Source code for chemicals.heat_capacity

"""Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell
Copyright (C) 2020 Yoel Rene Cortes-Pena

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This module contains many heat capacity model equations, heat capacity estimation
equations, enthalpy and entropy integrals of those heat capacity equations,
enthalpy/entropy flash initialization routines, and many dataframes of

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

.. contents:: :local:

Gas Heat Capacity Model Equations
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.TRCCp
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.TRCCp_integral
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.TRCCp_integral_over_T
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Shomate
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Shomate_integral
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Shomate_integral_over_T
.. autoclass:: chemicals.heat_capacity.ShomateRange
    :members: calculate, calculate_integral, calculate_integral_over_T
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Poling
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Poling_integral
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Poling_integral_over_T
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.PPDS2

Gas Heat Capacity Estimation Models
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Lastovka_Shaw
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Lastovka_Shaw_integral
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Lastovka_Shaw_integral_over_T
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Hm
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Sm
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Lastovka_Shaw_term_A

Gas Heat Capacity Theory
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Cpg_statistical_mechanics
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Cpg_statistical_mechanics_integral
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Cpg_statistical_mechanics_integral_over_T
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.vibration_frequency_cm_to_characteristic_temperature

Liquid Heat Capacity Model Equations
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Zabransky_quasi_polynomial
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral_over_T
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Zabransky_cubic
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Zabransky_cubic_integral
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Zabransky_cubic_integral_over_T
.. autoclass:: chemicals.heat_capacity.ZabranskySpline
    :members: calculate, calculate_integral, calculate_integral_over_T
.. autoclass:: chemicals.heat_capacity.ZabranskyQuasipolynomial
    :members: calculate, calculate_integral, calculate_integral_over_T
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.PPDS15
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.TDE_CSExpansion

Liquid Heat Capacity Estimation Models
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Rowlinson_Poling
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Rowlinson_Bondi
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Dadgostar_Shaw
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Dadgostar_Shaw_integral
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Dadgostar_Shaw_integral_over_T
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Dadgostar_Shaw_terms

Solid Heat Capacity Estimation Models
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Perry_151
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Lastovka_solid
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Lastovka_solid_integral
.. autofunction:: chemicals.heat_capacity.Lastovka_solid_integral_over_T

Utility methods
.. autoclass:: chemicals.heat_capacity.PiecewiseHeatCapacity

Fit Coefficients
All of these coefficients are lazy-loaded, so they must be accessed as an
attribute of this module.

.. data:: Cp_data_Poling

    Constains data for gases and liquids from [3]_.
    Simple polynomials for gas heat capacity (not suitable for extrapolation) are available for 308 chemicals. Additionally, constant values in at 298.15 K are available for 348 gases. Constant values in at 298.15 K are available for 245 liquids.

.. data:: TRC_gas_data

    A rigorous expression from [1]_ for modeling gas heat capacity.
    Coefficients for 1961 chemicals are available.

.. data:: CRC_standard_data

    Constant values tabulated in [4]_ at 298.15 K. Data is available for
    533 gases. Data is available for 433 liquids. Data is available for 529

.. data:: Cp_dict_PerryI

    Simple polynomials from [5]_ with vaious exponents selected for each expression.
    Coefficients are in units of calories/mol/K. The full expression is
    :math:`C_p = a + bT + c/T^2 + dT^2`. Data is available for 284 compounds.
    Some compounds have gas data, some have liquid data, and have solid
    (crystal structure) data, sometimes multiple coefficients for different
    solid phases.

.. data:: zabransky_dicts

    Complicated fits covering different cases and with different forms from [2]_.

.. data:: Cp_dict_characteristic_temperatures_adjusted_psi4_2022a

    Theoretically calculated chatacteristic temperatures from vibrational
    frequencies using psi4

.. data:: Cp_dict_characteristic_temperatures_psi4_2022a

    Theoretically calculated chatacteristic temperatures from vibrational
    frequencies using psi4, adjusted using a recommended coefficient

.. [1] Kabo, G. J., and G. N. Roganov. Thermodynamics of Organic Compounds
    in the Gas State, Volume II: V. 2. College Station, Tex: CRC Press, 1994.
.. [2] Zabransky, M., V. Ruzicka Jr, V. Majer, and Eugene S. Domalski.
    Heat Capacity of Liquids: Critical Review and Recommended Values.
    2 Volume Set. Washington, D.C.: Amer Inst of Physics, 1996.
.. [3] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition.
    New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.
.. [4] Haynes, W.M., Thomas J. Bruno, and David R. Lide. CRC Handbook of
    Chemistry and Physics. [Boca Raton, FL]: CRC press, 2014.
.. [5] Green, Don, and Robert Perry. Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook,
    Eighth Edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007.

.. ipython::

    In [1]: import chemicals

    In [2]: chemicals.heat_capacity.Cp_data_Poling

    In [3]: chemicals.heat_capacity.TRC_gas_data

    In [4]: chemicals.heat_capacity.CRC_standard_data

    In [5]: chemicals.heat_capacity.Cp_dict_PerryI['124-38-9'] # gas only

    In [6]: chemicals.heat_capacity.Cp_dict_PerryI['7704-34-9'] # crystal and gas

    In [7]: chemicals.heat_capacity.Cp_dict_PerryI['7440-57-5'] # crystal and liquid

    In [8]: chemicals.heat_capacity.zabransky_dicts.keys()


__all__ = ['heat_capacity_gas_methods',
           'Poling', 'Poling_integral', 'Poling_integral_over_T',
           'Lastovka_Shaw', 'Lastovka_Shaw_integral', 'Lastovka_Shaw_integral_over_T',
           'Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Hm', 'Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Sm', 'Lastovka_Shaw_term_A',
           'TRCCp', 'TRCCp_integral', 'TRCCp_integral_over_T',
           'heat_capacity_liquid_methods', 'PPDS2', 'PPDS15',
           'Rowlinson_Poling', 'Rowlinson_Bondi', 'Dadgostar_Shaw',
           'Zabransky_quasi_polynomial', 'Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral',
           'Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral_over_T', 'Zabransky_cubic',
           'Zabransky_cubic_integral', 'Zabransky_cubic_integral_over_T',
           'Dadgostar_Shaw_integral', 'Dadgostar_Shaw_integral_over_T',
           'Lastovka_solid', 'Lastovka_solid_integral',
           'Lastovka_solid_integral_over_T', 'heat_capacity_solid_methods',
           'ZabranskySpline', 'ZabranskyQuasipolynomial',
           'Shomate_integral_over_T', 'Shomate_integral', 'Shomate',
           'Cpg_statistical_mechanics', 'Cpg_statistical_mechanics_integral',
import os
from math import expm1

from fluids.constants import R, c, h, k
from fluids.numerics import brenth, exp, log, polylog2, secant
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np

from chemicals.data_reader import data_source, register_df_source
from chemicals.utils import PY37, can_load_data, mark_numba_uncacheable, os_path_join, source_path, to_num

### Methods introduced in this module

# Gases
TRCIG = 'TRC Thermodynamics of Organic Compounds in the Gas State (1994)'
POLING = 'Poling et al. (2001)'
POLING_CONST = 'Poling et al. (2001) constant'
CRCSTD = 'CRC Standard Thermodynamic Properties of Chemical Substances'
VDI_TABULAR = 'VDI Heat Atlas'
LASTOVKA_SHAW = 'Lastovka and Shaw (2013)'
heat_capacity_gas_methods = (
# Liquids
ZABRANSKY_SPLINE = 'Zabransky spline, averaged heat capacity'
ZABRANSKY_QUASIPOLYNOMIAL = 'Zabransky quasipolynomial, averaged heat capacity'
ZABRANSKY_SPLINE_C = 'Zabransky spline, constant-pressure'
ZABRANSKY_QUASIPOLYNOMIAL_C = 'Zabransky quasipolynomial, constant-pressure'
ZABRANSKY_SPLINE_SAT = 'Zabransky spline, saturation'
ZABRANSKY_QUASIPOLYNOMIAL_SAT = 'Zabransky quasipolynomial, saturation'
ROWLINSON_POLING = 'Rowlinson and Poling (2001)'
ROWLINSON_BONDI = 'Rowlinson and Bondi (1969)'
DADGOSTAR_SHAW = 'Dadgostar and Shaw (2011)'
heat_capacity_liquid_methods = (
# Solids
LASTOVKA_S = 'Lastovka, Fulem, Becerra and Shaw (2008)'
PERRY151 = "Perry's Table 2-151"
heat_capacity_solid_methods = (PERRY151, CRCSTD, LASTOVKA_S)

### Heat capacity classes
[docs]class ZabranskySpline: r''' Implementation of the cubic spline method presented in [1]_ for calculating the heat capacity of a chemical. Implements the enthalpy and entropy integrals as well. .. math:: \frac{C}{R}=\sum_{j=0}^3 A_{j+1} \left(\frac{T}{100}\right)^j Parameters ---------- coeffs : list[float] Six coefficients for the equation, [-] Tmin : float Minimum temperature any experimental data was available at, [K] Tmax : float Maximum temperature any experimental data was available at, [K] References ---------- .. [1] Zabransky, M., V. Ruzicka Jr, V. Majer, and Eugene S. Domalski. Heat Capacity of Liquids: Critical Review and Recommended Values. 2 Volume Set. Washington, D.C.: Amer Inst of Physics, 1996. ''' try: IS_NUMBA # type: ignore # noqa: F821 except: __slots__ = ('coeffs', 'Tmin', 'Tmax') def __init__(self, coeffs, Tmin, Tmax): self.coeffs = coeffs self.Tmin = Tmin self.Tmax = Tmax
[docs] def calculate(self, T): r''' Return heat capacity as a function of temperature. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Returns ------- Cp : float Liquid heat capacity as T, [J/mol/K] ''' return Zabransky_cubic(T, *self.coeffs)
[docs] def calculate_integral(self, Ta, Tb): r''' Return the enthalpy integral of heat capacity from `Ta` to `Tb`. Parameters ---------- Ta : float Initial temperature, [K] Tb : float Final temperature, [K] Returns ------- dH : float Enthalpy difference between `Ta` and `Tb`, [J/mol] ''' return (Zabransky_cubic_integral(Tb, *self.coeffs) - Zabransky_cubic_integral(Ta, *self.coeffs))
[docs] def calculate_integral_over_T(self, Ta, Tb): r''' Return the entropy integral of heat capacity from `Ta` to `Tb`. Parameters ---------- Ta : float Initial temperature, [K] Tb : float Final temperature, [K] Returns ------- dS : float Entropy difference between `Ta` and `Tb`, [J/mol/K] ''' return (Zabransky_cubic_integral_over_T(Tb, *self.coeffs) - Zabransky_cubic_integral_over_T(Ta, *self.coeffs))
force_calculate_integral_over_T = calculate_integral_over_T force_calculate_integral = calculate_integral force_calculate = calculate
try: if IS_NUMBA: # type: ignore # noqa: F821 ZabranskySpline = jitclass([('coeffs', numba.types.UniTuple(numba.float64, 4)), # type: ignore # noqa: F821 ('Tmin', numba.float64), # type: ignore # noqa: F821 ('Tmax', numba.float64)])(ZabranskySpline) # type: ignore # noqa: F821 except: pass
[docs]class ShomateRange: r''' Implementation of a range of the Shomate equation presented in [1]_ for calculating the heat capacity of a chemical. Implements the enthalpy and entropy integrals as well. Parameters ---------- coeffs : list[float] Six coefficients for the equation, [-] Tmin : float Minimum temperature any experimental data was available at, [K] Tmax : float Maximum temperature any experimental data was available at, [K] References ---------- .. [1] Shen, V.K., Siderius, D.W., Krekelberg, W.P., and Hatch, H.W., Eds., NIST WebBook, NIST, ''' try: IS_NUMBA # type: ignore # noqa: F821 except: __slots__ = ('coeffs', 'Tmin', 'Tmax') def __init__(self, coeffs, Tmin, Tmax): self.coeffs = coeffs self.Tmin = Tmin self.Tmax = Tmax
[docs] def calculate(self, T): return Shomate(T, *self.coeffs)
try: calculate.__doc__ = ZabranskySpline.calculate.__doc__ except: pass
[docs] def calculate_integral(self, Ta, Tb): return (Shomate_integral(Tb, *self.coeffs) - Shomate_integral(Ta, *self.coeffs))
try: calculate_integral.__doc__ = ZabranskySpline.calculate_integral.__doc__ except: pass
[docs] def calculate_integral_over_T(self, Ta, Tb): return (Shomate_integral_over_T(Tb, *self.coeffs) - Shomate_integral_over_T(Ta, *self.coeffs))
try: calculate_integral_over_T.__doc__ = ZabranskySpline.calculate_integral_over_T.__doc__ except: pass force_calculate_integral_over_T = calculate_integral_over_T force_calculate_integral = calculate_integral force_calculate = calculate
try: if IS_NUMBA: # type: ignore # noqa: F821 ShomateRange = jitclass([('coeffs', numba.types.UniTuple(numba.float64, 5)), # type: ignore # noqa: F821 ('Tmin', numba.float64), # type: ignore # noqa: F821 ('Tmax', numba.float64)])(ShomateRange) # type: ignore # noqa: F821 except: pass
[docs]class ZabranskyQuasipolynomial: r''' Quasi-polynomial object for calculating the heat capacity of a chemical. Implements the enthalpy and entropy integrals as well. .. math:: \frac{C}{R}=A_1\ln(1-T_r) + \frac{A_2}{1-T_r} + \sum_{j=0}^m A_{j+3} T_r^j Parameters ---------- coeffs : list[float] Six coefficients for the equation, [-] Tc : float Critical temperature of the chemical, as used in the formula, [K] Tmin : float Minimum temperature any experimental data was available at, [K] Tmax : float Maximum temperature any experimental data was available at, [K] References ---------- .. [1] Zabransky, M., V. Ruzicka Jr, V. Majer, and Eugene S. Domalski. Heat Capacity of Liquids: Critical Review and Recommended Values. 2 Volume Set. Washington, D.C.: Amer Inst of Physics, 1996. ''' try: IS_NUMBA # type: ignore # noqa: F821 except: __slots__ = ('coeffs', 'Tc', 'Tmin', 'Tmax') def __init__(self, coeffs, Tc, Tmin, Tmax): self.coeffs = coeffs self.Tc = Tc self.Tmin = Tmin self.Tmax = Tmax
[docs] def calculate(self, T): r''' Return the heat capacity as a function of temperature. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Returns ------- Cp : float Liquid heat capacity as T, [J/mol/K] ''' return Zabransky_quasi_polynomial(T, self.Tc, *self.coeffs)
[docs] def calculate_integral(self, Ta, Tb): r''' Return the enthalpy integral of heat capacity from `Ta` to `Tb`. Parameters ---------- Ta : float Initial temperature, [K] Tb : float Final temperature, [K] Returns ------- dH : float Enthalpy difference between `Ta` and `Tb`, [J/mol] ''' return (Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral(Tb, self.Tc, *self.coeffs) - Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral(Ta, self.Tc, *self.coeffs))
[docs] def calculate_integral_over_T(self, Ta, Tb): r''' Return the entropy integral of heat capacity from `Ta` to `Tb`. Parameters ---------- Ta : float Initial temperature, [K] Tb : float Final temperature, [K] Returns ------- dS : float Entropy difference between `Ta` and `Tb`, [J/mol/K] ''' return (Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral_over_T(Tb, self.Tc, *self.coeffs) - Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral_over_T(Ta, self.Tc, *self.coeffs))
try: if IS_NUMBA: # type: ignore # noqa: F821 ZabranskyQuasipolynomial = jitclass([('coeffs', numba.types.UniTuple(numba.float64, 6)), # type: ignore # noqa: F821 ('Tc', numba.float64), # type: ignore # noqa: F821 ('Tmin', numba.float64), # type: ignore # noqa: F821 ('Tmax', numba.float64)])(ZabranskyQuasipolynomial) # type: ignore # noqa: F821 except: pass
[docs]class PiecewiseHeatCapacity: r""" Create a PiecewiseHeatCapacity object for calculating heat capacity and the enthalpy and entropy integrals using piecewise models. Parameters ---------- models : Iterable[HeatCapacity] Piecewise heat capacity objects, [-] """ # Dev note - not possible to jitclass this as the model types are not explicit __slots__ = ('models', 'Tmin', 'Tmax') def __init__(self, models): self.models = tuple(sorted(models, key=lambda x: x.Tmin)) self.Tmin = self.models[0].Tmin self.Tmax = self.models[-1].Tmax def __iter__(self): return self.models.__iter__() def calculate(self, T): r''' Return the heat capacity as a function of temperature. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Raises ------ ValueError If the temperature in not within the domain of any of the models (i.e if Tmin <= T <= Tmax cannot be satisfied by any of the models). See Also -------- PiecewiseHeatCapacity.force_calculate Returns ------- Cp : float Liquid heat capacity as T, [J/mol/K] ''' if T >= self.Tmin: for model in self.models: if T <= model.Tmax: return model.calculate(T) raise ValueError(f"no valid model at T={T:g} K") def force_calculate(self, T): r''' Return the heat capacity as a function of temperature. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Notes ----- This method extrapolates when temperature is not within the domain of any of the models (i.e if Tmin <= T <= Tmax cannot be satisfied by any of the models). See Also -------- PiecewiseHeatCapacity.calculate Returns ------- Cp : float Liquid heat capacity as T, [J/mol/K] ''' for model in self.models: if T <= model.Tmax: break return model.calculate(T) def calculate_integral(self, Ta, Tb): r''' Return the enthalpy integral of heat capacity from `Ta` to `Tb`. Parameters ---------- Ta : float Initial temperature, [K] Tb : float Final temperature, [K] Raises ------ ValueError If the temperature in not within the domain of any of the models (i.e if Tmin <= T <= Tmax cannot be satisfied by any of the models). Notes ----- Analytically integrates piecewise through all models. See Also -------- PiecewiseHeatCapacity.force_calculate_integral Returns ------- dH : float Enthalpy difference between `Ta` and `Tb`, [J/mol] ''' if Tb < Ta: return -self.calculate_integral(Tb, Ta) if Ta < self.Tmin: raise ValueError(f"no valid model at T={Ta:g} K") elif Tb > self.Tmax: raise ValueError(f"no valid model at T={Tb:g} K") return self.force_calculate_integral(Ta, Tb) def force_calculate_integral(self, Ta, Tb): r''' Return the enthalpy integral of heat capacity from `Ta` to `Tb`. Parameters ---------- Ta : float Initial temperature, [K] Tb : float Final temperature, [K] Raises ------ ValueError If the temperature in not within the domain of any of the models (i.e if Tmin <= T <= Tmax cannot be satisfied by any of the models). Notes ----- Analytically integrates piecewise through all models and extrapolates when temperature is not within the domain of any of the models (i.e if Tmin <= T <= Tmax cannot be satisfied by any of the models). See Also -------- PiecewiseHeatCapacity.calculate_integral Returns ------- dH : float Enthalpy difference between `Ta` and `Tb`, [J/mol] ''' if Tb < Ta: return -self.force_calculate_integral(Tb, Ta) integral = 0. for model in self.models: Tmax = model.Tmax if Tb <= Tmax: return integral + model.calculate_integral(Ta, Tb) elif Ta < Tmax: integral += model.calculate_integral(Ta, Tmax) Ta = Tmax return integral + model.calculate_integral(Ta, Tb) def calculate_integral_over_T(self, Ta, Tb): r''' Return the entropy integral of heat capacity from `Ta` to `Tb`. Parameters ---------- Ta : float Initial temperature, [K] Tb : float Final temperature, [K] Notes ----- Analytically integrates piecewise through all models. Raises ------ ValueError If the temperature in not within the domain of any of the models (i.e if Tmin <= T <= Tmax cannot be satisfied by any of the models). See Also -------- PiecewiseHeatCapacity.force_calculate_integral_over_T Returns ------- dS : float Entropy difference between `Ta` and `Tb`, [J/mol/K] ''' if Tb < Ta: return -self.calculate_integral_over_T(Tb, Ta) if Ta < self.Tmin: raise ValueError("no valid model at T=%d K" % Ta) elif Tb > self.Tmax: raise ValueError("no valid model at T=%d K" % Tb) return self.force_calculate_integral_over_T(Ta, Tb) def force_calculate_integral_over_T(self, Ta, Tb): r''' Return the entropy integral of heat capacity from `Ta` to `Tb`. Parameters ---------- Ta : float Initial temperature, [K] Tb : float Final temperature, [K] Notes ----- Analytically integrates piecewise through all models and extrapolates when temperature is not within the domain of any of the models (i.e if Tmin <= T <= Tmax cannot be satisfied by any of the models). See Also -------- PiecewiseHeatCapacity.calculate_integral_over_T Returns ------- dS : float Entropy difference between `Ta` and `Tb`, [J/mol/K] ''' if Tb < Ta: return -self.force_calculate_integral_over_T(Tb, Ta) integral = 0. for model in self.models: Tmax = model.Tmax if Tb <= Tmax: return integral + model.calculate_integral_over_T(Ta, Tb) elif Ta < Tmax: integral += model.calculate_integral_over_T(Ta, Tmax) Ta = Tmax return integral + model.calculate_integral_over_T(Ta, Tb)
### Register data sources and lazy load them folder = os_path_join(source_path, 'Heat Capacity') register_df_source(folder, 'PolingDatabank.tsv') register_df_source(folder, 'TRC Thermodynamics of Organic Compounds in the Gas State.tsv', csv_kwargs={ 'dtype':{'Tmin': float, 'Tmax': float, 'a0': float, 'a1': float, 'a2': float, 'a3': float, 'a4': float, 'a5': float, 'a6': float, 'a7': float, 'I': float, 'J': float, 'Hfg': float}}) register_df_source(folder, 'CRC Standard Thermodynamic Properties of Chemical Substances.tsv') _Cp_data_loaded = False def _load_Cp_data(): global Cp_data_Poling, Cp_values_Poling, TRC_gas_data, TRC_gas_values global CRC_standard_data, Cp_dict_PerryI global WebBook_Shomate_liquids, WebBook_Shomate_gases, WebBook_Shomate_solids, WebBook_Shomate_coefficients global zabransky_dict_sat_s, zabransky_dict_sat_p, zabransky_dict_const_s global zabransky_dict_const_p, zabransky_dict_iso_s, zabransky_dict_iso_p global type_to_zabransky_dict, zabransky_dicts, _Cp_data_loaded global Cp_dict_characteristic_temperatures_adjusted_psi4_2022a, Cp_dict_characteristic_temperatures_psi4_2022a global Cp_dict_JANAF_liquid, Cp_dict_JANAF_gas, Cp_dict_JANAF_solid Cp_data_Poling = data_source('PolingDatabank.tsv') TRC_gas_data = data_source('TRC Thermodynamics of Organic Compounds in the Gas State.tsv') CRC_standard_data = data_source('CRC Standard Thermodynamic Properties of Chemical Substances.tsv') TRC_gas_values = np.array(TRC_gas_data.values[:, 1:], dtype=float) Cp_values_Poling = np.array(Cp_data_Poling.values[:, 1:], dtype=float) # Read in a dict of heat capacities of irnorganic and elemental solids. # These are in section 2, table 151 in: # Green, Don, and Robert Perry. Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, # Eighth Edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007. # Formula: # Cp(Cal/mol/K) = Const + Lin*T + Quadinv/T^2 + Quadinv*T^2 # Phases: # c, gls, l, g. zabransky_dict_sat_s = {} zabransky_dict_sat_p = {} zabransky_dict_const_s = {} zabransky_dict_const_p = {} zabransky_dict_iso_s = {} zabransky_dict_iso_p = {} # C means average heat capacity values, from less rigorous experiments # sat means heat capacity along the saturation line # p means constant-pressure values, # second argument is whether or not it has a spline type_to_zabransky_dict = { ('C', True): zabransky_dict_const_s, ('C', False): zabransky_dict_const_p, ('sat', True): zabransky_dict_sat_s, ('sat', False): zabransky_dict_sat_p, ('p', True): zabransky_dict_iso_s, ('p', False): zabransky_dict_iso_p } zabransky_dicts = { ZABRANSKY_SPLINE: zabransky_dict_const_s, ZABRANSKY_QUASIPOLYNOMIAL: zabransky_dict_const_p, ZABRANSKY_SPLINE_C: zabransky_dict_iso_s, ZABRANSKY_QUASIPOLYNOMIAL_C: zabransky_dict_iso_p, ZABRANSKY_SPLINE_SAT: zabransky_dict_sat_s, ZABRANSKY_QUASIPOLYNOMIAL_SAT: zabransky_dict_sat_p } with open(os.path.join(folder, 'Zabransky.tsv'), encoding='utf-8') as f: next(f) for line in f: values = to_num(line.strip('\n').split('\t')) (CAS, name, Type, uncertainty, Tmin, Tmax, a1s, a2s, a3s, a4s, a1p, a2p, a3p, a4p, a5p, a6p, Tc) = values spline = bool(a1s) # False if Quasypolynomial, True if spline d = type_to_zabransky_dict[(Type, spline)] if spline: coeffs = (a1s, a2s, a3s, a4s) if CAS not in d: d[CAS] = [ZabranskySpline(coeffs, Tmin, Tmax)] else: d[CAS].append(ZabranskySpline(coeffs, Tmin, Tmax)) else: # No duplicates for quasipolynomials coeffs = (a1p, a2p, a3p, a4p, a5p, a6p) d[CAS] = ZabranskyQuasipolynomial(coeffs, Tc, Tmin, Tmax) for dct in (zabransky_dict_const_s, zabransky_dict_iso_s, zabransky_dict_sat_s): for CAS in dct: dct[CAS] = PiecewiseHeatCapacity(dct[CAS]) # Used to generate data. Do not delete! # Cp_dict_PerryI = {} # with open(os.path.join(folder, 'Perrys Table 2-151.tsv'), encoding='utf-8') as f: # '''Read in a dict of heat capacities of irnorganic and elemental solids. # These are in section 2, table 151 in: # Green, Don, and Robert Perry. Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, # Eighth Edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007. # Formula: # Cp(Cal/mol/K) = Const + Lin*T + Quadinv/T^2 + Quadinv*T^2 # Phases: c, gls, l, g. # ''' # next(f) # for line in f: # values = to_num(line.strip('\n').split('\t')) # (CASRN, _formula, _phase, _subphase, Const, Lin, Quadinv, Quad, Tmin, # Tmax, err) = values # if Lin is None: # Lin = 0 # if Quadinv is None: # Quadinv = 0 # if Quad is None: # Quad = 0 # if CASRN in _PerryI and CASRN: # a = _PerryI[CASRN] # a.update({_phase: {"Formula": _formula, "Phase": _phase, # "Subphase": _subphase, "Const": Const, # "Lin": Lin, "Quadinv": Quadinv, "Quad": Quad, # "Tmin": Tmin, "Tmax": Tmax, "Error": err}}) # _PerryI[CASRN] = a # else: # _PerryI[CASRN] = {_phase: {"Formula": _formula, "Phase": _phase, # "Subphase": _subphase, "Const": Const, # "Lin": Lin, "Quadinv": Quadinv, # "Quad": Quad, "Tmin": Tmin, # "Tmax": Tmax, "Error": err}} """ Read in a dict of 2481 thermodynamic property sets of different phases from: Haynes, W.M., Thomas J. Bruno, and David R. Lide. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. [Boca Raton, FL]: CRC press, 2014. Warning: 11 duplicated chemicals are present and currently clobbered. """ import json with open(os.path.join(folder, 'Perrys Table 2-151.json')) as f: Cp_dict_PerryI = json.loads( with open(os.path.join(folder, 'psi4_unadjusted_characteristic_temperatures.json')) as f: Cp_dict_characteristic_temperatures_psi4_2022a = json.loads( with open(os.path.join(folder, 'psi4_adjusted_characteristic_temperatures.json')) as f: Cp_dict_characteristic_temperatures_adjusted_psi4_2022a = json.loads( with open(os.path.join(folder, 'JANAF_1998_liq_Cp.json')) as f: Cp_dict_JANAF_liquid = json.loads( with open(os.path.join(folder, 'JANAF_1998_gas_Cp.json')) as f: Cp_dict_JANAF_gas = json.loads( with open(os.path.join(folder, 'JANAF_1998_solid_Cp.json')) as f: Cp_dict_JANAF_solid = json.loads( with open(os.path.join(folder, 'webbook_shomate_coefficients.json')) as f: WebBook_Shomate_coefficients = json.loads( WebBook_Shomate_solids, WebBook_Shomate_liquids, WebBook_Shomate_gases = {}, {}, {} for i, d in zip(range(3), [WebBook_Shomate_solids, WebBook_Shomate_liquids, WebBook_Shomate_gases]): for CAS, phase_values in WebBook_Shomate_coefficients.items(): Cp_dat = phase_values[i] if Cp_dat is not None: if len(Cp_dat) == 1: d[CAS] = ShomateRange(tuple(Cp_dat[0][2:]), Cp_dat[0][0], Cp_dat[0][1]) else: phase_models = [ShomateRange(tuple(Cp_dat[i][2:]), Cp_dat[i][0], Cp_dat[i][1]) for i in range(len(Cp_dat))] d[CAS] = PiecewiseHeatCapacity(phase_models) _Cp_data_loaded = True if PY37: def __getattr__(name): if name in ('Cp_data_Poling', 'Cp_values_Poling', 'TRC_gas_data', 'TRC_gas_values', 'CRC_standard_data', 'Cp_dict_PerryI', 'zabransky_dict_sat_s', 'zabransky_dict_sat_p', 'zabransky_dict_const_s', 'zabransky_dict_const_p', 'zabransky_dict_iso_s', 'zabransky_dict_iso_p', 'type_to_zabransky_dict', 'zabransky_dicts', 'WebBook_Shomate_liquids', 'WebBook_Shomate_gases', 'WebBook_Shomate_solids', 'WebBook_Shomate_coefficients', 'Cp_dict_JANAF_liquid', 'Cp_dict_JANAF_gas', 'Cp_dict_JANAF_solid'): _load_Cp_data() return globals()[name] raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}") else: if can_load_data: _load_Cp_data() ### Heat capacities of gases
[docs]def Poling(T, a, b, c, d, e): r""" Return the ideal-gas molar heat capacity of a chemical using polynomial regressed coefficients as described by Poling et. al. [1]_. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] a : float Constant coefficient, [-] b : float Linear coefficient, [-] c : float Quadratic coefficient, [-] d : float Cubic coefficient, [-] e : float Quintic coefficient, [=] Returns ------- Cpgm : float Gas molar heat capacity, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- The ideal gas heat capacity is given by: .. math:: C_n = R*(a + bT + cT^2 + dT^3 + eT^4) The data is based on the Poling data bank. See Also -------- Poling_integral Poling_integral_over_T Examples -------- Compute the gas heat capacity of Methane at 300 K: >>> Poling(T=300., a=4.568, b=-0.008975, c=3.631e-05, d=-3.407e-08, e=1.091e-11) 35.850973388425 References ---------- .. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000. """ return R*(T*(T*(T*(T*e + d) + c) + b) + a)
[docs]def Poling_integral(T, a, b, c, d, e): r""" Return the integral of the ideal-gas constant-pressure heat capacity of a chemical using polynomial regressed coefficients as described by Poling et. al. [1]_. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] a : float Constant coefficient, [-] b : float Linear coefficient, [-] c : float Quadratic coefficient, [-] d : float Cubic coefficient, [-] e : float Quintic coefficient, [=] Returns ------- H : float Difference in enthalpy from 0 K, [J/mol] Notes ----- Integral was computed with SymPy. See Also -------- Poling Poling_integral_over_T Examples -------- Compute the gas enthalpy of Methane at 300 K (with reference to 0 K): >>> Poling_integral(T=300., a=4.568, b=-0.008975, c=3.631e-05, d=-3.407e-08, e=1.091e-11) 10223.67533722261 References ---------- .. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000. """ return R*(((((0.2*e)*T + 0.25*d)*T + c*(1.0/3.))*T + 0.5*b)*T + a)*T
[docs]def Poling_integral_over_T(T, a, b, c, d, e): r""" Return the integral over temperature of the ideal-gas constant-pressure heat capacity of a chemical using polynomial regressed coefficients as described by Poling et. al. [1]_. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] a : float Constant coefficient, [-] b : float Linear coefficient, [-] c : float Quadratic coefficient, [-] d : float Cubic coefficient, [-] e : float Quintic coefficient, [=] Returns ------- S : float Difference in entropy from 0 K, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- Integral was computed with SymPy. See Also -------- Poling Poling_integral Examples -------- Compute the gas entropy of Methane at 300 K (with reference to 0 K): >>> Poling_integral_over_T(T=300., a=4.568, b=-0.008975, c=3.631e-05, d=-3.407e-08, e=1.091e-11) 205.46526328058 References ---------- .. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000. """ return R*(((((0.25*e)*T + d*(1.0/3.))*T + 0.5*c)*T + b)*T + a*log(T))
[docs]def PPDS2(T, Ts, C_low, C_inf, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5): r'''Calculates the ideal-gas heat capacity using the [1]_ emperical (parameter-regressed) method, called the PPDS 2 equation for heat capacity. .. math:: \frac{C_p^0}{R} = C_{low} + (C_\infty - C_{low})y^2\left(1 + (y-1) \left[\sum_{i=0}^4 a_i y^i\right]\right) .. math:: y = \frac{T}{T + T_s} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Ts : float Fit temperature; no physical meaning [K] C_low : float Fit parameter equal to Cp/R at a low temperature, [-] C_inf : float Fit parameter equal to Cp/R at a high temperature, [-] a1 : float Regression parameter, [-] a2 : float Regression parameter, [-] a3 : float Regression parameter, [-] a4 : float Regression parameter, [-] a5 : float Regression parameter, [-] Returns ------- Cpgm : float Gas molar heat capacity, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- Examples -------- n-pentane at 350 K from [1]_ >>> PPDS2(T=350.0, Ts=462.493, C_low=4.54115, C_inf=9.96847, a1=-103.419, a2=695.484, a3=-2006.1, a4=2476.84, a5=-1186.47) 136.46338956689 References ---------- .. [1] "ThermoData Engine (TDE103b V10.1) User`s Guide." ''' y = T/(T + Ts) tot = a1 + y*(a2 + y*(a3 + y*(a4 + a5*y))) main = C_low + (C_inf - C_low)*y*y*(1.0 + (y - 1.0)*tot) return R*main
[docs]def PPDS15(T, Tc, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5): r'''Calculates the saturation liquid heat capacity using the [1]_ emperical (parameter-regressed) method, called the PPDS 15 equation for heat capacity. .. math:: \frac{C_{p,l}}{R} = \frac{a_0}{\tau} + a_1 + a_2\tau + a_3\tau^2 + a_4\tau^3 + a_5\tau^4 Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] a0 : float Regression parameter, [-] a1 : float Regression parameter, [-] a2 : float Regression parameter, [-] a3 : float Regression parameter, [-] a4 : float Regression parameter, [-] a5 : float Regression parameter, [-] Returns ------- Cplm : float Liquid molar saturation heat capacity, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- Examples -------- Benzene at 400 K from [1]_ >>> PPDS15(T=400.0, Tc=562.05, a0=0.198892, a1=24.1389, a2=-20.2301, a3=5.72481, a4=4.43613e-7, a5=-3.10751e-7) 161.8983143509 References ---------- .. [1] "ThermoData Engine (TDE103b V10.1) User`s Guide." ''' tau = 1.0 - T/Tc poly_term = a1 + tau*(a2 + tau*(a3 + tau*(a4 + a5*tau))) return R*(a0/tau + poly_term)
[docs]def TDE_CSExpansion(T, Tc, b, a1, a2=0.0, a3=0.0, a4=0.0): r'''Calculates the saturation liquid heat capacity using the [1]_ CSExpansion method from NIST's TDE: .. math:: C_{p,l}= \frac{b}{\tau} + a_1 + a_2T + a_3 T^2 + a_4 T^3 Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] b : float Regression parameter, [-] a1 : float Regression parameter, [-] a2 : float Regression parameter, [-] a3 : float Regression parameter, [-] a4 : float Regression parameter, [-] Returns ------- Cplm : float Liquid molar saturation heat capacity, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- Examples -------- 2-methylquinoline at 550 K from [1]_ >>> TDE_CSExpansion(550.0, 778.0, 0.626549, 120.705, 0.255987, 0.000381027, -3.03077e-7) 328.472042686 References ---------- .. [1] "ThermoData Engine (TDE103b V10.1) User`s Guide." ''' tau = 1.0 - T/Tc return b/tau + a1 + T*(a2 + T*(a3 + a4*T))
[docs]def Lastovka_Shaw_term_A(similarity_variable, cyclic_aliphatic): """ Return Term A in Lastovka-Shaw equation. Parameters ---------- similarity_variable : float Similarity variable as defined in [1]_, [mol/g] cyclic_aliphatic : bool, optional Whether or not chemical is cyclic aliphatic, [-] Returns ------- term_A : float Term A in Lastovka-Shaw equation, [J/g] See Also -------- Lastovka_Shaw Lastovka_Shaw_integral Lastovka_Shaw_integral_over_T References ---------- .. [1] Lastovka, Vaclav, and John M. Shaw. "Predictive Correlations for Ideal Gas Heat Capacities of Pure Hydrocarbons and Petroleum Fractions." Fluid Phase Equilibria 356 (October 25, 2013): 338-370. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2013.07.023. """ a = similarity_variable if cyclic_aliphatic: A1 = -0.1793547 A2 = 3.86944439 term_A = A1 + A2*a else: # A1 = 0.58 A2 = 1.25 A1_minus_A2 = -0.67 # (A1 - A2) A3 = 0.17338003 # 803 instead of 8003 in another paper # A4 = 0.014 A4_inv = 71.42857142857143 # 1 / A4 term_A = A2 + A1_minus_A2/(1. + exp((a-A3)*A4_inv)) # One reference says exp((a-A3)/A4) # Personal communication confirms the change return term_A
[docs]def Lastovka_Shaw(T, similarity_variable, cyclic_aliphatic=False, MW=None, term_A=None): r'''Calculate ideal-gas constant-pressure heat capacity with the similarity variable concept and method as shown in [1]_. .. math:: term_A = A1 + A2*a \text{ if cyclic aliphatic} .. math:: term_A = \left(A_2 + \frac{A_1 - A_2}{1 + \exp(\frac{\alpha-A_3}{A_4})}\right) \text{ if not cyclic aliphatic} .. math:: C_p^0 = term_A + (B_{11} + B_{12}\alpha)\left(-\frac{(C_{11} + C_{12}\alpha)}{T}\right)^2 \frac{\exp(-(C_{11} + C_{12}\alpha)/T)}{[1-\exp(-(C_{11}+C_{12}\alpha)/T)]^2} + (B_{21} + B_{22}\alpha)\left(-\frac{(C_{21} + C_{22}\alpha)}{T}\right)^2 \frac{\exp(-(C_{21} + C_{22}\alpha)/T)}{[1-\exp(-(C_{21}+C_{22}\alpha)/T)]^2} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of gas [K] similarity_variable : float Similarity variable as defined in [1]_, [mol/g] cyclic_aliphatic : bool, optional Whether or not chemical is cyclic aliphatic, [-] MW : float, optional Molecular weight, [g/mol] term_A : float, optional Term A in Lastovka-Shaw equation, [J/g] Returns ------- Cpg : float Gas constant-pressure heat capacity, J/mol/K if MW given; J/kg/K otherwise Notes ----- Original model is in terms of J/g/K. A1 = -0.1793547 \text{ if cyclic aliphatic} A1 = 0.58 \text{ if not cyclic aliphatic} A2 = 3.86944439 \text{ if cyclic aliphatic} A2 = 1.25 \text{ if not cyclic aliphatic} A3 = 0.17338003 A4 = 0.014 B11 = 0.73917383 B12 = 8.88308889 C11 = 1188.28051 C12 = 1813.04613 B21 = 0.0483019 B22 = 4.35656721 C21 = 2897.01927 C22 = 5987.80407 Examples -------- Estimate the heat capacity of n-decane gas in J/kg/K: >>> Lastovka_Shaw(1000.0, 0.22491) 3730.2807601773725 Estimate the heat capacity of n-decane gas in J/mol/K: >>> Lastovka_Shaw(1000.0, 0.22491, MW=142.28) 530.7443465580366 References ---------- .. [1] Lastovka, Vaclav, and John M. Shaw. "Predictive Correlations for Ideal Gas Heat Capacities of Pure Hydrocarbons and Petroleum Fractions." Fluid Phase Equilibria 356 (October 25, 2013): 338-370. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2013.07.023. ''' a = similarity_variable if term_A is None: term_A = Lastovka_Shaw_term_A(a, cyclic_aliphatic) T_inv = 1.0/T B11 = 0.73917383 B12 = 8.88308889 C11 = 1188.28051 C12 = 1813.04613 B21 = 0.0483019 B22 = 4.35656721 C21 = 2897.01927 C22 = 5987.80407 C11_C12a_T =(C11+C12*a)*T_inv expm_C11_C12a_T = exp(-C11_C12a_T) x1 = 1.0/(1.0 - expm_C11_C12a_T) C21_C22a_T = (C21+C22*a)*T_inv expm_C21_C22a_T = exp(-C21_C22a_T) x2 = 1.0/(1.0 - expm_C21_C22a_T) Cp = term_A + (B11 + B12*a)*(C11_C12a_T*C11_C12a_T)*expm_C11_C12a_T*x1*x1 Cp += (B21 + B22*a)*(C21_C22a_T*C21_C22a_T)*expm_C21_C22a_T*x2*x2 return Cp*1000. if MW is None else Cp*MW
[docs]def Lastovka_Shaw_integral(T, similarity_variable, cyclic_aliphatic=False, MW=None, term_A=None): r'''Calculate the integral of ideal-gas constant-pressure heat capacity with the similarity variable concept and method as shown in [1]_. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of gas [K] similarity_variable : float Similarity variable as defined in [1]_, [mol/g] cyclic_aliphatic : bool, optional Whether or not chemical is cyclic aliphatic, [-] MW : float, optional Molecular weight, [g/mol] term_A : float, optional Term A in Lastovka-Shaw equation, [J/g] Returns ------- H : float Difference in enthalpy from 0 K, J/mol if MW given; J/kg otherwise Notes ----- Original model is in terms of J/g/K. Integral was computed with SymPy. See Also -------- Lastovka_Shaw Lastovka_Shaw_integral_over_T Examples -------- >>> Lastovka_Shaw_integral(300.0, 0.1333) 5283095.816018478 References ---------- .. [1] Lastovka, Vaclav, and John M. Shaw. "Predictive Correlations for Ideal Gas Heat Capacities of Pure Hydrocarbons and Petroleum Fractions." Fluid Phase Equilibria 356 (October 25, 2013): 338-370. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2013.07.023. ''' a = similarity_variable if term_A is None: term_A = Lastovka_Shaw_term_A(a, cyclic_aliphatic) B11 = 0.73917383 B12 = 8.88308889 C11 = 1188.28051 C12 = 1813.04613 B21 = 0.0483019 B22 = 4.35656721 C21 = 2897.01927 C22 = 5987.80407 x1 = -C11 - C12*a x2 = -C21 - C22*a T_inv = 1.0/T H = (T*term_A - (B11 + B12*a)*(x1*x1)/(x1 - x1*exp(x1*T_inv)) - (B21 + B22*a)*(x2*x2)/(x2 - x2*exp(x2*T_inv))) return H*1000. if MW is None else H*MW
[docs]def Lastovka_Shaw_integral_over_T(T, similarity_variable, cyclic_aliphatic=False, MW=None, term_A=None): r'''Calculate the integral over temperature of ideal-gas constant-pressure heat capacity with the similarity variable concept and method as shown in [1]_. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of gas [K] similarity_variable : float Similarity variable as defined in [1]_, [mol/g] cyclic_aliphatic : bool, optional Whether or not chemical is cyclic aliphatic, [-] MW : float, optional Molecular weight, [g/mol] term_A : float, optional Term A in Lastovka-Shaw equation, [J/g] Returns ------- S : float Difference in entropy from 0 K, [J/mol/K if MW given; J/kg/K otherwise] Notes ----- Original model is in terms of J/g/K. Note that the model is for predicting mass heat capacity, not molar heat capacity like most other methods! Integral was computed with SymPy. See Also -------- Lastovka_Shaw Lastovka_Shaw_integral Examples -------- >>> Lastovka_Shaw_integral_over_T(300.0, 0.1333) 3609.791928945323 References ---------- .. [1] Lastovka, Vaclav, and John M. Shaw. "Predictive Correlations for Ideal Gas Heat Capacities of Pure Hydrocarbons and Petroleum Fractions." Fluid Phase Equilibria 356 (October 25, 2013): 338-370. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2013.07.023. ''' a = similarity_variable if term_A is None: term_A = Lastovka_Shaw_term_A(a, cyclic_aliphatic) T_inv = 1.0/T a2 = a*a B11 = 0.73917383 B12 = 8.88308889 C11 = 1188.28051 C12 = 1813.04613 B21 = 0.0483019 B22 = 4.35656721 C21 = 2897.01927 C22 = 5987.80407 S = (term_A*log(T) + (-B11 - B12*a)*log(abs(exp((-C11 - C12*a)*T_inv) - 1.)) + (-B11*C11 - B11*C12*a - B12*C11*a - B12*C12*a2)/(T*exp((-C11 - C12*a)*T_inv) - T) - (B11*C11 + B11*C12*a + B12*C11*a + B12*C12*a2)*T_inv) S += ((-B21 - B22*a)*log(abs(exp((-C21 - C22*a)*T_inv) - 1.)) + (-B21*C21 - B21*C22*a - B22*C21*a - B22*C22*a2)/(T*exp((-C21 - C22*a)*T_inv) - T) - (B21*C21 + B21*C22*a + B22*C21*a + B22*C22*a2)*T_inv) return S*1000. if MW is None else S*MW
def Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Hm_err(T, MW, similarity_variable, H_ref, Hm, cyclic_aliphatic, term_A): H1 = Lastovka_Shaw_integral(T, similarity_variable, cyclic_aliphatic, MW, term_A) dH = H1 - H_ref err = (dH - Hm) return err
[docs]@mark_numba_uncacheable def Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Hm(Hm, MW, similarity_variable, T_ref=298.15, factor=1.0, cyclic_aliphatic=False): r'''Uses the Lastovka-Shaw ideal-gas heat capacity correlation to solve for the temperature which has a specified `Hm`, as is required in PH flashes, as shown in [1]_. Parameters ---------- Hm : float Molar enthalpy spec, [J/mol] MW : float Molecular weight of the pure compound or mixture average, [g/mol] similarity_variable : float Similarity variable as defined in [1]_, [mol/g] T_ref : float, optional Reference enthlapy temperature, [K] factor : float, optional A factor to increase or decrease the predicted value of the method, [-] cyclic_aliphatic : bool, optional Whether or not chemical is cyclic aliphatic, [-] Returns ------- T : float Temperature of gas to meet the molar enthalpy spec, [K] Notes ----- See Also -------- Lastovka_Shaw Lastovka_Shaw_integral Lastovka_Shaw_integral_over_T Examples -------- >>> Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Hm(Hm=55000, MW=80.0, similarity_variable=0.23) 600.0943429567602 References ---------- .. [1] Lastovka, Vaclav, and John M. Shaw. "Predictive Correlations for Ideal Gas Heat Capacities of Pure Hydrocarbons and Petroleum Fractions." Fluid Phase Equilibria 356 (October 25, 2013): 338-370. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2013.07.023. ''' Hm /= factor a = similarity_variable term_A = Lastovka_Shaw_term_A(a, cyclic_aliphatic) H_ref = Lastovka_Shaw_integral(T_ref, similarity_variable, cyclic_aliphatic, MW, term_A) args = (MW, a, H_ref, Hm, cyclic_aliphatic, term_A) try: return secant(Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Hm_err, 500.0, ytol=1e-4, args=args) except: try: return brenth(Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Hm_err, 1e-3, 1e5, args) except: if Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Hm_err(1e-11, *args) > 0: raise ValueError("For gas only enthalpy spec to be correct, " "model requires negative temperature") raise ValueError("Could not converge")
def Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Sm_err(T, MW, similarity_variable, S_ref, Sm, cyclic_aliphatic, term_A): S1 = Lastovka_Shaw_integral_over_T(T, similarity_variable, cyclic_aliphatic, MW, term_A) dS = S1 - S_ref err = (dS - Sm) return err
[docs]@mark_numba_uncacheable def Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Sm(Sm, MW, similarity_variable, T_ref=298.15, factor=1.0, cyclic_aliphatic=False): r'''Uses the Lastovka-Shaw ideal-gas heat capacity correlation to solve for the temperature which has a specified `Sm`, as is required in PS flashes, as shown in [1]_. Parameters ---------- Sm : float Molar entropy spec, [J/mol/K] MW : float Molecular weight of the pure compound or mixture average, [g/mol] similarity_variable : float Similarity variable as defined in [1]_, [mol/g] T_ref : float, optional Reference enthlapy temperature, [K] factor : float, optional A factor to increase or decrease the predicted value of the method, [-] cyclic_aliphatic : bool, optional Whether or not chemical is cyclic aliphatic, [-] Returns ------- T : float Temperature of gas to meet the molar entropy spec, [K] Notes ----- See Also -------- Lastovka_Shaw Lastovka_Shaw_integral Lastovka_Shaw_integral_over_T Examples -------- >>> Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Sm(Sm=112.80, MW=72.151, similarity_variable=0.2356) 603.429829157 References ---------- .. [1] Lastovka, Vaclav, and John M. Shaw. "Predictive Correlations for Ideal Gas Heat Capacities of Pure Hydrocarbons and Petroleum Fractions." Fluid Phase Equilibria 356 (October 25, 2013): 338-370. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2013.07.023. ''' Sm /= factor a = similarity_variable term_A = Lastovka_Shaw_term_A(a, cyclic_aliphatic) S_ref = Lastovka_Shaw_integral_over_T(T_ref, a, cyclic_aliphatic, MW, term_A) args = (MW, a, S_ref, Sm, cyclic_aliphatic, term_A) try: return secant(Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Sm_err, 500, ytol=1e-4, high=10000, args=args) except: try: return brenth(Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Sm_err, 1e-3, 1e5, args=args) except: if Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Sm_err(1e-11, *args) > 0.0: raise ValueError("For gas only entropy spec to be correct, " "model requires negative temperature") raise ValueError("Could not converge")
[docs]def TRCCp(T, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7): r'''Calculates ideal gas heat capacity using the model developed in [1]_. The ideal gas heat capacity is given by: .. math:: C_p = R\left(a_0 + (a_1/T^2) \exp(-a_2/T) + a_3 y^2 + (a_4 - a_5/(T-a_7)^2 )y^j \right) .. math:: y = \frac{T-a_7}{T+a_6} \text{ for } T > a_7 \text{ otherwise } 0 Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature [K] a0 : float Constant coefficient, [-] a1 : float a1 coefficient, [K^2] a2 : float a2 coefficient, [K] a3 : float a3 coefficient, [-] a4 : float a4 coefficient, [-] a5 : float a5 coefficient, [K^2] a6 : float a6 coefficient, [K] a7 : float a6 coefficient, [K] Returns ------- Cp : float Ideal gas heat capacity, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- j is set to 8. Analytical integrals are available for this expression. Examples -------- >>> TRCCp(300, 4.0, 7.65E5, 720., 3.565, -0.052, -1.55E6, 52., 201.) 42.065271080974654 References ---------- .. [1] Kabo, G. J., and G. N. Roganov. Thermodynamics of Organic Compounds in the Gas State, Volume II: V. 2. College Station, Tex: CRC Press, 1994. ''' if T <= a7: y = 0. else: y = (T - a7)/(T + a6) T_inv = 1.0/T y2 = y*y T_m_a7 = T - a7 if T == a7: # When T_m_a7 approaches 0, T = a7 Cp = R*(a0 + (a1*T_inv*T_inv)*exp(-a2*T_inv) + y2*(a3 + (a4)*y2*y2*y2)) else: Cp = R*(a0 + (a1*T_inv*T_inv)*exp(-a2*T_inv) + y2*(a3 + (a4 - a5/(T_m_a7*T_m_a7))*y2*y2*y2)) return Cp
[docs]def TRCCp_integral(T, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, I=0): r'''Integrates ideal gas heat capacity using the model developed in [1]_. Best used as a delta only. The difference in enthalpy with respect to 0 K is given by: .. math:: \frac{H(T) - H^{ref}}{RT} = a_0 + a_1x(a_2)/(a_2T) + I/T + h(T)/T .. math:: h(T) = (a_5 + a_7)\left[(2a_3 + 8a_4)\ln(1-y)+ \left\{a_3\left(1 + \frac{1}{1-y}\right) + a_4\left(7 + \frac{1}{1-y}\right)\right\}y + a_4\left\{3y^2 + (5/3)y^3 + y^4 + (3/5)y^5 + (1/3)y^6\right\} + (1/7)\left\{a_4 - \frac{a_5}{(a_6+a_7)^2}\right\}y^7\right] .. math:: h(T) = 0 \text{ for } T \le a_7 y = \frac{T-a_7}{T+a_6} \text{ for } T > a_7 \text{ otherwise } 0 Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature [K] a0 : float Constant coefficient, [-] a1 : float a1 coefficient, [K^2] a2 : float a2 coefficient, [K] a3 : float a3 coefficient, [-] a4 : float a4 coefficient, [-] a5 : float a5 coefficient, [K^2] a6 : float a6 coefficient, [K] a7 : float a6 coefficient, [K] I : float, optional Integral offset Returns ------- H-H(0) : float Difference in enthalpy from 0 K , [J/mol] Notes ----- Analytical integral as provided in [1]_ and verified with numerical integration. Examples -------- >>> TRCCp_integral(298.15, 4.0, 7.65E5, 720., 3.565, -0.052, -1.55E6, 52., ... 201., 1.2) 10802.536262068483 References ---------- .. [1] Kabo, G. J., and G. N. Roganov. Thermodynamics of Organic Compounds in the Gas State, Volume II: V. 2. College Station, Tex: CRC Press, 1994. ''' if T <= a7: y = 0. else: y = (T - a7)/(T + a6) y2 = y*y y4 = y2*y2 if T <= a7: h = 0.0 else: first = a6 + a7 one_m_y = 1.0 - y second = (2.*a3 + 8.*a4)*log(one_m_y) third = (a3*(1. + 1./(one_m_y)) + a4*(7. + 1./(one_m_y)))*y fourth = a4*(3.*y2 + 5./3.*y*y2 + y4 + 0.6*y4*y + 1/3.*y4*y2) fifth = 1/7.*(a4 - a5/(first*first))*y4*y2*y h = first*(second + third + fourth + fifth) return (a0 + a1*exp(-a2/T)/(a2*T) + I/T + h/T)*R*T
[docs]def TRCCp_integral_over_T(T, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, J=0): r'''Integrates ideal gas heat capacity over T using the model developed in [1]_. Best used as a delta only. The difference in ideal-gas entropy with respect to 0 K is given by: .. math:: \frac{S^\circ}{R} = J + a_0\ln T + \frac{a_1}{a_2^2}\left(1 + \frac{a_2}{T}\right)x(a_2) + s(T) s(T) = \left[\left\{a_3 + \left(\frac{a_4 a_7^2 - a_5}{a_6^2}\right) \left(\frac{a_7}{a_6}\right)^4\right\}\left(\frac{a_7}{a_6}\right)^2 \ln z + (a_3 + a_4)\ln\left(\frac{T+a_6}{a_6+a_7}\right) +\sum_{i=1}^7 \left\{\left(\frac{a_4 a_7^2 - a_5}{a_6^2}\right)\left( \frac{-a_7}{a_6}\right)^{6-i} - a_4\right\}\frac{y^i}{i} - \left\{\frac{a_3}{a_6}(a_6 + a_7) + \frac{a_5 y^6}{7a_7(a_6+a_7)} \right\}y\right] .. math:: s(T) = 0 \text{ for } T \le a_7 .. math:: z = \frac{T}{T+a_6} \cdot \frac{a_7 + a_6}{a_7} .. math:: y = \frac{T-a_7}{T+a_6} \text{ for } T > a_7 \text{ otherwise } 0 Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature [K] a0 : float Constant coefficient, [-] a1 : float a1 coefficient, [K^2] a2 : float a2 coefficient, [K] a3 : float a3 coefficient, [-] a4 : float a4 coefficient, [-] a5 : float a5 coefficient, [K^2] a6 : float a6 coefficient, [K] a7 : float a6 coefficient, [K] J : float, optional Integral offset Returns ------- S-S(0) : float Difference in entropy from 0 K , [J/mol/K] Notes ----- Analytical integral as provided in [1]_ and verified with numerical integration. Examples -------- >>> TRCCp_integral_over_T(300, 4.0, 124000, 245, 50.539, -49.469, ... 220440000, 560, 78) 213.80156219151888 References ---------- .. [1] Kabo, G. J., and G. N. Roganov. Thermodynamics of Organic Compounds in the Gas State, Volume II: V. 2. College Station, Tex: CRC Press, 1994. ''' # Possible optimizations: pre-cache as much as possible. # If this were replaced by a cache, much of this would not need to be computed. if T <= a7: y = 0. else: y = (T - a7)/(T + a6) a6_inv = 1.0/a6 x3 = a7 + a6 z = T*x3/(a7*(T + a6)) if T <= a7: s = 0. else: a72 = a7*a7 a62_inv = a6_inv*a6_inv a7_a6 = a7*a6_inv # a7/a6 a7_a6_2 = a7_a6*a7_a6 a7_a6_4 = a7_a6_2*a7_a6_2 x1 = (a4*a72 - a5)*a62_inv # part of third, sum first = (a3 + ((a4*a72 - a5)*a62_inv)*a7_a6_4)*a7_a6_2*log(z) second = (a3 + a4)*log((T + a6)/(x3)) third = 0.0 y_pow = 1.0 a7_a6_pow = a7_a6_2*a7_a6_4 na7_a6_inv = -1.0/a7_a6 for i in range(1, 8): y_pow = y_pow*y a7_a6_pow *= na7_a6_inv third += (x1*a7_a6_pow - a4)*y_pow/i fourth = -(a3*a6_inv*x3 + a5*y_pow/(7.0*y*a7*x3))*y s = first + second + third + fourth x2 = a2/T return R*(J + a0*log(T) + a1/(a2*a2)*(1. + x2)*exp(-x2) + s)
[docs]def Shomate(T, A, B, C, D, E): r'''Calculates heat capacity using the Shomate polynomial model [1]_. The heat capacity is given by: .. math:: C_p = A + BT + CT^2 + DT^3 + \frac{E}{T^2} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature [K] A : float Parameter, [J/(mol*K)] B : float Parameter, [J/(mol*K^2)] C : float Parameter, [J/(mol*K^3)] D : float Parameter, [J/(mol*K^4)] E : float Parameter, [J*K/(mol)] Returns ------- Cp : float Heat capacity , [J/mol/K] Notes ----- Analytical integrals are available for this expression. In some sources such as [1]_, the equation is written with temperature in units of kilokelvin. The coefficients can be easily adjusted to be in the proper SI form. Examples -------- Coefficients for water vapor from [1]_: >>> water_low_gas_coeffs = [30.09200, 6.832514/1e3, 6.793435/1e6, -2.534480/1e9, 0.082139*1e6] >>> Shomate(500, *water_low_gas_coeffs) 35.21836175 References ---------- .. [1] Shen, V.K., Siderius, D.W., Krekelberg, W.P., and Hatch, H.W., Eds., NIST WebBook, NIST, ''' return A + T*(B + T*(C + D*T)) + E/(T*T)
[docs]def Shomate_integral(T, A, B, C, D, E): r'''Calculates the enthalpy integral using the Shomate polynomial model [1]_. The difference in enthalpy with respect to 0 K is given by: .. math:: {H(T) - H^{0}} = A T + \frac{B T^{2}}{2} + \frac{C T^{3}}{3} + \frac{D T^{4}}{4} - \frac{E}{T} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature [K] A : float Parameter, [J/(mol*K)] B : float Parameter, [J/(mol*K^2)] C : float Parameter, [J/(mol*K^3)] D : float Parameter, [J/(mol*K^4)] E : float Parameter, [J*K/(mol)] Returns ------- H-H(0) : float Difference in enthalpy from 0 K , [J/mol] Notes ----- Examples -------- Coefficients for water vapor from [1]_: >>> water_low_gas_coeffs = [30.09200, 6.832514/1e3, 6.793435/1e6, -2.534480/1e9, 0.082139*1e6] >>> Shomate_integral(500, *water_low_gas_coeffs) 15979.2447 References ---------- .. [1] Shen, V.K., Siderius, D.W., Krekelberg, W.P., and Hatch, H.W., Eds., NIST WebBook, NIST, ''' return T*(A + T*(B*0.5 + T*(C*(1.0/3.0) + D*T*0.25))) - E/T
[docs]def Shomate_integral_over_T(T, A, B, C, D, E): r'''Integrates the heat capacity over T using the model developed in [1]_. The difference in entropy with respect to 0 K is given by: .. math:: s(T) = A \log{\left(T \right)} + B T + \frac{C T^{2}}{2} + \frac{D T^{3}}{3} - \frac{E}{2 T^{2}} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature [K] A : float Parameter, [J/(mol*K)] B : float Parameter, [J/(mol*K^2)] C : float Parameter, [J/(mol*K^3)] D : float Parameter, [J/(mol*K^4)] E : float Parameter, [J*K/(mol)] Returns ------- S-S(0) : float Difference in entropy from 0 K , [J/mol/K] Notes ----- Examples -------- Coefficients for water vapor from [1]_: >>> water_low_gas_coeffs = [30.09200, 6.832514/1e3, 6.793435/1e6, -2.534480/1e9, 0.082139*1e6] >>> Shomate_integral_over_T(500, *water_low_gas_coeffs) 191.00554 References ---------- .. [1] Shen, V.K., Siderius, D.W., Krekelberg, W.P., and Hatch, H.W., Eds., NIST WebBook, NIST, ''' T2 = T*T return A*log(T) + B*T + 0.5*C*T2 + D*T*T2*(1.0/3.0) - E/T2*0.5
### Heat capacities of liquids
[docs]def Rowlinson_Poling(T, Tc, omega, Cpgm): r'''Calculate liquid constant-pressure heat capacity with the [1]_ CSP method. This equation is not terrible accurate. The heat capacity of a liquid is given by: .. math:: \frac{Cp^{L} - Cp^{g}}{R} = 1.586 + \frac{0.49}{1-T_r} + \omega\left[ 4.2775 + \frac{6.3(1-T_r)^{1/3}}{T_r} + \frac{0.4355}{1-T_r}\right] Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] omega : float Acentric factor for fluid, [-] Cpgm : float Constant-pressure gas heat capacity, [J/mol/K] Returns ------- Cplm : float Liquid constant-pressure heat capacity, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- Poling compared 212 substances, and found error at 298K larger than 10% for 18 of them, mostly associating. Of the other 194 compounds, AARD is 2.5%. Examples -------- >>> Rowlinson_Poling(350.0, 435.5, 0.203, 91.21) 143.80196224081436 References ---------- .. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000. ''' Tr = T/Tc one_minus_Tr = 1. - Tr Cplm = Cpgm+ R*(1.586 + 0.49/one_minus_Tr + omega*(4.2775 + 6.3*one_minus_Tr**(1/3.)/Tr + 0.4355/one_minus_Tr)) return Cplm
[docs]def Rowlinson_Bondi(T, Tc, omega, Cpgm): r'''Calculate liquid constant-pressure heat capacity with the CSP method shown in [1]_. The heat capacity of a liquid is given by: .. math:: \frac{Cp^L - Cp^{ig}}{R} = 1.45 + 0.45(1-T_r)^{-1} + 0.25\omega [17.11 + 25.2(1-T_r)^{1/3}T_r^{-1} + 1.742(1-T_r)^{-1}] Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid [K] omega : float Acentric factor for fluid, [-] Cpgm : float Constant-pressure gas heat capacity, [J/mol/K] Returns ------- Cplm : float Liquid constant-pressure heat capacity, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- Less accurate than `Rowlinson_Poling`. Examples -------- >>> Rowlinson_Bondi(T=373.28, Tc=535.55, omega=0.323, Cpgm=119.342) 175.3976263003074 References ---------- .. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000. .. [2] Gesellschaft, V. D. I., ed. VDI Heat Atlas. 2nd edition. Berlin; New York:: Springer, 2010. .. [3] J.S. Rowlinson, Liquids and Liquid Mixtures, 2nd Ed., Butterworth, London (1969). ''' Tr = T/Tc one_minus_Tr = 1. - Tr Cplm = Cpgm + R*(1.45 + 0.45/(one_minus_Tr) + 0.25*omega*(17.11 + 25.2*(one_minus_Tr)**(1/3.)/Tr + 1.742/one_minus_Tr)) return Cplm
[docs]def Dadgostar_Shaw_terms(similarity_variable): """ Return terms for the computation of Dadgostar-Shaw heat capacity equation. Parameters ---------- similarity_variable : float Similarity variable, [mol/g] Returns ------- first : float First term, [-] second : float Second term, [-] third : float Third term, [-] See Also -------- Dadgostar_Shaw """ a = similarity_variable a2 = a*a a11 = -0.3416 a12 = 2.2671 a21 = 0.1064 a22 = -0.3874 a31 = -9.8231E-05 a32 = 4.182E-04 # Didn't seem to improve the comparison; sum of errors on some # points included went from 65.5 to 286. # Author probably used more precision in their calculation. # constant = 3*R*(theta/T)**2*exp(theta/T)/(exp(theta/T)-1)**2 constant = 24.5 return (constant * (a11*a + a12*a2), a21*a + a22*a2, a31*a + a32*a2)
[docs]def Dadgostar_Shaw(T, similarity_variable, MW=None): r'''Calculate liquid constant-pressure heat capacity with the similarity variable concept and method as shown in [1]_. .. math:: C_{p} = 24.5(a_{11}\alpha + a_{12}\alpha^2)+ (a_{21}\alpha + a_{22}\alpha^2)T +(a_{31}\alpha + a_{32}\alpha^2)T^2 Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of liquid [K] similarity_variable : float similarity variable as defined in [1]_, [mol/g] MW : float, optional Molecular weight of the pure compound or mixture average, [g/mol] Returns ------- Cpl : float Liquid constant-pressure heat capacity, J/mol/K if MW given; J/kg/K otherwise Notes ----- Many restrictions on its use. Original model is in terms of J/g/K. Note that the model is for predicting mass heat capacity, not molar heat capacity like most other methods! a11 = -0.3416; a12 = 2.2671; a21 = 0.1064; a22 = -0.3874l; a31 = -9.8231E-05; a32 = 4.182E-04 Examples -------- >>> Dadgostar_Shaw(355.6, 0.139) 1802.5291501191516 References ---------- .. [1] Dadgostar, Nafiseh, and John M. Shaw. "A Predictive Correlation for the Constant-Pressure Specific Heat Capacity of Pure and Ill-Defined Liquid Hydrocarbons." Fluid Phase Equilibria 313 (January 15, 2012): 211-226. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2011.09.015. ''' first, second, third = Dadgostar_Shaw_terms(similarity_variable) Cp = (first + second*T + third*T*T) return Cp*1000. if MW is None else Cp*MW
[docs]def Dadgostar_Shaw_integral(T, similarity_variable, MW=None): r'''Calculate the integral of liquid constant-pressure heat capacity with the similarity variable concept and method as shown in [1]_. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of gas [K] similarity_variable : float similarity variable as defined in [1]_, [mol/g] MW : float, optional Molecular weight of the pure compound or mixture average, [g/mol] Returns ------- H : float Difference in enthalpy from 0 K, J/mol if MW given; J/kg otherwise Notes ----- Original model is in terms of J/g/K. Note that the model is for predicting mass heat capacity, not molar heat capacity like most other methods! Integral was computed with SymPy. See Also -------- Dadgostar_Shaw Dadgostar_Shaw_integral_over_T Examples -------- >>> Dadgostar_Shaw_integral(300.0, 0.1333) 238908.15142664989 References ---------- .. [1] Dadgostar, Nafiseh, and John M. Shaw. "A Predictive Correlation for the Constant-Pressure Specific Heat Capacity of Pure and Ill-Defined Liquid Hydrocarbons." Fluid Phase Equilibria 313 (January 15, 2012): 211-226. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2011.09.015. ''' T2 = T*T first, second, third = Dadgostar_Shaw_terms(similarity_variable) H = T2*T/3.*third + T2*0.5*second + T*first return H*1000. if MW is None else H*MW
[docs]def Dadgostar_Shaw_integral_over_T(T, similarity_variable, MW=None): r'''Calculate the integral of liquid constant-pressure heat capacity with the similarity variable concept and method as shown in [1]_. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of gas [K] similarity_variable : float similarity variable as defined in [1]_, [mol/g] MW : float, optional Molecular weight of the pure compound or mixture average, [g/mol] Returns ------- S : float Difference in entropy from 0 K, J/mol/K if MW given; J/kg/K otherwise Notes ----- Original model is in terms of J/g/K. Note that the model is for predicting mass heat capacity, not molar heat capacity like most other methods! Integral was computed with SymPy. See Also -------- Dadgostar_Shaw Dadgostar_Shaw_integral Examples -------- >>> Dadgostar_Shaw_integral_over_T(300.0, 0.1333) 1201.1409113147918 References ---------- .. [1] Dadgostar, Nafiseh, and John M. Shaw. "A Predictive Correlation for the Constant-Pressure Specific Heat Capacity of Pure and Ill-Defined Liquid Hydrocarbons." Fluid Phase Equilibria 313 (January 15, 2012): 211-226. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2011.09.015. ''' first, second, third = Dadgostar_Shaw_terms(similarity_variable) S = T*T*0.5*third + T*second + first*log(T) return S*1000. if MW is None else S*MW
[docs]def Zabransky_quasi_polynomial(T, Tc, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6): r'''Calculates liquid heat capacity using the model developed in [1]_. .. math:: \frac{C}{R}=A_1\ln(1-T_r) + \frac{A_2}{1-T_r} + \sum_{j=0}^m A_{j+3} T_r^j Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid, [K] a1 : float First coefficient, [-] a2 : float Second coefficient, [-] a3 : float Third coefficient, [-] a4 : float Fourth coefficient, [-] a5 : float Fifth coefficient, [-] a6 : float Sixth coefficient, [-] Returns ------- Cp : float Liquid heat capacity, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- Used only for isobaric heat capacities, not saturation heat capacities. Designed for reasonable extrapolation behavior caused by using the reduced critical temperature. Used by the authors of [1]_ when critical temperature was available for the fluid. Analytical integrals are available for this expression. Examples -------- >>> Zabransky_quasi_polynomial(330, 591.79, -3.12743, 0.0857315, 13.7282, 1.28971, 6.42297, 4.10989) 165.472878778683 References ---------- .. [1] Zabransky, M., V. Ruzicka Jr, V. Majer, and Eugene S. Domalski. Heat Capacity of Liquids: Critical Review and Recommended Values. 2 Volume Set. Washington, D.C.: Amer Inst of Physics, 1996. ''' Tr = T/Tc if Tr >= 1.0: Tr = (1-1e-15) # TODO limitd return R*(a1*log(1.0-Tr) + a2/(1.0-Tr) + a3 + Tr*(Tr*(Tr*a6 + a5) + a4))
[docs]def Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral(T, Tc, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6): r'''Calculates the integral of liquid heat capacity using the quasi-polynomial model developed in [1]_. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid, [K] a1 : float First coefficient, [-] a2 : float Second coefficient, [-] a3 : float Third coefficient, [-] a4 : float Fourth coefficient, [-] a5 : float Fifth coefficient, [-] a6 : float Sixth coefficient, [-] Returns ------- H : float Difference in enthalpy from 0 K, [J/mol] Notes ----- The analytical integral was derived with SymPy; it is a simple polynomial plus some logarithms. Examples -------- >>> H2 = Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral(300, 591.79, -3.12743, ... 0.0857315, 13.7282, 1.28971, 6.42297, 4.10989) >>> H1 = Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral(200, 591.79, -3.12743, ... 0.0857315, 13.7282, 1.28971, 6.42297, 4.10989) >>> H2 - H1 14662.031376528757 References ---------- .. [1] Zabransky, M., V. Ruzicka Jr, V. Majer, and Eugene S. Domalski. Heat Capacity of Liquids: Critical Review and Recommended Values. 2 Volume Set. Washington, D.C.: Amer Inst of Physics, 1996. ''' Tc2 = Tc*Tc Tc3 = Tc2*Tc term = T - Tc return R*(T*(T*(T*(T*a6/(4.*Tc3) + a5/(3.*Tc2)) + a4/(2.*Tc)) - a1 + a3) + T*a1*log(1. - T/Tc) - 0.5*Tc*(a1 + a2)*log(term*term))
[docs]def Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral_over_T(T, Tc, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6): r'''Calculates the integral of liquid heat capacity over T using the quasi-polynomial model developed in [1]_. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature [K] Tc : float Critical temperature of fluid, [K] a1 : float First coefficient, [-] a2 : float Second coefficient, [-] a3 : float Third coefficient, [-] a4 : float Fourth coefficient, [-] a5 : float Fifth coefficient, [-] a6 : float Sixth coefficient, [-] Returns ------- S : float Difference in entropy from 0 K, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- The analytical integral was derived with Sympy. It requires the Polylog(2,x) function, which is unimplemented in SciPy. A very accurate numerical approximation was implemented as :obj:`fluids.numerics.polylog2`. Relatively slow due to the use of that special function. Examples -------- >>> S2 = Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral_over_T(300, 591.79, -3.12743, ... 0.0857315, 13.7282, 1.28971, 6.42297, 4.10989) >>> S1 = Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral_over_T(200, 591.79, -3.12743, ... 0.0857315, 13.7282, 1.28971, 6.42297, 4.10989) >>> S2 - S1 59.16999297436473 References ---------- .. [1] Zabransky, M., V. Ruzicka Jr, V. Majer, and Eugene S. Domalski. Heat Capacity of Liquids: Critical Review and Recommended Values. 2 Volume Set. Washington, D.C.: Amer Inst of Physics, 1996. ''' term = T - Tc logT = log(T) Tc2 = Tc*Tc Tc3 = Tc2*Tc return R*(a3*logT -a1*polylog2(T/Tc) - a2*(-logT + 0.5*log(term*term)) + T*(T*(T*a6/(3.*Tc3) + a5/(2.*Tc2)) + a4/Tc))
[docs]def Zabransky_cubic(T, a1, a2, a3, a4): r'''Calculates liquid heat capacity using the model developed in [1]_. .. math:: \frac{C}{R}=\sum_{j=0}^3 A_{j+1} \left(\frac{T}{100 \text{K}}\right)^j Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature [K] a1 : float Coefficient, [-] a2 : float Coefficient, [-] a3 : float Coefficient, [-] a4 : float Coefficient, [-] Returns ------- Cp : float Liquid heat capacity, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- Most often form used in [1]_. Analytical integrals are available for this expression. Examples -------- >>> Zabransky_cubic(298.15, 20.9634, -10.1344, 2.8253, -0.256738) 75.31465144297 References ---------- .. [1] Zabransky, M., V. Ruzicka Jr, V. Majer, and Eugene S. Domalski. Heat Capacity of Liquids: Critical Review and Recommended Values. 2 Volume Set. Washington, D.C.: Amer Inst of Physics, 1996. ''' T = T*1e-2 return R*(((a4*T + a3)*T + a2)*T + a1)
[docs]def Zabransky_cubic_integral(T, a1, a2, a3, a4): r'''Calculates the integral of liquid heat capacity using the model developed in [1]_. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature [K] a1 : float Coefficient, [-] a2 : float Coefficient, [-] a3 : float Coefficient, [-] a4 : float Coefficient, [-] Returns ------- H : float Difference in enthalpy from 0 K, [J/mol] Notes ----- The analytical integral was derived with Sympy; it is a simple polynomial. Examples -------- >>> Zabransky_cubic_integral(298.15, 20.9634, -10.1344, 2.8253, -0.256738) 31051.690370364 References ---------- .. [1] Zabransky, M., V. Ruzicka Jr, V. Majer, and Eugene S. Domalski. Heat Capacity of Liquids: Critical Review and Recommended Values. 2 Volume Set. Washington, D.C.: Amer Inst of Physics, 1996. ''' T = T*1e-2 return 100.0*R*T*(T*(T*(T*a4*0.25 + a3*(1.0/3.)) + a2*0.5) + a1)
[docs]def Zabransky_cubic_integral_over_T(T, a1, a2, a3, a4): r'''Calculates the integral of liquid heat capacity over T using the model developed in [1]_. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature [K] a1 : float Coefficient, [-] a2 : float Coefficient, [-] a3 : float Coefficient, [-] a4 : float Coefficient, [-] Returns ------- S : float Difference in entropy from 0 K, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- The analytical integral was derived with Sympy; it is a simple polynomial, plus a logarithm Examples -------- >>> Zabransky_cubic_integral_over_T(298.15, 20.9634, -10.1344, 2.8253, ... -0.256738) 24.732465342840 References ---------- .. [1] Zabransky, M., V. Ruzicka Jr, V. Majer, and Eugene S. Domalski. Heat Capacity of Liquids: Critical Review and Recommended Values. 2 Volume Set. Washington, D.C.: Amer Inst of Physics, 1996. ''' T = T*1e-2 return R*(T*(T*(T*a4/3.0 + 0.5*a3) + a2) + a1*log(T))
### Solid
[docs]def Perry_151(T, a, b, c, d): r""" Return the solid molar heat capacity of a chemical using the Perry 151 method, as described in [1]_. Parameters ---------- a,b,c,d : float Regressed coefficients. Returns ------- Cps : float Solid constant-pressure heat capacity, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- The solid heat capacity is given by: .. math:: C_n = 4.184 (a + bT + \frac{c}{T^2} + dT^2) Coefficients are listed in section 2, table 151 of [1]_. Note that the original model was in a Calorie basis, but has been translated to Joules. Examples -------- Heat capacity of solid aluminum at 300 K: >>> Perry_151(300, 4.8, 0.00322, 0., 0.) 24.124944 References ---------- .. [1] Green, Don, and Robert Perry. Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Eighth Edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007. """ T2 = T*T return (a + b*T + c/T2 + d*T2) * 4.184
[docs]def Lastovka_solid(T, similarity_variable, MW=None): r'''Calculate solid constant-pressure heat capacity with the similarity variable concept and method as shown in [1]_. .. math:: C_p = 3(A_1\alpha + A_2\alpha^2)R\left(\frac{\theta}{T}\right)^2 \frac{\exp(\theta/T)}{[\exp(\theta/T)-1]^2} + (C_1\alpha + C_2\alpha^2)T + (D_1\alpha + D_2\alpha^2)T^2 Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of solid [K] similarity_variable : float similarity variable as defined in [1]_, [mol/g] MW : float, optional Molecular weight of the pure compound or mixture average, [g/mol] Returns ------- Cps : float Solid constant-pressure heat capacity, J/mol/K if MW given; J/kg/K otherwise Notes ----- Many restrictions on its use. Trained on data with MW from 12.24 g/mol to 402.4 g/mol, C mass fractions from 61.3% to 95.2%, H mass fractions from 3.73% to 15.2%, N mass fractions from 0 to 15.4%, O mass fractions from 0 to 18.8%, and S mass fractions from 0 to 29.6%. Recommended for organic compounds with low mass fractions of hetero-atoms and especially when molar mass exceeds 200 g/mol. This model does not show and effects of phase transition but should not be used passed the triple point. Original model is in terms of J/g/K. Note that the model s for predicting mass heat capacity, not molar heat capacity like most other methods! A1 = 0.013183 A2 = 0.249381 :math:`\theta` = 151.8675 C1 = 0.026526 C2 = -0.024942 D1 = 0.000025 D2 = -0.000123 Examples -------- >>> Lastovka_solid(300, 0.2139) 1682.0637469909211 References ---------- .. [1] Laštovka, Václav, Michal Fulem, Mildred Becerra, and John M. Shaw. "A Similarity Variable for Estimating the Heat Capacity of Solid Organic Compounds: Part II. Application: Heat Capacity Calculation for Ill-Defined Organic Solids." Fluid Phase Equilibria 268, no. 1-2 (June 25, 2008): 134-41. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2008.03.018. ''' A1 = 0.013183 A2 = 0.249381 theta = 151.8675 C1 = 0.026526 C2 = -0.024942 D1 = 0.000025 D2 = -0.000123 theta_div_T = theta/T exp_term = exp(theta_div_T) a = similarity_variable Cp = a*(3.0*(A1 + A2*a)*R*(theta_div_T)*theta_div_T*exp_term/((exp_term-1.0)*(exp_term-1.0)) + (C1 + C2*a)*T + (D1 + D2*a)*T*T) return Cp*1000. if MW is None else Cp*MW
[docs]def Lastovka_solid_integral(T, similarity_variable, MW=None): r'''Integrates solid constant-pressure heat capacity with the similarity variable concept and method as shown in [1]_. uses an explicit form as derived with Sympy. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of solid [K] similarity_variable : float similarity variable as defined in [1]_, [mol/g] MW : float, optional Molecular weight of the pure compound or mixture average, [g/mol] Returns ------- H : float Difference in enthalpy from 0 K, J/mol if MW given; J/kg otherwise Notes ----- Original model is in terms of J/g/K. Note that the model is for predicting mass heat capacity, not molar heat capacity like most other methods! See Also -------- Lastovka_solid Examples -------- >>> Lastovka_solid_integral(300, 0.2139) 283246.1519409122 References ---------- .. [1] Laštovka, Václav, Michal Fulem, Mildred Becerra, and John M. Shaw. "A Similarity Variable for Estimating the Heat Capacity of Solid Organic Compounds: Part II. Application: Heat Capacity Calculation for Ill-Defined Organic Solids." Fluid Phase Equilibria 268, no. 1-2 (June 25, 2008): 134-41. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2008.03.018. ''' A1 = 0.013183 A2 = 0.249381 theta = 151.8675 C1 = 0.026526 C2 = -0.024942 D1 = 0.000025 D2 = -0.000123 a = similarity_variable T2 = T*T H = a*(T*T2*(D1 + D2*a)*(1.0/3.0) + 0.5*T2*(C1 + C2*a) + 3.0*R*theta*(A1 + A2*a)/(exp(theta/T) - 1.)) return H*1000. if MW is None else H*MW
[docs]def Lastovka_solid_integral_over_T(T, similarity_variable, MW=None): r'''Integrates over T solid constant-pressure heat capacity with the similarity variable concept and method as shown in [1]_. uses an explicit form as derived with Sympy. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of solid [K] similarity_variable : float similarity variable as defined in [1]_, [mol/g] MW : float, optional Molecular weight of the pure compound or mixture average, [g/mol] Returns ------- S : float Difference in entropy from 0 K, J/mol/K if MW given; J/kg/K otherwise Notes ----- Original model is in terms of J/g/K. Note that the model is for predicting mass heat capacity, not molar heat capacity like most other methods! See Also -------- Lastovka_solid Examples -------- >>> Lastovka_solid_integral_over_T(300, 0.2139) 1947.5537561495564 References ---------- .. [1] Laštovka, Václav, Michal Fulem, Mildred Becerra, and John M. Shaw. "A Similarity Variable for Estimating the Heat Capacity of Solid Organic Compounds: Part II. Application: Heat Capacity Calculation for Ill-Defined Organic Solids." Fluid Phase Equilibria 268, no. 1-2 (June 25, 2008): 134-41. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2008.03.018. ''' A1 = 0.013183 A2 = 0.249381 theta = 151.8675 C1 = 0.026526 C2 = -0.024942 D1 = 0.000025 D2 = -0.000123 a = similarity_variable exp_theta_T = exp(theta/T) A_term = (A1 + A2*a) S = a*(-3.0*R*A_term*log(exp_theta_T - 1.) + 0.5*T*T*(D1 + D2*a) + T*(C1 + C2*a) + 3.0*R*theta*A_term*(1/(T*exp_theta_T - T) + 1.0/T)) return S*1000. if MW is None else S*MW
[docs]def Cpg_statistical_mechanics(T, thetas, linear=False): r'''Calculates the ideal-gas heat capacity using of a molecule using its characteristic temperatures, themselves calculated from each of the frequencies of vibration of the molecule. These can be obtained from spectra or quantum mechanical calculations. .. math:: \frac{C_p^{0}}{R} = \frac{C_p^{0}}{R} \text{rotational} + \frac{C_p^{0}}{R} \text{translational} + \frac{C_p^{0}}{R} \text{vibrational} .. math:: \frac{C_p^{0}}{R} \text{rotational} = 2.5 .. math:: \frac{C_p^{0}}{R} \text{translational} = 1 \text{ if linear else } 1.5 .. math:: \frac{C_p^{0}}{R} \text{vibrational} = \sum_{i=1}^{3n_A-6+\delta} \left(\frac{\theta_i}{T}\right)^2 \left[\frac{\exp(\theta_i/T)} {\left(\exp(\theta_i/T)-1\right)^2}\right] In the above equation, :math:`delta` is 1 if the molecule is linear otherwise 0. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] thetas : list[float] Characteristic temperatures, [K] linear : bool, optional Whether the molecule is linear or not, [-] Returns ------- Cpgm : float Gas molar heat capacity at specified temperature, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- This equation implies that there is a maximum heat capacity for an ideal gas, and all diatomic or larger gases Monoatomic gases have a simple heat capacity of 2.5R, the lower limit for ideal gas heat capacity. This function does not cover that type of a gas. The specific gases that are monoatomic are helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon. At very low temperatures hydrogen behaves like a monoatomic gas as well. Examples -------- Sample calculation in [1]_ for ammonia: >>> thetas = [1360, 2330, 2330, 4800, 4880, 4880] >>> Cpg_statistical_mechanics(300.0, thetas) 35.55983440173097 References ---------- .. [1] Green, Don, and Robert Perry. Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Eighth Edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007. ''' # delta == 1 for linear molecules, 0 for nonlinear # linear molecules have 1 R # nonlinear have 1.5 R # # 2.5 is always a fixed translational heat capacity Cp_R = 2.5 + (1.0 if linear else 1.5) tmp = 0.0 # The limit for this term as T approaches 0 is zero # The limit for this term as T approaches infinity is 1 per term! if T > 0.0: for j in range(len(thetas)): t = thetas[j] r = t/T if r > 120.0: # The term is too small, nothing to add, no need to compute and a computational error will occur continue exponential = exp(r) if exponential == 1.0: tmp += 1.0 else: den = expm1(r) val = r*r*(exponential/(den*den)) if val > 1.0: val = 1.0 tmp += val Cp_R += tmp return Cp_R*R
[docs]def Cpg_statistical_mechanics_integral(T, thetas, linear=False): r'''Calculates the integral of ideal-gas heat capacity using of a molecule using its characteristic temperatures. .. math:: \int {C_p^{0}} = 2.5RT + RT \text{ if linear else } 1.5RT + \int C_p^{0}\text{vibrational} .. math:: \int {C_p^{0}} \text{vibrational} = R\sum_{i=1}^{3n_A-6+\delta} \frac{\theta_i}{\exp(\theta_i/T)-1} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] thetas : list[float] Characteristic temperatures, [K] linear : bool, optional Whether the molecule is linear or not, [-] Returns ------- H : float Integrated gas molar heat capacity at specified temperature, [J/mol] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> thetas = [1360, 2330, 2330, 4800, 4880, 4880] >>> Cpg_statistical_mechanics_integral(300.0, thetas) 10116.6053294 ''' H_R = (2.5 + (1.0 if linear else 1.5))*T if T > 0.0: for j in range(len(thetas)): t = thetas[j] r = t/T if r < 120.0: # The term can be too small, nothing to add, no need to compute and a computational error will occur # Also important to use expm1 for accuracy at higher temperatures # At high temperatures the contribution to enthalpy is R*T H_R += t/expm1(r) return H_R*R
[docs]def Cpg_statistical_mechanics_integral_over_T(T, thetas, linear=False): r'''Calculates the integral over T of ideal-gas heat capacity using of a molecule using its characteristic temperatures. .. math:: \int \frac{C_p^{0}}{T} = 2.5R\log(T) + 1R\log(T) \text{ if linear else } 1.5R\log(T) + \int \frac{C_p^{0}}{T}\text{vibrational} .. math:: \int \frac{C_p^{0}}{T} \text{vibrational} = \sum_{i=1}^{3n_A-6+\delta} \frac{\theta_i}{T\exp(\theta_i/T)-T} - \log(\exp(\theta_i/T)-1) + \theta_i/T Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] thetas : list[float] Characteristic temperatures, [K] linear : bool, optional Whether the molecule is linear or not, [-] Returns ------- S : float Entropy integral of gas molar heat capacity at specified temperature, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> thetas = [1360, 2330, 2330, 4800, 4880, 4880] >>> Cpg_statistical_mechanics_integral_over_T(300.0, thetas) 190.25658088 ''' S_R = (2.5 + (1.0 if linear else 1.5))*log(T) for j in range(len(thetas)): t = thetas[j] r = t/T if r < 36.87869878248: # The term is always zero above 37 ish, polished to find exactly where the transition happens # but it could technically be libm dependent, but should be good! factor = expm1(r) S_R += r/factor - log(factor) + r return S_R*R
[docs]def vibration_frequency_cm_to_characteristic_temperature(frequency, scale=1.0): r'''Convert a vibrational frequency in units of 1/cm to a characteristic temperature for use in calculating heat capacity. .. math:: \theta = \frac{100\cdot h\cdot c\cdot \text{scale}}{k} Parameters ---------- frequency : float Vibrational frequency, [1/cm] scale : float, optional A scale factor used to adjust the frequency for differences in experimental vs. calculated values, [-] Returns ------- theta : float Characteristic temperature [K] Notes ----- In the equation, `k` is Boltzmann's constant, `c` is the speed of light, and `h` is the Planck constant. A scale factor for the MP2/6-31G** method recommended by NIST is 0.9365. Using this scale factor will not improve results in all cases however. Examples -------- >>> vibration_frequency_cm_to_characteristic_temperature(667) 959.6641613636505 ''' frequency *= 100.0*scale # convert to 1/m hz = frequency*c return h*hz/k