"""Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <Caleb.Andrew.Bell@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2020 Yoel Rene Cortes-Pena <yoelcortes@gmail.com>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
This module contains a series of functions for modeling combustion reactions.
For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <https://github.com/CalebBell/chemicals/>`_.
.. contents:: :local:
Combustion Stoichiometry
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.combustion_stoichiometry
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.combustion_products_mixture
Heat of Combustion
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.HHV_stoichiometry
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.HHV_modified_Dulong
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.LHV_from_HHV
Heat of Combustion and Stiochiometry
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.combustion_data
.. autoclass:: chemicals.combustion.CombustionData
Basic Combustion Spec Solvers
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.fuel_air_spec_solver
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.combustion_spec_solver
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.air_fuel_ratio_solver
Engine Combustion
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.Perez_Boehman_RON_from_ignition_delay
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.Perez_Boehman_MON_from_ignition_delay
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.octane_sensitivity
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.AKI
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.IDT_to_DCN
Lookup Functions
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.RON
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.RON_methods
.. autodata:: chemicals.combustion.RON_all_methods
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.MON
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.MON_methods
.. autodata:: chemicals.combustion.MON_all_methods
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.ignition_delay
.. autofunction:: chemicals.combustion.ignition_delay_methods
.. autodata:: chemicals.combustion.ignition_delay_all_methods
from fluids.numerics import normalize
from chemicals import data_reader as dr
from chemicals.data_reader import (
from chemicals.elements import mass_fractions, molecular_weight, simple_formula_parser
from chemicals.utils import PY37, can_load_data, mark_numba_incompatible, os_path_join, property_mass_to_molar, property_molar_to_mass, source_path
__all__ = ('combustion_stoichiometry',
'RON', 'RON_methods',
'MON', 'MON_methods',
'ignition_delay_all_methods', 'ignition_delay_methods',
# Register data sources and lazy load them
folder = os_path_join(source_path, 'Misc')
register_df_source(folder, 'Florian_Liming_RON_experimental.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'Florian_Liming_MON_experimental.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'Florian_Liming_RON_MON_ANN.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'Travis_Kessler_Combustdb_RON.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'Travis_Kessler_Combustdb_MON.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'Travis_Kessler_Combustdb_predictions.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'Dahmen_Marquardt_ignition_delay_IQT.tsv')
_combustion_data_loaded = False
def _load_combustion_data():
global _combustion_data_loaded, florian_liming_ron_experimental, RON_sources, combustdb_ron, combustdb_predictions
global florian_liming_ron_mon_ann, florian_liming_mon_experimental, MON_sources, dahmen_marquardt_iqt
global ignition_delay_sources
florian_liming_ron_experimental = data_source('Florian_Liming_RON_experimental.tsv')
florian_liming_mon_experimental = data_source('Florian_Liming_MON_experimental.tsv')
florian_liming_ron_mon_ann = data_source('Florian_Liming_RON_MON_ANN.tsv')
combustdb_ron = data_source('Travis_Kessler_Combustdb_RON.tsv')
combustdb_mon = data_source('Travis_Kessler_Combustdb_MON.tsv')
combustdb_predictions = data_source('Travis_Kessler_Combustdb_predictions.tsv')
dahmen_marquardt_iqt = data_source('Dahmen_Marquardt_ignition_delay_IQT.tsv')
RON_sources = {
FLORIAN_LIMING: florian_liming_ron_experimental,
COMBUSTDB: combustdb_ron,
COMBUSTDB_PREDICTIONS: combustdb_predictions,
FLORIAN_LIMING_ANN: florian_liming_ron_mon_ann,
MON_sources = {
FLORIAN_LIMING: florian_liming_mon_experimental,
COMBUSTDB: combustdb_mon,
COMBUSTDB_PREDICTIONS: combustdb_predictions,
FLORIAN_LIMING_ANN: florian_liming_ron_mon_ann,
ignition_delay_sources = {
DAHMEN_MARQUARDT: dahmen_marquardt_iqt,
if PY37:
def __getattr__(name):
if name in ('florian_liming_ron_experimental',
return globals()[name]
raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}")
if can_load_data:
"""Tuple of method name keys. See the `RON` for the actual references"""
def RON_methods(CASRN):
"""Return all methods available to obtain the research octane number (RON)
for the desired chemical.
CASRN : str
CASRN, [-]
methods : list[str]
Methods which can be used to obtain the RON with the given
See Also
if not _combustion_data_loaded: _load_combustion_data()
return list_available_methods_from_df_dict(RON_sources, CASRN, 'RON')
def RON(CASRN, method=None):
r'''This function handles the retrieval of a chemical's research octane
number (RON). Lookup is based on CASRNs. Will automatically select a data source
to use if no method is provided; returns None if the data is not available.
Function has data for approximately 1400 chemicals.
CASRN : str
RON : float
Research octane number, [-]
Other Parameters
method : string, optional
A string for the method name to use, as defined by constants in
The available sources are as follows:
* 'FLORIAN_LIMING', the experimental values compiled in [1]_.
* 'FLORIAN_LIMING_ANN', a set of predicted values using a QSPR-ANN model
developed in the author's earlier publication [3]_, from 260 comonents.
* 'COMBUSTDB', a compilation of values from various sources [2]_.
* 'COMBUSTDB_PREDICTIONS', a set of predicted values developed by the
author of CombustDB (Travis Kessler) using the tool [4]_.
>>> RON(CASRN='64-17-5')
.. [1] Lehn, Florian vom, Liming Cai, Rupali Tripathi, Rafal Broda, and
Heinz Pitsch. "A Property Database of Fuel Compounds with Emphasis on
Spark-Ignition Engine Applications." Applications in Energy and
Combustion Science 5 (March 1, 2021): 100018.
.. [2] Kessler, Travis. CombustDB. Python. 2019. UMass Lowell Energy and
Combustion Research Laboratory, 2021. https://github.com/ecrl/combustdb.
.. [3] Lehn, Florian vom, Benedict Brosius, Rafal Broda, Liming Cai, and
Heinz Pitsch. "Using Machine Learning with Target-Specific Feature Sets
for Structure-Property Relationship Modeling of Octane Numbers and
Octane Sensitivity." Fuel 281 (December 1, 2020): 118772.
.. [4] Kessler, Travis, and John Hunter Mack. "ECNet: Large Scale Machine
Learning Projects for Fuel Property Prediction." Journal of Open Source
Software 2, no. 17 (2017): 401.
if dr.USE_CONSTANTS_DATABASE and method is None:
val, found = database_constant_lookup(CASRN, 'RON')
if found: return val
if not _combustion_data_loaded: _load_combustion_data()
if method:
value = retrieve_from_df_dict(RON_sources, CASRN, 'RON', method)
value = retrieve_any_from_df_dict(RON_sources, CASRN, 'RON')
return value
"""Tuple of method name keys. See the `MON` for the actual references"""
def MON_methods(CASRN):
"""Return all methods available to obtain the motor octane number (MON)
for the desired chemical.
CASRN : str
CASRN, [-]
methods : list[str]
Methods which can be used to obtain the MON with the given
See Also
if not _combustion_data_loaded: _load_combustion_data()
return list_available_methods_from_df_dict(MON_sources, CASRN, 'MON')
def MON(CASRN, method=None):
r'''This function handles the retrieval of a chemical's motor octane
number (MON). Lookup is based on CASRNs. Will automatically select a data source
to use if no method is provided; returns None if the data is not available.
Function has data for approximately 1400 chemicals.
CASRN : str
MON : float
Research octane number, [-]
Other Parameters
method : string, optional
A string for the method name to use, as defined by constants in
The available sources are as follows:
* 'FLORIAN_LIMING', the experimental values compiled in [1]_.
* 'FLORIAN_LIMING_ANN', a set of predicted values using a QSPR-ANN model
developed in the author's earlier publication [3]_, from 260 comonents.
* 'COMBUSTDB', a compilation of values from various sources [2]_.
* 'COMBUSTDB_PREDICTIONS', a set of predicted values developed by the
author of CombustDB (Travis Kessler) using the tool [4]_.
>>> MON(CASRN='64-17-5')
.. [1] Lehn, Florian vom, Liming Cai, Rupali Tripathi, Rafal Broda, and
Heinz Pitsch. "A Property Database of Fuel Compounds with Emphasis on
Spark-Ignition Engine Applications." Applications in Energy and
Combustion Science 5 (March 1, 2021): 100018.
.. [2] Kessler, Travis. CombustDB. Python. 2019. UMass Lowell Energy and
Combustion Research Laboratory, 2021. https://github.com/ecrl/combustdb.
.. [3] Lehn, Florian vom, Benedict Brosius, Rafal Broda, Liming Cai, and
Heinz Pitsch. "Using Machine Learning with Target-Specific Feature Sets
for Structure-Property Relationship Modeling of Octane Numbers and
Octane Sensitivity." Fuel 281 (December 1, 2020): 118772.
.. [4] Kessler, Travis, and John Hunter Mack. "ECNet: Large Scale Machine
Learning Projects for Fuel Property Prediction." Journal of Open Source
Software 2, no. 17 (2017): 401.
if dr.USE_CONSTANTS_DATABASE and method is None:
val, found = database_constant_lookup(CASRN, 'MON')
if found: return val
if not _combustion_data_loaded: _load_combustion_data()
if method:
value = retrieve_from_df_dict(MON_sources, CASRN, 'MON', method)
value = retrieve_any_from_df_dict(MON_sources, CASRN, 'MON')
return value
ignition_delay_all_methods = (DAHMEN_MARQUARDT,)
"""Tuple of method name keys. See the `ignition_delay` for the actual references"""
def ignition_delay_methods(CASRN):
"""Return all methods available to obtain the ignition delay time (IDT)
for the desired chemical.
CASRN : str
CASRN, [-]
methods : list[str]
Methods which can be used to obtain the IDT with the given
See Also
val, found = database_constant_lookup(CASRN, 'IGNITION_DELAY')
if found: return val
if not _combustion_data_loaded: _load_combustion_data()
return list_available_methods_from_df_dict(ignition_delay_sources, CASRN, 'IGNITION_DELAY')
def ignition_delay(CASRN, method=None):
r'''This function handles the retrieval of a chemical's ignition delay time (IDT).
Lookup is based on CASRNs. Will automatically select a data source
to use if no method is provided; returns None if the data is not available.
Function has data for approximately 60 chemicals.
CASRN : str
ignition_delay : float
Ignition delay time, [s]
Other Parameters
method : string, optional
A string for the method name to use, as defined by constants in
The available sources are as follows:
* 'DAHMEN_MARQUARDT', the experimental values compiled in [1]_;
all timings come from the IQT tester device
Note that different measurement devices can give different results.
>>> ignition_delay(CASRN='110-54-3')
.. [1] Dahmen, Manuel, and Wolfgang Marquardt. "A Novel Group Contribution Method
for the Prediction of the Derived Cetane Number of Oxygenated Hydrocarbons."
Energy & Fuels 29, no. 9 (September 17, 2015): 5781-5801.
if not _combustion_data_loaded: _load_combustion_data()
if method:
value = retrieve_from_df_dict(ignition_delay_sources, CASRN, 'IGNITION_DELAY', method)
value = retrieve_any_from_df_dict(ignition_delay_sources, CASRN, 'IGNITION_DELAY')
return value
[docs]def AKI(RON, MON):
r'''This function calculates the anti knock index (AKI) of a fuel, also
known as (R+M)/2 and by DON [1]_.
.. math::
\text{AKI} = 0.5\text{RON} + 0.5\text{MON}
RON : float
Research octane number, [-]
MON : float
Motor octane number, [-]
AKI : float
Average of RON and MON, [-]
This is the number displayed at the gas pumps in North America; in Europe
and Asia the RON is displayed.
>>> AKI(RON=90, MON=74)
.. [1] McKinsey. "Octane." Accessed April 18, 2022.
return 0.5*(RON + MON)
[docs]def octane_sensitivity(RON, MON):
r'''This function calculates the octane sensitivity of a fuel [1]_.
.. math::
\text{OS} = \text{RON} - \text{MON}
RON : float
Research octane number, [-]
MON : float
Motor octane number, [-]
OS : float
Octane sensitivity, [-]
>>> octane_sensitivity(RON=90, MON=74)
.. [1] Lehn, Florian vom, Liming Cai, Rupali Tripathi, Rafal Broda, and
Heinz Pitsch. "A Property Database of Fuel Compounds with Emphasis on
Spark-Ignition Engine Applications." Applications in Energy and
Combustion Science 5 (March 1, 2021): 100018.
return RON - MON
[docs]def Perez_Boehman_RON_from_ignition_delay(ignition_delay):
r'''Esimates the research octane number (RON) from a known
ignition delay, as shown in [1]_.
.. math::
\text{RON} = 120.77 - \frac{425.48}{\tau_{ID}}
In the above equation, ignition delay is in ms.
ignition_delay : float
The ignition delay, [s]
RON : float
Research Octane Number [-]
The correlation was developed using 20 components, for a range of
approximately 3.6 ms to 67 ms.
>>> Perez_Boehman_RON_from_ignition_delay(1/150)
.. [1] Perez, Peter L., and André L. Boehman. "Experimental
Investigation of the Autoignition Behavior of Surrogate Gasoline
Fuels in a Constant-Volume Combustion Bomb Apparatus and Its
Relevance to HCCI Combustion." Energy & Fuels 26, no. 10
(October 18, 2012): 6106-17. https://doi.org/10.1021/ef300503b.
ignition_delay *= 1e3 # convert from seconds to ms
return 120.77 - 425.48/ignition_delay
[docs]def Perez_Boehman_MON_from_ignition_delay(ignition_delay):
r'''Esimates the motor octane number (MON) from a known
ignition delay, as shown in [1]_.
.. math::
\text{MON} = 109.93 - \frac{374.73}{\tau_{ID}}
In the above equation, ignition delay is in ms.
ignition_delay : float
The ignition delay, [s]
MON : float
Motor Octane Number [-]
The correlation was developed using 20 components, for a range of
approximately 3.6 ms to 67 ms.
>>> Perez_Boehman_MON_from_ignition_delay(1/150)
.. [1] Perez, Peter L., and André L. Boehman. "Experimental
Investigation of the Autoignition Behavior of Surrogate Gasoline
Fuels in a Constant-Volume Combustion Bomb Apparatus and Its
Relevance to HCCI Combustion." Energy & Fuels 26, no. 10
(October 18, 2012): 6106-17. https://doi.org/10.1021/ef300503b.
ignition_delay *= 1e3 # convert from seconds to ms
return 109.93 - 374.73/ignition_delay
[docs]def IDT_to_DCN(IDT):
r'''This function converts the ignition delay
time [1]_ into a derived cetane number.
If the ignition delay time is between 3.1 and 6.5 ms:
.. math::
\text{DCN} = 4.46 + \frac{186.6}{\text{IDT}}
.. math::
\text{DCN} = \left(83.99(\text{IDT} - 1.512)^{-0.658} \right) + 3.547
IDT : float
Ignition delay time, [s]
DCN : float
Derived cetane number, [-]
This conversion is described in D6890-168.
>>> IDT_to_DCN(4e-3)
.. [1] Al Ibrahim, Emad, and Aamir Farooq. "Prediction of the Derived
Cetane Number and Carbon/Hydrogen Ratio from Infrared Spectroscopic
Data." Energy & Fuels 35, no. 9 (May 6, 2021): 8141-52.
.. [2] Dahmen, Manuel, and Wolfgang Marquardt. "A Novel Group Contribution
Method for the Prediction of the Derived Cetane Number of Oxygenated
Hydrocarbons." Energy & Fuels 29, no. 9 (September 17, 2015): 5781-5801.
IDT *= 1000.0
if 3.1 < IDT < 6.5:
return 4.46 + (186.6/IDT)
return (83.99*(IDT-1.512)**-0.658) + 3.547
def as_atoms(formula):
if isinstance(formula, str):
atoms = simple_formula_parser(formula)
elif isinstance(formula, dict):
atoms = formula
raise ValueError("atoms must be either a string or dictionary, "
f"not a {type(formula).__name__} object")
return atoms
DULONG = 'Dulong'
STOICHIOMETRY = 'Stoichiometry'
combustible_elements = ('C', 'H', 'N', 'O', 'S', 'Br', 'I', 'Cl', 'F', 'P')
combustible_elements_set = frozenset(combustible_elements)
Hf_combustion_chemicals = {
'H2O': -285825.0,
'CO2': -393474.0,
'SO2': -296800.0,
'Br2': 30880.0,
'I2': 62417.0,
'HCl': -92173.0,
'HF': -272711.0,
'P4O10': -3009940.0,
'O2': 0.0,
'N2': 0.0,
'Ar': 0.0,
'Ne': 0.0,
'Kr': 0.0,
'Xe': 0.0,
'He': 0.0,
"Ash": 0.0,
incombustible_materials = {
'7440-37-1': 'Ar',
'7440-59-7': 'He',
'7782-44-7': 'O2',
'7440-01-9': 'Ne',
'7439-90-9': 'Kr',
'7440-63-3': 'Xe',
'7727-37-9': 'N2',
'124-38-9': 'CO2',
'1314-13-2': 'ZnO2',
'7732-18-5': 'water',
'7789-20-0': 'water(D2)',
'13463-67-7': 'TiO2',
'14762-55-1': 'He3',
'7782-50-5': 'Cl',
'7446-09-5': 'SO2',
'7726-95-6': 'Br'}
combustion_products_to_CASs = {
'Br2': '7726-95-6',
'CO2': '124-38-9',
'H2O': '7732-18-5',
'HCl': '7647-01-0',
'HF': '7664-39-3',
'I2': '7553-56-2',
'N2': '7727-37-9',
'O2': '7782-44-7',
'Ar': '7440-37-1',
'He': '7440-59-7',
'P4O10': '16752-60-6',
'SO2': '7446-09-5'}
unreactive_CASs = {
'124-38-9': 'CO2',
'16752-60-6': 'P4O10',
'7446-09-5': 'SO2',
'7553-56-2': 'I2',
'7647-01-0': 'HCl',
'7664-39-3': 'HF',
'7726-95-6': 'Br2',
'7727-37-9': 'N2',
'7732-18-5': 'H2O',
'7440-37-1': 'Ar',
'7440-59-7': 'He'}
O2_CAS = '7782-44-7'
H2O_CAS = '7732-18-5'
def combustion_stoichiometry(atoms, MW=None, missing_handling='elemental'):
r"""Return a dictionary of stoichiometric coefficients of chemical
combustion, given a dictionary of a molecule's constituent atoms and their
This function is based on the combustion of hydrocarbons; the products for
some inorganics can be hard to predict, and no special handling is included
here for them. This reaction is the standard one at standard pressure with
an excess of oxygen; it does not account for partial combustion or nitrous
atoms : dict[str, int]
Dictionary of atoms and their counts, [-]
MW : float, optional
Molecular weight of chemical, used only if `missing_handling` is 'Ash',
missing_handling : str, optional
How to handle compounds which do not appear in the stoichiometric
reaction below. If 'elemental', return those atoms in the monatomic
state; if 'ash', converts all missing attoms to 'Ash' in the output at
a `MW` of 1 g/mol, [-]
stoichiometry : dict[str, float]
Stoichiometric coefficients of combustion. May inlcude the following
keys for complete combustion: 'H2O', 'CO2', 'SO2', 'Br2', 'I2', 'HCl',
'HF' 'P4O10'; if `missing_handling` is 'elemental' can include the
other elements; if `missing_handling` is 'ash', Ash will be present in
the output if the compounds whose reactions are not included here.
'O2' is always present, with negative values indicating oxygen is
required. [-]
The stoichiometry is given by:
.. math::
C_c H_h O_o N_n S_s Br_b I_i Cl_x F_f P_p + kO_2 -> cCO_2 + \frac{b}{2}Br_2 + \frac{i}{2}I + xHCl + fHF + sSO_2 + \frac{n}{2}N_2 + \frac{p}{4}P_4O_{10} +\frac{h + x + f}{2}H_2O
.. math::
k = c + s + \frac{h}{4} + \frac{5P}{4} - \frac{x + f}{4} - \frac{o}{2}
Also included in the results is the moles of O2 required per mole of
the mixture of the molecule.
HF and HCl are gaseous products in their standard state. P4O10 is a solid
in its standard state. Bromine is a liquid as is iodine. Water depends on
the chosen definition of heating value. The other products are gases.
Atoms not in ['C', 'H', 'N', 'O', 'S', 'Br', 'I', 'Cl', 'F', 'P'] are
returned as pure species; i.e. sodium hydroxide produces water and pure
Methane gas burning:
>>> combustion_stoichiometry({'C': 1, 'H':4})
{'CO2': 1, 'O2': -2.0, 'H2O': 2.0}
products = {}
nC, nH, nN, nO, nS, nBr, nI, nCl, nF, nP = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
if 'C' in atoms:
products['CO2'] = nC = atoms['C']
if 'H' in atoms:
nH = atoms['H']
if 'N' in atoms:
nN = atoms['N']
if 'O' in atoms:
nO = atoms['O']
if 'S' in atoms:
nS = atoms['S']
if 'Br' in atoms:
nBr = atoms['Br']
if 'I' in atoms:
nI = atoms['I']
if 'Cl' in atoms:
nCl = atoms['Cl']
if 'F' in atoms:
nF = atoms['F']
if 'P' in atoms:
nP = atoms['P']
nO2 = -(nC + nS + .25*nH + 1.25*nP - .25*(nCl + nF) - .5*nO)
nCO2 = nC
nBr2 = .5*nBr
nI2 = .5*nI
nHCl = nCl
nHF = nF
nSO2 = nS
nN2 = .5*nN
nP4O10 = .25*nP
nH2O = 0.5*(nH - nCl - nF)
if nO2 != 0.0:
products['O2'] = nO2
if nCO2 != 0.0:
products['CO2'] = nCO2
if nBr2 != 0.0:
products['Br2'] = nBr2
if nI2 != 0.0:
products['I2'] = nI2
if nCl != 0.0:
products['HCl'] = nHCl
if nHF != 0.0:
products['HF'] = nHF
if nSO2 != 0.0:
products['SO2'] = nSO2
if nN2 != 0.0:
products['N2'] = nN2
if nP4O10 != 0.0:
products['P4O10'] = nP4O10
if nH2O != 0.0:
products['H2O'] = nH2O
missing_handling = missing_handling.lower()
if missing_handling == 'elemental':
for atom, value in atoms.items():
if atom not in combustible_elements_set:
products[atom] = value
elif missing_handling == 'ash':
combustion_atoms = {i: atoms.get(i, 0) for i in combustible_elements}
MW = MW or molecular_weight(atoms)
Ash = MW - molecular_weight(combustion_atoms)
if Ash/MW > 0.0001:
products['Ash'] = Ash
raise ValueError("Allowed values for `missing_handling` are 'elemental' and 'ash'.")
return products
def combustion_products_mixture(atoms_list, zs, reactivities=None, CASs=None,
"""Calculates the combustion products of a mixture of molecules and their,
mole fractions; requires a list of dictionaries of each molecule's
constituent atoms and their counts. Products for non-hydrocarbons may not be
correct, but are still calculated.
atoms_list : list[dict]
List of dictionaries of atoms and their counts, [-]
zs : list[float]
Mole fractions of each molecule in the mixture, [-]
reactivities : list[bool]
Indicators as to whether to combust each molecule, [-]
CASs : list[str]
CAS numbers of all compounds; non-reacted products will appear
in the products indexed by their CAS number, [-]
missing_handling : str, optional
How to handle compounds which do not appear in the stoichiometric
reaction below. If 'elemental', return those atoms in the monatomic
state; if 'Ash', converts all missing attoms to 'Ash' in the output at
a `MW` of 1 g/mol, [-]
combustion_stoichiometries : list[dict[str, float]]
List of return values from `combustion_stoichiometry`, can be
provided if precomputed [-]
combustion_producucts : dict
Dictionary of combustion products and their counts, [-]
Also included in the results is the moles of O2 required per mole of
the mixture to be burnt.
Note that if O2 is in the feed, this will be subtracted from the required
O2 amount.
HF and HCl are gaseous products in their standard state. P4O10 is a solid
in its standard state. Bromine is a liquid as is iodine. Water depends on
the chosen definition of heating value. The other products are gases.
Note that if instead of mole fractions, mole flows are given - the results
are in terms of mole flows as well!
Mixture of methane and ethane.
>>> combustion_products_mixture([{'H': 4, 'C': 1}, {'H': 6, 'C': 2}, {'Ar': 1}, {'C': 15, 'H': 32}],
... [.9, .05, .04, .01], reactivities=[True, True, True, False],
... CASs=['74-82-8', '74-84-0', '7440-37-1', '629-62-9'])
{'CO2': 1.0, 'O2': -1.975, 'H2O': 1.9500000000000002, 'Ar': 0.04, '629-62-9': 0.01}
# Attempted to use a .copy() on a base dict but that was slower
products = {}
has_reactivities = reactivities is not None
missing_combustion_stoichiometries = not combustion_stoichiometries
for i, (atoms, zs_i) in enumerate(zip(atoms_list, zs)):
if has_reactivities and not reactivities[i]:
products[CASs[i]] = zs_i
ans = (combustion_stoichiometry(atoms, missing_handling=missing_handling)
if missing_combustion_stoichiometries else combustion_stoichiometries[i])
for key, val in ans.items():
if key in products:
delta = val*zs_i
if delta != 0.0 and (abs((delta + products[key])/delta) < 4e-15):
products[key] = 0.0
products[key] += delta
products[key] = val*zs_i
return products
def combustion_products_to_list(products, CASs):
zs = [0.0 for i in CASs]
for product, zi in products.items():
if product == 'O2_required':
product = 'O2'
zi = -zi
if product in CASs:
zs[CASs.index(product)] = zi
elif combustion_products_to_CASs[product] in CASs:
zs[CASs.index(combustion_products_to_CASs[product])] = zi
if abs(zi) > 0:
raise ValueError("Combustion product not in package")
return zs
def is_combustible(CAS, atoms, reactive=True):
if not reactive:
return False
if CAS in unreactive_CASs:
return False
elif 'C' in atoms and atoms['C'] > 0.0:
return True
return bool('H' in atoms and atoms['H'] > 0.0)
def HHV_stoichiometry(stoichiometry, Hf, Hf_chemicals=None):
Return the higher heating value [HHV; in J/mol] based on the
theoretical combustion stoichiometry and the heat of formation of
the chemical.
stoichiometry : dict[str, float]
Stoichiometric coefficients of combustion. May inlcude the following
keys: 'H2O', 'CO2', 'SO2', 'Br2', 'I2', 'HCl', 'HF' and 'P4O10'.
Hf : float
Heat of formation [J/mol].
Hf_chemicals : dict[str, float]
Heat of formation of chemicals present in stoichiometry, [J/mol]
HHV : float
Higher heating value [J/mol].
The combustion reaction is based on the following equation:
.. math::
C_c H_h O_o N_n S_s Br_b I_i Cl_x F_f P_p + kO_2 -> cCO_2 + \frac{b}{2}Br_2 + \frac{i}{2}I + xHCl + fHF + sSO_2 + \frac{n}{2}N_2 + \frac{p}{4}P_4O_{10} +\frac{h + x + f}{2}H_2O
.. math::
k = c + s + \frac{h}{4} + \frac{5P}{4} - \frac{x + f}{4} - \frac{o}{2}
The HHV is calculated as the heat of reaction.
Burning methane gas:
>>> HHV_stoichiometry({'O2': -2.0, 'CO2': 1, 'H2O': 2.0}, -74520.0)
Hfs = Hf_chemicals or Hf_combustion_chemicals
return sum([Hfs[i] * j for i, j in stoichiometry.items()]) - Hf
def HHV_modified_Dulong(mass_fractions):
Return higher heating value [HHV; in J/g] based on the modified
Dulong's equation [1]_.
mass_fractions : dict[str, float]
Dictionary of atomic mass fractions [-].
HHV : float
Higher heating value [J/mol].
The heat of combustion in J/mol is given by Dulong's equation [1]_:
.. math::
Hc (J/mol) = MW \cdot (338C + 1428(H - O/8)+ 95S)
This equation is only good for <10 wt. % Oxygen content. Variables C, H, O,
and S are atom weight fractions.
Dry bituminous coal:
>>> HHV_modified_Dulong({'C': 0.716, 'H': 0.054, 'S': 0.016, 'N': 0.016, 'O': 0.093, 'Ash': 0.105})
.. [1] Green, D. W. Waste management. In Perry`s Chemical Engineers` Handbook,
9 ed.; McGraw-Hill Education, 2018
C = mass_fractions.get('C', 0.)
H = mass_fractions.get('H', 0.)
O = mass_fractions.get('O', 0.)
S = mass_fractions.get('S', 0.)
if O > 0.105:
raise ValueError("Dulong's formula is only valid at 10 wt. % Oxygen "
f"or less ({O} given)")
return - (338.*C + 1428.*(H - O/8.)+ 95.*S)
[docs]def LHV_from_HHV(HHV, N_H2O):
Return the lower heating value [LHV; in J/mol] of a chemical given
the higher heating value [HHV; in J/mol] and the number of water
molecules formed per molecule burned.
HHV : float
Higher heating value [J/mol].
N_H2O : int
Number of water molecules produced [-].
LHV : float
Lower heating value [J/mol].
The LHV is calculated as follows:
.. math::
LHV = HHV + H_{vap} \cdot H_2O
.. math::
H_{vap} = 44011.496 \frac{J}{mol H_2O}
.. math::
H_2O = \frac{mol H_2O}{mol}
Methanol lower heat of combustion:
>>> LHV_from_HHV(-726024.0, 2)
return HHV + 44011.496 * N_H2O
def combustion_data(formula=None, stoichiometry=None, Hf=None, MW=None,
method=None, missing_handling='ash'):
Return a CombustionData object (a named tuple) that contains the stoichiometry
coefficients of the reactants and products, the lower and higher
heating values [LHV, HHV; in J/mol], the heat of formation [Hf; in J/mol],
and the molecular weight [MW; in g/mol].
formula : str, or dict[str, float], optional
Chemical formula as a string or a dictionary of atoms and their counts.
stoichiometry : dict[str, float], optional
Stoichiometry of combustion reaction.
Hf : float, optional
Heat of formation of given chemical [J/mol].
Required if method is "Stoichiometry".
MW : float, optional
Molecular weight of chemical [g/mol].
method : "Stoichiometry" or "Dulong", optional
Method to estimate LHV and HHV.
missing_handling : str, optional
How to handle compounds which do not appear in the stoichiometric
reaction below. If 'elemental', return those atoms in the monatomic
state; if 'Ash', converts all missing attoms to 'Ash' in the output at
a `MW` of 1 g/mol, [-]
combustion_data : :class:`~chemicals.combustion.CombustionData`
A combustion data object with the stoichiometric coefficients of
combustion, higher heating value, heat of formation, and molecular
weight as attributes named stoichiomery, HHV, Hf, and MW, respectively.
The combustion reaction is based on the following equation:
.. math::
C_c H_h O_o N_n S_s Br_b I_i Cl_x F_f P_p + kO_2 -> cCO_2 + \frac{b}{2}Br_2 + \frac{i}{2}I + xHCl + fHF + sSO_2 + \frac{n}{2}N_2 + \frac{p}{4}P_4O_{10} +\frac{h + x + f}{2}H_2O
.. math::
k = c + s + \frac{h}{4} + \frac{5P}{4} - \frac{x + f}{4} - \frac{o}{2}
If the method is "Stoichiometry", the HHV is found using
through an energy balance on the reaction (i.e. heat of reaction).
If the method is "Dulong", Dulong's equation is used [1]_:
.. math::
Hc (J/mol) = MW \cdot (338C + 1428(H - O/8)+ 95S)
The LHV is calculated as follows:
.. math::
LHV = HHV + H_{vap} \cdot H_2O
.. math::
H_{vap} = 44011.496 \frac{J}{mol H_2O}
.. math::
H_2O = \frac{mol H_2O}{mol}
Liquid methanol burning:
>>> combustion_data({'H': 4, 'C': 1, 'O': 1}, Hf=-239100)
CombustionData(stoichiometry={'CO2': 1, 'O2': -1.5, 'H2O': 2.0}, HHV=-726024.0, Hf=-239100, MW=32.04186)
.. [1] Green, D. W. Waste management. In Perry`s Chemical Engineers` Handbook,
9 ed.; McGraw-Hill Education, 2018
if formula:
if stoichiometry:
raise ValueError("must specify either `formula` or `stoichiometry`, not both")
atoms = as_atoms(formula)
if not stoichiometry:
stoichiometry = combustion_stoichiometry(atoms, MW, missing_handling)
except NameError:
raise ValueError("must specify either `formula` or `stoichiometry`, none specified")
if MW is None:
MW = molecular_weight(atoms)
if method:
method = method.capitalize()
method = 'Dulong' if Hf is None else 'Stoichiometry'
if method == DULONG:
HHV = MW * HHV_modified_Dulong(mass_fractions(atoms))
if Hf: raise ValueError("cannot specify Hf if method is 'Dulong'")
Hf = HHV - HHV_stoichiometry(stoichiometry, 0)
elif method == STOICHIOMETRY:
if Hf is None: raise ValueError("must specify Hf if method is 'Stoichiometry'")
HHV = HHV_stoichiometry(stoichiometry, Hf)
raise ValueError("method must be either 'Stoichiometric' or 'Dulong', "
f"not {method}")
return CombustionData(stoichiometry, HHV, Hf, MW)
[docs]class CombustionData:
Return a CombustionData object (a named tuple) that contains the stoichiometry
coefficients of the reactants and products, the lower and higher
heating values [LHV, HHV; in J/mol], the heat of formation [Hf; in J/mol],
and the molecular weight [MW; in g/mol].
stoichiometry : dict[str, float]
Stoichiometric coefficients of the reactants and products.
HHV : float
Higher heating value [J/mol].
Hf : float
Heat of formation [J/mol].
MW : float
Molecular weight [g/mol].
def __init__(self, stoichiometry, HHV, Hf, MW):
self.stoichiometry = stoichiometry
self.HHV = HHV
self.Hf = Hf
self.MW = MW
def LHV(self):
"""Lower heating value [LHV; in J/mol]"""
return LHV_from_HHV(self.HHV, self.stoichiometry.get('H2O', 0.))
def __repr__(self):
return f'CombustionData(stoichiometry={self.stoichiometry}, HHV={self.HHV}, Hf={self.Hf}, MW={self.MW})'
[docs]def air_fuel_ratio_solver(ratio, Vm_air, Vm_fuel, MW_air, MW_fuel,
n_air=None, n_fuel=None,
"""Calculates molar flow rate of air or fuel from the other, using a
specified air-fuel ratio. Supports 'mole', 'mass', and 'volume'.
bases for the ratio variable. The ratio must be of the same units -
i.e. kg/kg instead of lb/kg.
The mole, mass, and volume air-fuel ratios are calculated in the process
and returned as well.
ratio : float
Air-fuel ratio, in the specified `basis`, [-]
Vm_air : float
Molar volume of air, [m^3/mol]
Vm_fuel : float
Molar volume of fuel, [m^3/mol]
MW_air : float
Molecular weight of air, [g/mol]
MW_fuel : float
Molecular weight of fuel, [g/mol]
n_air : float, optional
Molar flow rate of air, [mol/s]
n_fuel : float, optional
Molar flow rate of fuel, [mol/s]
basis : str, optional
One of 'mass', 'mole', or 'volume', [-]
n_air : float
Molar flow rate of air, [mol/s]
n_fuel : float
Molar flow rate of fuel, [mol/s]
mole_ratio : float
Air-fuel mole ratio, [-]
mass_ratio : float
Air-fuel mass ratio, [-]
volume_ratio : float
Air-fuel volume ratio, [-]
The function works so long as the flow rates, molar volumes, and molecular
weights are in a consistent basis.
The function may also be used to obtain the other ratios, even if both
flow rates are known.
Be careful to use standard volumes if the ratio known is at standard
This function has no provision for mixed units like mass/mole or
>>> Vm_air = 0.024936627188566596
>>> Vm_fuel = 0.024880983160354486
>>> MW_air = 28.850334
>>> MW_fuel = 17.86651
>>> n_fuel = 5.0
>>> n_air = 25.0
>>> air_fuel_ratio_solver(ratio=5.0, Vm_air=Vm_air, Vm_fuel=Vm_fuel,
... MW_air=MW_air, MW_fuel=MW_fuel, n_air=n_air,
... n_fuel=n_fuel, basis='mole')
(25.0, 5.0, 5.0, 8.073858296891782, 5.011182039683378)
if basis == 'mole':
if n_air is not None and n_fuel is None:
n_fuel = n_air/ratio
elif n_fuel is not None and n_air is None:
n_air = n_fuel*ratio
elif basis == 'mass':
if n_air is not None and n_fuel is None:
m_air = property_mass_to_molar(n_air, MW_air)
m_fuel = m_air/ratio
n_fuel = property_molar_to_mass(m_fuel, MW_fuel)
elif n_fuel is not None and n_air is None:
m_fuel = property_mass_to_molar(n_fuel, MW_fuel)
m_air = m_fuel*ratio
n_air = property_molar_to_mass(m_air, MW_air)
elif basis == 'volume':
if n_air is not None and n_fuel is None:
V_air = n_air*Vm_air
V_fuel = V_air/ratio
n_fuel = V_fuel/Vm_fuel
elif n_fuel is not None and n_air is None:
V_fuel = n_fuel*Vm_fuel
V_air = V_fuel*ratio
n_air = V_air/Vm_air
if n_air is None or n_fuel is None:
raise ValueError("Could not convert")
mole_ratio = n_air/n_fuel
mass_ratio, volume_ratio = MW_air/MW_fuel*mole_ratio, Vm_air/Vm_fuel*mole_ratio
return n_air, n_fuel, mole_ratio, mass_ratio, volume_ratio
def fuel_air_spec_solver(zs_air, zs_fuel, CASs, atomss, n_fuel=None,
n_air=None, n_out=None,
O2_excess=None, frac_out_O2=None,
frac_out_O2_dry=None, ratio=None,
Vm_air=None, Vm_fuel=None, MW_air=None, MW_fuel=None,
ratio_basis='mass', reactivities=None,
"""Solves the system of equations describing a flow of air mixing with a
flow of combustibles and burning completely. All calculated variables are
returned as a dictionary.
Supports solving with any 2 of the extensive variables, or one extensive
and one intensive variable:
Extensive variables:
* `n_air`
* `n_fuel`
* `n_out`
Intensive variables:
* `O2_excess`
* `frac_out_O2`
* `frac_out_O2_dry`
* `ratio`
The variables `Vm_air`, `Vm_fuel`, `MW_air`, and `MW_fuel` are only
required when an air-fuel ratio is given. Howver, the ratios cannot be
calculated for the other solve options without them.
zs_air : list[float]
Mole fractions of the air; most not contain any combustibles, [-]
zs_fuel : list[float]
Mole fractions of the fuel; can contain inerts and/or oxygen as well,
CASs : list[str]
CAS numbers of all compounds, [-]
atomss : list[dict[float]]
List of dictionaries of elements and their counts for all molecules in
the mixtures, [-]
n_fuel : float, optional
Flow rate of fuel, [mol/s]
n_air : float, optional
Flow rate of air, [mol/s]
n_out : float, optional
Flow rate of combustion products, remaining oxygen, and inerts, [mol/s]
O2_excess : float, optional
The excess oxygen coming out; (O2 in)/(O2 required) - 1, [-]
frac_out_O2 : float, optional
The mole fraction of oxygen out, [-]
frac_out_O2_dry : float, optional
The mole fraction of oxygen out on a dry basis, [-]
ratio : float, optional
Air-fuel ratio, in the specified `basis`, [-]
Vm_air : float, optional
Molar volume of air, [m^3/mol]
Vm_fuel : float, optional
Molar volume of fuel, [m^3/mol]
MW_air : float, optional
Molecular weight of air, [g/mol]
MW_fuel : float, optional
Molecular weight of fuel, [g/mol]
ratio_basis : str, optional
One of 'mass', 'mole', or 'volume', [-]
reactivities : list[bool], optional
Optional list which can be used to mark otherwise combustible
compounds as incombustible and which will leave unreacted, [-]
combustion_stoichiometries : list[dict[str, float]]
List of return values from `combustion_stoichiometry`, can be
provided if precomputed [-]
results : dict
* n_fuel : Flow rate of fuel, [mol/s]
* n_air : Flow rate of air, [mol/s]
* n_out : Flow rate of combustion products, remaining oxygen, and
inerts, [mol/s]
* O2_excess : The excess oxygen coming out; (O2 in)/(O2 required) - 1,
* frac_out_O2 : The mole fraction of oxygen out, [-]
* frac_out_O2_dry : The mole fraction of oxygen out on a dry basis, [-]
* mole_ratio : Air-fuel mole ratio, [-]
* mass_ratio : Air-fuel mass ratio, [-]
* volume_ratio : Air-fuel volume ratio, [-]
* ns_out : Mole flow rates out, [mol/s]
* zs_out : Mole fractions out, [-]
Combustion products themselves cannot be set as unreactive.
The function works so long as the flow rates, molar volumes, and molecular
weights are in a consistent basis.
The function may also be used to obtain the other ratios, even if both
flow rates are known.
Be careful to use standard volumes if the ratio known is at standard
>>> zs_air = [0.79, 0.205, 0, 0, 0, 0.0045, 0.0005]
>>> zs_fuel = [0.025, 0.025, 0.85, 0.07, 0.029, 0.0005, 0.0005]
>>> CASs = ['7727-37-9', '7782-44-7', '74-82-8', '74-84-0', '74-98-6', '7732-18-5', '124-38-9']
>>> atomss = [{'N': 2}, {'O': 2}, {'H': 4, 'C': 1}, {'H': 6, 'C': 2}, {'H': 8, 'C': 3}, {'H': 2, 'O': 1}, {'C': 1, 'O': 2}]
>>> ans = fuel_air_spec_solver(zs_air=zs_air, zs_fuel=zs_fuel, CASs=CASs, atomss=atomss, n_fuel=5.0, O2_excess=0.3, Vm_air=0.02493, Vm_fuel=0.02488, MW_air=28.79341351, MW_fuel=18.55158039)
>>> [round(i, 5) for i in ans['ns_out']]
[51.99524, 3.135, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.42796, 5.42033]
>>> [round(i, 5) for i in ans['zs_out']]
[0.73255, 0.04417, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.14692, 0.07637]
>>> ans['frac_out_O2'], ans['frac_out_O2_dry']
(0.04416828172034148, 0.051774902132807)
>>> ans['mole_ratio'], ans['mass_ratio'], ans['volume_ratio']
(13.131707317073175, 20.381372957130615, 13.15809740412517)
>>> ans['n_air']
# Only one path to get n_air, n_fuel should ever be followed. Calculate all the
# extra information redundantly at the end!
# Handle combustibles in the air by burning them right away,
# and working with that n_air.
N = len(CASs)
cmps = range(N)
if reactivities is None:
reactivities = [True]*len(zs_air)
combustibilities = [is_combustible(CASs[i], atomss[i], reactivities[i]) for i in cmps]
O2_index = CASs.index(O2_CAS)
H2O_index = CASs.index(H2O_CAS)
z_air_O2 = zs_air[O2_index]
z_air_H20 = zs_air[H2O_index]
z_fuel_O2 = zs_fuel[O2_index]
if ratio is not None and (n_air is None or n_fuel is None):
n_air, n_fuel = air_fuel_ratio_solver(ratio, Vm_air, Vm_fuel, MW_air, MW_fuel, n_air=n_air,
n_fuel=n_fuel, basis=ratio_basis)[0:2]
# Given O2 excess and either air or fuel flow rate, can solve directly for the other
if O2_excess is not None and (n_fuel is None or n_air is None):
if n_fuel is not None:
comb_ans = combustion_products_mixture(atomss, zs_fuel, reactivities=reactivities, CASs=CASs,
n_O2_required = -comb_ans['O2']*n_fuel + z_fuel_O2*n_fuel
N_O2_required_air = n_O2_required*(1.0 + O2_excess)- z_fuel_O2*n_fuel
n_air = N_O2_required_air/zs_air[O2_index]
elif n_air is not None:
"""from sympy import *
O2, n_fuel, O2_per_mole_fuel, n_O2_air, z_fuel_O2 = symbols('O2, n_fuel, O2_per_mole_fuel, n_O2_air, z_fuel_O2')
Eq1 = Eq(O2/n_fuel, O2_per_mole_fuel)
Eq2 = Eq(O2, n_O2_air + z_fuel_O2*n_fuel)
solve([Eq1, Eq2], [n_fuel, O2])"""
comb_ans = combustion_products_mixture(atomss, zs_fuel, reactivities=reactivities, CASs=CASs,
O2_per_mole_fuel = (-comb_ans['O2'] + zs_fuel[O2_index])*(1.0 + O2_excess)
n_O2_air = zs_air[O2_index]*n_air
n_fuel = n_O2_air/(O2_per_mole_fuel - z_fuel_O2)
elif n_out is not None:
"""from sympy import *
n_air, n_fuel, n_out, n_delta, O2_coeff, O2_excess, z_air_O2, z_fuel_O2 = symbols('n_air, n_fuel, n_out, n_delta, O2_coeff, O2_excess, z_air_O2, z_fuel_O2')
n_O2_in = n_air*z_air_O2 + z_fuel_O2*n_fuel
Eq1 = Eq(O2_excess, n_O2_in/(n_fuel*O2_coeff) - 1)
Eq2 = Eq(n_out, n_air + (n_delta)*n_fuel + n_fuel)
solve([Eq1, Eq2], [n_fuel, n_air])"""
comb_ans = combustion_products_mixture(atomss, zs_fuel, reactivities=reactivities, CASs=CASs,
stoic_comb_products = combustion_products_to_list(comb_ans, CASs)
O2_coeff = O2_burnt_n_fuel = -comb_ans['O2'] + z_fuel_O2
n_delta = 1
for z_new, z_old, CAS in zip(stoic_comb_products, zs_fuel, CASs):
if CAS != O2_CAS:
n_delta += z_new - z_old
n_delta -= -comb_ans['O2'] + z_fuel_O2
n_fuel = n_out*z_air_O2/(O2_coeff*O2_excess + O2_coeff + n_delta*z_air_O2 - z_fuel_O2)
n_air = n_out*(O2_coeff*O2_excess + O2_coeff - z_fuel_O2)/(O2_coeff*O2_excess + O2_coeff + n_delta*z_air_O2 - z_fuel_O2)
# n_fuel = n_out*z_air_O2/(O2_burnt_n_fuel*O2_excess + O2_burnt_n_fuel + n_delta*z_air_O2)
# n_air = O2_burnt_n_fuel*n_out*(O2_excess + 1)/(O2_burnt_n_fuel*O2_excess + O2_burnt_n_fuel + n_delta*z_air_O2)
# Solvers for frac_out_O2 and dry basis
if (frac_out_O2 is not None or frac_out_O2_dry is not None) and (n_fuel is None or n_air is None):
if n_fuel is not None:
ns_fuel = [zi*n_fuel for zi in zs_fuel]
comb_ans = combustion_products_mixture(atomss, ns_fuel, reactivities=reactivities, CASs=CASs,
n_O2_stoic = -comb_ans['O2']
if n_O2_stoic < 0.0:
raise ValueError("Cannot meet air spec - insufficient air for full combustion")
# when burning stoichiometrically, how many moles out?
stoic_comb_products = combustion_products_to_list(comb_ans, CASs)
stoic_comb_products[O2_index] = 0 # Set the O2 to zero as it is negative
n_fixed_products = sum(stoic_comb_products)
# Following two equations solved using SymPy
if frac_out_O2 is not None:
"""from sympy import *
from sympy.abc import *
frac_goal, n_air, n_fixed, z_O2, O2_burnt = symbols('frac_goal, n_air, n_fixed, z_O2, O2_burnt')
solve(Eq(frac_goal, (z_O2*n_air-O2_burnt)/((n_fixed+n_air)-O2_burnt)), n_air)
n_air = (n_O2_stoic*frac_out_O2 - n_O2_stoic - frac_out_O2*n_fixed_products)/(frac_out_O2 - z_air_O2)
elif frac_out_O2_dry is not None:
"""from sympy import *
from sympy.abc import *
frac_goal, n_air, n_fixed, z_O2, n_O2_stoic, z_H20 = symbols('frac_goal, n_air, n_fixed, z_O2, n_O2_stoic, z_H20')
solve(Eq(frac_goal, (z_O2*n_air-n_O2_stoic)/((n_fixed+n_air)-n_O2_stoic -n_air*z_H20)), n_air)
n_fixed_products -= stoic_comb_products[H2O_index]
n_air = ((-frac_out_O2_dry*n_O2_stoic + frac_out_O2_dry*n_fixed_products + n_O2_stoic)
/(frac_out_O2_dry*z_air_H20 - frac_out_O2_dry + z_air_O2))
elif n_air is not None or n_out is not None:
comb_ans = combustion_products_mixture(atomss, zs_fuel, reactivities=reactivities, CASs=CASs,
O2_burnt_n_fuel = -comb_ans['O2']
H2O_from_fuel_n = comb_ans['H2O']
n_delta = 0.0
for v in comb_ans.values():
n_delta += v
if frac_out_O2 is not None and n_air is not None:
"""from sympy import *
from sympy.abc import *
frac_goal, n_air, z_O2, n_fuel, coeff, O2_coeff = symbols('frac_goal, n_air, z_O2, n_fuel, coeff, O2_coeff')
n_unburnt_O2 = n_air*z_O2 - n_fuel*O2_coeff
n_out = n_air + coeff*n_fuel
solve(Eq(frac_goal, n_unburnt_O2/n_out), n_fuel)
n_fuel = n_air*(-frac_out_O2 + z_air_O2)/(O2_burnt_n_fuel + n_delta*frac_out_O2)
elif frac_out_O2_dry is not None and n_air is not None:
"""from sympy import *
from sympy.abc import *
frac_goal, n_air, z_O2, n_fuel, coeff, O2_coeff, H2O_coeff, z_H2O = symbols('frac_goal, n_air, z_O2, n_fuel, coeff, O2_coeff, H2O_coeff, z_H2O')
n_unburnt_O2 = n_air*z_O2 - n_fuel*O2_coeff
n_out = n_air + coeff*n_fuel
n_H2O = n_air*z_H2O + H2O_coeff*n_fuel
solve(Eq(frac_goal, n_unburnt_O2/(n_out-n_H2O)), n_fuel)"""
n_fuel = n_air*(frac_out_O2_dry*z_air_H20 - frac_out_O2_dry + z_air_O2)/(-H2O_from_fuel_n*frac_out_O2_dry + O2_burnt_n_fuel + n_delta*frac_out_O2_dry)
elif frac_out_O2 is not None and n_out is not None:
"""from sympy import *
frac_goal, n_air, z_O2, n_fuel, coeff, O2_coeff, n_out = symbols('frac_goal, n_air, z_O2, n_fuel, coeff, O2_coeff, n_out')
n_unburnt_O2 = n_air*z_O2 - n_fuel*O2_coeff
Eq1 = Eq(frac_goal, n_unburnt_O2/n_out)
Eq2 = Eq(n_out, n_air + coeff*n_fuel)
solve([Eq1, Eq2], [n_fuel, n_air])"""
n_fuel = -n_out*(frac_out_O2 - z_air_O2)/(O2_burnt_n_fuel + n_delta*z_air_O2)
n_air = n_out*(O2_burnt_n_fuel + n_delta*frac_out_O2)/(O2_burnt_n_fuel + n_delta*z_air_O2)
elif frac_out_O2_dry is not None and n_out is not None:
"""from sympy import *
frac_goal, n_air, z_O2, n_fuel, coeff, O2_coeff, n_out, z_H2O, H2O_coeff = symbols('frac_goal, n_air, z_O2, n_fuel, coeff, O2_coeff, n_out, z_H2O, H2O_coeff')
n_unburnt_O2 = n_air*z_O2 - n_fuel*O2_coeff
n_H2O = n_air*z_H2O + H2O_coeff*n_fuel
Eq1 = Eq(frac_goal, n_unburnt_O2/(n_out-n_H2O))
Eq2 = Eq(n_out, n_air + coeff*n_fuel)
solve([Eq1, Eq2], [n_fuel, n_air])"""
n_fuel = n_out*(frac_out_O2_dry*z_air_H20 - frac_out_O2_dry + z_air_O2)/(-H2O_from_fuel_n*frac_out_O2_dry + O2_burnt_n_fuel + n_delta*frac_out_O2_dry*z_air_H20 + n_delta*z_air_O2)
n_air = n_out*(-H2O_from_fuel_n*frac_out_O2_dry + O2_burnt_n_fuel + n_delta*frac_out_O2_dry)/(-H2O_from_fuel_n*frac_out_O2_dry + O2_burnt_n_fuel + n_delta*(frac_out_O2_dry*z_air_H20 + z_air_O2))
# Case of two fuels known - one n out
if n_out is not None and (n_fuel is None or n_air is None):
"""from sympy import *
from sympy.abc import *
frac_goal, n_air, z_O2, n_fuel, coeff, O2_coeff, n_out = symbols('frac_goal, n_air, z_O2, n_fuel, coeff, O2_coeff, n_out')
solve(Eq(n_out, n_air + coeff*n_fuel), n_fuel)
solve(Eq(n_out, n_air + coeff*n_fuel), n_air)"""
comb_ans = combustion_products_mixture(atomss, zs_fuel, reactivities=reactivities, CASs=CASs,
n_delta = 0.0
for v in comb_ans.values():
n_delta += v
if n_fuel is not None:
n_air = -n_delta*n_fuel + n_out
elif n_air is not None:
n_fuel = (-n_air + n_out)/n_delta
# Compute all other properties from the air and fuel flow rate
results = {'n_fuel': n_fuel, 'n_air': n_air}
if n_fuel is not None and n_air is not None:
ns_to_combust = [zi_air*n_air + zi_fuel*n_fuel for zi_air, zi_fuel in zip(zs_air, zs_fuel)]
comb_ans = combustion_products_mixture(atomss, ns_to_combust, reactivities=reactivities, CASs=CASs,
ns_out = combustion_products_to_list(comb_ans, CASs)
# comb_fuel_only = combustion_products_mixture(atomss, [n_fuel*zi for zi in zs_fuel], reactivities=reactivities, CASs=CASs,
# combustion_stoichiometries=combustion_stoichiometries)
n_out = sum(ns_out)
zs_out = normalize(ns_out)
frac_out_O2 = zs_out[O2_index]
frac_out_O2_dry = frac_out_O2/(1.0 - zs_out[H2O_index])
results['ns_out'] = ns_out
results['zs_out'] = zs_out
results['n_out'] = n_out
results['frac_out_O2'] = frac_out_O2
results['frac_out_O2_dry'] = frac_out_O2_dry
O2_in = n_air*zs_air[O2_index] + n_fuel*zs_fuel[O2_index]
O2_demand = O2_in - results['ns_out'][O2_index]
results['O2_excess'] = O2_in/O2_demand - 1.0
# results['O2_excess'] = n_air*z_air_O2/(comb_fuel_only['O2_required']) - 1
ratios = (None, None, None)
if Vm_air is not None and Vm_fuel is not None and MW_air is not None and MW_fuel is not None:
ratios = air_fuel_ratio_solver(None, Vm_air, Vm_fuel, MW_air, MW_fuel,
n_air=n_air, n_fuel=n_fuel)[2:]
results['mole_ratio'], results['mass_ratio'], results['volume_ratio'] = ratios
return results
def fuel_air_third_spec_solver(zs_air, zs_fuel, zs_third, CASs, atomss, n_third,
n_fuel=None, n_air=None, n_out=None,
O2_excess=None, frac_out_O2=None,
frac_out_O2_dry=None, ratio=None,
Vm_air=None, Vm_fuel=None, Vm_third=None,
MW_air=None, MW_fuel=None, MW_third=None,
ratio_basis='mass', reactivities=None,
# I believe will always require 1 intensive spec (or flow of )
# To begin - exclude n_out spec? Should be possible to solve for it/with it though.
common_specs = {'zs_air': zs_air, 'CASs': CASs, 'atomss': atomss,
'n_air': n_air, 'O2_excess': O2_excess, 'frac_out_O2': frac_out_O2,
'frac_out_O2_dry': frac_out_O2_dry, 'Vm_air': Vm_air, 'MW_air': MW_air,
'ratio': ratio, 'ratio_basis': ratio_basis,
'reactivities': reactivities}
O2_index = CASs.index(O2_CAS)
H2O_index = CASs.index(H2O_CAS)
z_air_O2 = zs_air[O2_index]
z_fuel_O2 = zs_fuel[O2_index]
Vm_mix, MW_mix = None, None
def fix_ratios(results):
if n_fuel is not None:
if Vm_fuel is not None and Vm_third is not None:
Vm_mix = (Vm_fuel*n_fuel + Vm_third*n_third)/(n_fuel+n_third)
if MW_fuel is not None and MW_third is not None:
MW_mix = (MW_fuel*n_fuel + MW_third*n_third)/(n_fuel+n_third)
# Needs n_fuel and n_air to be in outer namespace
ratios = (None, None, None)
if Vm_air is not None and Vm_mix is not None and MW_air is not None and MW_mix is not None:
ratios = air_fuel_ratio_solver(None, Vm_air, Vm_mix, MW_air, MW_mix,
n_air=n_air, n_fuel=n_fuel+n_third)[2:]
results['mole_ratio'], results['mass_ratio'], results['volume_ratio'] = ratios
if n_fuel is not None :
if Vm_fuel is not None and Vm_third is not None:
Vm_mix = (Vm_fuel*n_fuel + Vm_third*n_third)/(n_fuel + n_third)
if MW_fuel is not None and MW_third is not None:
MW_mix = (MW_fuel*n_fuel + MW_third*n_third)/(n_fuel + n_third)
# Combine the two fuels for one burn
n_fuel_mix = n_fuel + n_third
ns_fuel_mix = [zi*n_fuel + zj*n_third for zi, zj in zip(zs_fuel, zs_third)]
zs_fuel_mix = normalize(ns_fuel_mix)
mix_burn = fuel_air_spec_solver(zs_fuel=zs_fuel_mix, n_fuel=n_fuel_mix,
Vm_fuel=Vm_mix, MW_fuel=MW_mix,
n_out=n_out, combustion_stoichiometries=combustion_stoichiometries,
mix_burn['n_fuel'] -= n_third
return mix_burn
if n_air is not None and n_fuel is None:
O2_in_third = n_third*zs_third[O2_index]
O2_in_orig = n_air*z_air_O2 + O2_in_third
third_burn = fuel_air_spec_solver(zs_fuel=zs_third, n_fuel=n_third,
Vm_fuel=Vm_third, MW_fuel=MW_third,
n_air2 = third_burn['n_out']
zs_air2 = third_burn['zs_out']
O2_demand_third = O2_in_orig - third_burn['ns_out'][O2_index]
extra_specs = common_specs.copy()
extra_specs['n_air'] = n_air2
extra_specs['zs_air'] = zs_air2
if O2_excess is not None:
"""from sympy import *
O2_excess, excess_sub, O2_air, O2_in_third, O2_fixed, z_fuel_O2, n_fuel, O2_coeff, O2_demand_third = symbols('O2_excess, excess_sub, O2_air, O2_in_third, O2_fixed, z_fuel_O2, n_fuel, O2_coeff, O2_demand_third')
Eq1 = Eq(O2_excess, (O2_air + O2_in_third + z_fuel_O2*n_fuel)/(O2_demand_third + n_fuel*O2_coeff) - 1)
Eq2 = Eq(excess_sub, (O2_fixed +z_fuel_O2*n_fuel)/(n_fuel*O2_coeff) - 1)
solve([Eq1, Eq2], [excess_sub, n_fuel])"""
comb_ans = combustion_products_mixture(atomss, zs_fuel, reactivities=reactivities, CASs=CASs,
O2_burnt_n_fuel = O2_coeff = -comb_ans['O2'] + z_fuel_O2
O2_air = z_air_O2*n_air
# Simpler expression for n_fuel than fake O2 excess
n_fuel = (O2_air - O2_demand_third*O2_excess - O2_demand_third + O2_in_third)/(O2_coeff*O2_excess + O2_coeff - z_fuel_O2)
elif ratio is not None:
if ratio_basis == 'mole':
n_fuel = n_air/ratio - n_third
elif ratio_basis == 'mass':
m_air, m_third = n_air*MW_air*1e-3, n_third*MW_third*1e-3
m_fuel = m_air/ratio - m_third
n_fuel = m_fuel/(MW_fuel*1e-3)
elif ratio_basis == 'volume':
Q_air, Q_third = n_air*Vm_air, n_third*Vm_third
Q_fuel = Q_air/ratio - Q_third
n_fuel = Q_fuel/Vm_fuel
fuel_burn = fuel_air_spec_solver(zs_fuel=zs_fuel, n_fuel=n_fuel,
Vm_fuel=Vm_fuel, MW_fuel=MW_fuel,
n_out=n_out, combustion_stoichiometries=combustion_stoichiometries,
O2_in_fuel = fuel_burn['n_fuel']*zs_fuel[O2_index]
O2_demand_fuel = (n_air2*zs_air2[O2_index] + O2_in_fuel)/(fuel_burn['O2_excess'] + 1)
# denominator and numerator are correct now, do not change vars used..
fuel_burn['O2_excess'] = (O2_in_orig + O2_in_fuel)/(O2_demand_fuel + O2_demand_third) - 1
fuel_burn['n_air'] = n_air
n_fuel = fuel_burn['n_fuel']
# O2 excess should be wrong, same for ratios
return fuel_burn
if n_out is not None:
# missing fuel and air, but know outlet and another spec
# Burn all the third stream at O2 excess=0
# Call the solver with the first
# Add the two air inlets and the combustion products
third_burn = fuel_air_spec_solver(zs_fuel=zs_third, n_fuel=n_third,
Vm_fuel=Vm_third, MW_fuel=MW_third,
n_out_remaining = n_out - third_burn['n_out']
fuel_burn = fuel_air_spec_solver(zs_fuel=zs_fuel, n_out=n_out_remaining,
Vm_fuel=Vm_fuel, MW_fuel=MW_fuel,
ans = {'n_out': n_out}
ans['n_air'] = n_air = third_burn['n_air'] + fuel_burn['n_air']
ans['n_fuel'] = n_fuel = fuel_burn['n_fuel']
ans['ns_out'] = [ni+nj for ni, nj in zip(third_burn['ns_out'], fuel_burn['ns_out'])]
ans['zs_out'] = normalize(ans['ns_out'])
ans['frac_out_O2'] = ans['ns_out'][O2_index]/n_out
ans['frac_out_O2_dry'] = ans['ns_out'][O2_index]/(n_out - ans['ns_out'][H2O_index])
# O2 excess definition needs to include O2 from elsewhere!
O2_in = n_air*zs_air[O2_index] + n_fuel*zs_fuel[O2_index] + n_third*zs_third[O2_index]
O2_demand = O2_in - ans['ns_out'][O2_index]
ans['O2_excess'] = O2_in/O2_demand - 1
return ans
def combustion_spec_solver(zs_air, zs_fuel, zs_third, CASs, atomss, n_third,
n_fuel=None, n_air=None, n_out=None,
O2_excess=None, frac_out_O2=None,
frac_out_O2_dry=None, ratio=None,
Vm_air=None, Vm_fuel=None, Vm_third=None,
MW_air=None, MW_fuel=None, MW_third=None,
ratio_basis='mass', reactivities=None,
"""Solves the system of equations describing a flow of air mixing with two
flow of combustibles, one fixed and one potentially variable, and burning
completely. All calculated variables are returned as a dictionary.
The variables `Vm_air`, `Vm_fuel`, `Vm_third`, `MW_air`, `MW_fuel` and
`MW_third` are only
required when an air-fuel ratio is given. Howver, the ratios cannot be
calculated for the other solve options without them.
zs_air : list[float]
Mole fractions of the air; most not contain any combustibles, [-]
zs_fuel : list[float]
Mole fractions of the fuel; can contain inerts and/or oxygen as well,
zs_third : list[float]
Mole fractions of the fixed fuel flow; can contain inerts and/or oxygen
as well, [-]
CASs : list[str]
CAS numbers of all compounds, [-]
atomss : list[dict[float]]
List of dictionaries of elements and their counts for all molecules in
the mixtures, [-]
n_third : float, optional
Flow rate of third stream, (fixed) fuel flow rate, [mol/s]
n_fuel : float, optional
Flow rate of fuel, [mol/s]
n_air : float, optional
Flow rate of air, [mol/s]
n_out : float, optional
Flow rate of combustion products, remaining oxygen, and inerts, [mol/s]
O2_excess : float, optional
The excess oxygen coming out; (O2 in)/(O2 required) - 1, [-]
frac_out_O2 : float, optional
The mole fraction of oxygen out, [-]
frac_out_O2_dry : float, optional
The mole fraction of oxygen out on a dry basis, [-]
ratio : float, optional
Air-fuel ratio, in the specified `basis`, [-]
Vm_air : float, optional
Molar volume of air, [m^3/mol]
Vm_fuel : float, optional
Molar volume of fuel, [m^3/mol]
Vm_third : float, optional
Molar volume of second fuel stream, [m^3/mol]
MW_air : float, optional
Molecular weight of air, [g/mol]
MW_fuel : float, optional
Molecular weight of fuel, [g/mol]
MW_third : float, optional
Molecular weight of second fuel stream, [g/mol]
ratio_basis : str, optional
One of 'mass', 'mole', or 'volume', [-]
reactivities : list[bool], optional
Optional list which can be used to mark otherwise combustible
compounds as incombustible and which will leave unreacted, [-]
combustion_stoichiometries : list[dict[str, float]]
List of return values from `combustion_stoichiometry`, can be
provided if precomputed [-]
results : dict
* n_fuel : Flow rate of fuel, [mol/s]
* n_air : Flow rate of air, [mol/s]
* n_out : Flow rate of combustion products, remaining oxygen, and
inerts, [mol/s]
* O2_excess : The excess oxygen coming out; (O2 in)/(O2 required) - 1,
* frac_out_O2 : The mole fraction of oxygen out, [-]
* frac_out_O2_dry : The mole fraction of oxygen out on a dry basis, [-]
* mole_ratio : Air-fuel mole ratio, [-]
* mass_ratio : Air-fuel mass ratio, [-]
* volume_ratio : Air-fuel volume ratio, [-]
* ns_out : Mole flow rates out, [mol/s]
* zs_out : Mole fractions out, [-]
Combustion products themselves cannot be set as unreactive.
The function works so long as the flow rates, molar volumes, and molecular
weights are in a consistent basis.
Handling the case of the air feed containing combustibles is not
>>> zs_air = [0.79, 0.205, 0, 0, 0, 0.0045, 0.0005]
>>> zs_fuel = [0.025, 0.025, 0.85, 0.07, 0.029, 0.0005, 0.0005]
>>> zs_third = [0.1, 0.005, 0.5, 0.39, 0, 0.005, 0]
>>> CASs = ['7727-37-9', '7782-44-7', '74-82-8', '74-84-0', '74-98-6', '7732-18-5', '124-38-9']
>>> atomss = [{'N': 2}, {'O': 2}, {'H': 4, 'C': 1}, {'H': 6, 'C': 2}, {'H': 8, 'C': 3}, {'H': 2, 'O': 1}, {'C': 1, 'O': 2}]
>>> combustion_stoichiometries = [combustion_stoichiometry(atoms) for atoms in atomss]
>>> ans = combustion_spec_solver(zs_air=zs_air, zs_fuel=zs_fuel, zs_third=zs_third, CASs=CASs, atomss=atomss, n_third=1.0, n_fuel=5.0, O2_excess=0.3, Vm_air=0.02493, Vm_fuel=0.02488, Vm_third=.024, MW_air=28.79341351, MW_fuel=18.55158039, MW_third=22.0)
>>> ans['n_air']
if reactivities is None:
reactivities = [True for i in zs_air]
combustibilities = [is_combustible(CASs[i], atomss[i], reactivities[i]) for i in range(len(CASs))]
zs_air_comb = []
zs_air_pure = []
n_air_comb = 0.0
n_air_pure = 0.0
air_has_combustibles = False
for combustible, zi in zip(combustibilities, zs_air):
if combustible and zi > TRACE_FRACTION_IN_AIR:
air_has_combustibles = True
if n_air is not None:
n_air_comb += zi*n_air
if n_air is not None:
n_air_pure += zi*n_air
if air_has_combustibles:
zs_air_comb = normalize(zs_air_comb)
except ZeroDivisionError:
zs_air_pure = normalize(zs_air_pure)
if not air_has_combustibles:
return fuel_air_third_spec_solver(zs_air=zs_air, zs_fuel=zs_fuel,
zs_third=zs_third, CASs=CASs,
atomss=atomss, n_third=n_third,
n_fuel=n_fuel, n_air=n_air, n_out=n_out,
O2_excess=O2_excess, frac_out_O2=frac_out_O2,
frac_out_O2_dry=frac_out_O2_dry, ratio=ratio,
Vm_air=Vm_air, Vm_fuel=Vm_fuel, Vm_third=Vm_third,
MW_air=MW_air, MW_fuel=MW_fuel, MW_third=MW_third,
ratio_basis=ratio_basis, reactivities=reactivities,
# Can handle air flow specs easily - burn the air, and then pass in the
# burnt air composition. This includes n_air and n_out spec.
# Can handle fuel and air/fuel ratio easily as is equivalent spec to air flow.
# Can
raise NotImplementedError("Composition of air includes combustibles")