*x61 x63 = delta2*x61 x64 = (0.8*tau - 1.0) x64 = tau4*exp(x60 - 390.625*x64*x64) x65 = x58*x61 x66 = tau*x63 x67 = delta2*x64 x68 = delta*x58 x69 = delta3*x58 x70 = x58*x58*x58 x71 = delta3*x70 x72 = sqrt(x59)*x59*x59*x59 x73 = x59**1.66666666666666674 x74 = -tau + 0.320000000000000007*x73 + 1.0 x75 = 0.2*x72 + x74*x74 pow005 = x75**(-0.05) x76 = (tau - 1.0) x76 *= x76 x77 = exp(-28.0*x59 - 700.0*x76) x78 = x75*pow005*pow005*pow005*x77 x79 = exp(-32.0*x59 - 800.0*x76) x80 = x75*pow005*x79 x81 = 3908.33490474319842*x80 x82 = delta*x70 x83 = x73*x74 x84 = 1.19000000000000017*x72 + 1.81333333333333346*x83 x85 = pow005*pow005*pow005*x77 x86 = x84*x85 x87 = 1.33*x72 + 2.02666666666666684*x83 x88 = pow005*x79 x89 = x87*x88 x90 = delta/x58 x91 = 61.0677328866124753*x90 x92 = 1.0/x59 x93 = 0.446239225701720033*x92 x94 = x73*x73 x95 = 7.13999999999999879*x72 + 4.2311111111111126*x83 + 1.93422222222222251*x94 x96 = x85*x95 x97 = 0.954183326353319927*x92 x98 = 7.98000000000000043*x72 + 4.72888888888889003*x83 + 2.16177777777777802*x94 x99 = x88*x98 x100 = delta/x70 x101 = 0.148746408567240002*x100 x102 = 0.318061108784439994*x100 x103 = 24.9893966392963236*x90 x104 = 0.0700000000000000622*x72 + 0.106666666666666771*x83 x105 = pow005/x75 x106 = x105*x79*x87 x107 = x104*x106 x108 = 0.210000000000000048*x72 + 0.320000000000000062*x83 x109 = x105*pow005*pow005 x110 = x109*x77*x84 x111 = x108*x110 x112 = x104*x79 x113 = x108*x77 x114 = sqrt(sqrt(tau)) return (0.00401214146653984007*delta9*delta9*delta5*x56 - 0.0511548036983829613*delta9*delta10*x56 + 1.20336016101793195e-7*delta9*delta9*x27 - 2.81878141106042993e-8*delta9*delta5*x2 + 0.0000662126050396869941*delta*x10 - 0.962227894219367941*delta*x14 + 9.44242142478096036e-6*delta*x15 - 0.752608817101175998*delta*x19 - 8.1763823872351189*delta*x21 + 0.119925952777934386*delta*x29 - delta*x3 - 5.31175084021104027*delta*x31 + 0.839856131130360062*delta*x32 - 1.84291674827090413*delta*x33 - 2.22491060444553002*delta*x5 + 22540.5074328732007*delta*x65 - delta*x7 - 0.204338109509650007*delta*x9 - 0.046919851012788602*sqrt(x114)*x114 - 4.0496681372026524*tau*x44 - 0.0666612039045704069*tau*x48 - 0.422675784210048033*x0*x12 - 22713.2209712023177*x0*x65 + 0.211414783445121601*x0 - 0.000198637815119060996*x10 - 0.636122217568879988*x100*x105*x112*x98 + 0.297492817134480003*x100*x109*x113*x95 + x101*x110*(1.26000000000000001*x72 + 0.746666666666666812*x83 + 0.341333333333333433*x94) - x101*x113*x105*x105*pow005*x84*(1.60999999999999988*x72 + 2.45333333333333359*x83) - x101*x85*(35.6999999999999886*x72 + 5.6414814814814811*x83 + 13.5395555555555589*x94) - x102*x106*(0.420000000000000373*x72 + 0.248888888888889104*x83 + 0.113777777777777894*x94) + x102*x112*x105/x75*x87*(1.4700000000000002*x72 + 2.24000000000000021*x83) + x102*x88*(39.9000000000000057*x72 + 6.30518518518518789*x83 + 15.132444444444447*x94) - x103*x111 + x103*x96 + x107*x91 - x107*x97 + 1.44334184132905197*delta2*x14 - 0.0000141636321371714414*delta2*x15 - 2.59046421814367989*delta2*x19 + 0.192327211560020001*delta2*x2 - 2.68063804302186082*delta2*x21 - delta2*tau9*x34 + 1.34677663992036001*delta2*x33 + 1.44673816376259001*delta2*x5 + 0.25709043003437998*delta2*x6 + x111*x93 + 7.9676262603165604*x12*x36 + 14.11943530065831*tau2*x44 + 0.232418688076680008*tau2*x48 - 0.48111394710968397*x14*delta3 + 0.0400928289258069975*x14*delta4 - 5.1679602291205205e-11*x15*delta12 + 1.32511800746680002e-12*x15*delta13 + 4.72121071239048018e-6*x15*delta3 - 3.93434226032540015e-7*x15*delta4 - 2.27390250081302894e-9*x15*delta10 + 6.20155227494462486e-10*x15*delta11 - 1.71006072270999421e-6*delta12*x2 - 4.81344064407172886e-7*delta12*x27 - 0.308920684593648021*delta12*x29 + 0.0132432400509872004*delta12*x55 + 3.94629397548460203e-7*delta13*x2 - 0.00126962466593255998*delta13*x31 - 0.0159644575836327997*delta13*x49 - 0.00255661666143467987*delta13*x55 + 6.26395869124539993e-10*delta15*x2 - 140.673247220654275*delta15*x27 - 236.479934050367035*delta15*x50 + 377.516668289167455*delta15*x51 + 0.000131108546740240002*delta15*x55 + 0.17001449464462573*delta15*x56 + 3.01043526840470443*x19*delta3 + 0.863488072714559962*x19*delta4 - 1.88152204275294022*x19*delta5 + 0.250869605700392018*x19*delta7 + 0.647616054535919972*x19 + 40.4904092746456783*x21*delta3 + 25.6054990265034803*x21*delta6 - 40.8530296559261075*x21*delta4 - 11.9150444067814796*x21*delta5 - 5.50933111586084046*x21*delta7 - 2.4632454907791681*x21*delta8 + 1.09091480882744007*x21*delta9 - 0.113445075204936005*x21*delta10 + 3.48500399914553993*x21 - 4.97195219251445408*delta3*x24 - 14.2094189111772007*delta3*x27 - 0.479703811111737544*delta3*x29 + 0.634013676315071995*delta3*x35 + 2.46335290751376013*delta3*x49 - 0.160748684862510011*delta3*x5 - 23.8868620252896022*delta3*x50 + 38.1329967968856067*delta3*x51 - 150270.049552488024*delta3*x65 + 5.88783812271448515*x24*delta6 - 1.17756762454289698*x24*delta9 + 0.261681694342865978*x24 + 2.77441370456912092e-7*delta6*x27 + 19.4620031293998252*delta6*x29 + 4.19965584598793562*delta6*x35 + 0.0118127056638964809*delta6*x38 - 0.00786676073759603849*delta6*x5 - 14.6423773488308395*delta6*x52 - 10.2783172029068144*delta6*x53 - 0.834324123212193625*delta6*x55 + 142.09418911177201*x27*delta9 + 25.576954040118963*x27*delta21 - 3.34266711393870005e-9*x27 - 18.766931589064118*tau3*x44 + 0.299814881944835965*x29*delta5 - 0.0399753175926447976*x29*delta7 + 4.63381026890472025*x29*delta10 + x3 - 1.77058361340368009*x31*delta5 + 0.114266219933930394*x31*delta7 - 0.0952218499449419969*x31*delta9 + 0.0209488069878872411*x31*delta11 - 6.50888501626029026*x32*delta4 + 5.6690288851299302*x32*delta7 - 0.94483814752165507*x32*delta10 + 14.2826047990995058*x33*delta4 - 6.19517254363365666*x33*delta5 - 12.4396880508286038*x33*delta7 + 4.24234641574913418*x33*delta8 + 2.07328134180476731*x33*delta10 - 0.606049487964162026*x33*delta11 + x34*x36 - 0.140891928070015993*x35*delta5 + 0.99991805856855609*x35*delta10 + 0.118127056638964806*delta4*x38 - 0.000113912065632216001*delta4*x39 - 0.070876233983378889*x38*delta5 - 0.000562509793518880044*x38*delta7 + 7.59413770881439999e-6*x39*delta5 + 9.911234445660142*tau4*x44 + 0.163147892109631987*tau4*x48 - 4.43403523352476814*delta5*x49 + 8.30735742452472082e-7*delta7*x42 + 3.16114821778658417*delta7*x49 + 0.00337146888754115935*delta7*x5 - 3.11525903419677031e-7*x42*delta8 + 3.46139892688530034e-8*x42*delta9 - 1.15379964229510002e-9*x42*delta10 - 0.0000592701760150253563*delta8*x5 + 0.804526833097472416*x44*tau8 - 1.36155784594004392*delta9*x49 - 0.000105112492718738184*delta9*x5 + 238.868620252896022*delta9*x50 - 381.329967968855954*delta9*x51 - 0.0216329102121396027*delta9*x55 + 0.0000120721144975873203*delta10*x5 - 3.48628032115020003*delta10*x52 - 2.44721838164447991*delta10*x53 - 0.198648600764808003*delta10*x55 + 0.263413550129941165*delta11*x49 - 3.65821651442040008e-7*delta11*x5 + 0.0141597230479459206*delta11*x55 - 0.136914327545672065*delta11*x56 - 1.04120506006389002*x5 + 42.9963516455212797*x50*delta21 - 68.6393942343940893*x51*delta21 - 450810.148657464015*x59*x63 + 454264.419424046355*x59*x66 - 36306942.2520408034*x59*x67 - 1399.40621180059406*x59*x78 + x59*x81 + 2003600.66069984017*x61*x71 - 187.837561940610016*x61 + 151421.473141348804*x62*x69 - 2018952.97521798406*x62*x71 + 189.276841426685991*x62 + 11270.2537164366004*x63 + 1815347.11260203994*x64*x68 - 12102314.0840135999*x64*x69 + 161364187.786847979*x64*x71 - 15127.8926050169994*x64 - 11356.6104856011589*x66 + 907673.556301020086*x67 - 1399.40621180059384*x68*x78 + x68*x81 - 1399.40621180059406*x68*x86 + 3908.33490474319842*x68*x89 + x7 + 26122.2492869444213*x78*x82 + 24.9893966392963165*x78 - 83377.8113011882378*x80*x82 - 61.0677328866124753*x80 + 24.9893966392963165*x86*x90 + 49.9787932785926472*x86 - x89*x91 - 122.135465773224951*x89 + 0.613014328528949992*x9 - x91*x99 - x93*x96 + x97*x99)
[docs]def iapws95_d3Ar_ddelta2dtau(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the third derivative of residual Helmholtz energy of water with respect to `delta` twice and `tau` one according to the IAPWS-95 standard. Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- d3Ar_ddeltadtau2 : float Third derivative of residual Helmholtz energy A/(RT) with respect to `delta` twice and `tau` once, [-] Notes ----- This is an optimized implementatation. It was generated using SymPy's CSE functionality. No equation is given for this in IAPWS-95, and the derivative was symbolically computed with SymPy. Like many higher-order derivatives of functions with exponentials, this one balloons to use many, many terms. Over a linear temperature range of 200 K to 5000 K and a logarithmic density range of 1E-10 kg/m^3 to 5000 kg/m^3, 250000 points were evaluated. The mean relative error was 3.629e-15, with a maximum relative error of 8.38E-11 and a standard deviation of 2.1214E-13. Over the same range, the model was evaluated to a precision of 50 decimal places with `mpmath`, and on 10000 points, the mean relative error was 2.4e-15, with a maximum relative error of 7.62E-12 and a standard deviation of 7.818E-14. Examples -------- >>> iapws95_d3Ar_ddelta2dtau(647.096/300.0, 999.0/322) 0.015646982949077 ''' # simplest when derivaed from diff((calcA_res(tau, delta)), delta, delta, tau) tau2 = tau*tau tau3 = tau*tau2 tau4 = tau*tau3 tau5 = tau*tau4 tau6 = tau*tau5 tau7 = tau*tau6 tau8 = tau*tau7 tau9 = tau*tau8 tau12 = tau9*tau3 tau40 = tau12*tau12*tau12*tau4 tau_inv = 1.0/tau taurtinv = sqrt(tau_inv) tau4rtinv = sqrt(taurtinv) tau8rtinv = sqrt(tau4rtinv) delta2 = delta*delta delta3 = delta*delta2 delta4 = delta*delta3 delta5 = delta*delta4 delta6 = delta*delta5 delta7 = delta2*delta5 delta8 = delta*delta7 delta9 = delta*delta8 delta10 = delta*delta9 delta11 = delta*delta10 delta12 = delta*delta11 delta13 = delta*delta12 delta14 = delta*delta13 delta16 = delta2*delta14 x1 = exp(-delta) x3 = exp(-delta2) x2 = delta*x1 x4 = delta2*x1 x6 = x1*delta13 x9 = x1*tau3 x11 = x1*tau4 x13 = tau9*tau2*x1 x15 = tau*x1 x17 = delta2*x3 x18 = delta4*x3 x20 = delta7*x3 x22 = delta9*x3 x24 = delta11*x3 x26 = tau8*x3 x28 = tau9*x3 x30 = tau6*x3 x31 = exp(-delta3) x32 = tau9*tau6*x31 x34 = exp(-delta6) x35 = tau9*tau40*x34 x37 = x1*tau8 x38 = x1*tau12 x39 = x1*delta4 x42 = x1*tau2 x44 = tau*tau9*x1 x47 = tau12*tau9*x31 x48 = tau9*tau9*tau4*x31 x49 = tau3*tau40*x34 x50 = tau5*tau40*x34 x51 = x3*delta6 x53 = tau5*x3 x54 = x3*tau7 x55 = tau9*exp(-delta4) x57 = delta - 1.0 x58 = x57*x57 x59 = -20.0*x58 x60 = (0.826446280991736*tau - 1.0) x60 = exp(x59 - 219.615*x60*x60) x61 = delta*x60 x62 = 189.276841426685991*x61 x63 = delta3*x60 x64 = 1261.8456095112399*x63 x65 = (0.8*tau - 1.0) x65 = exp(x59 - 390.625*x65*x65) x66 = x65*tau3 x67 = 300.0*tau - 363.0 x68 = delta2*x57 x69 = x60*x68 x70 = 7571.07365706743985*x69 x71 = delta3*x66 x72 = tau*x67 x73 = x58*x63 x74 = 50473.8243804496014*x73 x75 = tau4*x65*(500.*tau - 625.0) x76 = delta3*x75 x77 = tau - 1.0 x78 = delta*x77 x79 = x77*x77 x80 = exp(-28.0*x58 - 700.0*x79) x81 = sqrt(x58)*x58*x58*x58 x82 = x58**1.66666666666666666 x83 = -tau + 0.32*x82 + 1.0 x84 = 0.2*x81 + x83*x83 x85 = x80*x84**0.85 x86 = x78*x85 x87 = exp(-32.0*x58 - 800.0*x79) x88 = x84**0.949999999999999956*x87 x89 = x78*x88 x90 = x57*x77 x84_inv = 1.0/x84 pow005 = x84**(-0.05) x91 = x80*pow005*pow005*pow005 x92 = delta*x82 x93 = x91*x92 x94 = pow005*x87 x95 = x92*x94 x96 = 1.0/x57 x97 = x82*x96 x98 = 1.0/x58 x99 = x91*(-1.7*tau + 0.544*x82 + 1.7) x100 = delta*x99 x101 = x94*(-1.9*tau + 0.608*x82 + 1.9) x102 = delta*x101 x103 = x82*x83 x104 = 1.81333333333333346*x103 + 1.19*x81 x105 = x104*x91 x106 = 2.02666666666666684*x103 + 1.33*x81 x107 = x106*x94 x108 = x77*x96 x109 = 0.106666666666666771*x103 + 0.07*x81 x110 = x84_inv*pow005*x87 x111 = x92*x98 x112 = 0.32*x103 + 0.21*x81 x113 = x80*x84_inv*pow005*pow005*pow005 x114 = x104*x113 x115 = x106*x110 x116 = -0.3*tau + 0.096*x82 + 0.3 x117 = x114*x116 x118 = -0.1*tau + 0.032*x82 + 0.1 x119 = x115*x118 x120 = x58**3.333333333333333333 x121 = x98*(4.2311111111111126*x103 + 1.93422222222222251*x120 + 7.13999999999999879*x81) x122 = 208.244971994135994*x78 x123 = x98*(4.72888888888889003*x103 + 2.16177777777777802*x120 + 7.98000000000000043*x81) x124 = 508.89777405510398*x78 x125 = 0.148746408567240002*delta x126 = 0.318061108784439994*delta x127 = x109*x98 x128 = x112*x98 return (-0.0100303536663495993*delta10*delta10*x55 - 6.26395869124539993e-10*delta5*delta10*x1 - 0.017594944129795724*delta*taurtinv*tau8rtinv + 16.6595977595308788*delta*x117 - 40.7118219244083193*delta*x119 - 0.000794551260476243984*delta*x13 + 34.8500399914553967*delta*x28 + 4.5333123817514398*delta*x30 + 4.18690710948585565*delta*x32 - 1.67133355696935012e-7*delta*x35 - 60511.5704200679975*delta*x66 + 15127.8926050169994*delta*x75 + 1.18370554438164*delta*x9 + 0.318025093454180008*taurtinv - 0.392183007890369972*tau4rtinv - 4.18353638538023986*tau*x20 + 2.20797753672845998*tau*x22 - 0.232418688076680008*tau*x24 - 0.962227894219367941*tau*x4 - 1.28545215017189984*delta2*x11 - 19.9190656507914028*delta2*x26 + 9.23841744243395979*delta2*x47 - 21.1935426051153968*delta2*x48 - 3.85796843670024003*delta2*x9 + 0.105707391722560801*delta2 - 2.45205731411579997*x1*tau5 + 1.87918760737362006e-8*x1*delta14 - 0.384654423120040001*x1 + 5.14180860068759937*tau4*x2 + 466.46873726686465*x100*x58 - 8.32979887976543942*x100 + 40.7118219244083193*x101*x57 - 1302.77830158106622*x102*x58 + 20.3559109622041596*x102 + x104*x125*x128*x80*x84_inv*x84_inv*pow005*pow005*pow005*(-2.29999999999999982*tau + 0.736*x82 + 2.3) + 416.489943988271989*x105*x108 - 23323.4368633432314*x105*x78 - x106*x126*x127*x84_inv*x84_inv*pow005*x87*(-2.1*tau + 0.672*x82 + 2.1) - 1017.79554811020796*x107*x108 + 65138.9150790533095*x107*x78 + 0.644603847136465014*x109*x110*x111 - 2.57090430034379969*x11 + x110*x118*x123*x126 - 0.26972682086859523*x111*x112*x113 - 0.0475988507415168113*x111*x114 + 0.0339265182703403015*x111*x115 - x113*x116*x121*x125 - x114*x122*x128 + x115*x124*x127 - 0.297492817134480003*x117*x96 + 0.636122217568879988*x119*x96 + 3.69502936127063997*tau5*x18 + 1.22602865705789998*tau5*x2 - 3.20235877976788785*tau5*x51 + x121*x122*x91 - x123*x124*x94 + 0.00158910252095248797*x13 + 0.64148526281291196*delta3*x15 + 14.2978998508973945*delta3*x28 - 3.02220825450095987*delta3*x30 - 0.00136694478758659201*delta3*x37 - 0.0000409171595073841633*delta3*x38 + 10.3252875727227593*delta3*x48 + 0.642994739450040043*delta3*x9 - 0.0801856578516139951*x15*delta4 + 7.9676262603165604*delta4*x26 - 16.7476284379434226*delta4*x32 - 177.61773638971502*delta4*x35 - 262.755482278185639*delta4*x49 + 438.529463164184449*delta4*x50 - 48.9314458888811927*x17*tau9 - 2.63413085985411577*x17*tau6 + 0.179888929166901579*x17*tau2 - 0.176114910087520005*x17 + 76.7603002421735994*x18*tau9 + 3.95119628978117454*x18*tau6 - 0.269833393750352368*x18*tau2 + 0.0704459640350079963*x18 + 6.28036066422878392*delta7*x32 + 1.83846691266628511e-6*delta7*x35 + 0.00168752938055664013*delta7*x42 - 0.00449529185005487913*delta7*x9 + 0.769308846240080002*x2 + 14.8687416460068995*x20*tau9 + 8.34085848402849628*x20*tau2 - 0.95351328367107846*x20*tau7 - 5.87332411594675108*x20*tau3 + 0.599950835141133676*x20 + 0.567225376024680039*delta9*x28 - 2.5383592130492199e-7*delta9*x44 + 4.64637940772524249*delta9*x48 + 0.0000985269176059575924*delta9*x9 - 4.4021197554594842*x22*tau2 + 0.503243121937513638*x22*tau7 + 3.09980995008300741*x22*tau3 - 0.316640718546709443*x22 - 2.68733931914267053e-9*delta11*x38 + 1.46328660576816003e-6*delta11*x9 + 0.463381026890472003*x24*tau2 - 0.0529729602039488018*x24*tau7 - 0.326295784219263973*x24*tau3 + 0.0333306019522852034*x24 + 0.000683472393793296005*tau8*x39 + 0.128549497425671705*x26*delta8 - 0.0599897654653134618*x26*delta10 + 0.00571331099669651968*x26*delta12 + 3.9838131301582802*x26 + 5.72835940275540079*x28*delta6 - 75.9868993714932515*x28*delta5 - 5.45457404413720059*x28*delta8 - 8.04953395270560002*x28 - 0.878043619951372034*tau6*x51 + 0.0352229820175039982*x3 - 0.0236254113277929619*delta6*x42 - 18.58551763090097*delta6*x48 + 603.900303725031108*x35*delta10 - 1.00280013418161002e-6*x35*delta13 - 213.141283667658001*x35*delta16 + 5.11464493842302041e-6*tau12*x39 + 0.0000613757392610762381*tau12*x4 - 1.72265340970684017e-11*tau12*x6 - 0.0000683472393793296059*x37*delta5 + 4.47889886523778457e-10*x38*delta12 - 0.192327211560020001*x4 + 0.070876233983378889*delta5*x42 - 23.0960436060849013*delta5*x47 + 52.983856512788492*delta5*x48 + 0.059962976388967193*tau2*x51 + 1.14226164587214911e-6*delta8*x44 + 6.92881308182547073*delta8*x47 - 15.8951569538365494*delta8*x48 + 1.57027146839796594*delta8*x53 + 0.00112382296251371978*delta8*x9 + 1.26917960652461008e-8*x44*delta10 + 893.368639745831047*delta10*x49 - 1491.00017475822688*delta10*x50 - 0.502880413884433164*delta10*x53 - 0.0173063281697116815*delta10*x54 - 0.0000321923053268995186*delta10*x9 + 0.0478933727508984025*delta12*x53 + 0.00655542733701199986*delta12*x54 - 0.114095272954726712*delta12*x55 - 315.306578733822732*x49*delta16 + 526.235355797021271*x50*delta16 - 0.000524434186960960006*x54*delta14 + 0.0777352409142094136*x55*delta16 - 16.6595977595308788*x57*x99 - 16136418.7786847986*x58*x71 + 4034104.69467119966*x58*x76 + 653056.232173610479*x58*x86 - 2084445.2825297059*x58*x89 - 1.31543132516153401e-7*x6 + 187.837561940610016*x61*x67 - x62*x72 + x62 - 1252.25041293740014*x63*x67 + x64*x72 - x64 + 2420462.81680272007*x66*x68 - 7513.50247762440085*x67*x69 + 50090.0165174960057*x67*x73 - 605115.704200680018*x68*x75 + x70*x72 - x70 + 403410.469467120012*x71 - x72*x74 + x74 - 100852.617366780003*x76 - 23323.4368633432314*x85*x90 - 11661.7184316716157*x86 + 65138.9150790533095*x88*x90 + 32569.4575395266547*x89 + 5.34852578463720008*x9 + 0.539453641737190459*x91*x97 + 0.62936258202672235*x93*x98 - 30.2094039372826693*x93 - 1.28920769427293003*x94*x97 - 1.50407564331841881*x95*x98 + 82.5092924334675217*x95)
[docs]def iapws95_d3Ar_ddeltadtau2(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the third derivative of residual Helmholtz energy of water with respect to `delta` once and `tau` twice according to the IAPWS-95 standard. Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- d3Ar_ddeltadtau2 : float Third derivative of residual Helmholtz energy A/(RT) with respect to `delta` once and `tau` twice, [-] Notes ----- This is an optimized implementatation. It was generated using SymPy's CSE functionality. No equation is given for this in IAPWS-95, and the derivative was symbolically computed with SymPy. Like many higher-order derivatives of functions with exponentials, this one balloons to use many, many terms. Over a linear temperature range of 200 K to 5000 K and a logarithmic density range of 1E-10 kg/m^3 to 5000 kg/m^3, 250000 points were evaluated. The mean relative error was 7.936e-16, with a maximum relative error of 1.965E-11 and a standard deviation of 4.7938E-14. Over the same range, the model was evaluated to a precision of 50 decimal places with `mpmath`, and on 90000 points, the mean relative error was 6.08E-16, with a maximum relative error of 3.537E-12 and a standard deviation of 1.85197E-14. Examples -------- >>> iapws95_d3Ar_ddeltadtau2(647.096/300.0, 999.0/322) 1.081479970332 ''' tau_inv = 1.0/tau taurtinv = sqrt(tau_inv) tau4rtinv = sqrt(taurtinv) tau8rtinv = sqrt(tau4rtinv) tau2 = tau*tau tau4 = tau2*tau2 tau6 = tau4*tau2 tau7 = tau6*tau tau8 = tau4*tau4 tau11 = tau8*tau2*tau tau44 = tau11*tau11 tau44 *= tau44 tau48 = tau44*tau4 # 11*4+4 delta2 = delta*delta delta3 = delta2*delta delta4 = delta2*delta2 delta5 = delta*delta4 delta6 = delta4*delta2 delta7 = delta*delta6 delta8 = delta*delta7 delta9 = delta*delta8 delta10 = delta*delta9 delta11 = delta*delta10 delta13 = delta2*delta11 x1 = exp(-delta) x16 = exp(-delta2) x35 = exp(-delta3) x37 = exp(-delta6) x3 = x1*delta3 x5 = x1*delta4 x7 = x1*tau2 x8 = 8.02278867695580011*x7 x10 = 6.13014328528949992*x1*tau4 x11 = 0.00874006386523868382*tau8*tau2*x1 x12 = tau2*tau*x1 x14 = tau*x1 x18 = x16*delta8 x20 = x16*delta10 x21 = tau*tau4*x16 x23 = x16*tau7 x24 = 31.8705050412662416*x23 x26 = x16*tau8 x27 = tau*x16 x31 = tau*tau8*x1 x33 = x1*tau11 x36 = 31.4018033211439231*tau7*tau7*x35 x39 = x37*tau48 x40 = tau8*tau8*tau4*x35 x41 = tau7*tau7*tau7*x35 x42 = x16*tau4 x43 = delta5*x37 x44 = 2259.69714759239605*tau11*tau11*tau11*tau8*tau x45 = 3946.76516847766015*tau44 x47 = x16*tau6 x48 = delta11*x37 x49 = tau8*exp(-delta4) x50 = 0.82644628099173556*tau x51 = (x50 - 1.0) x51 *= x51 x52 = delta - 1.0 x53 = x52*x52 x54 = -20.0*x53 x55 = exp(-219.615*x51 + x54) x56 = x55*(131769.0*x51 - 300.0) x57 = delta3*x52 x58 = tau_inv*tau_inv x60 = (-x50 + 0.00275482093663911853*tau_inv + 1.0) x60 = tau*x55*(x58 - 131769.0*x60*x60 + 300.0) x61 = 0.800000000000000044*tau x62 = (0.00640000000000000031*tau_inv - x61 + 1.0) x62 = tau4*(4.0*x58 - 390625.0*x62*x62 + 500.0)*exp(x54 - 390.625*(x61 - 1.0)*(x61 - 1.0)) x63 = tau - 1.0 x64 = x63*x63 x65 = exp(-28.0*x53 - 700.0*x64) x66 = sqrt(x53)*x53*x53*x53 x67 = x53**1.66666666666666674 x68 = -tau + 0.320000000000000007*x67 + 1.0 x69 = x68*x68 x70 = 0.2*x66 + x69 x71 = 1400.0*x64 - 1.0 pow005 = x70**(-0.05) x72 = x70*pow005*pow005*pow005*x71 x73 = exp(-32.0*x53 - 800.0*x64) x74 = 1600.0*x64 - 1.0 x75 = x70*pow005*x74 x76 = -1.69999999999999996*tau + 0.544000000000000039*x67 + 1.69999999999999996 x77 = pow005*pow005*pow005 x78 = x63*x77 x79 = x76*x78 x80 = -1.89999999999999991*tau + 0.607999999999999985*x67 + 1.89999999999999991 x82 = x63*pow005 x83 = x80*x82 x70_inv = 1.0/x70 x88 = pow005*x70_inv x84 = x88*pow005*pow005 x85 = 0.510000000000000009*x69 x86 = -1.69999999999999996*x77 + x84*x85 x87 = 0.148746408567240002*x65 x89 = 0.190000000000000169*x69 x90 = -1.89999999999999991*pow005 + x88*x89 x91 = 0.318061108784439994*x73 x92 = 1.0/x52 x93 = x67*x92 x94 = x67*x68 x95 = x84*(0.210000000000000048*x66 + 0.320000000000000062*x94) x96 = x63*x92 x97 = x88*(0.0700000000000000622*x66 + 0.106666666666666771*x94) return (0.0225682957492866001*delta13*delta4*x49 - 2.68733931914267053e-9*delta10*delta2*x33 - 0.159012546727090004*delta*taurtinv*tau_inv + 0.0980457519725924931*delta*tau_inv*tau4rtinv - delta*x10 + delta*x11 - 10.2836172013751987*delta*x12 + delta*x24 - 72.4458055743504019*delta*x26 + delta*x8 - delta*x87*(-78400.0*x52*x72 - 156800.0*x52*x79 + 56.0*x52*x86 + 1400.0*x71*x77*x92*(1.19000000000000017*x66 + 1.81333333333333346*x94) - 2800.0*x76*x95*x96 + 5077.33333333333394*x78*x93 - x92*(-x70_inv*x70_inv*x77*x85*(1.60999999999999988*x66 + 2.45333333333333359*x94) + 1.08800000000000008*x84*x94 + 1.69999999999999996*x95)) + delta*x91*(-102400.0*x52*x75 - 204800.0*x52*x83 + 64.0*x52*x90 + 1600.0*x74*pow005*x92*(1.33000000000000007*x66 + 2.02666666666666684*x94) - 3200.0*x80*x96*x97 + 6485.33333333333303*x82*x93 - x92*(-pow005*x70_inv*x70_inv*x89*(1.4700000000000002*x66 + 2.24000000000000021*x94) + 0.405333333333333712*x88*x94 + 1.89999999999999991*x97)) + 0.00940016095164225053*taurtinv*tau_inv*tau_inv + 0.00549842004056116419*taurtinv*tau_inv*tau8rtinv*delta2 - 0.863599129780931229*tau_inv*tau8rtinv + 2.08521462100712407*tau*x18 - 0.463381026890472003*tau*x20 + 5.14180860068759937*delta2*x12 + 9.0666247635028796*delta2*x21 + 156.825179961549281*delta2*x26 + delta2*x36 - 4.0947672145749067e-6*delta2*x39 - 93.9187809703050078*delta2*x56 - 94.6384207133429953*delta2*x60 + 7563.94630250849968*delta2*x62 + 5.78695265505036005*delta2*x7 + 0.000546777915034636847*x1*tau7*delta5 + x10 - x11 + 0.0236254113277929619*delta6*x14 - 77.1193941754752785*delta6*x26 - 48.5016915727782916*delta6*x40 + 116.564484328134682*delta6*x41 - 0.00337505876111328026*x14*delta7 + 24.545583198617404*delta7*x26 - 34.0734489899851098*delta7*x41 - 1.23167645375688006*delta7*x42 + 8.18953442914981341e-6*delta8*x39 - 0.00168573444377057989*delta8*x7 - 2.55251419211106034*x18*tau8 - 0.834324123212193625*x18*tau6 - 2.20249654348003165*x18*tau2 - 0.522942048172529983*x18 - 1.26917960652460995e-7*delta10*x31 + 0.0000482884579903492813*delta10*x7 - 5.26826171970823243*delta3*x21 - delta3*x24 - 195.091541382877153*delta3*x26 + 0.119925952777934386*delta3*x27 + 64.6689220970377221*delta3*x40 - 155.4193124375129*delta3*x41 + 0.185405360713820799*x20*tau6 + 0.48944367632889596*x20*tau2 + 0.116209344038340004*x20 + 2.63413085985411621*x21*delta5 - 4.5333123817514398*x21 - 0.00273388957517318402*tau7*x5 + 0.114266219933930394*x23*delta9 - 0.0228532439867860787*x23*delta11 + 60.1319238827615692*x26*delta5 + 110.582864645293796*x26*delta4 - 0.059962976388967193*x27*delta5 + 0.000245502957044305007*tau11*x3 - 0.0000613757392610762517*tau11*x5 - delta5*x36 + 3.69502936127063997*delta5*x42 - 1.92898421835012002*x3*tau2 - 0.32074263140645598*x3 + 1.26917960652460984e-6*delta9*x31 + 0.598667159386230052*delta9*x42 + 0.000187303827085619982*delta9*x7 + 1740.65381661920696*delta11*x39 - 0.119733431877245999*delta11*x42 - 0.0110131179261801597*delta11*x47 - 4.38985981730447989e-6*delta11*x7 + 2.0671840916482082e-10*x33*delta13 + 0.00183551965436336002*delta13*x47 - 0.078989035122503104*delta13*x49 - 1740.65381661920696*tau48*x43 + 56.7890816499751736*delta4*x41 - x43*x44 + x43*x45 + x44*x48 - x45*x48 + 0.0801856578516139951*x5 + 1252.25041293740014*x56*x57 + 1261.8456095112399*x57*x60 - 100852.617366780003*x57*x62 - 208.244971994135994*x65*x72 - 416.489943988271989*x65*x79 + 508.89777405510398*x73*x75 + 1017.79554811020796*x73*x83 - x8 + x86*x87 - x90*x91)
[docs]def iapws95_dAr_dtau(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the first derivative of residual Helmholtz energy of water with respect to `tau` according to the IAPWS-95 standard. .. math:: \phi_{\tau}^{\mathrm{r}}=\sum_{i=1}^{7} n_{i} t_{i} \delta^{d_{i}} \tau^{t_{i}-1}+\sum_{i=8}^{51} n_{i} t_{i} \delta^{d_{i}} \tau^{t_{i}-1} \mathrm{e}^{-\delta^{c_{i}}}+\sum_{i=52}^{54} n_{i} \delta^{d_{i}} \tau^{t_{i}} \mathrm{e}^{-\alpha_{i}\left(\delta-\varepsilon_{i} \right)^{2}-\beta_{i}\left(\tau-\gamma_{i}\right)^{2}} \left[\frac{t_{i}}{\tau}-2 \beta_{i}\left(\tau-\gamma_{i}\right) \right]+\sum_{i=55}^{56} n_{i} \delta\left[\frac{\partial \Delta^{b_{i}}}{\partial \tau} \psi+\Delta^{b_{i}} \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial \tau}\right] Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- dAr_dtau : float Derivative of residual Helmholtz energy A/(RT) with respect to `tau`, [-] Notes ----- This is an optimized implementatation taking 9 exp calls, 4 sqrts, and 2 powers. It was generated using SymPy's CSE functionality, with a limited amount of `horner` polynomial optimizations as well. It is over 10x faster than a naive implementation. This implementation has been tested against a straightforward implementation with the equations given in IAPWS-95. Over a linear temperature range of 200 K to 5000 K and a logarithmic density range of 1E-10 kg/m^3 to 5000 kg/m^3, 250000 points were evaluated. The mean relative error was 5.68E-14, with a maximum relative error of 6.73E-9 and a standard deviation of 1.35E-11. Over the same range, the model was evaluated to a precision of 50 decimal places with `mpmath`, and on 90000 points, the mean relative error was 4.66E-14, with a maximum relative error of 4.25E-10 and a standard deviation of 1.77E-12. The maximum error ocurs in the extremely low density regime, :math:`\rho < 1e-6`. Examples -------- >>> iapws95_dAr_dtau(647.096/300.0, 999.0/322) -7.7043336309570 ''' delta2 = delta*delta delta3 = delta*delta2 delta4 = delta2*delta2 delta8 = delta4*delta4 x1 = exp(-delta) x4 = exp(-delta2) x26 = exp(-delta3) x2 = delta*x1 x5 = delta*x4 x7 = x4*delta8 x8 = 300.0*tau x9 = (delta - 1.0) x9 *= x9 x10 = -20.0*x9 x11 = (0.826446280991736*tau - 1.0) x11 = exp(x10 - 219.615*x11*x11) tau2 = tau*tau tau4 = tau2*tau2 taurtinv = 1.0/sqrt(tau) tau_inv = taurtinv*taurtinv tau4inv = sqrt(taurtinv) tau8inv = sqrt(tau4inv) x15 = tau - 1.0 x13 = tau*delta2 x16 = x15*x15 x17 = x9**1.66666666666666674 x18 = (-tau + 0.32*x17 + 1.0) x18 = 0.2*x9*x9*x9*sqrt(x9) + x18*x18 x18_05 = x18**-0.05 x19 = delta4*delta2 x20 = delta3*x4 x21 = delta8*delta2*x1 x22 = delta4*delta*x4 x24 = delta8*delta*x4 x27 = delta*x26 x50 = (0.8*tau - 1.0) return (delta*(-6.26395869124539993e-10*delta8*delta4*delta2*x1 + 0.159012546727090004*delta*taurtinv - 0.00626677396776150007*tau_inv*taurtinv - tau8inv*(0.196091503945184986*delta*tau8inv + 0.00293249068829928763*taurtinv*delta2 - 6.90879303824744984) - tau*(-tau*(tau*(tau*(tau*(tau*(tau*(-0.000131108546740240002*delta8*delta3*x4 + tau*(tau*(-0.000626897104146849956*delta8*delta4*delta*exp(-delta4) + tau*(tau*(-0.000794551260476243984*x1 + x13*(tau2*tau*(tau4*tau2*(tau*(tau4*tau4*tau4*tau4*tau4*tau*(tau2*(14.6176487721394821*delta3 - tau4*(5.92059121299049984*delta3 + 2.78555592828224976e-8)) - 8.75851607593951975*delta3)*exp(-x19) + 0.516264378636137944*x26*delta2 - 1.76612855042628292*x27) + 0.76986812020283002*x27) + 0.697817851580975979*x26) + 5.11464493842302041e-6*x2 - 1.72265340970684017e-11*x21)) + 1.26917960652461008e-8*x1*delta8*delta) + 0.14180634400617001*x19*x4 - 7.43159297103409955*x20 - 1.36364351103430015*x22 + 4.78073299154799969*delta4*x4 + 5.80833999857589944*delta2*x4 - 4.02476697635280001*x5) - 0.0000683472393793296059*x1*delta4 + 0.00142832774917412992*x24 + 1.9919065650791401*x5) - 0.0132432400509872004*x7) - 0.219510904987843009*x20 - 0.755552063625239967*x4) + 1.22602865705789998*x1 + 0.123167645375688001*x22 + 0.0119733431877246006*x24) - 1.28545215017189984*x2) + 0.642994739450040043*x1*delta2 - 0.000062434609028539994*x1*delta8 - 2.67426289231860004*x1 + 1.46328660576816003e-6*x21 - 0.0815739460548159934*x7) + 0.00168752938055664013*x1*x19 + 0.0149907440972417982*x20 + 0.115845256722618001*x7) + 0.0801856578516139951*delta3*x1 + 0.058104672019170002*x7) + 0.00880894931021340005*delta3 + 31.5461402377809996*x11*x13*(tau_inv - x8 + 363.0) + 31.3062603234350014*x11*delta2*(x8 - 363.0) - 2521.31543416949989*tau4*delta2*(-500.0*tau + 4.0*tau_inv + 625.0)*exp(x10 - 390.625*x50*x50) - 0.192327211560020001*x2 + 0.0176114910087519991*x5 + 0.00833265048807130086*x7 + 0.148746408567240002*(1400.0*x15*x18*x18_05*x18_05*x18_05 + x18_05*x18_05*x18_05*(-1.7*tau + 0.544*x17 + 1.7))*exp(-700.0*x16 - 28.0*x9) - 0.318061108784439994*(1600.0*x15*x18*x18_05 + x18_05*(-1.9*tau + 0.608*x17 + 1.9)) *exp(-800.0*x16 - 32.0*x9) - 8.78032033035609949))
[docs]def iapws95_d2Ar_dtau2(tau, delta): r'''Calculates the second derivative of residual Helmholtz energy of water with respect to `tau` according to the IAPWS-95 standard. .. math:: \phi_{\tau \tau}^{\mathrm{r}}=\sum_{i=1}^{7} n_{i} t_{i}\left(t_{i} -1\right) \delta^{d_{i}} \tau^{t_{i}-2}+\sum_{i=8}^{51} n_{i} t_{i} \left(t_{i}-1\right) \delta^{d_{i}} \tau^{t_{i}-2} \mathrm{e}^{ -\delta^{c_{i}}}+\sum_{i=52}^{54} n_{i} \delta^{d_{i}} \tau^{t_{i}} \mathrm{e}^{-\alpha_{i}\left(\delta-\varepsilon_{i}\right)^{2} -\beta_{i}\left(\tau-\gamma_{i}\right)^{2}}\left[\left(\frac{t_{i}} {\tau}-2 \beta_{i}\left(\tau-\gamma_{i}\right)\right)^{2}-\frac{t_{i}} {\tau^{2}}-2 \beta_{i}\right] +\sum_{i=55}^{56} n_{i} \delta\left[\frac{\partial^{2} \Delta^{b_{i}}} {\partial \tau^{2}} \psi+2 \frac{\partial \Delta^{b_{i}}}{\partial \tau} \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial \tau}+\Delta^{b_{i}} \frac{\partial^{2} \psi}{\partial \tau^{2}}\right] Parameters ---------- tau : float Dimensionless temperature, (647.096 K)/T [-] delta : float Dimensionless density, rho/(322 kg/m^3), [-] Returns ------- d2Ar_dtau2 : float Second derivative of residual Helmholtz energy A/(RT) with respect to `tau`, [-] Notes ----- This is an optimized implementatation taking 9 exp calls, 4 sqrts, and 2 powers. It was generated using SymPy's CSE functionality, with a limited amount of `horner` polynomial optimizations as well. It is over 10x faster than a naive implementation. This implementation has been tested against a straightforward implementation with the equations given in IAPWS-95. Over a linear temperature range of 200 K to 5000 K and a logarithmic density range of 1E-10 kg/m^3 to 5000 kg/m^3, 4E6 points were evaluated. The mean relative error was 4.595E-16, with a maximum relative error of 1.835e-10 and a standard deviation of 1.209E-13. Over the same range, the model was evaluated to a precision of 50 decimal places with `mpmath`, and on 250000 points, the mean relative error was 2.6026E-16, with a maximum relative error of 2.36E-12 and a standard deviation of 8.055E-15. This comparison indicates this implementation is more accurate than the straightforward implementation. Examples -------- >>> iapws95_d2Ar_dtau2(647.096/300.0, 999.0/322) -1.2616419775539 ''' delta2 = delta*delta delta3 = delta*delta2 delta4 = delta*delta3 delta5 = delta*delta4 delta6 = delta*delta5 delta8 = delta2*delta6 delta9 = delta8*delta x1 = exp(-delta) x3 = x1*delta3 tau2 = tau*tau tau4 = tau2*tau2 tau6 = tau4*tau2 tau7 = tau*tau6 tau8 = tau*tau7 tau11 = tau8*tau2*tau tau21 = tau11*tau8*tau2 tau48 = tau21*tau21*tau6 x5 = x1*tau2 x8 = exp(-delta2) taurtinv = 1.0/sqrt(tau) tau_inv = taurtinv*taurtinv tau4inv = sqrt(taurtinv) tau8inv = sqrt(tau4inv) x10 = x8*delta8 x11 = tau*tau4*x8 x13 = delta*x8 x15 = delta3*x8 x19 = tau8*x8 x20 = exp(-delta3) x22 = exp(-delta6) x23 = delta3*x20 x26 = x22*delta5 x28 = delta9*x8 x29 = 0.82644628099173556*tau x30 = (x29 - 1.0) x30 *= x30 x31 = (delta - 1.0) x31 *= x31 x32 = -20.0*x31 x33 = delta2*exp(-219.615*x30 + x32) x34 = 1.0/tau2 x35 = 1.0/tau x36 = 0.8*tau x37 = tau - 1.0 x38 = x37*x37 x39 = x31**1.66666666666666674 x40 = (-tau + 0.32*x39 + 1.0) x40 *= x40 x41 = 0.2*x31*x31*x31*sqrt(x31) + x40 x43 = x41**(-0.05) x42 = x43*x43*x43 x50 = 1.0 - x29 + 0.00275482093663911853*x35 x51 = (0.0064*x35 - x36 + 1.0) return (delta*(delta9*delta*(-0.00564207393732165004*delta3*tau8*exp(-delta4) - 2.0671840916482082e-10*delta2*x1*tau11 - 0.000917759827181680011*delta*tau6*x8 + 4.38985981730447989e-6*x5 ) - 5.14180860068759937*delta*tau2*tau*x1 +tau_inv*( + 0.0490228759862962465*delta*tau4inv +taurtinv*(- 0.079506273363545002*delta + 0.00940016095164225053*tau_inv + 0.00183280668018705488*tau8inv*delta2) - 0.863599129780931229*tau8inv) + tau8*tau*(tau11*(tau11*tau11*x26*(657.79419474627673*tau2 - 376.616191265399323) + 16.1672305242594305*x23) + tau*(10.4672677737146405*tau4*delta2*x20 - 0.00874006386523868382*x1) + 1.26917960652460995e-7*x1*delta9) + tau*(0.00337505876111328026*x1*delta6 + 0.231690513445236002*x10 + 0.0299814881944835965*x15 - 31.5461402377809996*x33*(x34 - 131769.0*x50*x50 + 300.0)) + 52.2750599871830985*delta2*x19 - 1.3649224048583023e-6*delta2*tau48*x22 + 1.92898421835012002*delta2*x5 + 2521.31543416949989*delta2*tau4*(4.0*x34 - 390625.0*x51*x51 + 500.0)*exp(x32 - 390.625*(x36 - 1.0)*(x36 - 1.0)) - 0.000546777915034636847*x1*tau7*delta4 + 6.13014328528949992*x1*tau4 - 0.0927026803569103997*x10*tau6 - 0.24472183816444798*x10*tau2 - 0.058104672019170002*x10 - 1.31706542992705811*x11*delta3 - 4.5333123817514398*x11 + 15.9352525206331208*tau7*x13 + 0.0114266219933930394*tau7*x28 - 36.222902787175201*x13*tau8 - 66.8843367393068888*tau8*x15 + 0.0000613757392610762517*tau11*x3 + 43.0265969239319972*delta4*x19 + 11.3578163299950354*delta4*x20*tau21 - 12.272791599308702*x19*delta5 + 1.27625709605553017*x19*delta6 - 290.108969436534494*tau48*x26 - 38.8548281093782251*x23*tau21 + 0.615838226878440032*delta5*tau4*x8 + 0.0598667159386229997*x28*tau4 - 0.0801856578516139951*x3 - 31.3062603234350014*x33*(131769.0*x30 - 300.0) - 0.000187303827085619982*x5*delta8 - 8.02278867695580011*x5 - 0.148746408567240002*(2800.0*x37*x42*(-1.7*tau + 0.544*x39 + 1.7) - 0.51*x40*x42/(x41) + 1400.0*x41*x42*(1400.0*x38 - 1.0) + 1.7*x42)*exp(-28.0*x31 - 700.0*x38) + 0.318061108784439994*(3200.0*x37*x43*(-1.9*tau + 0.608*x39 + 1.9) - 0.19*x40*x43/(x41) + 1600.0*x41*x43*(1600.0*x38 - 1.0) + 1.9*x43)*exp(-32.0*x31 - 800.0*x38)))
[docs]def iapws95_d2Ar_ddeltadtau(tau